- Chapter 52
- 1206-1210
- Chapter 54Pages 1272-1277
- The diversity of life is fundamentally genetic. A
variety of genetic methods have been used to
investigate diversity both within and between
species. Here are a few - Morphological variation -- a good clue, but does
not correlate perfectly with genetics - Chromosomal variation -- inversions,
translocations and polyploidy - Soluble proteins -- blood groups, soluble enzyme
polymorphisms - DNA markers -- microsatellites, fingerprint
- The foundation of diversity is the process of
natural selection shaping genetic variation. - When genetic variation is absent (zero
heterozygosity), the population (or species) has
limited evolutionary potential and the risk of
extinction is high. - The conservation of genetic variation provides a
hedge against extinction.
4An Endangered Species Red Wolf
- This canine family member was once found in the
southeast. It disappeared in the wild by the late
1970s. - Reintroduced into Great Smoky Mountains National
Park in 1990s.
5An Endangered Species Red Wolf
- Examination of DNA demonstrated that the red wolf
is a hybrid between gray wolf and coyote. - Expansion of coyote range and shrinking of gray
wolf range resulted in gene swamping of red wolf
genes by coyote genes.
6An Endangered Species Cheetah
- A species that shows a very low level of genetic
variation. - May have experienced a genetic bottleneck near
the end of the last ice age (10,000 - 12,000
years ago) when many other mammal species became
extinct. - Low genetic variation in fingerprint loci
compared to other cat species.
7Population Size and Extinction Risk
- Populations are subject to chance or sampling
error in getting alleles from one generation to
the next (genetic drift, genetic bottlenecks,
founder effects). - Populations are subject reduction in gene flow
and gene swamping. - Small populations are particularly vulnerable to
extinction due to reduction in genetic variation
- Conservation genetics is an area of study that
determines genetic variation and the processes
that diminish it. - Heterozygosity is a measure of genetic variation.
- Processes that diminish heterozygosity,
especially in small populations, are 1) genetic
drift 2) genetic bottlenecks 3) inbreeding.
- The movement of alleles from one population to
another is called gene flow. - Gene flow promotes heterozygosity by increasing
the chances of outbreeding. - Fragmentation often results in a reduction of
gene flow into isolated populations. - Gene swamping occurs when small populations are
genetically assimilated by much larger
10Effective Population Size (Ne)
- Effective population size gives a crude estimate
of the average number of contributors to the next
generation (Ne). - Always a fraction of the total population.
- Some individuals will not produce offspring due
to age, sterility, etc. - Of those that do, the number of progeny many vary.
11Effective Population Size (Ne)
- A variety of ways of estimating (Ne) have been
formulated. - One that accounts for unequal sex ratios among
breeding adults is - Ne 4(NM NF)
- where NM number of males
- NF number of females
12Effective Population Size (Ne)
- What is the effective population size (Ne) of one
with 100 females and 10 males? -
- Remember
- Ne 4(NM NF)
- where NM number of males
- NF number of females
13Effective Population Size (Ne)
- What is the effective population size (Ne) of one
with 100 females and 10 males? - Ne 4(100 10) 4000 36
- 100 10 110
- Remember
- Ne 4(NM NF)
- where NM number of males
- NF number of females
14Genetic Drift
- Random change in allele frequency due to sampling
only a small portion of gametes from the previous
generation. - Most likely in small populations (individuals).
- Least likely in large populations (individuals.
15Genetic Drift
16Genetic Drift
- The proportion of genetic variation retained in a
population of constant size after t generations
is approximately - Proportion (1 -1/(2N))t
- where N number of individuals
- t number of generations
17Genetic Drift
- What proportion of genetic variation is retained
in a population of 10 individuals after 10
generations? - Proportion (1 - 1/20)10 0.9510
- .5987 or about 60
- Proportion ((1 -1/(2N))t
- where N number of individuals
- t number of generations
18Genetic Bottleneck
- The loss of genetic variation when a population
drops in size. - Effective population size (Ne) after a
fluctuation in population size is estimated by - Ne t/ sum of (1/Ni)
- where Ni size of population in generation
i - t number of generations
19Genetic Bottleneck
20Genetic Bottleneck
- What is the effective population size (Ne) of one
that goes from 1,000 (t1) to 10 (t2) and recovers
to 2,000 (t3)? -
- Ne t/ sum of (1/Ni)
- where Ni size of population in generation
i - t number of generations
21Genetic Bottleneck
- What is the effective population size (Ne) of one
that goes from 1,000 (t1) to 10 (t2) and recovers
to 2,000 (t3)? - Ne _________ 3 ________ 3/0.1015
- 1/1000 1/10 1/2000
- 29 individuals
- Ne t/ sum of (1/Ni)
- where Ni size of population in generation
i - t number of generations
- Inbreeding occurs more frequently in isolated and
small populations. - It acts to reduce Ne. It is estimated bY
- Ne. ____N_____
- 1 F
- where F is the inbreeding coefficient
- or probability of inheriting 2 alleles
- from the same ancestor.
23Inbreeding vs Outbreeding
24Inbreeding Depression
- Prairie chickens in Illinois declined due to
decreased hatching success. - Individuals from Iowa were introduced to the
breeding population and hatching success improved.
25Metapopulations Reduce Extinction Risk (I)
- Studies of the Granville fritillary show how
subpopulations stabilize overall population size. - In addition, provide opportunity for gene flow.
26Metapopulations Reduce Extinction Risk (I)
- Oerall population size remains relatively stable
even when local populations go extinct. - The metapopulation provided for increased
opportunity for gene flow between local
27Population Viability Analysis (I)
- PVA provides a means for estimating the
likelihood that a population will avoid
extinction for a given period of time. - Freeman (2005) describes a study of how migration
rates are likely to influence population
viability of an endangered marsupial.
28Population Viability Analysis (II)
- This endangered marsupial lives in an old-growth
forest in southeastern Australia and relies on
dead trees for nest sites. - PVA was used to predict the consequences of
habitat loss and forest fragmentation on this
endangered species.
29Population Viability Analysis (III)
30Population Viability Analysis
- Freeman describes demographic studies of a
European lizard species that is declining in some
areas. - He explains how migration maintains some local
populations in spite of local extinction. - He presents a model of how migration rates are
likely to influence population viability of an
endangered marsupial.
31Life History Characteristics, Population Size and
Extinction Risk
- Extinction risk is related to the life history
characteristics of the species in question. - Small populations with long-lived life history
characteristics are particularly vulnerable to
extinction .
- Population attributes such as lifespan, mortality
and natality patterns, biotic potentials, and
patterns of population dynamics are called life
history characteristics. - Life history characteristics have important
consequences for wildlife management and
extinction risk.
- 1. Lifespan --- the upper age limit for the
species. - 2. Mortality --- the pattern of survivorship (I,
II, or III). - 3. Natality --- the age to reproductive maturity
and number of offspring produced. - 4. Biotic potential --- maximum rate of natural
increase (rmax births - deaths).
- Short-lived.
- Type III survivorship high juvenile mortality
relatively secure old age. - Many offspring from young adults.
- High maximum rate of population growth.
- Long-lived.
- Type I survivorship low juvenile mortality high
mortality at old age. - Few offspring from older adults.
- Low maximum rate of population growth.
- Every species can be placed somewhere on a
continuum with respect to the life history
extremes. - Comparisons of life histories are best done
between species that show similar evolutionary
- Field mice and muskrats are rodents in closely
related taxonomic families. - Field mice (short-lived) show a Type III
survivorship and produce many offspring. - Muskrats (long-lived) have a Type I survivorship
and produce few young.
- See Freeman (2005) page 1195 for full discussion.
38Some Long Lived Species
Whooping Crane
Spotted Owl
- These have moderate juvenile mortality, low adult
mortality, and low fecundity. - They are endangered.
39Some Short Lived Species
House Finch
- These have high juvenile mortality, moderate
adult mortality, and high fecundity. - They are thriving.
- Chapter 52
- 1206-1210
- Chapter 54Pages 1272-1277