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Basic Terminology in the Field of Public Administration dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat Institute of Administrative Sciences University of Wroc aw Basic Terminology in the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Slajd 1

Basic Terminologyin the Field of Public
dr. hab. Jerzy SupernatInstitute of
Administrative Sciences University of Wroclaw
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • administrative law
  • public interest
  • state ( government)
  • decentralisation
  • supervision
  • forms of decentralisation
  • self-government
  • territorial self-government
  • special self-governments
  • organ of public administration
  • offices of public administration
  • types of organs
  • tasks and competences
  • categories of tasks
  • functions of public administration
  • administration of order
  • administration of provision
  • administration of ownership
  • administration of development

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Administrative law
  • modern state cannot function without public
  • public administration cannot function without
    admini-strative law
  • administrative law is not law of administration

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Zofia Duniewska Administrative law is a body of
public law that deals with the constitution and
functions of public administra-tion as well as
with the rights and duties of persons getting
into a relationship with administration. Its main
purpose is to protect the common good.
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Jacek Jagielski
1/2 Administrative law is
one of the most complex areas of the Polish legal
system. Today it is considered a key ele-ment of
the public law category, although it was once
as-sociated with the entire domain of public law.
Its regula-tions concern almost all areas of life
as well as the activi-ties of individuals and
certain other subjects functioning within the
framework of the state. Administrative law
provisions are thus some of the most important
components of the entire legal system.
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • 2/2
  • Administrative law is composed of two kinds of
  • The rules on the organization and functioning of
    the administrative apparatus and other bodies
    designed to perform public administration duties,
    as well as on the conduct of representatives of
    the administration and their powers over
    administered subjects outside the administrative
  • The rules governing the rights of the
    administered subjects vis-à-vis the
    administration and the rights and duties of
    natural and legal persons and other subjects in
    various areas toward whom the interest and
    activity of public administration is directed.

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • It is widely accepted that administrative law
  • is the most extensive and flexible body of law
    controlling the legal situa-tion of both
    individuals and almost all other subjects
    operating within the state
  • usually contains imperative norms (absolutely
    binding norms ius co-gens)
  • is usually supported by public power
  • has a broad scope
  • is difficult to codify
  • has rules which are inserted in acts of
    different rank, enacted by various organs, in
    different periods of time
  • is not politically neutral (in the words of
    Ronald Dworkin it is a political enterprise)
  • is difficult to interpret
  • includes local law binding on the territory of
    the organ issuing it

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Internal division of administrative law
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Europeanization of administrative law vs.
    European administrative law
  • in the first case European law influences the
    content of national administrative law which is
    the basis of function-ing of public
  • in the other case the norms of European law form
    the direct legal basis for functioning of public

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Public interest The public interest, arising from
the needs for common good, is, in modern liberal
democracy, the only justifica-tion for any
intervention of public administration in the
matters of individuals and non-public organisms
set up by individuals and/or other organisms.
This is due to the fact that the public interest
is the only justification for any intervention of
public law, including administrative law, in
matters which are either subject to the civil
(private) law or outside the limits of the law.
Art. 1 of the Constitution The Republic of
Poland shall be the com-mon good of all its
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Hubert Izdebski Public interest England Before
the emergence of what is sometimes called modern
interventionist administrative state, the
judge-made rule was that owners were entitled to
prefer their own interest to the common good
(freedom of property and freedom of contract were
important issues JS). Since the second half of
the 19th century there has been a growth of
responsibilities of the state in the social and
econo-mic fields, introduced by means of
legislation (on factory pro-tection, housing,
environment protection, education, health care,
etc.), which evoked the public interest.
Humanitarian and the resulting social principles
have been more and more prevailing over
individualism, which was typical of England of
the 18th century and the first half of the 19th
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Public interest the European continent On the
European continent, though the point of departure
for the evolution had been quite different (ius
politiae enjoyed by the absolute monarchs, and,
therefore, a recognized predo-mination of the
public interest), the liberal, individual
thinking triumphed in the 19th century, with the
same convictions con-cerning the role of the
freedom of property and the freedom of contract.
Since that time, however, modern
interventionist administra-tive state has been
being built. This meant more and more ex-ceptions
from rules of the private law, justified by the
common good and/or the public interest.
Moreover, communist and fascist regimes
succeeded, though temporarily, in restoring, and
even monopoly, of public interest.
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Child labour
Child labour
(No Transcript)
Development of modern interventionist
administrative state
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • freedom of property
  • freedom of contract
  • freedom of want
  • freedom of disease

Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Ideas of less state and of New Public
    Manage-ment, typical of the 1980s, served as a
    break put on an unlimited development of modern
    interventionist admini-strative state.
  • Their practical role, however, was to
  • rediscover the place of civil-law rules in
    society and in the government
  • focus on the necessity of searching for the
    existence of the public interest while thinking
    about the states inter-vention
  • rather than to stimulate abandoning the idea of
    such state.

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • State ( government)
  • state in a broader sense the whole public power
    on a given territory
  • state in a strict sense only a centralised
    public pow-er system
  • Art. 7 of the Constitution
  • The organs of public power shall function on
    the basis of, and within the limits of, the law.
  • Art. 10 of the Constitution
  • The system of government of the Republic of
    Poland shall be based on the separation of and
    balance between the legislative, executive and
    judicial powers.
  • Art. 163 of the Constitution
  • Local government shall perform public tasks not
  • by the Constitution or statutes to the organs of
    other public powers.

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Decentralisation
  • Decentralisation is a means of
  • putting a certain public entity and/or a certain
    public activity out of a fully centralised
    direction (control in the English sense), and
    therefore out of the state administra-tion (but
    not out of the system of public powers)
  • giving such public law entity a competence of
    autono-mous carrying out such activity
  • on its own behalf
  • on its own responsibility
  • The counterbalance to decentralisation should be

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Decentralised administration is not the state
admini-stration in the strict sense of the
state. By contrast, in the time of real
socialism all public admi-nistration was
officially the state administration, but there
was no such phenomenon which now could be called
de-centralisation. It is quite comprehensible as
real socia-lism relied on centralisation, and,
even more, on concen-tration of the power.
Centralised state administration was only an
instrument in the hands of the highly centralised
apparatus of the Communist party.
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Supervision
  • Supervision (in its Polish sense) is a specific
    kind of competen-ce of an authority higher than
    that supervised, which means
  • less than competence of direction (control in
    the English sen-se)
  • more than competence of control (control in
    Polish sense, i.e. right of simple examination
    and evaluation of controlled activi-ties)
  • Supervision means rights to apply allowed
    instruments of su-pervision (supervisory
    decision), but only after
  • passing the procedure provided by the law
  • proving that the activities supervised were not
    conforming to the standards provided for in the

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Instruments of supervision are divided into those
    relating to
  • organs (e.g. confirmation of the election,
    revocation or disso-lution)
  • persons (e.g. suspension, dismissal,
  • acts (authorisation to issue an act,
    confirmation, suspension, annulation / declaring
  • Supervision can be made
  • ex ante, before the supervised activity is
    actually undertaken
  • ex post, with respect to what was already done
  • In Poland legality (conformity with the law) is
    the only criterion of supervision over activities
    (general acts) of territorial self-government,
    and supervision is made only ex post.

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Forms of decentralisation
  • According to the classical public law theory of
    Central Europe there are four forms of
  • self-government
  • public undertaking
  • public enterprise
  • public establishment (e.g. university, school,
    hos-pital, museum, library)
  • delegation of public tasks to institutions of
    self-government, to enterprises, and to
    establishments, as well as to non-public
    institutions, in particular NGOs

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Public establishment
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Article 15 of the Constitution
  • The territorial system of the Republic of Poland
    shall ensure the decentralization of public
  • The basic territorial division of the State shall
    be determined by statute, allowing for the
    social, economic and cultural ties which ensure
    to the territorial units the capacity to perform
    their public duties.
  • Basic territorial division of the Republic of
    Poland is indeed made for the purposes of
    decentralization. It consists of three units
  • municipalities (gminy)
  • districts (powiaty)
  • regions / voivodships (województwa)

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • There are a variety of different
    arrangements which are often included in the
    discussions on decentralization. For example G.S.
    Cheema and D.A. Ron-dinelli have identified four
    major forms of decentralization
  • devolution transfer of responsibility for
    governing, understood more broadly i.e. the
    creation or strengthening, financially or
    legally, of sub-national units of governments,
    whose activities are substantially outside the
    direct control of central government
  • delegation assignment of specific decision
    making authority i.e. the transfer of
    managerial responsibility for specifically
    defined functions to public organizations (e.g.
    local governments) outside the normal
    bureaucratic struc-ture of central government
  • deconcentration spatial relocation of decision
    making the transfer of some administrative
    responsibility or authority to lower levels
    within central government ministries or agencies
  • divestment best treated as decentralization
    and it occurs when plan-ning and administrative
    responsibility or other public functions are
    transferred from government to voluntary,
    private, or non-governmental institutions with
    clear benefits to and involvement of the public

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
(No Transcript)
H. Izdebski Devolution denotes a specific type
of decentralisation a transfer of a part of
previous competences of the central power to
macro-regional institutions.
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Self-government
  • territorial (general) self-government
  • special self governments

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Territorial self-government Territorial
self-government operates in all or in some units
of territorial division of the state it is
always present in municipalities (basic units of
territorial division) but more and more
frequently it is found at higher levels, which
is, in particular, the case of bigger states.
The contemporary principle is that diverse
levels of ter-ritorial self-government cannot be
in any way regarded as a hierarchical
organisation in particular, the respective
organs of higher level cannot reverse or change
decisions of lower organs.
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Territorial self-government in Poland can be
    divided into
  • local self-government
  • the self-government of municipalities
  • the self government of districts
  • regional self-government or the self-government
    of voi-vodships
  • Regional government is indispensable in any
    bigger uni-tary state inter alia due to regional
    policy of the European Union.

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
European Charter of Local Self-Government
Article 3 Concept of local self-government 1.
Local self-government denotes the right and the
ability of local authorities, within the limits
of the law, to regulate and manage a substantial
share of public affairs under their own
responsibility and in the interests of the local
population. 2. This right shall be exercised by
councils or assemblies composed of members freely
elected by secret ballot on the basis of direct,
equal, universal suffrage, and which may possess
executive organs responsible to them. This
provision shall in no way affect recourse to
assemblies of citizens, referendums or any other
form of direct citizen participation where it is
permitted by statute. Article 4 Scope of local
self-government 3. Public responsibilities shall
generally be exercised, in preference, by those
authorities which are closest to the citizen.
Allocation of re-sponsibility to another
authority should weigh up the extent and nature
of the task and requirements of efficiency and
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Article 165 of the Constitution
  • Units of territorial self-government shall
    possess legal personality. They shall have rights
    of ownership and other property rights.
  • The self-governing nature of units of territorial
    self-government shall be protected by the courts.

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Special self-governments
  • professional self-government
  • business self-government
  • Article 17 of the Constitution
  • By means of a statute, self-governments may be
    created within a profession in which the public
    repose confidence, and such self-governments
    shall concern themselves with the proper practice
    of such professions in accordance with, and for
    the purpose of pro-tecting, the public interest.
  • Other forms of self-government shall also be
    created by means of statute. Such
    self-governments shall not infringe the freedom
    to practice a profession nor limit the freedom to
    undertake economic activity.

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Pharmacist in the 16th century.
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Traditional self-government (autonomy) of
schools of higher education Art. 70.5. of the
Constitution The autonomy of the institutions of
higher education shall be ensured in accordance
with principles specified by statute.
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Organ of public administration The state
administration (state in a broader sense) is
co-mposed of diverse elements but, as far as its
mission of representing imperium, i.e. the public
power competence that consists in ordering,
forbidding and/or allowing, is concerned, it is
organs of public administration that con-stitute
its essential components. The term organ is
typical of the Germanic approach to public
administration (in the field of public law it
reflects the Germanic civil law concept of the
organ of legal person). In the French and the
English tradition the notion of authority
prevails over the concept of organ.
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Exemplary organs of public administration in
  • the minister
  • the voivod
  • the mayor of municipality
  • Nota bene the term organ is not used to the
    ministry, the voivod office or the municipality
    office, which can be defined as offices of the
    respective organs.

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
Offices of public administration Offices have no
powers of their own, as they are only an
auxil-lary apparatus of their chiefs the organs
they serve. Never-theless employees of offices
may express the imperial will of the public
power. They may do that if it is delegated to
them (such delegation is known in Poland as
internal deconcentra-tion) by their respective
chief as the organ of public administra-tion, and
only on his/her/its behalf. Art. 268a of the 1960
Code of Administrative Procedure The organ of
public administration may, in written form,
authorise employees of the organisational unit
they direct to settle on a solution to a given
kind of matters, in particular to issue on its
behalf ad-ministrative decisions, procedural
decisions, and certificates.
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Types of organs
  • unipersonal (single-person), i.e. composed of
    one per-son
  • collegial (board), i.e. composed of a number of
  • In contemporary public administration, the model
    of uniperso-nal organs is predominant, although
    in each national admini-strative system there are
    also collegial organs
  • at the top of administrative hierarchy
  • in the main decision-making authorities of
    territorial self-government (councils elected by
    the people)
  • in the authorities of public audit

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Tasks and competences
  • scope of activity public tasks
    legal competences
  • the term tasks refers to the scope of
    administrative activi-ties.
  • the term competences concerns authorisation of
    a given organ to act, within the field of its
    appropriate tasks, by means of specific legal
    forms of activity attributed to it by law. It
  • an expressly and legally bestowed power to
    decide on a given matter or issue of the public
    interest in a given legal form
  • not only a right but also an obligation binding
    the compe-tent organ

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Hard competences administrative acts
  • Imperium solutions to problems arising within the
    sphere of legal competence of an organ of public
    administration are commonly called administrative
    acts. There are
  • normative administrative acts (administrative
    regula-tions) to enter into force, they have to
    be published (in Poland in the Journal of Laws or
    in the Voivodship Official Journals)
  • individual administrative acts (administrative
    decisions) to have the legal effect, they have
    to be formally deliver-ed to a given party or, at
    least, formally presented to it

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Categories of tasks
  • tasks of the state in strict sense in Poland
    tasks in the field of governmental administration
    (zadania z zakresu administracji rzadowej)
  • proper tasks (zadania wlasne) of
    self-government, esp. tasks of units of
    territorial self-government
  • commissioned tasks (zadania zlecone)
    transferred by an act of Parliament
  • entrusted tasks (zadania powierzone)
    transferred by virtue of an agreement concluded
    between a competent organ of the state
    administration and an authority of decentralised
  • In Poland, since the 1997 Constitution
    supervision over performance of all tasks of
    units of territorial self-government has been
    restricted to conformity with the law (art. 171).

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Functions of public administration
  • administration of order
  • administration of provision
  • administration of ownership
  • administration of development

Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) founder of the science
of public administration in the United States.
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Administration of order
  • (administracja reglamentacyjna)
  • Administration of order (administration of
    imperium) per-forms the classical functions of
    ordering, forbidding or al-lowing a certain
    conduct, by means of administrative acts,
    normative and/or individual.
  • the function of adjudication (the function of
    deciding in individual cases)
  • adjudicative administration and regulatory
  • H. Izdebski Activities of administration of
    order, as classical, can still be car-ried out in
    a traditional imperative way, though following
    such style of ad-ministering, which is distant
    from the standards of good governance, seems to
    be more and more difficult.

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Administration of provision
  • (administracja swiadczaca)
  • provision of public services in the social field
    (educa-tion, health care, social aid, etc.)
    these services are tradi-tionally provided by
    public establishments (zaklady admi-nistracyjne)
  • provision of services qualified as utilities or
    public utili-ties (public transport,
    telecommunications, water, electri-city, gas
    supply, etc.) these services are traditionally
    pro-vided by public enterprises (these days their
    role has been diminishing, as some of them are
    transformed into public-owned companies, which
    can be the first step towards their

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Administration of ownership
  • (administracja wlascicielska)
  • Administration of ownership (administration of
    dominium) performs tasks of management of public
  • public goods (streets, public parks, etc.)
  • administrative assets (used by respective
    offices in order to perform certain public tasks)
  • business assets

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Basic Terminology in the Field of Public
  • Administration of development
  • Administration of development means public
    planning in its various aspects involving
  • town and country planning
  • regional strategic planning
  • development planning within the framework of the
    Euro-pean Union structural policies

dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
Concluding Remark
Do not ask what the Government can do for you.
Ask why it doesn't. Gerhard Kocher
dr. hab. Jerzy Supernat
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