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... Messiah (Yeshua), Zechariah shows both the 'Suffering ... who rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, and 'King Messiah' who rules the earth (Zechariah 9:9-10) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ezra

Ezra Nehemiah-Restoration Part II
(No Transcript)
Ezra at a glance
  • Just as the Israelites were taken into exile in
    three successive stages (605, 597 598 BCE), the
    returned in 3 stages. The first occurred under
    the leadership of Zerubbabel (538 BCE). After
    considerable delay, this return resulted in the
    rebuilding of the temple (520-516 BCE),
    encouraged by the prophets of Haggai and
    Zechariah, Ezra led the second return in the
    seventh year of Artaxerxes I (458 BCE). Nehemiah
    led the final return in the 20th year of
    Artaxerxes I (444 BCE). Chronologically, the
    events of the book of Esther occur during a
    ten-twelve year period (483-473 BCE) between the
    first and second returns.

  • While Ezra deals with the religious restoration
    of Judah, Nehemiah is primarily concerned with
    Judahs political and geographical restoration.
  • The 2 prophets during this time period were
    Haggai and Zechariah.

Nehemiah at a glance
Rabbi Jacters Halacha
  • The Purpose of Ezra-Nechemiah
  • When ever a person studies a Sefer of Tanach, he
    or she should seek to find the message of the
    Sefer. One should think about why the Sefer was
    written, because when the often unstated goal of
    the Sefer is identified, many difficulties in the
    text can be resolved.

Rabbi Jacters Halacha
  • In general, the purpose of the various books of
    the Tenach is not to teach history. Indeed,
    Chazal (Megilla 14a) teach that the Tanach only
    records lessons that are relevant for all

What are these Men of G-d saying to us today
  • Ezra is a picture of spiritual restoration prior
    to returning to the land, and Nehemiah is a
    picture of the process of building the House of
  • God is preparing us first spiritually by calling
    us out of our Pagan ways. Just as Ezra brought
    about spiritual reforms, the Ruach HaKodesh is
    bringing about spiritual reforms today for those
    who have ears to hear.
  • Ezra and Nehemiah were a team that God used to
    bring his people out of exile and back into the
  • Just as the House of Judah l was tempted to take
    on Pagan ways while in exile, Ezra brought clean
    up and reform.
  • The House of Israel (Judah and Ephraim) is now
    going through that cleansing process. The
    Congregation of Messiah has strayed a long way
    from its 1st Century Hebrew Roots and during the
    past 1800 years has taken on many Pagan
    practices. Now He is calling us to purify
    ourselves and return to the walk of our Master
    and Come Out of Babylon and return to His Torah
    IN MESSIAH during this time of Restoration in
    these last days.

Aish.com Crash Course In Jewish History
  • The Jews who rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem
    were faced with many challenges and difficulties.
    Strong leadership would be essential for them to
    be able to both rebuilt the Temple and
    re-establish a strong community.
  • Two individuals played a critical role in the
    re-establishment of the Jewish community in
    Israel. One was Ezra

Aish.com Crash Course In Jewish History
  • A scribe and scholar and a Jewish community
    leader in Persia, Ezra, a cohen, hears that the
    Jewish community in the Holy Land is floundering
    with neither King or prophet. So, he takes with
    him 1,498 well-chosen men with leadership
    abilities and comes to the rescue.

Aish.com Crash Course In Jewish History
  • Ezra is so well thought of in the Talmud that it
    is written of him that the Torah could have been
    given to Israel through Ezra, if not that Moses
    preceded him. (Sanhedrin 21b)
  • This high praise goes to Ezra for the spiritual
    rebuilding of the Jewish people and his efforts
    to reinstate Torah law in the land.

Aish.com Crash Course In Jewish History
  • The other major personality of this period is
    Nechemiah, a leader of the Jewish community of
    Babylon and an official of the Emperor Darius II.
    While Ezra had succeeded in spiritually
    strengthening the returnees, Jerusalem remained
    un-walled and unprotected. Thirteen years after
    the arrival of Ezra, Nechemiah arrives, having
    been appointed govenor by Darius. After
    surveying Jerusalem he announces Come, let us
    build the walls of Jerusalem so that we will no
    longer be an object of scorn. (Nehemiah 217).
    Despite he efforts of the surrounding peoples to
    hinder its construction, the was is completed.
    Spiritually and physically fortified, Jerusalem
    will prosper and its population expand.

Haggai And Zechariah
  • These prophets pr0ceeded Ezra and Nehemiah by 70
    years to prepare the people for the return.
    Malachi was the last prophet of the Tenach. He
    proclaimed the glory of the 2nd Temple when the
    Messenger of The Covenant would one day come to
    the Temple-Malachi 31
  • In the same way there will be 2 witnesses before
    the return of Messiah- Rev 1113
  • We will look at the Words of these prophets and
    finish with Nehemiahs rebuilding of the walls.

  • The book of Zechariah, contains the words of the
    prophet Zechariah, who came to encourage the
    inhabitants of Jerusalem.  He along with Haggai
    urged the inhabitants to complete the Temple
    rebuilding project, which had been stalled
    because of charges made against the Jews. 
  •             Zechariah proclaimed the future
    glories of Jerusalem, which now lay desolate,
    after the Babylonian destruction 66 years
    earlier. (Jeremiah 39) In the context of
    Jerusalems desolations, and its future glory,
    Zechariah reveals the coming of Jerusalems great
    king, the Messiah, who would rule the earth. 
  • Second only to Isaiah, the book of Zechariah has
    the greatest number of prophecies regarding the
    coming of Messiah.  Zechariah pictures both the
    first and second comings of Messiah (Yeshua),
    Zechariah shows both the Suffering Messiah who
    rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, and King
    Messiah who rules the earth (Zechariah 99-10).
    The one who is pierced, comes to the aid of
    Jerusalem in the last days as the armies of the
    world surround the city (Zechariah 1210), king
    Messiah returns to rule and reign over His people
    during the Millennium 1(Zechariah 1416-21).

The Call To Repentance
  • The Call To Repentance Zech 11-8
  • The opening words of Zechariah follow in the wake
    of Haggais message of encouragement at Succoth.
    Return to me (Tshuvah), Declares the Lord
    Almighty and I will return to you, says the Lord
  • Zech 13-6 Do not be like your forefathers, to
    whom the earlier prophets proclaimed. 2
    Chronicles 36 15-21
  • Haggai 14-11 and Haggai 25-9
  • Nehemiah 933-36

The Night Visions of Zechariah
  • Vision 1- The Man Among the Myrtle Trees
  • Zechariah 17-117
  • Some of these Visions refer to the Messianic Age
  • Significance of Myrtle Trees- Isaiah 5513,
    Isaiah 4119
  • The significance of these angles going through
    the entire earth is that of the Lords total
    control of events throughout time

The Night Visions of Zechariah
  • Vision 2- The Four Horns And the Four Craftsman
    (Angels) Zechariah 118-21
  • These horns are not only responsible for Judahs
    captivity, but also for Israels. Daniel 7 -
    The 4 beasts representing Babylon, Persia, Greece
    and Rome

The Night Visions of Zechariah
  • Vision 3- The Vision Of The Man With The
    Measuring Line
  • Zechariah 21-13
  • Looking at this passage from a prophetic
    viewpoint, we are reading of the Jerusalem that
    will exist in the Messianic Age
  • Zech 14 5-8, Isa 6019, Rev 225

The Night Visions of Zechariah
  • Vision 3 Continued
  • Why are we leapfrogging through time?
  • For Israel to put its hope in Gods universal
    redemptive work
  • To instruct future generations of believers in
    G-ds plan of redemption
  • Zech. 26-9 refers to Zechariahs time
  • Zechariah 2 10-13 refers to the Messianic Age
  • Isaiah 177-13, Isaiah 3317-24, Isaiah 528

The Night Visions of Zechariah
  • Vision 3 Continued
  • Zechariah 211 Many nations will be joined
    with the Lord in that day and will become my
  • Micah 41-5, Isaiah 49 21-30, Isaiah 608-14
  • Zechariah 312-13 The Lord will inherit Judah
    as his portion in the holy land and will again
    choose Jerusalem-
  • Isaiah 402, Isaiah 321-3, Isaiah 6010, Isaiah

The Night Visions of Zechariah
  • Vision 4- The Vision of Clean Garments For The
    High Priest
  • Zech 31-7
  • The angel of the Lord is Messiah- Mark 25, Luke
    512-15-We see Yeshua healing and forgiving sins
    and cleansing His people.
  • Joshua is a type of Messiah
  • Joshua is a symbol of THE BRANCH a descriptive
    title for Messiah- Jeremiah 235-6, 3315-18,
    Zech 612-13, Isaiah 42-6
  • Zech 39- 7 Stones signifies G-ds perfection.
    Again Joshua represents the Messiah in the Future
  • Isaiah 121-2

The Night Visions of Zechariah
  • Isa 121 On that day you will say "I thank you,
    Adonai, because, although you were angry at me,
    your anger is now turned away and you are
    comforting me.
  • Isa 122 "See! God is my salvation. I am
    confident and unafraid for Yah Adonai is my
    strength and my song, and he has become my
  • Isa 123 Then you will joyfully draw water from
    the springs of salvation. (In Hebrew

The Night Visions of Zechariah
  • References regarding G-d removing the sin from
    Israel and future Restoration
  • Isaiah 118-27
  • Ezekiel 3622-38
  • Ezekiel 3715-28
  • Zechariah 310- In that day
  • 1 Kings 425- uses this quote as an expression of
    peace and prosperity
  • Micah 43-4 The same quote is used to describe
    the tranquility existing during the Messianic Age
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