Title: The Muscular System
1The Muscular System
2Muscular System
- Responsible for all types of body movement
- Three basic muscle types in the body
- Skeletal
- Cardiac
- Smooth
- Know these characteristics! ?
3Characteristics of Skeletal Muscles
- Cells are elongated (cigar-shaped)
- Muscle cell Muscle fiber
- Most are attached to bones by tendons
- Cells are multinucleate
- Have striations (bands, stripes)
- Voluntary (we consciously control them)
- They are also activated by reflexes
- Cells are surrounded and bundled by connective
tissue - Key words skeletal, striated, voluntary
4Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal Muscle
- Endomysium
- Covering around single fiber/cell
- Perimysium
- Around a bundle of fibers
- Bundle of fibers known as Fascicle
- Course, fibrous membrane around a bundle of
muscle cells
5Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal Muscle
- Epimysium
- Covers the entire skeletal muscle
- Outer covering
- Fascia
- On the outside of the epimysium
- Like skin on muscle
- Think skin like membrane on skinless raw chicken
6Skeletal Muscle Attachments
- Epimysium blends into connective tissue
attachment - Tendon
- Cord-like structure
- Tough Small pass over body projections
- Aponeuroses
- Sheet-like structure
- Both attaches muscle to bones, cartilage,
connective tissue, or each other
7Smooth Muscle Characteristics
- No striations
- Spindle-shaped cells
- Single nucleus
- Involuntary-we cant control them
- Found mainly in walls of hollow organs
- Stomach
- Intestines
- Bladder
- Respiratory passages
- Key words Visceral, Involuntary, Non-striated
8Cardiac Muscle Characteristics
- Has striations
- Usually has one nucleus
- Joined to other muscle cells at intercalated disc
- Junction between cardiac muscle cells
- Involuntary
- Found in heart
- Key words cardiac, striated, involuntary
9Muscle Function
- Produce movement
- Maintain posture
- Stabilize joints
- Tendons help reinforce joints
- Generate heat
- Heat is a byproduct of muscle activity
10Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
- Cells are multinucleate
- Nuclei are beneath sarcolemma
- Fancy word for cell membrane of muscle
- Literally muscle husk
11Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
- Myofibril
- Bundles of myofilaments
- Prefix myo means muscle
- Aligned to give distinct bands (striations)
- I band light band
- A band dark band
- Sarcomere
- Contractile unit of muscle fiber
12Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
- Organization of the sarcomere
- Thick filaments Myosin filaments (RED)
- Made of the protein Myosin
- Length of A band
- Contains enzymes that help with muscle
13Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
- Organization of the sarcomere
- Thin filaments Actin filaments (BLUE)
- Made of protein Actin
- Anchored to Z-disc
- Light I band is made only of thin filaments
14Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
- Myosin filaments have heads (extentions, or cross
bridges) - Look like balloons in the picture
- Myosin and actin overlap
- At rest, there is a bare zone that lacks actin
- Known as H zone
15Skeletal Muscle Activity
- Muscles need to have
- Irratibility
- Ability to receive and respond to a stimulus
- Contractility
- Ability to shorten when an adequate stimulus is
16Nerve Stimulus to Muscles
- Muscles must be stimulated by a nerve to contract
- Parts of a Motor Unit ?
- One Neuron (nerve cell)
- All the muscle cells stimulated by that neuron
17Nerve Stimulus to Muscles
- Neuromuscular Junction
- Association site of nerve and muscle
- Where nerve/muscle come together
- Synaptic cleft
- Gap between nerve and muscle
- Nerve and muscle dont make contact
- This area is filled with fluid
18Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle
- Neurotransmitter (NT)
- Chemical released by nerve when impulse arrives
- Acetylcholine is the NT for skeletal muscle
- (uh-seet-ill-co-lean is pronunciation)
- NT attaches to receptors on sarcolemma (muscle
cell membrane) - The sarcolemma is then temporarily permeable to
sodium (Na) - Sodium rushes into the cell
- This changes electrical conditions in the cell
(because of extra ions) - Generates an action potential (electrical
current) - Causes contractionImpulse goes from one end of
cell to the other - Once contraction starts, you cant stop it.
19Muscle Contraction, continued
- Like lighting a match under a dry twig
- Twig is charred, becomes hot enough to burst into
flame - Flame then consumes twig
- Flame Action Potential that sweeps over the cell
20Sliding Filament Theory of Contraction
- Activation by nerve causes myosin heads to attach
to actin - They then bind to the next site of the actin
(thin filament) - This continues, causing the myosin to slide
along the actin - Result shortened muscle (contracted muscle)
21Sliding Filament Theory of Contraction
22Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle
- Muscle fiber contraction is all or none
- Muscles cant partially contract
- Not all muscle fibers may be stimulated at the
same time - Different combos of fiber contractions produce
different responses - Graded responses
- Different degrees of skeletal muscle shortening
23Types of Graded Responses
- Twitch
- Single, brief contraction
- NOT a normal function
- Tetanus (summing of contractions)
- Once contraction is immediately followed by
another - Muscle does not completely return to resting
state - Effects get added
- Unfused (incomplete) tetanus
- Some relaxation occurs between contractions
- Results are summed
- Fused (complete) tetanus
- No relaxation between contractions
- Sustained muscle contraction
24Muscle Response to Strong Stimuli
- Muscle force depends on how many fibers are
stimulated - More fibers contracting means greater muscle
tension - Muscles can continue to contract unless they run
out of energy
25Energy for Muscle Contraction
- Muscles use stored ATP for energy
- Bonds of ATP are broken, energy is released
- There is only 4-6 seconds worth of ATP stored in
muscles - What happens after this is used?
- See next slide
26Energy For Muscle Contraction
- Direct Phosphorylation
- Muscles contain creatine phosphate (CP)
- High energy molecule
- CP transfers energy to ADP (whats left over
after ATP is used) to make ATP again - Creatine Phosphate supplies are depleted after
about 20 seconds
27Energy For Muscle Contraction
- Aerobic Respiration
- Series of pathways that occur in mitochondria
- Glucose (sugar) is broken down to release energy
- Produces carbon dioxide and water
- Slow reaction that requires continuous oxygen
28Energy For Muscle Contraction
- Anaerobic Glycolysis
- Breaks down glucose without oxygen
- Glucose is converted to pyruvic acid to make ATP
- Pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid
- NOT efficient, but is FAST
- Need huge amounts of glucose
- Lactic acid produces muscle fatigue
29How it Works
- Running a race
- We tend to breathe shallowly when running
- Not getting enough O2 to muscles, so body cant
use Aerobic respiration to make ATP to power
muscles to keep going - Uses Anaerobic respiration to make ATP instead
- This produces lactic acid, which builds up in
muscles and causes cramping - Proper breathing technique can reduce or
eliminate cramps related to this
30Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Debt
- Muscle fatigue unable to contract muscle
- Common cause Oxygen debt
- Oxygen debt must be repaid to tissue to remove
it - Oxygen is required to get rid of accumulated
lactic acid in muscle cells - This is why athletes with cramps commonly have
the cramping muscle massaged-it increases blood
flow to the area - Blood carries oxygen, when then helps remove
lactic acid from muscle - Increasing acidity (from lactic acid) and lack of
ATP cause muscle to contract less - This is why you get tired after running for long
periods of time (or doing some other physical
31Types of Muscle Contractions
- Isotonic Contractions
- Myofilaments slide past each other
- Muscle shortens
- Ex Lifting weights
- Isometric Contractions
- Increases tension in the muscle
- Muscle does not shorten
- Ex Pushing against a brick wall
32Muscle Tone
- In relaxed muscle, some fibers are still
contracted - Different fibers contract at different times to
provide muscle tone - This is involuntary
33Muscles and Movements
- Movement is due to a muscle moving an attached
bone - Muscles are attached to at least two points
- Origin
- Attachment to IMMOVABLE bone
- Insertion
- Attachment to MOVEABLE bone
34What About Exercise?
- Results of Increased Muscle Use
- Increase in muscle size
- Increase in muscle strength
- Increase in muscle efficiency
- Muscle becomes more fatigue resistant
- Decreased muscle use has the opposite affect
- Muscle atrophy (wasting away of muscle)
35Types of Muscles
- Prime Mover
- Has major responsibility for a certain movement
- Antagonist
- Muscle that opposes or reverses a prime mover
- Returns limb to normal position)
- Synergist
- Helps a prime mover in a movement, prevents
rotation - Smaller muscles often help large muscle neighbors
- Fixator
- Stabilizes the origin of a prime mover
- Stabilize joints so motion is smooth
- Prime Mover/ Antagonist Pairs
- Biceps/Triceps
- Forearm Flexors/ Extensors
- Pectorals/Latissimus Dorsi
- Trapezius/Deltoid
- Quadriceps/Hamstrings
36Naming Skeletal Muscles
- 7 Criteria
- Direction of muscle fibers
- Ex rectus (straight)
- Relative size of muscle
- Ex gluteus maximus (largest)
- Location of muscle
- Many are named for bones
- Ex Temporalis
- Number of origins
- Ex Triceps (3 heads) Biceps (2 heads)
- Location of muscles origin and insertion
- Ex Sternocleidomastoid (sterno for sternum)
- Shape of the muscle
- Ex Deltoid (triangular, like Greek letter delta)
- Action of the muscle
- Flexor or extensor (flexes or extends a bone)