Title: PowerPoint-Pr
1On Decoherence in Solid-State Qubits
Gerd Schön Karlsruhe work with Alexander
Shnirman Karlsruhe Yuriy Makhlin Landau
Institute Pablo San José Karlsruhe Gergely
Zarand Budapest and Karlsruhe
- Josephson charge qubits
- Classification of noise, relaxation/decoherence
- Josephson qubits as noise spectrometers
- Decoherence due to quadratic 1/f noise
- Decoherence of spin qubits due to spin-orbit
21. Josephson charge qubits
Fx /F0
Cg Vg/2e
2 degrees of freedom
charge and phase
2 energy scales EC , EJ charging energy,
Josephson coupling
2 states only, e.g. for EC EJ
Shnirman, G.S., Hermon (97)
3Observation of coherent oscillations Nakamura,
Pashkin, and Tsai, 99
top 100 psec, tj 5 nsec
major source of decoherence background charge
4Charge-phase qubit
Quantronium (Saclay)
- Operation at saddle point
- to minimize noise effects
- voltage fluctuations couple transverse
- - flux fluctuations couple quadratically
Cg Vg/2e
Fx /F0
5Decay of Ramsey fringes at optimal point
Vion et al., Science 02,
6Spin echo
Free decay
Gaussian noise
Coherence times (ns)
Experiments Vion et al.
72. Models for noise and classification
- Sources of noise
- - noise from control and measurement circuit,
Z(w) - background charge fluctuations
- Properties of noise
- - spectrum Ohmic (white), 1/f, .
- - Gaussian or non-Gaussian
- coupling
longitudinal transverse quadratic
8(No Transcript)
9Relaxation (T1) and dephasing (T2)
Bloch (46,57), Redfield (57)
For linear coupling, regular spectra, T ? 0
Golden rule exponential decay law
pure dephasing
Dephasing due to 1/f noise, T0, nonlinear
coupling ?
101/f noise, longitudinal linear coupling
? time scale for decay
non-exponential decay of coherence
Cottet et al. (01)
113. Noise Spectroscopy via JJ Qubits
Astafiev et al. (NEC) Martinis et al.,
Josephson qubit dominant background charge
eigenbasis of qubit
12Relaxation (Astafiev et al. 04)
data confirm expected dependence on
? extract
13Relation between high- and low-frequency noise
same strength for low- and high-frequency
14High- and low-frequency noise from coherent
two-level systems
- Qubit used to probe fluctuations X(t)
- Source of X(t) ensemble of coherent two-level
systems (TLS)
- each TLS is coupled (weakly) to thermal bath
Hbath.j at T and/or other TLS - ? weak relaxation and decoherence
inter- action
15Spectrum of noise felt by qubit
low w random telegraph noise large w absorption
and emission
distribution of TLS-parameters, choose
for linear w-dependence
exponential dependence on barrier height for 1/f
overall factor
- One ensemble of coherent TLS
- Plausible distribution of parameters produces
- - Ohmic high-frequency (f) noise ?
relaxation - - 1/f noise ? decoherence
- - both with same strength a
- - strength of 1/f noise scaling as T2
- - upper frequency cut-off for 1/f noise
Shnirman, GS, Martin, Makhlin (PRL 05)
164. At symmetry point Quadratic longitudinal 1/f
static noise
Paladino et al., 04 Averin et al., 03
1/f spectrum quasi-static
Shnirman, Makhlin (PRL 03)
17Fitting the experiment
G. Ithier, E. Collin, P. Joyez, P.J. Meeson, D.
Vion, D. Esteve, F. Chiarello, A. Shnirman, Y.
Makhlin, J. Schriefl, G.S., Phys. Rev. B 2005
185. Decoherence of Spin Qubits in Quantum Dots or
Donor Levels with Spin-Orbit Coupling
Coherent Manipulation of Coupled Electron Spins
in Semiconductor Quantum Dots Petta et al.,
Science, 2005
19spin 2 orbital states spin-orbit
coupling noise coupling to orbital degrees of
Generic Hamiltonian
noise 2 independent fluct. fields coupling to
orbital degrees of freedom
dot 2 orbital states
strength of s-o interaction direction
depends on asymmetries
published work concerned with large ,
? vanishing decoherence for (Nazarov et al.,
Loss et al., Fabian et al., ) We find the
combination of s-o and Xtx and Ztz leads to
decoherence, based on a random Berry phase.
20Specific physical system Electron spin in double
quantum dot
Rashba Dresselhaus
cubic Dresselhaus
- Phonons with 2 indep. polarizations
- Charge fluctuators near quantum dot
21For each spin projection we consider orbital
ground state Ground (and excited) states
2-fold degenerate due to spin (Kramers
22Instantaneous diagonalization introduces extra
term in Hamiltonian
In subspace of 2 orbital ground states for and
- spin state
Gives rise to Berry phase
random Berry phase ? dephasing
23X(t) and Z(t) small, independent, Gaussian
distributed ? effective power spectrum and
dephasing rate
Small for phonons (high power of w and
T) Estimate for 1/f noise or 1/f ? f noise
- Nonvanishing dephasing for zero magnetic field
- due to geometric origin (random Berry phase)
- measurable by comparing G1 and Gj for different
- initial spins
- Progress with solid-state qubits
- Josephson junction qubits
- spins in quantum dots
- Crucial understanding and control of
decoherence - optimum point strategy for JJ qubits tj ? 1
msec gtgt top 110 nsec - origin and properties of noise sources (1/f, )
- mechanisms for decoherence of spin qubits
- Application of Josephson qubits
- as spectrum analyzer of noise