Chap.19 Extinction, Conservation and Restoration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chap.19 Extinction, Conservation and Restoration


Chap.19 Extinction, Conservation and Restoration Ecology 2000 19.1 Extinction is a natural process that expresses the failure of species to adapt. 19.2 The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chap.19 Extinction, Conservation and Restoration

Chap.19 Extinction, Conservation and Restoration
  • Ecology 2000

  • 19.1 Extinction is a natural process that
    expresses the failure of species to adapt.
  • 19.2 The risk of extinction is affected by
    population size, geographic range, age structure
    and spatial arrangement.
  • 19.3 Body size, longevity, and population size
    interact to affect the risk of extinction.

  • 19.4 Patterns of distribution among and within
    islands suggest that extinction may result from a
    decrease in competitive ability.
  • 19.5 When conservation is no longer possible,
    restoration is sometimes an option.
  • 19.6 The metapopulation concept is central to
    conservation biology.

  • 19.7 Recovery plans are based on the life history
    characteristics of the endangered species.
  • 19.8 Managing genetic diversity is an essential
    part of conservation and restoration.
  • 19.9 Restoration often involves the
    reintroduction of species.

19.1Extinction is a natural process that
expresses the failure of species to adapt.
  • Extinction is a natural process that expresses
    the failure of species to adapt.
  • In 1810, the American ornithologist Alexander
    Wilson observed an immense flock of passenger
    pigeons in the Ohio river Valley.
  • Wilson estimated that there were more than 2
    billion birds.
  • With its extinction on September 1, 1914, the
    passenger pigeon joined a growing list of species
    that have vanished from the Earth.

  • It has been estimated that 99.9 of all species
    that have ever lived are now extinct.
  • The several million species of plants and animals
    living today are derived from a small fraction of
    those alive at any time in the distant past.
  • At least three times in the past 570 million
    years the earth has experienced a series of
    extinction so devastating that 50 or more of the
    species on earth disappeared.

The first mass extinction
  • The first occurred about 245 million years ago at
    the end of the Paleozoic era(Permian period), at
    a time coinciding with great geologic upheaval
    associated with the movement of continental
  • It is estimated that about 90 of the earth's
    species were exterminated during this time.

The second and the third mass extinction
  • The second occurred about 65 million years ago,
    at the end of the age of the dinosaurs, the
    Mesozoic era (Cretaceous period).
  • Over half of all the species on earth, including
    the dinosaurs, went extinct during this time.
  • A third mass extinction is now under way, one
    that is primarily the result of the activities of

Types of Extinction
  • Background extinction reflects the fact that as
    ecosystems change, some species disappear and
    others take their places. This turnover of
    species, which occurs at a relatively low rate,
    appears to be a normal characteristic of the
    natural world.
  • Mass extinction refers to the dying off of large
    numbers of species as a result of natural

Anthropogenic extinction
  • Anthropogenic extinction is extinction caused by
    humans. It is similar to mass extinction in the
    number of taxa affected and in its global
    dimensions and catastrophic nature.

Psudo- vs. true extinction
  • Disappearances may occur in two ways.
  • (1) species may evolve sufficiently that
    individuals are no longer recognized as belonging
    to the same taxon as their ancestors and are
    given a different scientific name. This is
    referred to as pseudo-extinctions.
  • (2) a species may cease to exist, in which case
    its disappearance from the fossil record is a
    case of true extinction.

Causes of Extinction
  • ?? heath hen (Tympanuchus cupido)
  • At the time of the arrival of Europeans in North
    America, the heath hen was distributed throughout
    much of the area of New England and south into
  • It was fairly common and abundant throughout its
  • Hunting pressure and habitat alteration increased
    dramatically with the arrival of the Europeans,
    and by the early 1900s, the heath hen was
    restricted to one place, Martha's Vineyard.

The extinction of heath hen
  • Concern about the survival of the species
    resulted in the establishment of a protected
    refuge in 1907, and the population began to
  • A disastrous fire during the nesting season
    destroyed many nests, and a subsequent
    predation pressure, followed by an outbreak of
    disease, reduced the population to a handful of
    individuals by 1920.
  • The last individual died in 1932.

Anthropogenic climate changes
  • Anthropogenic climate changes may raise
    temperatures between 2oC and 6oC sometime during
    the 21st century.
  • This is equal to the warming of the earth's
    climate since the last glaciation, only it is
    happening 50 times faster.
  • It is likely to cause the worldwide extinction of
    many species, particularly plants.

Introduced organisms
  • Introduced organisms often wreak havoc on local,
    native species.
  • ??
  • Nile perch?? Lake Victoria
  • brown tree snake??????,???????????
  • ?????????,???????????????????????

Habitat loss
  • Habitat loss may cause extinction by wiping out
    suitable places to live.

Economic pressure
  • Economic pressures may accelerate the natural
    process of extinction.
  • (Fig 19-1)

Fig. 19-2 The amount of ivory harvested from
African elephants increased dramatically in the
1970s and 1980s, contributing to the decline of
elephant populations during the same time period
19.2 The risk of extinction is affected by
population size, geographic range, age structure
and spatial arrangement.
Fig. 19-3 Probability of extinction per year as a
function of population size for 39 populations of
birds of the British Isles. As population size
increases, the probability of extinction
Fig. 19-4 Percentage of species going extinct
through time(millions of years) among late
Cretaceous bivalves and gastropods having
geographic distributions of three different sizes.
Probability of extinction
  • When a population is at equilibrium, the
    probability of extinction at a particular time,
    P0(t), may be given as
  • P0(t) bt / (1 bt) N,
  • where b is the birth rate and N is the population
  • At equilibrium, the birth rate and the death
    rate, d, are equal, bd, and the rate of change
    of the population, dN/dt 0.

P0(t) bt / (1 bt) N,
Fig. 19-5 Changes in the probability of
extinction with increasing population size, N,
for three different time periods
persistence time
  • We may think of extinction in terms of the time
    to extinction or persistence time, which is
    generally taken to be the time that elapses
    between the colonization of a site and
  • The average time to extinction, T
  • T 2/Vc (Kc - a)/c - lnK
  • where c 2r/V - 1 and V is the variance in the
    intrinsic rate of increase, r.

The parameter c decreases as the variance
increases with respect to r.
Fig. 19-6 Relationship between the c 2r/V - 1
and the variance, V. (r 0.2)
A small population with carrying capacity K1 and
a low V, indicating low environmental
stochasticity, may have a longer time to
Fig. 19-7 Lande's model of time to extinction for
r gt V (upper line) and r lt V (lower line).
Age and spatial structure
  • Populations of similar size are likely to differ
    in demographic characteristics such as age
    structure and sex ratio. These characteristics
    can influence the probability of extinction.
  • The spatial structure of a population can also
    influence the likelihood of extinction.
  • Both age and spatial population structure could
    buffer a population from extinction.

19.3 Body size, longevity, and population size
interact to affect the risk of extinction.
  • The rate at which the population returns to its
    equilibrium is referred t as the resilience of
    the population.
  • Pimm (1991) Longevity and body size
  • In cases in which population are small, all else
    being equal, large, long-lived animals may be
    exposed to less risk of extinction than small,
    short-lived species.
  • In situations in which population are large,
    small, short-lived species should be at an
    advantage owing to their greater resilience.

19.4 Patterns of distribution among and within
islands suggest that extinction may result from a
decrease in competitive ability.
  • Immigrants to islands appear to be excellent
    competitors initially.
  • Species that colonize islands are usually
    abundant and widespread on the mainland these
    qualities make good colonizers.
  • After an immigrant population becomes established
    on an island, however, its competitive ability
    appears to wane its distribution among habitats
    becomes restricted, and local population
    densities decrease. These trends eventually can
    lead to extinction. Taxon cycle

The Shiny cowbird expanded its range in the
islands (stage I), the house wren has become
extinct (E) on several island (stage III).
?? I
?? II
?? III
Fig. 19-8 Distribution patterns and taxonomic
differentiation of several birds in the Lesser
Antilles, illustrating progressive stages of the
taxon cycle.
(No Transcript)
Fig. 19-9 Relative indices of population density
and ecological distribution of songbirds in the
West Indies as a function of stage of taxon cycle.
(No Transcript)
New species and new cycle
  • A large number of existing species can evolve
    faster than the new species can adapt to meet
    their evolutionary challenge.
  • On the other side, the species may again increase
    and begin a new cycle of expansion throughout the
  • This has occurred many times in the birds
    populations within the West Indies.

19.5 When conservation is no longer possible,
restoration is sometimes an option.
  • Restoration involves not only scientific work,
    but also organization, communication, and the
    necessity of working within the relevant
    political and social establishment.
  • Restoration ecology should focuses on restoring
    whole habitats and their consituent biological
    communities, rather than on single populations.

19.6 The metapopulation concept is central to
conservation biology.
  • Habitat fragmentation related to human
    development and expansion is a major reason for
    the decline of many endangered species.
  • Thus one of the most daunting challenges of
    conservation efforts is to understand the
    dynamics of spatially structured populations.

Conservation biology
  • The metapopulation and landscape concepts have
    helped shaped the approach to this challenge in
    recent years.
  • Theory of island biogeography (chap. 29)
  • One aspect of the dynamics of wildlife reserves
    that has received considerable attention is the
    concept of habitat corridors, which are often in
    strips or narrow lanes that connect patches.

19.7 Recovery plans are based on the life history
characteristics of the endangered species.
  • The Endangered Species Act of the United Sates
    requires that a recovery plan be developed for
    each species placed on the endangered species
  • Typically, these plans are prepared by teams of
    ecologists and others, such as representative of
    industry or governmental agencies.

Recovery plan
  • The recovery plan includes an analysis of the
    predicament of the species and proposes
    strategies for its recovery.
  • The plan also usually includes an analysis of the
    costs and benefits of the preservation of the
  • The scientific foundation of the plan is based on
    the natural history of the species.

Fig. 19-10 The woodland caribou (Rangifer
tarandus caribou)
The dashed line indicates the southern extent of
the main range of the species.
Fig. 19-11 Distribution of the woodland caribou
in southern Ontario, Canada.
Fig. 19-12 Flowchart of the planning process
involved in the reintroduction of the woodland
19.8 Managing genetic diversity is an essential
part of conservation and restoration.
  • ??
  • The lakeside daisy is found in only three small
    populations, two in Ontario and one in northern
    Ohio near Lake Erie (Fig. 19-13)
  • The Illinois populations had disappeared by the
    early 1970s. No viable seeds were produced by
    these plants during 1970s, and some of the plants
    were moved to gardens for preservation and study.

A few remaining living individuals in Illinois
populations, but they cannot produce seeds, their
population is essentially extinct.
Fig. 19-13 Distribution of populations of the
rare and threatened lakeside daisy.
Restoration plan of daisy
  • The restoration plan for the lakeside daisy
    called for the establishment of two populations,
    each having a minimum viable population size of
    about 1,000 plants, a number determined by
    population viability analysis and life history
  • It was estimated that this population size would
    buffer the plats against loss of genetic

Captive breeding in animals
  • The Florida panther (?), for examples, is now
    represented by fewer than 50 cats in southern
  • The black-booted ferret(?) , California
    condor(??) , and red wolf(?) are other such
  • Only hope for the preservation of such species is
    through captive breeding programs.

Captive breeding program
  • The success of a captive breeding program depends
    on the preservation of all aspects of behavior
    and physiology that are unique to the species.
  • One of the most challenging goals is to maintain,
    even enhance genetic variation in the population.

The antelopes as a example
  • When antelopes(??)are started in the wild, they
    turn quickly away from the disturbance and sprint
    in the opposite direction for some distance, then
    stop and reexamine the situation.
  • The behavior is not adaptive in the confinement
    of a zoo, however, where an antelope may sprint
    directly into a fence or wall and suffer great

Captive vs natural evolution
  • In zoos, there will be a consequent evolution of
    the antelope herd away from the natural behavior.
  • If reintroduced into the wild, these animals
    would be expected to fare poorly.
  • Considerable effort has been expended to develop
    techniques to minimize such nonadaptive genetic

19.9 Restoration often involves the
reintroduction of species.
  • ??reintroduction of the swift fox(??) to
    Canadian prairies
  • The fox disappeared from Canada in the early
    1930s, and its range has retreated southward
    since that time, owing primarily to the
    destruction of the prairie ecosystem resulting
    from agriculture and development.
  • Currently distribution (Fig. 19-14)

Fig. 19-14 Ranges of the swift fox and kit fox.
Candidate reintroduction sites are number 1
through 4.
Soft vs hard release
  • Two types of release strategies were used.
  • Animals were transported the release site and
    placed in pens constructed in the prairie. The
    foxes were held in the pens for several months
    until they bred, after which the adults and young
    were released into the wild.
  • This type of release strategy is called a soft

Hard release
  • Foxes were simply transported from the captive
    breeding area or from source populations to the
    reintroduction site, where they were released.
  • This strategy is known as a hard release.
  • There appeared to by no difference in survival
    between the two release methods.

No difference
One of the major concerns of those interested in
conservation is the maintenance of
biodiversity. The principles of ecological
diversity will be discussed in detail in Part 6
as part of our discussion of community ecology.
Suggested readings (I)
  • Burney, D. A. 1993. Recent animal extinctions
    Recipes for disaster. American Scientist
  • Caro, T. M., and M. K. Laurenson. 1994.
    Ecological and genetic factors in conservation A
    cautionary tale. Science 263485-486.
  • Ceballos, G., and J. H. Brown. 1995. Global
    patterns of mammalian diversity, endemism, and
    endangerment. Conservation Biology 9559-568.
  • Eisner, T., J. Lubchenco, E. O. Wilson, D. S.
    Wilcove, and M. J. Bean. 1995. Building a
    scientifically sound policy for protecting
    endangered species. Science 2681231-1232.
  • Glen, W. 1990. What killed the dinosaurs?
    American Scientist 78354-370.

Suggested readings (II)
  • Hansen, A. J., T. A. Spies, F. J. Swanson, and J.
    L. Ohmann. 1991. Conserving biodiversity in
    managed forests. BioScience 41382-392.
  • Mills, L. S., M. E. Soule, and D. F. Doak. 1993.
    The keystone-species concept in ecology and
    conservation. BioScience 43219-224.
  • Myers, J. P., et al. 1987. Conservation strategy
    for migratory species. American Scientist
  • Redford, K. H. 1992. The empty forest. BioScience
  • Robinson, S. K., et al. 1995. Regional forest
    fragmentation and the nesting success of
    migratory birds. Science 2671987-1990.

Suggested readings (III)
  • Rolston, H., III. 1985. Duties to endangered
    species. BioScience 35718-726.
  • Simons, T., S. K. Sherrod, M. W. Collopy, and M.
    A. Jenkins. 1988. Restoring the bald eagle.
    American Scientist 76252-260.
  • Soule, M. E. 1985. What is conservation biology?
    BioScience 35727-734.
  • Timan, D., and J. A. Downing. 1994. Biodiversity
    and stability in grasslands. Nature 367363-365.
  • Westman, W. E. 1990. Managing for biodiversity.
    BioScience 40L26-33.

  • ?????!
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