Exploration and Colonization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exploration and Colonization


Exploration and Colonization Slave auctions 5. Describe how Mercantilism* worked. What trade route did Mercantilism operate on between the colonies, Europe and Africa? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Exploration and Colonization

Exploration and Colonization
Background Information
I. Objectives 1 A. Starting to Explore! 1.
Marco Polo Traveled to China told of
great wealth a. Gold, Spices,
(REBIRTH) a. Europe begins to
use knowledge again!!!

Leonardo da Vinci
Who was named after
He painted the famous Mona Lisa
Michaelangelo Buonarroti
Who was named after.
He painted the famous Sistine Chapel in the
Raphael Sanzio (painter)
  • b. NEW Inventions !!!
  • Printing Press (More people
  • can read)
  • Better Maps
  • Astrolabe- Could tell your
  • latitude
  • Better Ships- Travel farther
  • over open seas

Some of the first maps of the world showing North
America (Early 1500s)
B. Goals of Exploration 1. Find DIRECT
route to Asia a. Make by trading with
Asia (spices, no more
rotten meat, ewwww!!) b. Cut out
the middle man TRADE directly
with East c. Spain becomes leader
1492 Columbus (Italian hired by
Spain) finds land (Thinks he has
reached India, hence INDIANS)
1498 de Gama (Portugal) reaches India
Vasco de Gamas route to Asia
C. The New World (North America) 1.
Spain dominates southern portion of
North America a. Three Goals 1. GOD 2.
GLORY 3. GOLD b. Natives treated poorly
(slaves) ecomiendas rights granted to
Spanish to tax and enslave Natives
D. New Nations Explore 1.
Northwest Passage a. Most
Northern European nations
believed India could be reached
by going NW
Looking for a Northwest Passage to Asia
2. English Colonies a. Ruled by
Charter Compact (King grants
company right to settle b. Goals Find
Gold /Religious Freedom c. Native
Americans Eng. needed their help Pocahontas
(Chiefs Daughter) / Pilgrims 3. French
Colonies a. Louisiana New France
(Ruled by King) b. Goals Fur Trade
(Catholic Missionaries) c. Native
Americans Worked well with them Traded
goods for furs and even joined tribes
Charter for Delaware
4. Dutch Colonies (New Netherlands)
a. Ruled local control b. Goals Fur
Trade and Trading New Netherlands
becomes big trade port (New
York, today) c. Native Americans Good /
bought land (NY)
E. Native Americans deal with Europeans 1.
Bad Overall!!!!!!!!! a. Disease wipes out
entire villages No Flu in Americas until
Explorers b. Tidal Wave of People!!!!!!
No one could see Future MILLIONS 2.
Good Bad a. Spanish English Worse
Spanish Slavery English Wars b. French and
Dutch Good Trade and Buy treat more fair
The French traded weapons for furs
Obj 1 Describe the lifestyle of the New
England colonies. Why was Plymouth important?
Be able to name and locate the colonies from this
area Name the first set of laws to be set-up in
New England. As New England grew, how did many
New Englanders begin to make their living
I. Objectives 1 A. The New England Colonies
1. Plymouth (1614) Become
Massachusetts a. Wanted religious
freedom -Trying to start City on
the Hill (an example) b. Mayflower
Compact (FIRST LAWS) -Laws set-up on ships
before reaching land c. Puritans-
Very strict with religion,
everyone must act the same (no funny
stuff its a sin!!!) 2. New
Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Is.,
Massachusetts. 3. Far North East part of
English Colonies
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Mayflower Compact
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Recreation of Plymouth Colony
Plymouth rock (REALLY overrated, seriously, just
look at the picture and it is better than
actually being there!!!
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B. Established Mainly for Religious Reasons
1. Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay
(Plymouth) 2. No religious freedom to
their own people C. Way of Life
Small farms and Ocean Trade 1. Subsistence
farming (just feeds family) a. Land too Rocky
Winter too long for big
farms 2. Ships (Goods to and from Colonies
Europe) 3. First
schools established in New England D. Native
Americans Helped then Hurt a. Early
settlers get a lot of help (Turkey
Day!) b. King Phillips War
Native Fight over moving into Indian land.
Leader (King Phillip) captured Killed
(his people were sold into slavery)
2. Describe the lifestyle of the Middle
colonies. Be able to name and locate the
colonies from this area What country, before
England, owned land in the Middle Colonies? What
type of colonial government did these colonies
begin as (Hint someone owned them)? What was
unique about Pennsylvania, give examples? What
type of crops were grown in this region?
II. Objectives 2 A. The Middle Colonies
1. Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey,
Delaware. B. Established Trade Land
Selling (Speculating)
1. New York taken from Netherlands 2.
Trade very important, Land settlement 3.
William Penn Quaker/Religious
Freedom a. Believed in
non-violence, buying Indian land,
and true religious freedom
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C. Way of Life Larger Farms Business (Cash
Crops) 1. Cash Crops (Selling large crops for
) 2. Start of Industry a. Small shops
start making goods D. Native Americans Good
Bad 1. New York, treated very bad (Many
wars) 2. Pennsylvania, very good by William
Penn (Bought land instead of
taking it)
3. Describe the lifestyle of the Southern
colonies. Why was Jamestown important? Be able
to name and locate the colonies from this area
What crops were grown in the South? How did
farmers in the Backwater differ from those in the
Low Country? What type of labor grew as the
colonies grew?
3. The Southern Colonies 1. Jamestown
(1606) Becomes Virginia a. Charter from King
to Settle (Like a Pass) b. Merchants wanted to
find Gold -Colonist Lazy (Expected not to
work) -Pocahontas John Smith Save Colony
c. Tobacco Saves Colony -Crop
learned from Natives sells to Europe -1st Slaves
bought in Jamestown to work crop FIRST ENGLISH
Virginia, N. S. Carolina, Georgia 3.
Wooded, Swampy land great for huge farms
POCAHONTAS She married John Rolfe, which helped
to form peaceful relations with the colonists and
the Native Americans.
JOHN SMITH He made an agreement with the Native
Americans and forced the settlers to work harder
and build better housing.
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Jamestown, Virginia
B. Established Trade Land sales 1.
Land for farmers 2. Georgia Land 4
debtors/Buffer from Spanish
Florida C. Way of Life Huge Farms (Large
Plantations) 1. Plantations develop along
coast rivers a. Northern areas Tobacco (Back
Water) b. Georgia/S. Carolina- Rice/Indigo (Low
Country) 2. Start of
Slavery a. Tobacco/Rice/Indigo very hard work b.
New England Traders bring slaves
from Africa on return trips of Triangle
4. Explain why and where African Slavery began
in the 13 English colonies. Name the first
settlement and year that slaves were first
brought to English Colonies. Describe and name
the trip between Africa and America. What crops
were slaves used to harvest?
A. Slavery in the Colonies 1. Starts 1st in
Jamestown (But goes to all Colonies) B.
Shipped from Africa - W. Indies South (Tri-
Trade) 1. Middle Passage- Brutal trip
across Atlantic C. Southern use it the most
(Tobacco, Rice, indigo)
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Slave auctions
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5. Describe how Mercantilism worked. What
trade route did Mercantilism operate on between
the colonies, Europe and Africa? What reasons do
most of these colonies have in common for being
founded? Describe how the home countries made
money off this system (Use new markets raw
materials to explain).
A. Definition of Mercantilism 1. European
countries use colonies to make 2.
How? Raw Materials shipped from
colonies to Home Country (Lumber,
Cotton) -Home Country makes them into
something in Factories (Lumber
into Furniture / Cotton into
Fabric) -Home Country sells FINISHED
GOOD back to Colonies B. Triangle
Trade 1. Trade between Colonies/ Europe/
Africa 2. Trade route that Mercantilism
worked on a. Trade done by New
England Ships and Captains
Mercantilism Map
The Triangle Trade
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