RESEARCH-MEPA- - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RESEARCH-MEPA- Technical Assistance Framework At the end of the session, the participants are expected to: Explain the relevance of building a culture of research in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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RESEARCH-MEPA- Technical Assistance Framework
  • At the end of the session, the participants are
    expected to
  • Explain the relevance of building a culture of
    research in schools to the full
    institutionalization of MEPA
  • Explain the significant framework of Research,
    MEPA and Technical Assistance to the new DepEd
    Rationalized Structure and
  • Develop deeper understanding on the importance of
    Research-MEPA-Technical Assistance Framework in
    enhancing governance of basic education services.

ACTIVITY Self-Assessment
Direction Assess how is the culture of Research,
ME and TA in your organization, using the
following rating scale 1 Developing 2
Maturing 3 Advanced .
No. INDICATORS Rating Rating Rating
A. Research Culture
1. A good number of personnel conduct Action Research based on the Research Agenda. 1 2 3
2. The researches conducted are presented through forum/congress and research journal. 1 2 3
B Monitoring Evaluation
3. The inclusion of Research in the ME system (MEPA) has already been established at all levels and units. 1 2 3
4. The ME Results are utilized in decision-making, plan adjustment and policy directions.
C. Technical Assistance
5. Technical Assistance is evidence-based (ME Results, Research).
6. Varied TA mechanisms are institutionalized (LAC Session, LPP, etc.)
Total Score Total Score
Level of Competence Level of Competence
How is your assessment result?
  • Directions
  • Sum-up the total score and divide it by 6.
  • 2. Determine your level of culture of Research,
    ME and TA in your organization based on the
    table below

Range Descriptive Rating Interpretation
1.0-1.49 Developing There is a moderate level of culture of Research, ME and TA in your organization it needs to be strengthened further.
1.50-2.49 Maturing There is a high level of culture of Research, ME and TA in your organization a little enhancement is needed to strengthen it.
2.50-3.0 Advanced Congratulations! There is a very high level of culture of Research, ME and TA in your organization you are aligned with the rationalized structure of the dept.
  1. How did you find the activity?
  2. What is the level of culture of Research, ME
    and TA in your organization ?
  3. What facilitating/hindering factors contributed
    for having such level?
  4. Which specific mechanism among the three (3) do
    you need assistance more?
  5. Why is your organization need to have high level
    of culture in all these mechanisms/systems?

  • Legal Basis Rule III, Section 3.2, par. 1, No. 5
    of the IRR of RA 9155 stipulates the regional
    mandate of Undertaking research projects and
    developing and managing region-wide projects
    which may be funded through official development
    assistance and/or funding agencies.
  • Regional Policy
  • Region Memorandum No. 78, S. 2011 2nd Research
    Congress cum Regional Awarding Ceremony
  • Region Memorandum No. 513, s. 2012 3rd Regional
    Research cum School-Based Management Congress
    Launching of Project SOCCSKSARGENT
  • Region Memorandum No. 297, s. 2013 4th Regional
    Research cum School-Based Management Congress and
    1st Communication Festival (ComFest)
  • Region Memorandum No. 245, s. 2012 Revitalizing
    Classroom Structuring cum CFSS

School-Based Action Research
Issues / Problems Affecting Attainment of EFA
Research Journal as basis for Regional Policy
Directions Formulation towards effective
District Research Forum
BESRA Key Result Thrusts
Division Research Conference
Effective Implementation of SBM - K to 12 Basic
Education Program
Regional Research Congress
National Research Congress on Kto 12
  • Educational Policy Issues (EFA/MDG/BESRA)
  • 15 PAPs Other Milestones

Sources of Research Agenda
(No Transcript)
Schools Division Office in the RS
Key Result Areas
  1. Division Strategic Planning
  2. Hiring, Recruitment and Promotion of Personnel
    (teaching and non-teaching) Implementation of
    Education Agenda and Policies
  3. Implementation of Education Agenda and Policies
  4. Management of Curriculum Implementation
  5. Provision of Instructional Supervision
  6. Building Communities of Practice

Schools Division Office in the RS
KRAs Major Outputs
Division Strategic Planning Division DEDP Team and SIP Committee Formed and sustained Division Review and Appraisal Committee Report DEDP Periodic Implementation Review Division Strategic Planning System Comprehensive Strategic Plans(DEDP and SIPs)
Hiring, Recruitment and Promotion of Personnel (teaching and non-teaching) Updated eBEIS Needs Analysis Registry of Qualified Applicants Implementation Standards per HR System Division Teacher Induction Program Matrix of Promotion, Transfers Reassignments of Personnel (Designation Orders ,Special Orders)
Schools Division Office in the RS
KRAs Major Outputs
3. Implementation of Education Agenda and Policies Disseminated / Monitored implementation of DepED Orders, Memos, Letters other Issuances Division Plan to Implement the Education Agenda and Policies to achieve MDG EFA goals Division Policies anchored to CO,RO policies and/or Division Needs Standards for the Implementation of Education Agenda and Policies Division Plan towards Supervision ofDivision operations and educational programs implementation M E Systems, Mechanisms and Tools for Division Operations, Programs and Projects Management Monitoring Plan for and Report on the distribution of Natl funds and LGU allotment to schools and LCs
Schools Division Office in the RS
KRAs Major Outputs
3. Implementation of Education Agenda and Policies Implementation Performance Evaluation Systems Mechanisms of Personnel (Staff Devt, Physical Fiscal) Sustained or Improved personnel performance Quarterly Performance review of Division Operations /Conduct of Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) Monthly conduct of Division Executive Committee Conduct of Coordination Meetings among units, sections and division chiefs HRD Plan for all Division Personnel (Teaching and Non-Teaching) Reports on Progress and Results Implementation and Monitoring of Division Operations, programs and Projects Strengthened level of governance and operation (leadership and management transparency, accountability and responsibility)
Schools Division Office in the RS
KRAs Major Outputs
4. Management of Curriculum Implementation Monitoring Reports on the Implementation of Basic Education Curriculum(K to 12) and other support educational programs Localized curriculum materials and programs Localized curriculum delivery relevant to the schools/LCs condition in the division Reports on the outcomes or on the evaluation of results of the implementation of the curriculum Recommendations for the improvement of the curriculum and its implementation
Schools Division Office in the RS
KRAs Major Outputs
5. Provision of Instructional Supervision Standards and Processes on Instructional Supervision Continuing implementation of the Instructional Leaders Development Program for school heads Continuing Professional Development of Teachers in the Division Annual INSET Plan for teachers Updated Profile of Teachers Instructional Needs (NCBTS-TSNA) Monthly Supervisory Reports by School Heads and Division Supervisors Quarterly Performance review of Division Implementation of their Instructional Supervision Plan Capacitated School Instructional Leaders
Schools Division Office in the RS
KRAs Major Outputs
6. Building Communities of Practice Continuing D/SLAC Program Benchmarked, Documented and Shared Practices found Effective Division Summit of Effective Practices Division Awards Incentive Program or System for Effective Performance and Practices for Individuals and Units
Interaction Amongst SDO Offices implication to
smepa cum action research
Issues Concerns Research Title Research Problem Research Method / Tools Research Proponents
SBM Assessment is now the basis in the formulation of the TA Plan of the SGOD of SDO. SBM Assessment of PNHS Basis for an Enhanced Implementa-tion 1. What is the schools profile in terms of the following KPIs 1.1 Access (Enrolment Rate) 1.2 Efficiency (Drop-out Rate) and 1.3 Quality (NAT)? 2. What are the factors affecting the schools KPIs? 2.1 Internal Factors and 2.2 External Factors? 3. What is its SBM Level of practice in terms of the following principles 3.1 Leadership and Governance 3.2 Curriculum and Instruction 3.3 Performance Accountability and 3.4 Resource Management? 4. What are the facilitating and hindering factors affecting the SBM level of practice? 5. Based on the foregoing results of the study, how can the SBM Level of practice be enhanced? Quantitative Document Analysis - Percentage Survey Weighted Mean Qualitative SWOT Analysis - Thematic Analysis Observation Observation Tools Discussion - FGD Guide Questionnaire - Thematic Analysis SPT SGC
Issues Concerns Research Title Research Problem Research Method / Tools Research Proponents
The Drop-out Rate is fluctuating for the last three school years 5.40, 3.5, 6.0 Assessment of DORP of Pag-asa NHS Basis for an Enhanced Implementa-tion Plan 1. What is the drop-out profile of Pag-asa NHS as segmented by 1.1 Geographical location 1.2 Grade level 1.3 Gender, and 1.4 Age? 2. What is the level of effectiveness of DORP in terms of the following program components 2.1 Attainment of objectives 2.2 Strategies, and 2.3 Stakeholders support? 3. Which of the following contributory factors affect the school performance in drop-out rate? 3.1 Family-related, 3.2 Individual-related, 3.3 Community-related and 3.4 School-related? 4. What are the innovations initiated and challenges encountered by stakeholders in their DORP implementation Quantitative Document Analysis - Percentage Survey Weighted Mean Qualitative FGD Guide Questionnaire - Thematic Analysis Grade Level Chairmen
Issues Concerns Research Title Research Problem Research Method / Tools Research Proponents
There is a need to establish SHS by 2016 since PNHS is the only secondary school in the munici-pality. Senior High School Readiness Assess-ment Basis for the Proposed Opera-tional Plan of Pag-asa NHS 1. Based on internal assessment, what is the current profile of PNHS in terms of 1.1 Learners Profile for SY 2016-17 1.1.1 Number of Projected Learners 1.1.2 Distance from home to school and 1.1.3 Interest of specialization? 1.2 Resource Requirements based on the proposed SHS Track 1.2.1 Teachers 1.2.2 Classrooms 1.2.3 Facilities, Materials and Equipments and 1.2.4 Buildable Space? 2. Based on external assessment, what is the current profile of PNHS in terms of 1.1 Educational Institutions support 1.1.1 HEIs 1.1.2 TVIs and 1.1.3 SUCs? 1.2 Potential Industry Partners Other Stakeholders 1.2.1 Support for Academic Track and 1.2.2 Support for Tech Voc Track? 3. Based on the foregoing results of the study, how can the SHS Operational Plan be designed? Quantitative Document Analysis - Percentage Survey Weighted Mean Qualitative FGD Guide Questionnaire - Thematic Analysis SPT SGC
Issues Concerns Research Title Research Problem Research Method / Tools Research Proponents
To be responsive and relevant with the demands of time, the school needs to have Teachers Professio-nal Develop-ment Program In-depth Analysis of the Instructio-nal Supervis-ory Report Basis for Teachers Profes-sional Develop-ment Program What are the teaching strategies employed by teachers in developing students HOTS? What is the level of competence of teachers in terms of the following 2.1 Facilitating Skills 2.2 Art of questioning 2.3 Classroom management and 2.4 Assessment (KPUP)? 3. What are the training needs of the teachers based on the supervision conducted? 4. Based on the in-depth analysis of the Instructional Supervision Report, how can the Teachers Professional Development Program be designed? Quantitative Document Analysis Percentage Weighted Mean Qualitative Interview Guide Questionnaire - Thematic Analysis SPT Department Heads
Issues Concerns Research Title Research Problem Research Method / Tools Research Proponents
With the full support of the stake-holders, the school is one of the early imple- Menters of SHS for this SY 2014-2015 Assessment of the Early Implemen-tation of SHS at Bayanihan NHS Challenges, Innovations Directions What is the level of implementation of the following TVL specializations 1.1 Beauty Care 1.2 Electricity and 1.3 Food and Beverage? 2. What are the challenges encountered by teachers in the implementation in terms of 2.1 Curriculum and Instruction 2.2 Facilities, Equipment and Materials and 2.3 Assessment? 3. What are some innovations employed by the school? 4. Based on the foregoing results of the study, what policy directions can be formulated to further improve the SHS impmentation? Quantitative Document Analysis Percentage Weighted Mean Qualitative FGD / Interview Guide Questionnaire - Thematic Analysis SPT Department Heads
  • Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Stage
  • For RO-TA Assess Inputs from DEDP Implementation
    Results, QAA-ME Report, BEIS Data (Quantitative
  • For DO-TA Assess Inputs from SBM Readiness
    Assessment Results, School AIP Implementation
    Results, BEIS Data, (Quantitative and
    Qualitative) , QAA-ME Report
  • Progress/Annual Report to Management Stage
  • Consolidation of progress/summative results
  • Analysis of TA results
  • Preparation of Quarter/Annual Report
  • Evaluation of TA Stage
  • Discuss with target group the Accomplishment vis.
    Performance Targets
  • Discuss with group over-all results vis. TA Plan
  • Prepare inputs to Annual Report
  • Feedback
  • Discuss with target group quarter progress
  • Adjust performance targets
  • Adjustment of Quarter Plan / Targets
  • Discuss results of Stage D with the team
  • Adjust TA Plan
  • Planning Stage
  • Prioritize assessed TA Needs per DO/School
  • Establish agreements on (performance) targets
  • Prepare the TA Plan per DO/School
  • Implementation Stage
  • Execute the TA Plan /Intervention
  • Conduct Progress Monitoring
  • Analysis Team Discussion on Progress Monitoring
    Results and Planning for Feedback

Technical Assistance Process Framework
  • Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Stage
  • For RO-TA Assess Inputs from DEDP Implementation
    Results, QAA-ME Report, BEIS Data (Quantitative
  • For DO-TA Assess Inputs from SBM Readiness
    Assessment Results, School AIP Implementation
    Results, BEIS Data, (Quantitative and
    Qualitative) , QAA-ME Report
  • Progress/Annual Report to Management Stage
  • Consolidation of progress/summative results
  • Analysis of TA results
  • Preparation of Quarter/Annual Report

Strategy Evaluation Reporting
Strategy Formulation
  • Evaluation of TA Stage
  • Discuss with target group the Accomplishment vis.
    Performance Targets
  • Discuss with group over-all results vis. TA Plan
  • Prepare inputs to Annual Report
  • Feedback
  • Discuss with target group quarter progress
  • Adjust performance targets
  • Adjustment of Quarter Plan / Targets
  • Discuss results of Stage D with the team
  • Adjust TA Plan
  • Planning Stage
  • Prioritize assessed TA Needs per DO/School
  • Establish agreements on (performance) targets
  • Prepare the TA Plan per DO/School
  • Implementation Stage
  • Execute the TA Plan /Intervention
  • Conduct Progress Monitoring
  • Analysis Team Discussion on Progress Monitoring
    Results and Planning for Feedback

Strategy Implementation
TA Structure in the SDO
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