State Level Nodal Agency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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State Level Nodal Agency


State Level Nodal Agency O/o Commissioner , RD . GoAP – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: State Level Nodal Agency

Presentation on Annual Action Plan for IWMP
State Level Nodal Agency O/o Commissioner , RD .
(Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores)
S.No Particulars Batch I ( 2009-10) Batch II ( 2010-11) Batch III ( 2011-12) Batch IV ( 2012-13) Batch V ( 2013-14) Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 No. of Projects 110 170 173 102 97 652
2 Project Area ( Area in Lakh Ha.) 4.74 7.40 7.47 4.24 4.07 27.92
3 Project Cost ( Rs. in Cr.) 568.13 893.04 896.54 549.41 597.04 3504.16
4 Fund received ( Rs. in Cr.) 239.71 292.68 98.92 30.33 21.49 683.13
5 Total Expenditure ( Rs. in Cr.) 234.94 285.24 126.63 4.02 1.04 651.87
6 DPRs sanctioned 110 170 173 102 97 652
7 Project closed / Cancellation NIL 1 NIL NIL NIL 1
8 Timelines for DPRs NA NA NA 31st Mar, 2014 31st Aug, 2014  
IWMP - Abstract of Fund Requirement by SLNA
during 2014-15
(Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores) (Rs in Crores)
Sl. No. Item Ist Quarter II ndQuarter IIIrd Quarter IV th Quarter Total Unspent Balance as on 01.04.2014 Actual Requirement ( 7 - 8 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Batch I (Sanctioned in 2009-10) 41.23 38.15 40.14 42.18 161.70 4.77 156.93
2 Batch II (Sanctioned in 2010-11) 63.16 35.32 52.15 58.04 208.67 7.44 201.23
3 Batch III (Sanctioned in 2011-12) 101.97 27.57 74.11 97.25 300.90 ( - ) 27.71 328.61
4 Batch IV (Sanctioned in 2012-13) 20.55 9.04 18.44 22.58 70.61 24.52 46.09
5 Batch V (Sanctioned in 2013-14) 12.96 3.02 6.01 3.75 25.74 22.24 3.50
6 Batch VI (Sanctioned in 2014-15) 2.72 1.7 3.32 8.63 16.37 0 16.37
Total Total 242.59 114.80 194.17 232.43 783.99 31.26 752.73
IWMP - Monthly proposed expenditure during 2014-15
(Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs)
Sl. No. Month EPA Works PSI DPR ICB LH Admin Eva Mon Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 April 300.00 5000.00 400.00 0.00 190.00 4553.39 578.00     11021.39
2 May 350.00 6000.00 300.00 0.00 195.00 0.00 562.09 205.28 116.53 7728.90
3 June 300.00 4000.00 400.00 0.00 202.00 0.00 607.00     5509.00
1st Qr. Total 1st Qr. Total 950.00 15000.00 1100.00 0.00 587.00 4553.39 1747.09   116.53 24259.29
4 July 300.00 1000.00 600.00 55.00 185.00 2966.82 542.08   104.92 5753.82
5 August 300.00 1000.00 600.00 62.00 215.00 0.00 685.00 207.71   3069.71
6 September 200.00 1000.00 600.00 59.00 205.00 0.00 592.00     2656.00
2nd Qr. Total 2nd Qr. Total 800.00 3000.00 1800.00 176.00 605.00 2966.82 1819.08   104.92 11479.53
7 October 300.00 3000.00 600.00 57.00 200.00 3035.59 657.00     7849.59
8 November 400.00 3000.00 800.00 65.00 197.00 0.00 703.02 203.16 107.09 5475.27
9 December 350.00 4000.00 800.00 68.00 195.00 0.00 680.00     6093.00
3rd Qr. Total 3rd Qr. Total 1050.00 10000.00 2200.00 190.00 592.00 3035.59 2040.02   107.09 19417.86
10 January 425.00 4800.00 1000.00 55.00 182.00 0.00 572.00     7034.00
11 February 450.00 5000.00 1000.00 50.00 202.00 0.00 580.11 204.98   7487.09
12 March 410.00 6034.95 1250.00 57.00 193.71 0.00 678.07   97.59 8721.32
4th Qr. Total 4th Qr. Total 1285.00 15834.95 3250.00 162.00 577.71   1830.18 821.13 97.59 23242.41
Total Annual Plan for 2014-15 Total Annual Plan for 2014-15 4085.00 43834.95 8350.00 528.00 2361.71 10555.80 7436.37 821.13 426.13 78399.09
IWMP - Fund Requirement for the year
2014-15Batch-I ( Projects sanctioned in 2009-10 )
( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs )
Sl.No. Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure (31.03.2014) Expenditure Fund Required for year 2014-15
1 DPR 568.00 488.66 86 0.00
2 EPA 2273.00 1483.73 65 0.00
3 Training IEC 1420.00 675.60 48 192.60
4 Admin. Cost 2552.00 2542.67 100 1640.00
5 Watershed Work 12408.00 12352.42 100 11019.45
6 Livelihood 3346.00 4751.53 142 0.00
7 Production Sys. microenterprises 1034.00 996.04 96 3000.00
8 Monitoring 194.00 193.23 100 156.62
9 Evaluation 176.00 10.25 6 160.96
10 Consolidation 0.00 0.00 0  
  Total 23971.00 23494.13 98 16169.63
IWMP - Fund Requirement for the year
2014-15Batch-II ( Projects sanctioned in 2010-11
( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs )
Sl.No. Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure (31.03.2014) Expenditure Fund Required for year 2014-15
1 DPR 893.00 858.66 96 0.00
2 EPA 3572.00 2490.10 70 0.00
3 Training IEC 2233.00 916.04 41 236.70
4 Admin. Cost 2969.00 2914.30 98 2154.00
5 Watershed Work 12266.00 12229.69 100 16117.50
6 Livelihood 5339.00 7438.84 139 0.00
7 Production Sys. microenterprises 1332.00 1328.20 100 2000.00
8 Monitoring 387.00 333.75 86 106.62
9 Evaluation 277.00 14.64 5 251.90
10 Consolidation 0.00 0.00 0  
  Total 29268.00 28524.22 97 20866.72
IWMP - Fund Requirement for the year
2014-15Batch-III ( Projects sanctioned in
2011-12 )
( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs )
Sl.No. Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure (31.03.2014) Expenditure Fund Required for year 2014-15
1 DPR 897.00 734.51 82 0.00
2 EPA 1793.00 1029.31 57 1793.00
3 Training IEC 524.00 523.39 100 282.92
4 Admin. Cost 1789.00 1781.41 100 2545.33
5 Watershed Work 3924.00 3422.68 87 14335.00
6 Livelihood 0.00 4553.39   7589.00
7 Production Sys. microenterprises 663.00 346.34 52 3200.00
8 Monitoring 293.00 265.44 91 80.62
9 Evaluation 9.00 6.17 69 264.01
10 Consolidation 0.00 0.00 0  
  Total 9892.00 12662.64 128 30089.88
IWMP - Fund Requirement for the year
2014-15Batch-IV ( Projects sanctioned in 2012-13
( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs )
Sl.No. Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure (31.03.2014) Expenditure Fund Required for year 2014-15
1 DPR 549.00 299.55 55 0.00
2 EPA 1098.00 23.02 2 1098.00
3 Training IEC 261.00 58.10 22 257.36
4 Admin. Cost 261.00 20.00 85 0.00
5 Watershed Work 549.00 0.61   2363.00
6 Livelihood 0.00 0.00   2966.82
7 Production Sys. microenterprises 0.00 0.00   150.00
8 Monitoring 136.00 0.54   82.27
9 Evaluation 0.00     144.26
10 Consolidation 0.00      
  Total 2854.00 401.82 13 7061.71
IWMP - Fund Requirement for the year
2014-15Batch-V ( Projects sanctioned in 2013-14 )
( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs ) ( Amount in lakhs )
Sl.No. Budget Component Total funds received Total Expenditure (31.03.2014) Expenditure Fund Required for year 2014-15
1 DPR 597.00 103.75 17 0.00
2 EPA 1194.00 0.00 0 1194.00
3 Training IEC 269.00 0.00 0 783.13
4 Admin. Cost 268.00 0.52 0 597.04
5 Watershed Work        
6 Livelihood       0.00
7 Production Sys. microenterprises        
8 Monitoring        
9 Evaluation        
10 Consolidation        
  Total 2328.00 104.27 4 2574.17
IWMP - Fund Requirement for the year 2014-15
Batch-VI ( Projects sanctioned in 2014-15 )
( Amount in lac ) ( Amount in lac ) ( Amount in lac ) ( Amount in lac )
Sl.No. Budget Component Total funds received Fund Required for year 2014-15
1 DPR 0 528.00
2 EPA 0 0.00
3 Training IEC 0 609.00
4 Admin. Cost 0 500.00
5 Watershed Work 0  
6 Livelihood 0 0.00
7 Production Sys. microenterprises 0  
8 Monitoring 0  
9 Evaluation 0  
10 Consolidation 0  
  Total   1637.00
  • Capacity building plan for state (for all levels
    of stakeholders)
  • Organized TNA workshops at state district
    levels for preparation of CB plan for
    stakeholders at all levels.
  • CB plan for 2014-15 fin year is prepared for Rs.
    2361.71 lakhs
  • Plan includes IEC material development,
    partnerships with resource Organizations for CB
    support, trainings exposure visits for
    stakeholders at various levels, action research
  • CB plans prepared at district level have obtained
    administrative sanctions from concerned district
    administration. Consolidated CB plans at state
    level for 2014-15 fin. Year shall be placed
    before the forth coming SLNA meeting for
  • On the approval of CB plan by SLNA, it will be
    uploaded in the website.

  • Training manuals for the target group at
    watershed level have been prepared and
    distributed to field. Writers workshop for the
    trainings of secondary level stakeholders is
    planned in the last week of Mar, 2014.
  • Training modules have been prepared in telugu as
    per the approval of 6th SLNA meeting held on
    15.05.2013. Training manuals posters prepared
    in teugu have been uploaded in IWMP web site.
  • Training calendar for 2014-15 has been prepared
    and under approval process and on the approval of
    calendar, will be uploaded in the IWMP web site.
  • Total budget required for capacity building is
    Rs. 2361.71 lakhs.

Proposed capacity building plan for 2014-15
S.No Item Quantity Unit cost Total Amount (Rs in Lakhs)
1 Development of Training Material Development of Training Material Development of Training Material Development of Training Material
a Module Development Workshops 3 150000 4.50
b Material (printing)
Hand Book for SLNA staff 100 500 0.50
Hand Book for Project Directors Addl.PDs (WS) 100 500 0.50
Manual for Project Officers 300 450 1.35
Manual for Technical Officers 1500 250 3.75
Manual for Tos (ICB) 300 250 0.75
Manual for Computer Operators 300 350 1.05
Manual on IWMP accountancy 100 450 0.45
Hand Book for Watershed Assistants 5000 50 2.50
Brochure - User groups 50000 15 7.50
Brochure- GP, Watershed Committees, Vos/SHGs 50000 15 7.50
Brochure - NRM/PE/LH specific 50000 15 7.50
Posters 2000 50 1.00
c Short Films 10 150000 15.00
Sub Total of (1) 53.85
2 Other arrangements for CB Support Numbers Unit cost Total Cost
a Engaging Resource Organizations for CB support 10 500000 50.00
b Case studies/Action Research studies 5 5000000 250.00
c Evaluation of trainings 15.00
Sub Total of (2) 315.00
Proposed capacity building plan for 2014-15
3. Conduct of trainings at various levels during 2014-15 3. Conduct of trainings at various levels during 2014-15 3. Conduct of trainings at various levels during 2014-15 3. Conduct of trainings at various levels during 2014-15 3. Conduct of trainings at various levels during 2014-15 3. Conduct of trainings at various levels during 2014-15 3. Conduct of trainings at various levels during 2014-15
1 State level 62 4388 204.25 IWMP guidelines, implementation process, DPR preparation, Technical inputs of NRM, PSI LH others as per the requirement AMR-APARD, NIRD, MANAGE, MCRHRD, ICRISAT, SMILDA, APFA Others
2 District level 177 6900 310.5 DLRCs, TTDCs, KVKs, ETCs etc
3 WDT level (CLRC) 255 9448 283.41 Watershed related trainings CLRCs, NGO training centers others
4 WC level (Village) 850 55000 1044.70 Watershed related trainings CLRCs, NGO training centers others
4 WC level (Village) 850 55000 1044.70 Watershed related trainings Villages
5 Sponsored trainings to external institutions to various stakeholders 30 600 150.00 Watershed related trainings Other academic/research/training/voluntary organizations
Sub Total of (3) 1374 76336 1992.86
GRAND TOTAL OF (123) 2361.71
Area allocated for 2014-15 (Lakh Ha) 4.06
Area Proposed for 2014-15 (Lakh Ha) 4.29
No. of Projects 110
No. of Districts 17
Timeline for completing the initial capacity building 30.09.2014
Timeline for completion of DPRs 31.1.2015
Completion of EPW 30.04.2015
Constitution of WCs 31.07.2014
Training of WCs 30.09.2014
Note Assuming Projects to be sanctioned in May, 2014. Extension of period for sanction will also lead to extension of timelines indicated for preparatory phase activities Note Assuming Projects to be sanctioned in May, 2014. Extension of period for sanction will also lead to extension of timelines indicated for preparatory phase activities
Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh Name of the State Andhra Pradesh
(Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs) (Rs. In lakhs)
S.No Components Funds Released upto previous year (31-03-14) Expenditure upto previous year (31-03-14) Unspent Balance as on (31-03-14) Annual target for 2014-15 Annual target for 2014-15 Annual target for 2014-15 Annual target for 2014-15 Annual target for 2014-15 Actual Requirement of grant
S.No Components Funds Released upto previous year (31-03-14) Expenditure upto previous year (31-03-14) Unspent Balance as on (31-03-14) Ist Qtr IInd Qtr IIIrd Qtr IVth Qtr Total (78910) Actual Requirement of grant
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Administrative cost 7839.00 7258.90 580.10 1747.09 1819.08 2040.02 1830.18 7436.37
2 Monitoring 1010.00 792.96 217.04 116.53 104.92 107.09 97.69 426.13
3 Evaluation 462.00 31.06 430.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 821.13 821.13
4 Entry Point Activity (EPA) 9930.00 5026.16 4903.84 950.00 800.00 1050.00 1285.00 4085.00
5 Institution Capacity Building 4707.00 2173.13 2533.87 587.00 605.00 592.00 577.71 2361.71
6 Detailed Project Report (DPR) 3504.00 2485.13 1018.87 0.00 176.00 190.00 162.00 528.00
7 NRM Work (Total) 29147.00 28005.40 1141.60 15000.00 3000.00 10000.00 15834.95 43835.00
8 Livelihood for the asset-less persons 8685.00 16743.80 0.00 4553.39 2966.82 3035.59 0.00 10555.80
9 Production System Micro-enterprises 3029.00 2670.58 358.42 1100.00 1800.00 2200.00 3250.00 8350.00
10 Consolidation Phase 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Total 68313.00 65187.12 3125.88 24054.01 11271.82 19214.70 23858.66 78399.14  75273.26
Status of Evaluation of preparatory Phase of IWMP
Name of State Andhra Pradesh Name of State Andhra Pradesh Name of State Andhra Pradesh Name of State Andhra Pradesh Name of State Andhra Pradesh
S.No. Items For projects sanctioned in 2009-10 For projects sanctioned in 2010-11 For projects sanctioned in 2011-12
1 Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies Completed Completed Completed
2 Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase(Completed/on-going/not done) Completed Completed Completed
3 If evaluation not done then timeline for completion. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
4 If completed then status of submission of Evaluation report along with ATR to DoLR (Submitted/not submitted) Submitted Submitted Submitted
5 If not submitted, then time line for report submission along with ATR Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Status of Evaluation of Works Phase of IWMP
Name of State Andhra Pradesh Name of State Andhra Pradesh Name of State Andhra Pradesh Name of State Andhra Pradesh
S.No. Items For projects sanctioned in 2009-10 For projects sanctioned in 2010-11
1 Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014. Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014.
2 Status of Evaluation of Works Phase(Completed/ on-going/not done) Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014. Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014.
3 If evaluation not done then timeline for completion. Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014. Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014.
4 If completed then status of submission of Evaluation report along with ATR to DoLR (Submitted/not submitted) Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014. Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014.
5 If not submitted, then time line for report submission along with ATR Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014. Agencies will be enlisted after finalising the MEL D tenders and Works Phase Evaluation will be carried out accordingly by 31st July, 2014.
Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent
Monitoring Evaluation
Name of State Andhra Pradesh Name of State Andhra Pradesh Name of State Andhra Pradesh
S.No. Items  
1 Date of Advertisement 25th Feb., 2014 1st March,2014
2 Status of selection of Agencies In view of the Election code, the process of selection of agencies has been rescheduled.
3 If not done then timeline for completion In view of the Election code, the process of selection of agencies has been rescheduled.
4 If completed then status of submission of reports along with ATR to DoLR (Submitted/Not submitted) In view of the Election code, the process of selection of agencies has been rescheduled.
5 If not submitted, then time line for reports submission along with ATR In view of the Election code, the process of selection of agencies has been rescheduled.
Institutional Fund requirement for the financial
year 2014-15
S. No Name of the head of account Estimated expenditure (Rs.)
  Recurring Grant  
1 SLNA (State Office)  
1 Salaries 99,09,156
2 TADA 9,00,000
3 Office Expenditure 70,76,000
  Total Recurring Expenditure 1,78,85,156
  SLNA (State Office) 1,25,00,000
  Total Requirement for SLNA 3,03,85,156
2 DWMA  
  Recurring Grant 4,24,80,000
  Non-Recurring 2,75,00,000
  Total Requirement for DWMA 6,99,80,000
Additional Institutional Fund requirement keeping
in view of the AP Bifurcation
S. No Name of the head of account Estimated expenditure (Rs.)
  Recurring Grant  
1 SLNA (State Office)  
1 Salaries 99,09,156
2 TADA 9,00,000
3 Office Expenditure 70,76,000
  Total Recurring Expenditure 1,78,85,156
2 SLNA (State Office) 1,25,00,000
  Total Requirement 3,03,85,156
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