Title: Can Fashion Be Hazardous to Your Health?
1Can Fashion Be Hazardous to Your Health?
- What kinds of things are fashionable these days?
- Can these fashionable things be dangerous to our
health? - In what ways do some people risk their health in
order to be in style? - What kind of things do women and men do to look
more attractive? - Have you ever done something drastic to change
your appearance? If yes, what?
3hazardous (adj.)
- dangerous, risky, unsafe, harmful
- Drinking is hazardous to the liver.
4fashionable (adj.)
- stylish, trendy, in
- Sideburns were fashionable in the 60s.
5in style (p.p.)
- trendy, popular, fashionable
- Teenagers like to dress in style.
- They wear designers clothes.
6- Padaung people of Myanmar
Neck ring
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8weak (adj.)
- not strong
- Mr. Anderson has been in the hospital for a
while. He is weak and shaky. -
9to bind (v)bound, bound, binding
- to tie, attach, fasten
- Foot binding is harmful because it damages
womens feet.
10"When I was small, even at a very early age I
knew I would have to bind my feet, because all
the other women around me had them. All women did
it. My mother explained that the smaller your
feet are, the better a husband you could get, so
at age five she began binding my feet. I could
walk even at first when the binding was tight and
painful. When the pain got to be too much, I
would just rest for a while. If I cried my mother
would send me out to play to get my mind off it.
11procedure (n)
- a way, process or practice of doing something
- Everyone has a procedure for answering a
multiple choice test. -
12to wrap (v)
- to cover
- Jane wrapped her sandwich in foil paper.
13bandage (n)
- a narrow piece, a cloth used around a part of the
body that has been injured - When Peter cut his finger, he wrapped it with a
14absurd (adj.)
- completely stupid, foolish, ridiculous
- Tom and Tina want to get married soon. It is
absurd because neither of them have a job.
15to arch (v)
- to curve, to bend
- When doing yoga, you need to arch your back
16nerve (n)
- A long thin thread-like part of the body sends
messages to the brain - Tom injured a nerve in his
- leg playing basketball.
17ultra-high (adv)
- very, extremely high
- Some women can walk with ultra-high platform
18Ultra adjective (adv)
- During the summer the sun is ultra-bright.
19to accuse (v)
- to blame
- The police accused the robber of carrying a
deathly weapon.
20sole (n)
- the bottoms of a shoe
- Tinas boots have thick rubber
- soles.
21to brake (v)
- to stop or slow down a vehicle or bicycle
- Tina had to brake suddenly when she had a flat
22indeed (adv.)
- without a doubt, definitely, certainly
- gives additional emphasis after a word or phrase.
- Driving under the influence of drugs is a
crime indeed.
23ideal (n)
- Idea of perfection, model, goal
- Bob was on a diet until he
- reached his ideal weight.
24makeup (n)
- stuff such as powders, eyeliner, mascara,
lipsticks that people put on their faces - Actors wear makeup.
25pale (adj.)
- light, whitish
- After her surgery, Tina was as white as a snow
flake. She looked pale.
26corset (n)
27waist (n)
- the middle part of a persons body
- Some women wear corsets to make their waist
look smaller.
28to puncture (v)
- to make a small hole, to stab
- A nail punctured the tire, so
- the air escaped.
29to faint (v)
- to become unconscious for a short time, to pass
out - Several teenagers fainted at Elvis Presleys
30fainting couch
31convenient (adj.)
- useful or suitable to you
- Drive-through are convenient for people who do
not like to walk.
32 body piercing (n)
- making holes in your body
- Body piercing is popular among young people,
but it is a dangerous procedure.
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convenience convenient conveniently
accuse accusation accusative accusatively
fashion fashion fashionable fashionably
absurdity absurd absurdly
idealize ideal ideal ideally
poison poison poisonous
appear appearance
circulate circulation circulatory
36Pronunciation and Review
- hazardous
- fashionable
- in style
- weak
- to bind (bound, bound)
- procedure
- to wrap
- bandage
- absurd
- to arch
- nerve
- ultra adjective
- to accuse
- sole
- to brake
- indeed
- ideal
- makeup
- pale
- corset
- waist
- puncture
- faint
- convenient
- body piercing