Zechariah - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Previews of the Messiah For I will no longer have pity on the inhabitants of the earth, says the LORD. I will cause them, every one, to fall each into the hand of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Zechariah

  • Previews of the Messiah

The Servant Branch
  • Listen then, Joshua, you who are the High
    Priest and listen, you fellow priests of his,
    you that are the sign of a good future I will
    reveal my servant, who is called The Branch!
    (Zechariah 38)
  • The man who is called The Branch will flourish
    where he is and rebuild the LORD's Temple.
    (Zechariah 612)

  • Come to the Lord, the living stone rejected by
    people as worthless but chosen by God as
    valuable. Come as living stones, and let
    yourselves be used in building the spiritual
    temple (1Peter 24-5)

The Servant Branch
  • Then a shoot will come out from the stump of
    Jesse, and a branch from its roots will bear
    fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on
    him... (Isaiah 111-2)
  • The days are surely coming, says the LORD, when
    I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and
    he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall
    execute justice and righteousness in the land.
    (Jeremiah 235)

Suffering Servant
  • The LORD says, My servant will succeed in his
    task he will be highly honored. Many people were
    shocked when they saw him he was so disfigured
    that he hardly looked human. But now many nations
    will marvel at him, and kings will be speechless
    with amazement. They will see and understand
    something they had never known. (Isaiah

Suffering Servant
  • Who believes what we've heard and seen? Who
    would have thought that Gods saving power would
    look like this? The servant grew up before God--a
    scrawny seedling, a scrubby plant in a parched
    field. There was nothing attractive about him,
    nothing to cause us to take a second look. He was
    looked down on and passed over, a man who
    suffered, who knew pain firsthand. One look at
    him and people turned away. We looked down on
    him, thought he was scum. (Isaiah 531-3 MSG)

Humble, riding a donkey
  • Rejoice, rejoice, people of Zion! Shout for joy,
    you people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is
    coming to you! He comes triumphant and
    victorious, but humble and riding on a donkey---
    on a colt, the foal of a donkey. The LORD says,
    I will remove the war chariots from Israel and
    take the horses from Jerusalem the bows used in
    battle will be destroyed. Your king will make
    peace among the nations he will rule from sea to
    sea, from the Euphrates River to the ends of the
    earth. (Zechariah 99-10)

1 Kings 138
  • he will send you a prophet like me from among
    your own people, and you are to obey him. On the
    day that you were gathered at Mount Sinai, you
    begged not to hear the LORD speak again or to see
    his fiery presence any more, because you were
    afraid you would die. So the LORD said to me,
    'They have made a wise request. I will send them
    a prophet like you from among their own
    people... (Deuteronomy 1814-18)

  • (Moses was a very humble man, more humble than
    anyone else on earth.) (Numbers 123)
  • I am meek and humble of heart. (Matthew 1129)

  • Rejoice, rejoice, people of Zion! Shout for joy,
    you people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is
    coming to you! He comes triumphant and
    victorious, but humble and riding on a donkey---
    on a colt, the foal of a donkey. The LORD says,
    I will remove the war chariots from Israel and
    take the horses from Jerusalem the bows used in
    battle will be destroyed. Your king will make
    peace among the nations he will rule from sea to
    sea, from the Euphrates River to the ends of the
    earth. (Zechariah 99-10)

  • A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And
    he will be our ruler. He will be called,
    "Wonderful Counselor," "Mighty God," "Eternal
    Father," "Prince of Peace." His royal power will
    continue to grow his kingdom will always be at
    peace. (Isaiah 96-7)

God moved into the neighborhood (John 114)
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  • Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
    good will toward men. (Luke 214)

  • God was pleased to have all of himself live in
    Christ. God was also pleased to bring everything
    on earth and in heaven back to himself through
    Christ. He did this by making peace through
    Christ's blood sacrificed on the cross. Once you
    were separated from God. The evil things you did
    showed your hostile attitude. But now Christ has
    brought you back to God by dying in his physical
    body. (Colossians 119-22 GW)
  • But now, by means of the physical death of his
    Son, God has made you his friends (Col 122

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Peace with God
  • Therefore, since we are set right by faith, we
    have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
    Christ. (Romans 51 NRSV)
  • But God showed His great love for us by sending
    Christ to die for us while we were still
    sinners...For since our friendship with God was
    restored by the death of His Son while we were
    still His enemies, we will certainly be saved
    through the life of His Son. So now we can
    rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with
    God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us
    friends of God. (Romans 58-11 NLT)

  • I dont want to call you servants any longer,
    because servants do not know what their master is
    doing. Instead, I call you my friends(John

  • When I was growing up, I tended to see the God
    of the Old Testament as the tough one Jesus was
    so gentle I didn't even see him as God. I knew he
    was "Son of God" and "divine" but God himself?
    Not really. Some vivid Old Testament stories and
    the picture of Jesus pleading with the Father on
    my behalf had convinced me that only as a last
    resort would the Father let me slip through the
    back door into the kingdom. Not until I was a
    second-year seminary student...did the "truth"
    strike home that Jesus was God in the flesh.
    Unless you have had such an experience, you can't
    possibly imagine the joy that flooded my soul. No
    longer was I haunted by the picture of a distant
    and reluctant God. If God himself took human
    flesh and came to earth to save sinners, he must
    really want me in his kingdom. The whole universe
    suddenly became a much friendlier place. Alden

  • How wonderful it is to see a messenger coming
    across the mountains, bringing good news, the
    news of peace!(Isaiah 527)
  • So stand ready, with truth as a belt tight
    around your waist, with righteousness as your
    breastplate, and as your shoes the readiness to
    announce the Good News of peace. (Ephesians

  • But now you have been united with Christ Jesus.
    Once you were far away from God, but now you have
    been brought near to Him through the blood of
    Christ. For Christ Himself has brought peace to
    us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people
    when, in His own body on the cross, He broke down
    the wall of hostility that separated usHe made
    peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in
    Himself one new people from the two groups.
    Together as one body, Christ reconciled both
    groups to God by means of His death on the cross,
    and our hostility toward each other was put to
    death. He brought this Good News of peace to you
    Gentiles who were far away from Him, and peace to
    the Jews who were near. (Ephesians 213-18)

  • Forgive usas we forgive others (Matthew
  • Do not judge others, so that God will not judge
    you, for God will judge you in the same way you
    judge others (Matthew 71)
  • Dear friends, let us love one another, because
    love comes from God. Whoever loves is a child of
    God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not
    know God, for God is love (1 John 47,8).

Two Shepherds
  • Thus said the LORD my God Be a shepherd of the
    flock doomed to slaughter. Their owners kill them
    and go unpunished. They sell the meat and say,
    'Praise the LORD! We are rich!' Even their own
    shepherds have no pity on them. (Zechariah

Bad Shepherds
  • Mortal man, he said, denounce the rulers of
    Israel. Prophesy to them, and tell them what I,
    the Sovereign LORD, say to them You are doomed,
    you shepherds of Israel! You take care of
    yourselves, but never tend the sheep. (Ezekiel

Bad Shepherds
  • The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees are
    the authorized interpreters of Moses' Law. So you
    must obey and follow everything they tell you to
    do do not, however, imitate their actions,
    because they don't practice what they preach.
    They tie onto people's backs loads that are heavy
    and hard to carry, yet they aren't willing even
    to lift a finger to help them carry those loads.
    (Matthew 232-4)

  • For I will no longer have pity on the
    inhabitants of the earth, says the LORD. I will
    cause them, every one, to fall each into the hand
    of a neighbor, and each into the hand of the
    king and they shall devastate the earth, and I
    will deliver no one from their hand.
  • So I became the shepherd of the sheep that were
    to be slaughtered and also of the oppressed
    sheep. I took two staffs one I named Favor, the
    other I named Unity, and I tended the sheep. In
    one month I disposed of the three shepherds, for
    I had become impatient with them, and they also
    detested me. (Zechariah 116-8)

  • The priests did not ask, 'Where is the LORD?' My
    own priests did not know me. The rulers rebelled
    against me the prophets spoke in the name of
    Baal and worshiped useless idols. (Jeremiah 28)

  • Then I said to the flock, I will not be your
    shepherd any longer. Let those die who are to
    die. Let those be destroyed who are to be
    destroyed. Those who are left will destroy one
    another. Then I took the stick called "Favor"
    and broke it, to cancel the covenant which the
    LORD had made with all the nations. So the
    covenant was canceled on that day. Those who
    bought and sold the sheep were watching me, and
    they knew that the LORD was speaking through what
    I did. (Zechariah 119-11)

  • I said to them, If you are willing, give me my
    wages. But if not, keep them. So they paid me
    thirty pieces of silver as my wages. The LORD
    said to me, Put them in the Temple treasury. So
    I took the thirty pieces of silver---the
    magnificent sum they thought I was worth---and
    put them in the Temple treasury. Then I broke the
    second stick, the one called "Unity," and the
    unity of Judah and Israel was shattered.
    (Zechariah 1112-14)

  • If the bull kills a male or female slave, its
    owner shall pay the owner of the slave thirty
    pieces of silver, and the bull shall be stoned to
    death. (Exodus 2132)
  • What will you give me if I betray Jesus to you?
    They counted out thirty silver coins and gave
    them to him. (Matthew 2615)

  • Then the LORD said to me, Once again act the
    part of a shepherd, this time a worthless one. I
    have put a shepherd in charge of my flock, but he
    does not help the sheep that are threatened by
    destruction nor does he look for the lost, or
    heal those that are hurt, or feed the healthy.
    Instead, he eats the meat of the fattest sheep
    and tears off their hoofs. That worthless
    shepherd is doomed! He has abandoned his flock.
    War will totally destroy his power. His arm will
    wither, and his right eye will go
    blind.(Zechariah 1115-17)

  • Arise, sword, against my shepherd, against the
    man who is my friend. (companion) declares the
    LORD of Armies. Strike the shepherd, and the
    sheep will be scattered.(Zechariah 137)
  • I was like a trusting lamb taken out to be
    killed, and I did not know that it was against me
    that they were planning evil things. (Jeremiah

  • All others who came before me are thieves and
    robbers, but the sheep did not listen to themThe
    thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and
    destroyI am the good shepherd, who is willing to
    die for the sheep.
  • I am the good shepherd. As the Father knows me
    and I know the Father, in the same way I know my
    sheep and they know me. And I am willing to die
    for them. There are other sheep which belong to
    me that are not in this sheep pen. I must bring
    them, too they will listen to my voice, and they
    will become one flock with one shepherd. (John

  • The Father loves me because I am willing to give
    up my life, in order that I may receive it back
    again. No one takes my life away from me. I give
    it up of my own free will. I have the right to
    give it up, and I have the right to take it back.
    This is what my Father has commanded me to do.
    Again there was a division among the people
    because of these words. Many of them were saying,
    He has a demon! He is crazy! Why do you listen
    to him? But others were saying, A man with a
    demon could not talk like this! How could a demon
    give sight to blind people? (John 1014-21)

  • My commandment is this love one another, just
    as I love you. The greatest love you can have for
    your friends is to give your life for them.
    (John 1512-13)

OT clues about the Messiah
  • The Branch
  • The Suffering Servant
  • The Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the
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