Title: The Age of Jackson 1824-1830
1The Age of Jackson 1824-1830
2Pat Points
- What was the path to the Presidency? Of the
first 5 Presidentswhat states were they from
what were their jobs prior to President? - Washington
- Adams
- Jefferson
- Madison
- Monroe
3The Election of 1824
King Caucus William Crawford End of the
Virginia Dynasty Determining a candidate
John Quincy Adams (MA) Henry Clay
(KY) Andrew Jackson (TN) John C.
Calhoun Utilizing the 12th Amendment Stephen
Van Rensselier A corrupt
bargain Henry Clay (Sec. of State)
4The Presidency of John Quincy Adams
5A new political party/system emerges
- Democratic-Republicans
- Natural aristocracy
- The common man
- Liberal western voting laws
- Dorrs rebellion
6More political movements
- The Workies
- Frances Wright
- Anti-Masonic Party
- William Morgan
- William Wirt
- National party convention
7The abduction and murder of William Morgan
8Morgans Monument
9William Wirt
10The Election of 1828
- Mud slinging
- Democratic Republicans v National Republicans
- Popular participation
11The Presidency of Andrew Jackson
- Laissez-faire govt
- Jacksonian attitudes and ideals
- Spoils system
- Internal Improvements
- Maysville Road Veto
12Indian removal
- Rebellion
- Sac and Fox
- Seminoles
- Cherokees and the Courts
- Worcester v Georgia
- Trail of Tears
- Creeks
- Chief William McIntosh
13Trail of Tears
14Map of the route to Indian Territory
16Chief William McIntosh
17McIntosh Home in Whitesburg, GA
18States Rights
- Tariff of Abomination
- VP John C. Calhoun
- The South Carolina Exposition and Protest
- Tariff of 1832
- Principle of nullification
- Force bill
- Compromise tariff