Title: Executive Overview
1Executive Overview
This presentation provides an overview of the
SBCTC-ITD Administrative Applications. Available
are links to associated web home pages, module
details, database pivot tables, and Visio
diagrams of specific databases. A link to a
step-by-step tutorial of creating a basic
DataExpress procedure is also included.
2FMS Financial Management System
PPMS Payroll/PersonnelManagement System
FAS Financial Aid System
SMS Student Management System
- Control Tables
- Accounts Payable
- Budget Management
- Cashiering
- Customer Accounts Accounts Receivable
- Fee Calculation
- Fixed Assets
- General Ledger Accounting
- Third Party - Facilities Maintenance
- Control Tables
- Applicant Tracking
- Employee Contracts
- Employee Maintenance
- Government Reporting
- Leave Accounting
- Payroll Processing
- Position Control
- Salary Forecasting
- Tracking
- Award
- Disbursement Reconciliation
- External Reporting
- Work Study
- Loan (Stafford/FFELP)
- Course Management
- Student Biographic and Admissions
- Registration
- Program Enrollment
- Grades and Records
- Student Progress
- Student/Faculty Self-Service Functions
- State and Federal Reporting
- Schedule 25/25E
3FMS Financial Management System
- Used in every area of FMS to define the college
account structure, provide options within each of
the functional areas of FMS, and to control all
processing and reporting external to the
applications programs. - Associated Databases TBL1, TBL2
- Set parameters
- Edit transactions
- Generate off-line functions
4FMS Financial Management System
- Responsible for all vendor liabilities, refunds
and financial aid disbursements. - Associated Database AP
- Creates encumbrances
- Provides invoice processing
- Writes checks
- Provides interdepartmental cost transfers
- Creates credit and debit memos
5FMS Financial Management System
- AFRS (Agency Financial Reporting System)
functions as the state-wide financial accounting
system. Used to prepare a variety of interim
reports for state-level executive management.
Responds to inquiries from parties outside OFM. - Associated Database AFRS
- Consolidates and transmits financial data from
colleges to AFRS - Reduces data transmission costs via single
agency reporting (consolidation) - SBCTC reconciles FMS and AFRS on a monthly basis
6FMS Financial Management System
- Provides an internal spending plan for operating
accounts as well as grants, contracts, and
capital projects. - Associated Database BDGT
- Provides fiscal vs. project budgeting
- Creates a budget status file
- Gives permanent vs. temporary budget structures
- Has a budget development process
7FMS Financial Management System
- Replaced the cash register. Interfaced with
modules in the FMS, SMS, and Financial Aid
systems. - Associated Databases POS, CA
- Performs cash register functions
- Allows multiple payment methods
- Performs fee calculation
- Allows full, partial, or deferred payments
- Generates refunds and posts to AP
- Edits the financial aid award file
8FMS Financial Management System
- Supports the recording, monitoring, aging and
billing of all receivables. - Associated Database CA
- Creates, changes, displays charges
- Allows partial or full payments
- Provides payment and billing schedules
- Produces billing documents
- Provides an aging report
- Customer Accounts Accounts Receivable
9FMS Financial Management System
- Calculates a students fees based on current
enrollment while considering the student and
class fee pay status. Posts the fee calculation
to customer accounts. - Associated Database TBL1
- Identifies the type of tuition charged to a
student (Student Fee-Pay-Status) - Identifies the category of tuition charged to a
student (Class Fee-Pay-Status) - Maintains the tuition calculation table
- Maintains the fee code table
- Customer Accounts Accounts Receivable
10FMS Financial Management System
- Provides the control mechanism for all physical
assets and attributes of a college. - Associated Database INVEN
- Tracks land, buildings, rooms, equipment
- Calculates depreciation
- Provides replacement cost data
- Assesses planned land and building functionality
- Customer Accounts Accounts Receivable
11FMS Financial Management System
- Provides the control mechanism for processing and
updating all detail accounting transactions
except the physical writing of checks. - Associated Databases GL, SLEDG, ARCHV
- Creates an account summary file
- Creates an account detail file
- Provides batch maintenance functionality copy,
reverse, delete - Performs subsidiary postings
- Customer Accounts Accounts Receivable
- General Ledger Accounting
12FMS Financial Management System
- Provides facility managers with a quick but
detailed view of their facility and pertinent
maintenance activity. FM1 is an optional
application that is used by about 1/3 of the
colleges. - Associated SQL Database INNOVUS Accessed for
reporting using Crystal Reports - Produces work orders
- Tracks the cost of labor and materials
- Schedules preventive maintenance
- Provides inventory management
- Customer Accounts Accounts Receivable
- General Ledger Accounting
- Third Party - Facilities Maintenance
13FMS Application Data Facts
Components associated with FMS
- Data Fields (Unduplicated)
NOTE Turbo Image Databases defined by
Dictionary 3000
14PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System
- Used to edit transactions, control processes,
store descriptive information and determine
criteria for processing payroll and personnel
reporting. - Associated Databases TBL1, TBL2, TBL3 ,TBL5, EMP
- Sets parameters
- Edits employee databases
- Performs statistical reporting
- Processes time, attendance, and payroll
15PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System
- Maintain current and historical data used for
tracking applicants, affirmative action reports,
and cost factors for recruitment. - Associated Database APP
- Tracks pre-applicants
- Tracks applicants
- Performs statistical reporting
16PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System
- Produces and maintains part-time faculty
contracts. - Associated Databases EC, EMP, SM
- Produces contracts based on class information
- Calculates course salary costs
- Tracks contract status
17PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System
- Establishes and maintains employee records from
employment to separation or retirement. Includes
payroll processing and federal, state and
internal reporting. - Associated Database EMP
- Maintains job appointments, account
distributions, job histories - Processes salary increases
- Provides rosters, directories, and labels
- Provides enrollment to benefits
- Maintains education and professional development
18PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System
- Designed to fulfill the needs for mandatory
federal reporting. - Associated Databases EMP, PAYRH, TBL5, PMIS
- Performs W-2 processing
- Provides data for the Integrated Post-secondary
Education Data Systems (IPEDS) - Provides data for EEO Compliance reporting
- Compiles the PMIS database for SBCTC
19PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System
- Provides comprehensive leave accrual and usage
processing. - Associated Databases EMP, PAYR
- Calculates leave accruals
- Monitors leave accrual eligibility
- Posts leave usage transactions
- Posts transactions that affect gross pay
20PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System
- Processes all aspects of payroll. Produces your
paychecks! - Associated Databases EMP, PAYR, PAYRH, PAUDIT,
GL, DRS - Provides multiple pay cycles and schedules
- Posts salary, benefit costs, and vendor payments
to FMS - Produces automatic payments, time transactions,
retroactive pay, hand drawn checks, automatic
check cancellations and various balance
adjustments. - Calculates leave pay-offs
- Processes automatic expense transfers
21PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System
- Assigns employees to authorized and budgeted
positions while comparing position, employee job
record, and the budget record. - Associated Databases TBL5, EMP, BDGT
- Defines authorized positions
- Allows multiple employees per position
- Allows multiple positions per employee
- Provides a link from budget to employee records
- Allows entry of vacant positions
22PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System
- Forecasts salary and benefit costs for a fiscal
year with multiple base cost increase projections
and multiple fiscal years for future planning. - Associated Databases TBL5, EMP, BDGT, SF
- Creates base salary records
- Provides salary and benefit cost distribution by
month - Applies salary and benefit increases
- Provides budget planning scenarios
23PPMS Application Data Facts
Components associated with PPMS
- Data Fields (Unduplicated)
NOTE Turbo Image Databases defined by
Dictionary 3000
24FAS Financial Aid System A third party
application from COCO
- Stores incoming applicant data, referred to as
Institutional Student Information Reports (ISIR),
and calculates this data using federal
methodology. - Associated Database NEEDnn
where nn the award year - Gives view access to ISIR data
- Calculates ISIR data
- Generates records in the SAFER database
- Provides Updated Tracking Detail with comment
code data from ISIR records
25FAS Financial Aid System A third party
application from COCO
- Provides document tracking, issue tracking, and
student notices. - Associated Database SAFER
- Maintains a record of all required and received
documents - Stores edits for resolution by aid counselors
- Serves as the driver for the student
notification process
26FAS Financial Aid System A third party
application from COCO
- Posts student aid awards and determines whether
awards meet or exceed a students need. Manages
allocations and budgets by program. - Associated Database SAFER
- Stores awards and shows award budget balance
- Controls disbursement by status codes
- Has automated packaging function
- Has an award audit trail for adjustment
27FAS Financial Aid System A third party
application from COCO
- Ability to disburse loan, grant and waiver aid.
Also tracks all expenditures (positive and
negative) in FAEXP data base for reconciliation. - Associated Databases SAFER, FAEXP
- Pays open charges immediately through cashiering
or in batch overnight - Generates checks to distribute to students
- Tracks all expenditures and transfers for
- Disbursement Reconciliation
28FAS Financial Aid System A third party
application from COCO
- Meets all state and federal reporting
requirements. - Associated Database SAFER
- Higher Education Coordinating Board
- Unit Record Report
- State Need Grant Interim Reports
- State Need Grant Reconciliation Report
- State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- Quarter Financial Aid Extract
- Department of Education (Feds)
- Pell Payment Reporting
- Fiscal Operations Report (FISAP)
- Return of Title IV funds reporting
- Disbursement Reconciliation
29FAS Financial Aid System A third party
application from COCO
- Provides the ability to manage hours worked for
federal and state work study programs. - Associated Database SAFER
- Posts department and job data
- Allows for award modification for reconciliation
- Disbursement Reconciliation
30FAS Financial Aid System A third party
application from COCO
- Generates electronic Master Promissory Note flat
files for processing. Allows for automated award
generation from Electronic Funds Transfer flat
files received from the loan guarantor or lending
agent. - Associated Database SAFER
- Creates loan certification extract files
- Stores record of loan certification
- Allows for award generation for net loan amounts
- Disbursement Reconciliation
31FAS Application Data Facts
Components associated with FAS
- Data Fields (Unduplicated)
NOTE Turbo Image Databases defined by
Dictionary 3000
32SMSStudent Management System
- Enables colleges to manage all aspects related to
creating and maintaining their college courses. - Associated Databases SM, TBL3, TBL4
- Establishes course catalog information
- Builds college class schedule
- Identifies course characteristics
- Controls class enrollment
- Assigns instructors to classes
- Defines prerequisites
33SMSStudent Management System
- Contains all biographic data necessary to
fulfill admissions requirements, and support the
registration process as well as grades and
records. Can optionally track the progress of
students from their first point of contact to
beyond graduation for alumni follow-up. - Associated Databases SM, ADM
- Creates and maintains student SMS records
- Changes student identification numbers
- Assigns punitive and non-punitive codes
- Optional Admissions Module tracks students and
generate documents
- Student Biographic and Admissions
34SMSStudent Management System
- Provides all the functions associated with a
students enrollment in classes. - Associated Databases SM, MAGWL
- Registers in-person, in batch processing, via web
or touch-tone - Uses Requisite Checking for test and course
requirements - Blocks registration for financial and academic
holds - Provides optional waitlist function for full
capacity classes - Uses attendance process for clock hour voc-prep
- Student Biographic and Admissions
35SMSStudent Management System
- Provides all the functions associated with a
students enrollment in a program. Typically
used by clock hour colleges. - Associated Database SM
- Provides access to program information (capacity,
hours, instructor) - Batch registers students into associated
quarterly classes - Creates program waiting list
- Uses seat management for space availability
information - Uses instructional calendar to calculate
enrollment into open-entry, open-exit programs
- Student Biographic and Admissions
- Student Biographic and Admissions
36SMSStudent Management System
- Provides all functions for end-of-quarter grading
and transcript maintenance. Interfaces to
Financial Aid for tracking academic progress. - Associated Databases TRAN, TBL4
- Grades at class level and requirement level
(clock hours) - Provides a variety of grade roster formats
- Accepts manual, web, or scanned grading
- Sends and receives transcripts electronically
- Provides web and touch-tone access to quarter
grades and mailers. - Records degree, certificate, cumulative
- Student Biographic and Admissions
37SMSStudent Management System
- Provides functions colleges can use to assist
students in achieving success. - Associated Databases TRNSFR, SM, TBL4 (and
REGDB COCO third party product) - Provides online evaluation of transcripts from
other colleges - Provides online degree audit to see if a student
met degree requirements - Affords early intervention process to monitor
student success - Provides honor roll process to identify students
who excel - Provides a probation process to identify students
who fail to meet basic academic standards
- Student Biographic and Admissions
38SMSStudent Management System
Touch-tone Allows students to perform
registration and inquiry functions by using
touch-tone telephones Student Information Kiosk
Allows students to access and input information
about schedules, registration, transcripts,
financial aid and more, from multiple locations
on a campus. Web Transaction Server Provides
web-enabled student functions such as schedules,
transcripts, and financial aid. Faculty access
for grading, class rosters, and PIN changes.
- Student Biographic and Admissions
- Student/Faculty Self-Service Functions
39SMSStudent Management System
- Assists colleges with required reporting of
student, enrollment, class, and staff
information. Planning and forecasting of
enrollment trends. - Associated Databases SMIS and others
- Processes quarterly MIS finals
- Provides process to distribute FTEF amounts
- Gives vocational follow-up information
- Establishes retention statistics
- Provides IPEDS, Perkins Act, Student Right to
Know, OFM reporting and others
- Student Biographic and Admissions
- Student/Faculty Self-Service Functions
- State and Federal Reporting
40SMSStudent Management System
- Schedule 25 is an optional automated classroom
scheduling system. 25E is a supplemental
software for special one-at-a-time bookings.
Resource 25 is also available and replaces 25E. - Associated Database Relies on Job Group
SG170R to provide extract from SM - S25 Considers room characteristics (seat
capacity and room features) - S25 Looks at department location preferences
- S25 Maximizes number of classes placed
- 25E Interfaces with Schedule 25 to determine
suitable space for single event scheduling.
- Student Biographic and Admissions
- Student/Faculty Self-Service Functions
- State and Federal Reporting
41SMS Application Data Facts
Components associated with SMS
- Data Fields (Unduplicated)
NOTE Turbo Image Databases defined by
Dictionary 3000
42SMS Application Connectivity
43FMS Financial Management System
PPMS Payroll/PersonnelManagement System
FAS Financial Aid System
SMS Student Management System
44FMS Financial Management System
PPMS Payroll/PersonnelManagement System
FAS Financial Aid System
SMS Student Management System
45FMS Financial Management System
PPMS Payroll/PersonnelManagement System
FAS Financial Aid System
SMS Student Management System
- Course Management
- Student Biographic and Admissions
- Registration
- Program Enrollment
- Grades and Records
- Student Progress
- Student/Faculty Self-Service Functions
- State and Federal Reporting
- Schedule 25/25E
- Control Tables
- Applicant Tracking
- Employee Contracts
- Employee Maintenance
- Government Reporting
- Leave Accounting
- Payroll Processing
- Position Control
- Salary Forecasting
- Tracking
- Award
- Disbursement Reconciliation
- External Reporting
- Work Study
- Loan (Stafford/FFELP)
- Control Tables
- Accounts Payable
- Budget Management
- Cashiering
- Customer Accounts Accounts Receivable
- Fee Calculation
- Fixed Assets
- General Ledger Accounting
- 3rd Party - Facilities Maintenance
46FMS Financial Management System
PPMS Payroll/PersonnelManagement System
FAS Financial Aid System
SMS Student Management System
47FMS Financial Management System
PPMS Payroll/PersonnelManagement System
FAS Financial Aid System
SMS Student Management System
- NEED01
- NEED02
- EC
- SF
- TBL1
- TBL2
- TBL3
- TBL5
- SM
- TBL3
- TBL4
- other associated
databases - HIST
- AP
- CA
- GL
- TBL1
- TBL2
48Combined Data Facts
While accessing DataExpress, a user will see
- Data Fields (Unduplicated)
NOTE Turbo Image Databases defined by
Dictionary 3000
49Use DataExpress To Access All Of This Data
50SoWhats the big mystery behind DataExpress?
574 FAS Unduplicated Data Elements
Click here for a tutorial on creating basic
DataExpress procedures NOTE The tutorial may
take a few minutes to load
2474 PPMS Duplicated Data Elements
259 FMS Data Sets
306 SMS Data Sets
10 FMS Modules
880 FMS Unduplicated Data Elements
1888 SMS Duplicated Data Elements
9 PPMS Modules
3 FAS Databases
 1787 FMS Duplicated Data Elements
61 Total Databases
11 SMS Databases
 7 FAS Modules
4 SBCTC-ITD Applications
3156 Unduplicated Data Elements
9 SMS Modules
798 SMS Unduplicated Data Elements
36 Application Databases
7132 Duplicated Data Elements
1060 Total Datasets
926 FAS Duplicated Data Elements
12 FMS Databases
71 FAS Data Sets
344 PPMS Data Sets
 13 PPMS Databases
1311 PPMS Unduplicated Data Elements