A2 Objectives and Strategy Unit 6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A2 Objectives and Strategy Unit 6


A2 Objectives and Strategy Unit 6 Contingency Planning – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: A2 Objectives and Strategy Unit 6

A2 Objectives and StrategyUnit 6
  • Contingency Planning

Crisis in business
  • Crisis an unexpected event that threatens the
    well being/survival of a firm
  • Some are predictable and quantifiable (changes in
    exchange rates) and contingency planning is
  • Others are totally unexpected (Asian Tsunami)
    where crisis management will be used
  • Task Produce a mind map with examples of crises
    for a business. You may discuss it with the
    person next to you. (5 mins.)

Crisis in business
  • Environmental disasters e.g. oil spillage
  • Fraudulent activities of employees e.g. Enron
  • Health scares e.g. BSE, SARS, Bird Flu
  • Major customers withdrawing their custom e.g.
    Rover closing for suppliers
  • Faulty or dangerous products e.g. Cocal Colas
    Dasani Water
  • Workforce strikes e.g. Fire service, London
    Underground workers
  • Hostile takeovers e.g. Malcolm Glazer
    Manchester United
  • Pressure group activities and unwanted media
  • Competitor launching new product
  • Demand and fashion changes
  • Severe recession or slump
  • Machine failure production problems

BBC, 2005
BBC, 2005
BBC, 2004
BBC, 2005
Contingency planning vs. Crisis Management
Contingency Planning
  • Preparing for unexpected and usually unwelcome
    events that are reasonably predictable and
  • Usually non-critical events, time to prepare and
    gather data and ask what if questions
  • Crisis Management
  • Responding to a sudden unexpected event that
    poses a significant threat to a firm.
  • Damage limitation, heavy emphasis on Public
    Relations and media relationships
  • Need flexible approach and a quick responsive
    crisis team

Contingency Planning (The stages)
  1. Recognise the need for it
  2. Distinguish between critical and non-critical
    future issues, deal with critical first e.g.
    computer system crash for a bank is critical
  3. List all possible crisis scenarios using what
    if and sensitivity analysis
  4. Look for ways to prevent the crisis
  5. Formulate crisis plans how should each
    department act and what resources are necessary
  6. Simulate the crises and the operation contingency
    plan using software or actual exercises

Sensitivity Analysis
  • Technique used to reduce uncertainty in
  • Looks at how much changing variables will impact
    on results of decision
  • E.g. what would happen if a machine fault could
    not be fixed in 10 days but 20 days, How will a
    15 increase rather than 10 increase in raw
    materials cost impact on the business
  • The analysis uncovers at what level variables
    does the project become unacceptable

Costs of Contingency Planning
  • Can be very time consuming
  • Requires highly qualified staff to work on it
  • May be seen as a waste of money if nothing
    ultimately goes wrong

Effects of crises on a functional area
  • Each function of a business will be effected and
    must be able to respond and manage a crisis
  • Task Describe how each of the following area
    will respond in a crisis? (5 mins)
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Operations
  • Personnel/Human Resources
  • Think about examples such as the Dasani
  • and the Buncefield oil depot fire examples

  • Marketing Public relations needed to limit
    damage to reputation
  • Finance Immediate cash expenditure needed on
    advertising campaigns, clean up campaigns or
    response to a hostile takeover bid
  • Operations Need careful contingency plan to
    ensure customers needs met, particularly if JIT
    is used
  • Personnel Direct autocratic leadership needed,
    quick decisions and internal communication
    necessary, effective, rapid and truthful external
    communication needed

Risk Management
  • All firms face risk
  • Management must rehearse the many things that
    could go wrong
  • The damage caused to a reputation could be
  • Risk must therefore be carefully assessed and

Student Activity
  • In groups you must analyse the potential crisis
    your chosen business may face and then produce
    contingency plans and crisis management
    strategies for each crisis.
  • Group A - Bills Butchers
  • Group B - Tyre manufacturer supplying a car
  • Group C A clothing retailer such as FCUK
  • Group D BP (British Petroleum)
  • Group E Nestle
  • Each group must come up with potential crisis the
    other businesses may face. Each group must then
    describe any contingency plans or how they would
    crisis manage the crisis proposed.

Student Activity
  • Complete question 2 on exam paper January 2004
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