Training the Trainer Leadership Issues - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Training the Trainer Leadership Issues


Title: PowerPoint Presentation - Writing Research Papers: Sorting the Noodles from the Soup Author: Teresa Kisilevich Last modified by: Eugene Kowch – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Training the Trainer Leadership Issues

Training the TrainerLeadership Issues
  • Presented By
  • Dolores MacNeil
  • Trevor Julian
  • Dawn Hayward
  • EDER 677

Training the Trainer
Training the TrainerPresentation Sources
  • Littman, Margaret. (2002) Teaching the Teacher.
    University Business Vol.5, Issue 7.
  • Beaudoin, M. (2002). Distance education
    leadership an essential role for the new
    century. Journal of Leadership Studies,
    8(3),131-144. Retrieved October 09,2002, from the
    Gale database.
  • Palloff, M., Pratt, K. (2001). Lessons from the
    Cyberspace Classroom the realities of online
    teaching. San Francisco,CA. Jossey-Bass.
  • Pielstick,C. (1998). The Transforming Leader A
    Meta-Ethnographic Analysis. Community College
    Review, 26(3), 15-34. Retrieved October 21,2002,
    from the WilsonWeb database.

The very essence of Leadership is that you have
to have a vision.
Theodore Hesburgh
  • There seems to be little attention given to
    Leadership in Distance education--- WHY?

Possible Suggestions
  • Perhaps because
  • 1) Up until now the energy in Distance Ed has
    gone into analyzing how it compares with the
    traditional classroom learning.
  • 2) Up until now the attention has been on the
    planning and administering of Distance Ed
  • 3) Many have dismissed the concept of leadership
    as being useful for the advancement of Distance
  • But Now, because Distance Ed has gained
    credibility and acceptance, it is no longer seen
    as a maverick on the fringe and it can now give
    attention to the role of Leadership for its
    future growth and development

Leadership in Distance Ed has been defined as a
set of attributes that create a condition for
innovative change
  • Creating a shared vision
  • Communicating the vision
  • Building relationships
  • Guiding implementation
  • Exhibiting character
  • Achieving results
  • Developing a supporting organizational culture

Questions such as
  • How many future faculty are needed?
  • Is the present structure of institutions
  • Will students and teachers need to meet
    face-to-face?need to be addressed by the future

From Micro to Macro
  • Now, as competition-cost-technology come
    together there is a need to move away from the
    natural conservatism ( Palloff and
    Pratt,2001,p.39) of educators to a role of
    decision-making away from a micro view of
    technology towards a macro view of the impact of

Whats Next?
Distance Education Leaders
  • Persons prepared as Leaders in Distance Ed. will,
    for the first time, be Leaders who have not come
    up through the ranks It will be possible to
    play a Leadership role without being an expert in
    the field.

Teaching Teachers
  • University of Arizona Study by Mark Zupan
  • Can universities meet graduate students demand
    for online classes?
  • Is there a problem in training teachers to become
    effective online instructors?
  • Does a good classroom lecturer make a good online

Distance Education Instructors
  • Problems with untrained online instructors
  • lacked technical basics
  • need handholding in learning
  • need too much tech support
  • lack the ability to develop a sense of community
  • had difficulty in planning courses that could run

What should we do?
  • We need to realize that teaching online courses
    requires a special skill set
  • Knowing what content is most effective online is
  • Assist experienced teachers who resist the idea
    that they need to learn new teaching skills
  • Implement formal training for online instructors

Whats happening?
  • Instructors must be available to respond to
    student questions and problems.
  • Clearly the standards for interaction are
    different for classroom based learning and online
  • It is difficult to get instructors to view
    technology as a pedagogical tool, not just as a
    communication tool.

What are Universities doing?
  • Eller College of Business at Arizona has initial
    teacher training and also require ongoing
    training for instructors to improve their skills.
  • University of Phoenix, believes that student
    evaluations are the best judge of distance ed
    success. Many teachers who don't stay with UOP
    because of the time required for giving students
    feedback and many are weeded out largely due to
    negative student evaluations. Others are unable
    to conform to UOP online policies and practices.
    Mentoring of new faculty is an important process
    at UOP.

Break Out Groups
  • For five minutes, please discuss one of the
    following and be prepared to present to the large
  • 1. What training have your received that would
    be the most beneficial to you in instructing
    online learning?
  • 2. If you were approached by your principal
    to develop and implement an online course would
    you feel prepared? Why or why not.
  • 3. A colleague who is about to instruct her
    first online learning course asks your advice.
    What three things would you tell her to make her
    experience easier?

How did we measure up?
  • To demonstrate effective practices in leading
    online learning activities we
  • Offered advance organizer
  • Had back up plan
  • Had back up plan for back up plan
  • Practiced using technology
  • Were well organized
  • Used humour to create community
  • Introduced interactive elements to involve

Training the Trainer
The End
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