Title: Organic Chemistry
1Organic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Hydrocarbons
- Saturated
- Unsaturated
- Alkanes
- Alkenes
- Alkynes
- Cis-trans isomerism
- Carbonyl group
- Ketones
- Aldehydes
- Carboxylic acids
- Carboxyl group
- Ester
- Ether
- Amine
3Saturated vs. UnsaturatedHydrocarbons
- Hydrocarbons are molecules composed of carbon
hydrogen - Each carbon atom forms 4 chemical bonds
- A saturated hydrocarbon is one where all C - C
bonds are single bonds the molecule contains
the maximum number of H-atoms - An unsaturated hydrocarbon is one where at least
1 CC bond is double.
4Straight-Chain Alkanes
- Straight-chain alkanes contain any number of
carbon atoms, one after the other, in a chain
pattern - meaning one linked to the next (not
always straight) - C-C-C C-C-C-C etc.
- Hydrocarbon chains where all the bonds between
carbons are SINGLE bonds - Name uses the ending ane
- Examples Methane, Propane, Butane, Octane,
2-methylpentane - Formula (CnH2n2)
6Prefixes for of Carbons
1 Meth 6 Hex
2 Eth 7 Hept
3 Prop 8 Oct
4 But 9 Non
5 Pent 10 Dec
7Writing/drawing compounds
8Normal vs Branched Alkanes
- NORMAL alkanes consist of continuous chains of
carbon atoms - Alkanes that are NOT continuous chains of carbon
atoms contain branches - The longest continuous chain of carbons is called
the parent chain
- Attached carbon groups (substituents) end in yl
- Methyl CH3 -
- Ethyl CH3CH2-
- Propyl CH3CH2CH2
10Names of branches
- Carbon (alkyl) groups
- Methyl CH3 -
- Ethyl CH3CH2-
- Propyl CH3CH2CH2
- Halogens
- Fluoro (F-)
- Chloro (Cl-)
- Bromo (Br-)
- Iodo (I-)
11Branched-Chain Alkanes
- Rules for naming
- 1. Longest C-C chain is parent
- 2. Number so branches have lowest
- 3. Give position number to branch
- 4. Prefix (di, tri) more than one branch
- 5. Alphabetize branches (not prefix)
- 6. Use proper punctuation ( - and , )
12Some Simple Alkanes
- 2-methylpentane
- 3-ethylhexane
- 2,2-dimethylbutane
- 2,3-dimethylbutane
13Branched-Chain Alkanes
- From the name, draw the structure, in a
right-to-left manner - 1. Find the parent, with the -ane
- 2. Number carbons on parent
- 3. Identify substituent groups (give lowest
number) attach - 4. Add remaining hydrogens
14- However, carbons in butane (C4H10) can be
arranged in two ways four carbons in a row
(linear alkane) or a branching (branched alkane).
These two structures are two isomers for butane.
15Your Turn
- Draw all possible structural isomers of C5H12
16Structural Isomerism
- Structural isomers are molecules with the same
chemical formulas but different molecular
n-pentane, C5H12
2-methlbutane, C5H12
17IUPAC Rules for Naming Branched Alkanes
- Find and name the parent chain in the hydrocarbon
- this forms the root of the hydrocarbon name - Number the carbon atoms in the parent chain
starting at the end closest to the branching - Name alkane branches by dropping the ane from
the names and adding yl. A one-carbon branch
is called methyl, a two-carbon branch is
ethyl, etc - When there are more than one type of branch
(ethyl and methyl, for example), they are named
alphabetically - Finally, use prefixes to indicate multiple
18Example 1 2,2-dimethylpentane
- The parent chain is indicated by the ROOT of the
name - pentane. This means there are 5 carbons
in the parent chain.
- dimethyl tells us that there are TWO methyl
branches on the parent chain. A methyl branch is
made of a single carbon atom. - 2,2- tell us that BOTH methyl branches are on
the second carbon atom in the parent chain.
19Example 2 3-ethyl-2,4-dimethylheptane
- The parent chain is indicated by the ROOT of the
name - heptane. This means there are 7 carbons
in the parent chain.
- 2,4-dimethyl tells us there are TWO methyl
branches on the parent chain, at carbons 2 and
4. - 3-ethyl- tell us there is an ethyl branch
(2-carbon branch) on carbon 3 of the parent
20Example 3 2,3,3-trimethyl-4-propyloctane
- The parent chain is indicated by the ROOT of the
name - octane. This means there are 8 carbons
in the parent chain.
- 2,3,3-trimethyl tells us there are THREE methyl
branches - one on carbon 2 and two on carbon 3. - 4-propyl- tell us there is a propyl branch
(3-carbon branch) on carbon 4 of the parent
21Example 4 Name the molecules shown!
- parent chain has 5 carbons - pentane
- two methyl branches - start counting from the
right - 2 and 3 - 2,3-dimethylpentane
- parent chain has 8 carbons - octane
- two methyl branches - start counting from the
left - 3 and 4 - one ethyl branch - 5
- name branches alphabetically
22Alkenes Alkynes
- Alkenes are hydrocarbons that contain at least
one carbon-carbon double bond - Alkynes are hydrocarbons that contain at least
one carbon-carbon triple bond
- The suffix for the parent chains are changed from
ane to ene and yne - e.g. ethene, propyne
- the BONDS are numbered like branches so that the
location of the multiple bond may be indicated
23Alkenes Alkynes Examples
24Aromatic Hydrocarbons Cycloalkanes
- A cycloalkane is made of a hydrocarbon chain that
has been joined to make a ring.
- Note that two hydrogen atoms were lost in forming
the ring!
25Aromatic Hydrocarbons Cycloalkanes
- The two ends of the carbon chain are attached in
a ring in a cyclic hydrocarbon - named as cyclo- ____
26Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Benzene is a six-carbon ring, with alternating
double and single bonds
27Aromatic Compounds and Benzene
- Aromatic compounds contain benzene.
- Benzene, C6H6 , is represented as a six carbon
ring with 3 double bonds. - Two possible resonance structures can be drawn
to show benzene in this form. -
28Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Benzene derivatives can have two or more
substituents - 1,2-dimethylbenzene
- 1,3-dimethylbenzene
- 1,4-dimethylbenzene
- Can use ortho for 1,2 meta for 1,3 and para for
1,4 (page 711)
- There is a lack of rotation around a carbon to
carbon multiple bond - Two possible arrangements
- 1. trans configuration - substituted groups on
opposite sides of double bond - 2. cis configuration - same side
31Geometric Isomers
Substituted groups are on opposite sides of the
double bond (in this case, one is above, the
other is below)
Substituted groups are on the same side of the
double bond (in this case, both are above)
32Cis-Trans Isomers - Examples
- 1. Combustion reactions
- 2C2H6(g) 7O2(g) ? 4CO2(g) 6H2O(g)
- 2. Substitution reactions
- CH4 Cl2 ? CH3Cl HCl
- Methane chloromethane
- 3. Dehydrogenation reactions
- CH3CH3 ?CH2CH2 H2
- Ethane ethene
35Alkenes Alkynes
- 1. Addition reactions
- a. Hydrogenation
- CH2 CHCH3 H2 ? CH3CH2CH3
- Propene Propane
- b. Halogenation
- Pentene 1,2-dibromopentene
- c. Polymerization
- Small molecules large molecules
- 1. Substitution reactions
- Cl2 ? HCl
Catalyst FeCl3
37Functional Groups
38Functional Groups
- Functional group an atom or group of atoms
within a molecule
39Functional Groups
- contain an -OH (hydroxyl) group
41Halides Carboxylic Acids
- contain an -X (Halogen) group
- F, Cl, Br, I, At
- contain a carboxyl (-COOH) group
42Aldehydes and Ketones
- contain a carbonyl (CO) group
- contain an amino group nitrogen bonded to one,
two, or three carbon atoms - an amine may by 1, 2, or 3
44Esters Ethers
- Ester trapped carboxylic acid
- Ether Trapped oxygen
CnH2n2 Alkane CnH2n1 Alkyl group
CH4 methane CH3 Methyl
C2H6 ethane C2H5 ethyl
C3H8 propane C3H7 propyl
CH3CHCH3 methylethyl