Magnetospheric Modeling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Magnetospheric Modeling


Magnetospheric Modeling M. Wiltberger and E. J. Rigler NCAR/HAO – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Magnetospheric Modeling

Magnetospheric Modeling
  • M. Wiltberger and E. J. Rigler

  • What is the magnetosphere?
  • How do we model it?
  • Possible areas where statistics can help us

Solar Origins
  • Solar Flares - abrupt release of energy
  • localized solar region
  • mainly radiation (UV, X-rays,?-rays)
  • occur near complex sunspot configurations
  • Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)
  • Releases of massive amounts of solar material
  • Usually with higher speeds and greater magnetic
    fields than surrounding solar wind
  • Usually cause shocks in solar wind
  • Solar Wind
  • Steady ionized gas outflow with average velocity
    400 km/s
  • Magnetic field direction variable
  • Exact properties depend upon solar origins

Earth's Magnetosphere
  • The magnetosphere is region near the Earth where
    it's magnetic field forms a protective bubble
    which impedes the transfer of energy and momentum
    from the solar wind plasma
  • A variety of different phenomenon
  • Substorms
  • impulsive energy release over hours
  • Storms
  • globally enhanced activity over days
  • Radiation belts
  • trapped particles which are omnipresent

Magnetospheric Currents
  • Magnetopause current systems are created by the
    force balance between the Earths dipole and the
    incoming solar wind

Ionospheric Currents
Region 1
Region 2
  • FAC from the magnetosphere close though Pedersen
    and Hall Currents in the ionosphere

LFM Magnetospheric Model
  • Uses the ideal MHD equations to model
    the interaction between the solar wind,
    magnetosphere, and ionosphere
  • Computational domain
  • 30 RE lt x lt -300 RE 100RE for YZ
  • Inner radius at 2 RE
  • Calculates
  • full MHD state vector everywhere within
    computational domain
  • Requires
  • Solar wind MHD state vector along outer boundary
  • Empirical model for determining energy flux of
    precipitating electrons
  • Cross polar cap potential pattern in high
    latitude region which is used to determine
    boundary condition on flow

Numerics of the LFM
  • LFM solves ideal MHD eqs in conservative form
    using the Partial Interface Method
  • PIM is hybrid scheme that balances the competing
    diffusion and dispersion errors by selectively
    adding diffusion to high order scheme
  • Limitor keeps solution monotonic
  • Provides nonlinear numeric resistivity

Computational Grid of the LFM
  • Distorted spherical mesh
  • Places optimal resolution in regions of a priori
  • Logically rectangular nature allows for easy code
  • Yee type grid
  • Magnetic fluxes on faces
  • Electric fields on edges
  • Guarantees ??B 0

Ionosphere Model
  • 2D Electrostatic Model
  • ??(?P?H)??J
  • ?0 at low latitude boundary of ionosphere
  • Conductivity Models
  • Solar EUV ionization
  • Creates day/night and winter/summer asymmetries
  • Auroral Precipitation
  • Empirical determination of energetic electron

Calculation of Particle Fluxes
  • Empirical relationships are used to convert MHD
    parameters into an average energy and flux of the
    precipitating electrons
  • Initial flux and energy (Fedder et al., 1995)
  • Parallel Potential drops (Knight 1972, Chiu
  • Effects of geomagnetic field (Orens and Fedder

Determining Energy Flux
  • According to Lummerzheim 1997, it is possible
    using the UVI instrument on POLAR to determine
    both the characteristic energy and energy flux
  • Energy flux is proportional to emission rates in
    the LBH bands
  • Characteristic energy determines altitude of
    emission so it is determined by monitoring
    brightness of features that decay away and those
    that persist

Estimating Optimal Parameters
  • LFM electron flux/energy estimates are projected
    onto irregular grid corresponding to Polar UVI
  • 1-D state vector constructed from all available
    observations time is simply treated as a third
    coordinate, in addition to MLT and ALAT
  • Levenberg-Marquardt (nonlinear least-squares)
    algorithm adjusts model parameters a, b, and R to
    minimize the sum of the squared prediction

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Can advanced statistics help us?
  • Are there better parameter estimation algorithms
    then Levenberg-Marquart?
  • What can statistical comparisons with
    observations tell us about the bias present in
    our models?
  • What are the best measures to monitor model
    improvement over time?

Some Research Problems
  • 1. How can uncertain model parameters be
    optimized to provide the best agreement, on the
    average, with observations?
  • 2. How can model variability about the average,
    including information about scale sizes of this
    variability, best be compared with variability in
    observations to determine agreement or
  • 3. How can we improve the interpolation/extrapolat
    ion of observations of model input parameters in
    space and time to get complete specification of
    the boundary conditions?
  • 4. In developing parameterizations of sub-grid
    phenomena, such as the transport of momentum and
    the creation of turbulence by breaking gravity
    waves, what is a good measure of intermittency,
    and how can its effects be parameterized?
  • 5. How can relatively rare and sparse
    observations of extreme events like large
    magnetic storms be used to characterize
    upper-atmospheric behavior and test simulations
    for such events?
  • 6. What can statistical comparisons tell us about
    underlying biases in our models?
  • 7. What are the best measures to monitor model
    improvement over time?

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MI Coupling Eqs
  • As described in Kelley 1989 The fundamental
    equation for MI coupling is obtain by breaking
    the ionospheric current into parallel and
    perpendicular components and requiring continuity
  • Assuming no current flows out the bottom of the
    ionosphere we get
  • Further assuming the electric field is uniform
    with height we get
  • And finally using and electrostatic approximation
    in the MI coupling region we obtain

Conductances from Particle Flux
  • Spiro et al. 1982 used Atmospheric Explorer
    observations to determine a set of empirical
    relationships between the average electron energy
    and the electron energy flux
  • Robinson et al. 1987 revised the relationships
    using Hilat data and careful consideration of
    Maxwellian used to determine the average energy
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