Title: Conservation Genetics and extinction
1Conservation Genetics and extinction
2Conservation Genetics
- 5 major extinction events
- Rate of extinction today is of concern
3Rate of Extinction
- Many species in the past have gone extinct eg.
dinosaurs - Concerns today is the rate which species are
disappearing eg. Birds are at rate of 100X faster
(Pimm et al. 2006 PNAS 10310941-10946) than in
the past - CO2 entering into the oceans affecting coral
reefs (Zeebe et al 2008 Science 32151-52)
6Yellow Penguin story mtDNA sequencesBoessenkool
et al 2009 (Pro R Soc B)
M. waitaha
- Used morphological (Ancient bones) characters to
identify ancient species - Megadyptes waitaha sp.nov.
- Mt DNA aid with species confirmation
M. antipodes
7Sample collections and breeding range blue
Yellow Penguin story mtDNA sequencesBoessenkool
et al 2009 (Mol Ecol)
Haplotype network using control region (mt DNA)
Boessenkool et al 2009
8IUCN Categories
- Vulnerable
- 10 prob of extinction over 100 years
- Endangered
- 20 prob of extinction over 20 years or 5
generations - Critically endangered
- 50 prob of extinction over 10 years or 3
generations - IUCN Scale
- Not Evaluated (NE)
- Data Deficient (DD)
- Least Concern (LC)
- Near Threatened (NT) eg. yellow ladys slipper
- Vulnerable (VU)
- Endangered (EN) eg. great basin pocket mouse
- Critically Endangered (CR)
- Extinct in the wild (EW) eg. greater sage-grouse
- Extinct (EX)
9International Union for Conservation of
Nature (http//www.iucn.org/) Species of the
Day Plants Animals Insects
10Categories from IUCN
- IUCN3 fundamental levels
- Ecosystem
- Species
- Genetic
- Why conserve it?
- Values
- To keep every cog and wheel is the first
precaution of intelligent tinkeringA. Leopold
12Ecosystem Services
- Essential biological services provided naturally
by healthy ecosystems - Oxygen production by plants
- Clean water and air
- Flood control
- Carbon sequestration
- Nutrient cycling
- Pest control
- Pollination of crops
- 33 trillion value (global GNP 18 trillion)
13Genetic Diversity
- Genetic markers are very useful and very popular
for assessing genetic diversity of species - Heterozgosity on average is 35 lower in
endangered species than non-threatened species - Be careful on the assumption that molecular
makers such as allozyme, microsatellites and even
AFLP are neutral (usually) - Quantify adaptive variation wherever possible
14Conservation GeneticsFrankham et al. 2002.
Introduction to Conservation Genetics. Cambridge
Univ. Press
- Conservation genetics is the application of
genetics to preserve species as dynamic entities
capable of coping with environmental change - Genetic management of small populations
- Resolution of taxonomic uncertainties
- Identifying and defining units of conservation
within and between species - Use of genetic information for wildlife forensics
- Address genetic factors that affect extinction
risk and genetic management to minimize or
mitigate those risks
1511 major genetic issues in conservation
biology(Frankham et al.)
- Inbreeding and inbreeding depression
- Loss of genetic diversity and adaptive potential
- Population fragmentation and loss of gene flow
- Genetic drift becomes more important than natural
selection as main evolutionary force - Accumulation of deleterious mutations (lethal
- Adaptation to captivity and consequences for
captive breeding and reintroductions - Taxonomic uncertainties masking true biodiversity
or creating false biodiversity - Defining ESUs and management units within species
- Forensic analyses
- Understand species biology
- Outbreeding depression
165 Broad categories of conservation genetics
publications(Allendorf and Luikart)
- Management and reintroduction of captive
populations, and the restoration of biological
communities - Description and identification of individuals,
genetic population structure, kin relationships,
and taxonomic relationships - Detection and prediction of the effects of
habitat loss, fragmentation and isolation - Detection and prediction of the effects of
hybridization and introgression - Understanding the relationships between
adaptation or fitness and the genetic characters
of individuals or populations
17Genetic effects of small population size
- Effective size (Ne) usually much smaller than
census size, compounding genetic effects - Genetic driftloss of alleles
- Fixation in extreme case
- Loss of adaptive potential?
- Inbreeding
- Decreases heterozygosity
- Expression of deleterious recessive mutations
- Chance of extinction of locally adapted forms
- Reintroduction of other forms may not be
18Locally adapted forms
- Phenotype product of genotype and environment
- Types of phenotypic variation
- Morphology
- Peppered moths in UK
- Gazelles in Saudi Arabia
- Bighorn sheep in Alberta
- Behavior
- Migration in birds and salmon
- Feeding behavior of garter snakes
- Adaptation to local conditions
- Yarrow in Sierra Nevada
- Countergradient variation
- Genetic effects counteract environmental effects
thus, genetic differences are opposite to
observed phenotypic differences
19Lacking genetic diversity
- Cheetahs have not fair well (multiple
bottlenecks) - Genetic diversity greatly reduced
- Isozyme (Stephen OBrien et al. 1983) 47 enzymes
and all monomorphic ( 2 pop n55) - 14 reciprocal skin grafts from unrelated
individuals were not rejected (OBrien 1985) - In 2008, using n89 cheetahs and 19 polymorphic
microsatellite loci, show low variation - Yet they are surviving well for now
20Small population - specific problems
- Island population are much more vulnerable to
extinction - Claustrophobic events eg. hurricanes, human
disturbances, poaching and selling of prized
organisms - Lucas Keller and Peter Arcese have been studying
island populations of song sparrows and have
found large reductions in population size - Small immigration (1-2) recover diversity in 1-2
generations (Keller et al 1994, Keller, 1998)
- Extreme example in humans
- Loss of heterozygosity and accumulate deleterious
alleles - Fitness reduction in the offspring inbreeding
depression - Most severe in large populations since rare
alleles can persist as het individuals - Damaging to the offspring but not so much for a
23Outbreeding depression
- Decrease in fitness resulting from outcrosses of
individuals from differentiated populations - Possibly due to additive effects of alleles
conferring advantages under different
environments or breaking up of co-adaptive gene
complexes - Particularly important when we are doing genetic
rescue - Genetic and environmental backgrounds needs to
match if at all possible
24Genetic restoration
- Documentation and discovery of genetic decline of
a population(s) are the first steps - Why the reduction of genetic diversity eg.
predation, habitat destruction, human hunting and
possible inbreeding as a second step - Restoration of genetics diversity is a possible
next step - Introduction from captive stock or other wild
population - Local adaptation might be lost and possible out
breeding depression
25Possible genetic consequences of immigrants
genetic rescue
26Genetic restoration
- Genetic resource banks
- For plants there are 1,300 genebanks throughout
the world eg. Svalbard Global Seed Vault,
Millennium Seed Bank project Kews Garden (UK) - For animals there are many DNA banks (for
sperm/eggs/embryos) eg. Centre for Reproduction
of Endangered Species San Diego Zoo, Calif. - Issues to think about
- May not work eg. technical failures, in viable
specimens - Preservation problems
- Specimens are frozen in time may not adapt to
new environment
27Extreme genetic restoration
- Propagation for plants
- Cloning in animals
- Ethically are these the right things to do?