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Silent Spring Ecology Project Chapter 52 By: Jacqueline Laurenzano , Judene Mavrikis, Samantha Viscovich, and Rebecca Wojfnis Density: A Dynamic Perspective A ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Silent Spring

Silent Spring Ecology ProjectChapter 52
  • By Jacqueline Laurenzano , Judene Mavrikis,
    Samantha Viscovich, and Rebecca Wojfnis

Density A Dynamic Perspective
  • A population is a group of individuals of a
    single species living in the same general area.
    Members of a population rely on the same
    resources, are influenced by similar
    environmental factors, and have a high likelihood
    of interacting and breeding with one another.
  • Once a populations boundaries, natural or
    defined by an investigator, are defined a
    population can be described in terms of density
    and dispersion.
  • Density- the number of individuals per unit area
    or volume.
  • When determining population density it is rare
    to find cases where it is possible to count all
    individuals, in most cases it is impossible to
    count all individuals. So, ecologists use
    sampling techniques, such as the mark-recapture
    method, to estimate densities and total
    population sizes.
  • Density is the result of a dynamic interplay
    between two processes
  • -Immigration- the incoming of individuals from
    other areas.
  • -Emigration- the movement of individuals out of a

Patterns of Dispersion
  • Dispersion- the pattern of spacing among
    individuals within the boundaries of the
  • Social interactions between members of the
    population, which may maintain patterns of
    spacing between individuals, can contribute to
    variation in population density.
  • Three Patterns of Dispersion
  • Clumped The most common pattern of dispersion is
    clumped where individuals are aggregated in
    patches. The clumped pattern is associated with
    mating behavior, the uneven distribution of
    resources, and can increase effectiveness of
    certain predators
  • Uniform The uniform pattern is not as common as
    clumped and is when individuals are evenly
    spaced. Organisms often exhibit uniform
    dispersion because of antagonistic social
    interactions, such as territoriality
  • Random The least common pattern of dispersion is
    random where there is unpredictable spacing, the
    position of each individual is independent of
    other individuals. Random dispersion occurs when
    key physical or chemical factors are relatively
    homogeneous or where there is an absence of
    strong attraction among individuals of a

  • Demography is the study of the vital statistics
    of populations and how they change over time
  • Life tables, a useful way to summarize some of
    the vital statistics of a population, are
    age-specific summaries of the survival patterns
    of a population. The best way to construct a life
    table is to follow the fate of a cohort, a group
    of individuals of the same age, from birth until
  • A graphic way of representing the data in a life
    table is a survivorship curve, a plot of the
    proportion or numbers in a cohort still alive at
    each age.
  • Type I Curve low death rate during early and
    middle years and then death rates increase with
    old age
  • Type II Curve constant death rate over life span
  • Type III Curve high death rates for the young
    then death declines for the survivors
  • A reproductive table, or fertility schedule, is
    an age-specific summary of the reproductive rates
    in a population. The best way to construct a
    reproductive table is to measure the reproductive
    output of a cohort from birth until death

Life History Diversity
  • Life Histories are made up of three traits a)
    when reproduction begins, b) how often the
    organism reproduces, and c) how many off-spring
    are produced during each reproductive episode.
  • Semelparity or Big Bang Reproduction is a type
    of one-shot reproduction where the female only
    reproduces once in her lifetime.
  • Example of Semelparity Pacific Salmon hatch in
    stream, migrate to open waters for 4 years to
    mature, travel back to stream to reproduce and
    then die
  • Environments which favor Semelparity
    reproduction Semelparity is favored where the
    survival rate of off-spring is low, in highly
    variable or unpredictable environments, since
    production of large numbers in those environments
    increases the probability that some will survive.
  • Iteroparity or Repeated Reproduction this is a
    type of repeated reproduction in which the female
    reproduces more than once in her lifetime.
  • Example of Iteroparity Reproduction Some lizards
    produce a very large amount of eggs during their
    second year of life, they continue this
    reproductive act annually until death
  • Environments which Favor Iteroparity
    Reproduction Iteroparity is favored in
    dependable environments, where competition for
    resources could be intense, since a few
    relatively-large healthy off-spring will have a
    better chance of surviving to reproductive age.

Per Capita Rate of Increase
  • Per Capita Rate of Increase is represented as the
    variable ( r )
  • The per capita rate of increase indicates whether
    a given population is growing (r gt 0), declining
    (r lt 0), or remaining constant (r 0)
  • You find the Per Capita Rate of Increase by
    subtracting the Per Death rate from the Per
    Capita Birth Rate.
  • Per Capita Birth rate is the number of offspring
    produced per unit time by the average member of
    the population It is represented by the variable
  • BbN (Where B is the number of births, b is the
    per capita birth rate, and N is the population
  • Per Capita Death rate allows for calculation of
    the expected number of deaths per unit time in a
    population. It is represented by the variable m
    for mortality.
  • The Per Capita rate of Increase equation is r
    b m
  • Zero Population Growth occurs when r0, meaning
    the per capita birth and death rates are equal to
    each other.

Logistic and Exponential Models
  • Exponential growth or (geometric population
    growth) is population increase under ideal and
    unlimited conditions.
  • Under ideal conditions the per capita rate of
    increase is not restricted and may assume the
    maximum rate of any specific species. This is
    called the intrinsic rate of increase (rmax).
  • When graphed it assumes a J shape because even
    though the rate is constant, over time, there
    will be more individuals present per unit time
    when it is large, resulting in increasing
  • Characteristic of some populations that are
    introduced into a new or unfilled environment or
    populations whose numbers have been drastically
    reduced and are rebounding.
  • The Logistic Model The Logistic Growth Model
    displays exponential growth with limiting
  • The Logistic Growth Model shows that the per
    capita rate of increase declines as carrying
    capacity is reached.
  • It assumes an S-shape because the population
    growth slows dramatically as the population size
    nears carrying capacity.

The Logistic Model and Real Populations
  • The logistic model assumes that populations
    adjust instantaneously to growth and approach
    carrying capacity , usually there is a lag time
    before the negative effects of an increasing
    population are realized in most natural
  • The logistic model also incorporates the idea
    that regardless of population density, each
    individual added to a population has the same
    negative effect on population growth rate.
  • however, some populations show an Allee Effect,
    in which individuals may have a more difficult
    time surviving or reproducing if the population
    size is too small
  • The logistic model is a useful starting point for
    thinking about how populations grow and for
    constructing more complex models, it is also
    useful in conservation biology for estimating how
    rapidly a particular population might increase in
    numbers after it has been reduced to a small size

The Logistic Model and Life Histories
  • The logistic model predicts different per capita
    growth rates for populations of low and high
    density relative to the carrying capacity of the
  • High Densities
  • each individual has few resources available, and
    the population grows slowly, if at all.
  • selection favors adaptations that enable
    organisms to survive and reproduce with few
  • Low Densities
  • per capita resources are relatively abundant, and
    the population can grow rapidly
  • selection favors adaptations that promote rapid
  • different life histories are favored under each
  • K- selection (density-dependent selection)
    selection for life history traits that are
    sensitive to population density
  • tends to maximize population size and operates in
    populations living at a density near the limit
    imposed by their resources ( the carrying
    capacity, K)
  • R-selection (density-independent selection)
    selection for life history traits that maximize
    reproductive success in uncrowded environments
  • tends to maximize r, the rate of increase, and
    occurs in environments in which population
    densities fluctuate well below carrying capacity
    or individuals are likely to face little

Density Dependent Population Regulation
  • Density-dependent birth and death rates are
    examples of negative feedback, without some type
    of negative feedback, a population would not stop
    growing. At increased densities birth rates
    decline and/or death rates increase, providing
    the needed negative feedback. The mechanisms
    causing these changes involve many factors.
  • Competition for Resources- in crowded
    populations, increasing population density
    intensifies Interspecific competition for
    declining resources, resulting in a lower birth
  • Territoriality- when territory space becomes the
    resource for which individuals compete. The
    presence of non-breeding individuals is
    indication that territoriality is restricting
    population growth.
  • Health- a diseases impact may be density
    dependent, if the transmission rate of a disease
    depends on a certain level of crowding in a
  • Predation- if a predator encounters and captures
    more food as the population density of the prey
    increases, then predators may feed only on that
    species, consuming a higher percentage of
  • Toxic Wastes- the accumulation of toxic wastes
    can contribute to density-dependent regulation
    size. An example would be in laboratory culture
    of small organisms metabolic by-products
    accumulate as the populations grow, poisoning the
    organisms within the environment
  • Intrinsic Factors- for some animal species,
    intrinsic (physiological) factors, rather than
    extrinsic (environmental) factors, appear to
    regulate population

Population Dynamics
  • Population dynamics focuses on how the
    interactions between biotic and abiotic factors
    cause variation in population size.
  • Populations undergo periods of stability and
  • Large mammals are usually more stable than other
    populations but in some cases this is not always
  • Example Moose from the mainland colonized Isle
    Royale around 1900, being isolated from
    immigration and emigration their population
    should stay stable. Yet because of abiotic
    factors (harsh winters) and biotic factors
    (wolves as predators) the moose population was
    extremely unstable
  • While the moose were fluctuating, the Dungess
    crab, a much smaller species, located at Fort
    Bragg varied between 10,000 and hundreds of
    thousand over a 40 yr period
  • Severe temperature extremes and cannibalism can
    caused fluctuation in the Dungess Crab
  • A metapopulation is a group of linked populations
  • This concept shows the significance of
    immigration and emigration in contrasting

Population Cycles
  • Some populations follow regular and predictable
    boom and bust cycles.
  • While some populations fluctuate at unpredictable
    intervals, some fluctuate with extreme regularity
    and pattern.
  • Ex. (voles and lemmings have 3 to 4 years cycles,
    while the ruffed goose has a 9 to 11 year cycle)
  • For predators that depend heavily on a single
    prey species, the availability of that prey is
    the major factor influencing their population
  • Some causes of rises and falls in populations can
    be food shortage, excessive predator/prey
    interactions, or both.
  • The Hare cycle relies greatly on the predation
    but also partially relies on the food especially
    in the winter

Global Human Population
  • The global population now numbers over 6 billion
    people and is increasing at a rate of about 73
    million each year.
  • Zero population growth High birth rate High
    death rate
  • or
  • Zero population growth Low birth rate Low
    death rate
  • Demographic transition - a shift from zero
    population growth in which birth rates and death
    rates are high to zero population growth
    characterized instead by low birth and death
  • reduced family size is the key to the demographic
  • Age Structure is the relative number of
    individuals of each age, is commonly represented
    in pyramids
  • age-structure diagrams predict a populations
    growth trend and illuminate social conditions
  • Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy
  • infant mortality is the number of infant deaths
    per 1,000 live
  • life expectancy at birth is the predicted average
    length of life at birth
  • these differences reflect the quality of life
    faced by children at birth

Global Carrying Capacity
  • The United Nations estimated that the global
    population IN 2050 WILL BE FROM 7.5-10.3 BILLION
    PEOPLE. Just how many people can our biosphere
  • Estimates of Carrying Capacity Some researchers
    use a logistic curve to predict the future
    maximum of human population. Others predict this
    by looking at existing maximum population
    density and multiplying this by habitable land.
    Still other make prediction based on a simple
    necessary factor such as food.
  • Ecological Footprint The ecological footprint
    summarizes the approximate land and water used by
    each nation to produce all the resources it
    consumes and absorbs all the waste it generates.
    How close we are to the maximum carrying
  • U.S. 8.4 ha per person maximum is 6.32 ha per
  • New Zealand 9.8 ha per person maximum 14.3
    ha per
  • Perhaps food would be a main factor in limiting
    our growth Perhaps we will be limited by space,
    or we could run out of nonrenewable resources
    such as metal and fossil fuels. Or we may even
    run out of the renewable resource of water

The Dangers of DDT
Effects of DDT on Density and Dispersion
  • The density and dispersion of different
    populations of species can be very fragile and
    easily disrupted by changes in the environment.
  • The web of life and the balance of nature is
    extremely fragile and harmful chemicals such as
    DDT can completely disrupt that balance.
  • Certain species are abundant in certain areas
    because of a certain quality, feature, or
    resource that, that environment contains.
  • If a needed resource is damaged, destroyed, or
    poisoned by a powerful chemical such as DDT, the
    food chain and eating patterns as well as
    predator/prey relationships are disrupted.
  • Other relationships such as Commensalism,
    Competition, Parasitism, Mutualism, etc. can be
    disrupted by the poisoning of the resources in
    the environment.
  • The disruption of the food chain and
    interspecific relationships, will eventually
    deplete and destroy the native populations. This
    is because the death and emigration rates will
    increase while birth rates and immigration
    rates will decline.
  • In the end result, The use of harmful chemicals
    such as DDT will disrupt the relationships in a
    population and will affect the density and
    dispersion of a population in a given area.

DDT effects on Density-Dependent Population
  • DDT that is sprayed filters down from the plants
    or trees that were sprayed, and some of it
    reaches the ground and leeches into the flowing
    streams and ground water.
  • Health When DDT has been ingested into an
    animals systems, it will be stored in their fat
    tissue and will greatly harm them. If an animal
    doesnt die immediately it will pass the chemical
    on to whomever it gets eaten by. As DDT moves up
    the food chain its abundance grows immensely.
  • Toxic wastes DDT is an extremely toxic and
    harmful waste, as DDT leeches into soil and water
    it will contaminate there reservoirs with toxic
    wastes. Any animal living in or crop produced in
    these reservoirs will become infected and be
  • Predation Any animal which feeds on smaller
    animals that live in environments which were
    spayed with DDT will not only become infected by
    DDT as well, by will be infected with a larger
    amount of DDT that the animal which was eaten
  • Competition for resources When DDT traveling
    through soil and water bodies it either infects
    or kills the life those ecosystems support.
    Herbivores and Carnivores may lose their supply
    of food if that species has been killed off or
    infected by the toxic DDT. This will increase
    competition because there are very limited amount
    of resources.

DDT affects on Global Carrying Capacity
  • The carrying capacity of Earth for humans is
    uncertain. The ecological footprint concept
    summarizes the aggregate land and water
    appropriated by each nation to produce all the
    resources it consumes and to absorb all the waste
    it generates.
  • DDT residues are found on the ground and the
    water, affecting all organisms living within, or
    on the ground and the organisms living within the
    waters. These organisms are consumed by humans,
    and the DDT is found in the tissues or humans,
    causing illnesses and may even causing death.
  • Through biological magnification, any animal in
    which humans eat that contains toxic chemicals
    such as DDT will harm humans drastically. The
    amount of toxins that animal contains will be
    multiplied in the human body.
  • An overall analysis suggests that the world is
    now at or slightly above its carrying capacity.
    We can only speculate about Earths ultimate
    carrying capacity for the human population or
    about what factors will eventually limit our
  • DDT may cause damage to the factors that could
    potentially limit our growth or limit our
    resources needed for survival, such as water,
    air, and soil. We need water to survive, air to
    breathe, and soil for agriculture. DDT could
    affect all of resources and more

Acid Precipitation
Acid Precipitation Effects on Density and
  • Acid Precipitation is formed from the excess of
    Carbon Dioxide and Sulfur in the atmosphere which
    combines with water vapor and falls down to the
    earth as acid rain.
  • Acid rain damages the ecosystems in which it
    falls, by
  • Contaminating water supply
  • Contaminating water ecosystems
  • Killing animals and plants
  • Changing the composition of soil
  • Raising the pH levels in water and soil
  • Causing key nutrients to leech out of soil,
    destroying forests
  • Causing health problems
  • Destroying possible habitats
  • All of these effects of Acid Precipitation
    negatively affect density and dispersion
  • With less available habitats and less water
    availability competition for resources will
    increase, this will affect the patterns of
    dispersion within an ecosystem. A random
    dispersion ecosystem can be transformed into a
    clumped or uniform patterned ecosystem.
  • The density of an ecosystem can be negatively
    affected by acid rain because the rain diminishes
    some of the necessary resources that are required
    by individuals. These individuals will have to
    die off or look elsewhere to survive, lessening
    the density in certain ecosystems.

Acid Rain effects on Density-Dependent Population
  • Acid rain has been shown to have immense affects
    on forests, freshwaters and soil ecosystems,
    killing insect and aquatic life forms as well as
    causing damage to buildings and having impacts on
    human health
  • Acid precipitation has negative effects on the
    many aspects that regulate the density of a
  • Competition Acid rain contaminates water supply
    and damages aquatic and terrestrial biomes.
    Animals competing for water or for suitable
    habitats will have to compete more for suitable
    water supply and habitats.
  • Territoriality Territoriality is affected by
    acid rain, because territoriality comes into
    affect when the density of a population is high
    and there aren't enough suitable habitats. Acid
    Precipitation destroys some of the aquatic and
    terrestrial habitats and therefore lessens the
    amount of suitable habitats.
  • Health Small fragments which are mainly formed
    from the same gases which form acid rain, have
    been shown to cause illness and premature deaths
    such as cancer and other diseases
  • Toxic wastes Just as garbage is accumulating on
    earth, and carbon dioxide is accumulating in the
    atmosphere, acid precipitation is accumulating in
    the aquatic ecosystems and soil raising the pH
    levels of these ecosystems and killing off their

Acid Precipitation effects on The Global Carrying
  • Acid Precipitation destroys many of the earths
    resources either by raising the pH level of our
    resources, making our resources unsuitable for
    life, or by destroying the resource all together.
  • Water Ecologists believe that water could be a
    limiting factor on the Global carrying Capacity.
    When acid precipitation enters lakes, pond, or
    rivers it sometimes raises the pH level to such a
    degree that it is unsafe to consume
  • Food Food is also believed to be a possible
    limiting factor. Acid precipitation destroys a
    great deal of plant life when falling to earths
  • Ecologists have observed severe leaf damage that
    can be attributed to acid rain, the acid rain
    limits the plants ability to sustain itself.
  • Acid Precipitation can also raise the pH level or
    change the composition in soil making it
    unsuitable for plant life.
  • Many ecosystems, such as forests are destroyed
    because the acid precipitation in the soil causes
    essential nutrients to leech out of the soil
    making it unsuitable to support plant life.
  • Acid Precipitation negatively affects many of the
    factors in which ecologists predict will limit
    the Global Carrying Capacity of earth. It is
    imminent that there is an international consensus
    to limit the amount of Carbon Dioxide released
    into the atmosphere.

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  • Silent Spring 10962- By Rachael Carson
  • AP Edition Biology Campbell Reece
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