Emotions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Emotions EMOTION A notoriously slippery thing to define. EMOTION A state of arousal involving: Facial and bodily changes Brain activation Cognitive appraisals ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Emotions

  • A notoriously slippery thing to define.

  • A state of arousal involving
  • Facial and bodily changes
  • Brain activation
  • Cognitive appraisals
  • Subjective feelings
  • Tendencies toward action
  • Shaped by cultural rules

Primary Emotions
  • Emotions considered to be universal and
    biologically based, usually thought to include
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Joy
  • Surprise
  • Disgust
  • Contempt

Secondary emotion
  • Emotions that develop with cognitive maturity
    and vary across individuals and cultures.
  • For example
  • Love
  • Jealousy
  • Suspicion
  • Envy
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Loneliness

Universal Expressions of Emotion
  • Facial expressions for primary emotions are
  • Even members of remote cultures can recognize
    facial expressions in people who are foreign to
  • Infants are able to read parental expressions.
  • Facial expressions can generate same expressions
    in others, creating mood contagion.

The Brain and Emotion
  • The amygdala
  • Responsible for assessing threat.
  • Damage to the amygdala results in abnormality in
    processing fear.

The Brain and Emotion
  • Left prefrontal cortex
  • Involved in motivation to approach others.
  • Damage to this area results in loss of joy.
  • Right prefrontal cortex
  • Involved in withdrawal and escape.
  • Damage to this area results in excessive
  • mania and euphoria.

Hormones and Emotion
  • When experiencing an intense emotion, two
    hormones are released.
  • Epinephrine
  • Norepinephrine
  • Results in increased alertness and arousal.
  • At high levels, can create sensation of being
    out of control emotionally.

Culture and Emotion
  • Culture determines what people feel angry, sad,
    lonely, happy, ashamed lonely, happy, ashamed or
    disgusted about.
  • Some cultures have words for specific emotions.
  • E.g., German
  • schadenfreudeis enjoyment taken from the
    misfortune of someone else.
  • Some cultures dont have words for emotions that
    seem universal to others.
  • E.g., Tahitian
  • no word for sadness

Emotional Regulation
  • Display rules
  • When, where, and how emotions are to be
    expressed or when they should be squelched.
  • Emotion work
  • Acting out an emotion we do not feel or trying
    to create the right emotion for the occasion.
  • Body language
  • The nonverbal signals of body movement, posture,
    and gaze that people constantly express.

Emotion and Gender
  • Women recall emotional events more intensely and
    vividly than do men.
  • Men experience emotional events more intensely
    than do women.
  • Conflict is physiologically more upsetting for
    men than for women.

Possible Reasons
  • Males autonomic nervous system is more reactive
    than females.
  • Men are more likely to rehearse angry thoughts,
    thus maintaining anger.
  • Women are more likely to ruminate, thus
    maintaining depression.

Sensitivity to others Emotions
  • Factors influencing ones ability to read
    emotional signals
  • The sex of the sender and receiver.
  • How well the sender and receiver know each other.
  • How expressive the sender is.
  • Who has the power.
  • Stereotypes and expectations.

Emotion and Gender
  • Men and women appear to differ in the types of
    everyday events that provoke anger.
  • Women become angry over issues related to their
    partners disregard.
  • Men become angry over damage to property or
    problems with strangers

Emotion and Gender
  • Women work hard at appearing warm, happy, and
    making sure others are happy.
  • Men work hard at persuading others they are
    stern, aggressive, and unemotional.

Factors Influencing Emotional Expressiveness
  • Gender roles
  • Cultural norms
  • The specific situation

Let It Out or Bottle It Up?
  • Despite pop-psych views that anger should be
    expressed rather than bottled up, research shows
    that expressing anger does not get rid of it
    expressing anger often prolongs it.

  • In our society, anger is viewed as an immature or
    uncivilized response to frustration, threat,
    violation, or loss of control.
  • Keeping calm, coolheaded, or turning the other
    cheek is considered more socially acceptable.
  • People tend to express their anger either
    passively or aggressively.

Passive Anger
  • Secretive behavior, such as resentments that are
    expressed behind peoples backs, giving the
    silent treatment or under the breath mutterings,
    avoiding eye contact, putting people down,
    gossiping, anonymous complaints, stealing, and
  • Manipulation, such as provoking people to
    aggression and then patronizing them, provoking
    aggression but staying on the sidelines,
    emotional blackmail, false tearfulness, using a
    third party to convey negative feelings,
    withholding money or resources.
  • Dispassion, such as giving the cold shoulder or
    phony smiles, looking cool, sitting on the fence
    while others sort things out.
  • Evasiveness, such as turning your back in a
    crisis, avoiding conflict.

Aggressive Anger
  • Threats, such as frightening people by saying how
    you could harm them, their property or their
  • Hurtfulness, such as physical violence, verbal
    abuse, using foul language.
  • Destructiveness, such as destroying property or
    objects, harming animals.
  • Bullying, such as threatening people directly,
    persecuting, pushing or shoving shouting, playing
    on peoples weaknesses.
  • Unjust blaming, such as accusing other people for
    your own mistakes, blaming people for your own
    feelings, making general accusations.
  • Selfishness, such as ignoring others needs, not
    responding to requests for help.
  • Vengeance, such as being over-punitive.
  • Unpredictability, such as explosive rages over
    minor frustrations, attacking indiscriminately,
    inflicting harm on others for the sake of it.

Anger Management Tips
  • Take a "time out"
  • Counting to 10 before reacting
  • Leaving the situation
  • Do something physically exerting
  • Go for a brisk walk or a run, swim, lift weights
    or shoot baskets.
  • Find ways to calm and soothe yourself.
  • Deep-breathing exercises, visualize a relaxing
    scene, or repeat a calming word or phrase to
    yourself, such as "take it easy."
  • Listen to music, paint, write a journal or do

Assertive Communication
  • Use "I" statements when describing the problem to
    avoid criticizing or placing blame.
  • For instance
  • "I'm upset you didn't help with the housework
    this evening"
  • Instead of
  • "You should have helped with the housework"

Other Remedies
  • Learn to forgive
  • Use humor
  • Keep an anger journal or log
  • Will help to identify situations that set you
    off and to monitor your reactions.
  • Practice relaxation techniques

The Complex Emotion of Anger
  • Angered Insulted
  • Outraged Furious
  • Offended Resented
  • Exasperated Displeasured
  • Disappointed Animosity
  • Hostile Hatred
  • Infuriated Enraged
  • Outraged Inflamed
  • Provoked Exasperated
  • Irritated Annoyed
  • Antagonized Bitter

The Complex State of Joy
  • Happy Amused
  • Delighted Euphoric
  • Enthusiastic Triumphant
  • Cheerful Eager
  • Jubilant Hopeful
  • Jovial Elated
  • Exhilarated Pleasured
  • Excited Joyful
  • Ecstatic Glad
  • Satisfied Thrilled
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