Title: Early Environmental Coordination for Design Projects
1Early Environmental Coordination for Design
2Yearly Advertising Program
- 400 million FY 1991
- 470 million FY 2004
- 600 million (projected) FY 2005
- 500 600 million out years
3Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
- Fiscally Constrained Need to advertise
everything that is in the STIP - FY 2003 Only Advertised 30
- FY 2004 Only Advertised 56
- FY 2005 Targeted Goal 100
4Transportation Need versusAvailable Funding
- Increase advertising
- Improve meeting STIP Targets (Planning)
- Improve accountability in Federal Programming
(Funding) - Increased credibility of yearly advertising
5Elements for Advertising
- Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS E)
- All necessary permits obtained
- Rights of Way acquisition (ROW)
6Project Development Process
- Design Schedule within control of consultant
- Design Review Schedule within control of
7Environmental Approvals
- Applications set schedule
- Agency review varies
- Many approval processes are sequential
8What We Can Control
- Understanding of permit application requirements
- Understanding of approval process and schedules
- Limit number of surprises
9Coordination During Project Development
- Environmental Approvals
- Context Sensitive Design
- Communities First
- Smart Growth
10Early Environmental Coordination
- Goal
- Receipt of all permits coincides with 100-percent
design submittal
11Schedule (24-month timeline)
100 DesignPSE
25 Design
96 weeks
40 weeks
104 weeks
75 Design
Notice of Intent(30-60 days) MEPA (45
days) ACOE Section 404(60 days) Section
4(f)(120-180 days) Water QualityCertification(
120-150 days)
12Early Coordination for Design Projects
- Community issues
- Environmental issues
- Design parameters
- Permit identification
- Context-sensitive solutions
- 25 design plans
13Plan Ahead for Permit Process
- Permit section of contract is starting point
- Field work can reveal unexpected conditions
- Advanced design can identify further unexpected
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15Plan Ahead for Permit Process
- Permit section of contract is starting point
- Field work can reveal unexpected conditions
- Advanced design can identify unexpected impacts
16Existing Conditions
- Office research
- Field work
- Document results in Early Environmental
Coordination 25 Design Submittal
17Early EnvironmentalChecklist
18Existing Conditions
- Office research
- Field work
- Document results in Early Environmental
Coordination 25 Design Submittal
19Coordination/Office Research
- Send Letter to Local Historic Commission
- Send Letters to other Local Boards, Commissions,
and interested parties - Review known hazardous material releases with
local Fire Department - Send letter to Massachusetts Natural Heritage
Program - Send letter to Federal Resource Agencies
20On-Line Information
- MassHighway Environmental Section
www.mass.gov/mhd/environ - Department of Environmental Protection
www.mass.gov/dep - Army Corps of Engineerswww.nae.usece.mil/
- MassGISwww.mass.gov/mgis/
21MassHighway Environmental
22Sample Letters
23Sample Forms
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30Existing Conditions
- Office research
- Field work
- Document results in Early Environmental
Coordination 25 Design Submittal
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48Existing Conditions
- Office research
- Field work
- Document results in Early Environmental
Coordination 25 Design Submittal
49Early EnvironmentalChecklist
50Put Field Data on Plans
- Existing and proposed drainage structures
- Bridges, culverts within/adjacent to project
limits - Include all MassHighway structure numbers
- Label all historical/locally significant
monuments and markers - Publicly-owned parks
- Label tops and bottom of slopes with
51Sample Plan
52Proposed Alignment
53Proposed Toe of Slope
54Wetland and Water Resources
- Wetland Resources within 100 feet of project
limits - Show location of wetland replacement and
compensatory flood storage - Bridge rehabilitation/replacement photos of four
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56Wetland Delineation
57Trees with Diameter 14 inches
58Cultural Resources
- Show all bridges and culverts with MassHighway
numbers - Illustrate historic buildings/structures/district
boundaries - Provide photos
- Label street address
- Label significant monuments/markers
- Detail of typical street light
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60Historic Stone Wall
61Culverts or Bridges(with MHD )
62Property Lines and Building Footprints
63Include Office Research
- Letters and correspondence from local Boards
- Letters from State/Federal Agencies
- Photos of historic structures
- Photos of river banks where work will occur
64Schedule (24-month timeline)
100 DesignPSE
25 Design
96 weeks
40 weeks
104 weeks
75 Design
Notice of Intent(30-60 days) MEPA (45
days) ACOE Section 404(60 days) Section
4(f)(120-180 days) Water QualityCertification(
120-150 days)
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