Diapositive 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositive 1


une fili re unique au monde unissant chimie et environnement Here, we are building up a network bringing chemistry and environnement together – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositive 1

Ici, se construit une filière unique au
monde unissant chimie et environnement
Here, we are building up a network bringing
chemistry and environnement together
Axelera in short
Axelera, a constant evolution Assessment and
International development
The Axelera new strategic plan (2009-2015)
Axelera in short
Where are we ?
The cluster has developed its high potential
approach combining chemistry and environment at
the heart of the area surrounding Lyon (vallée de
la Chimie, Domaine Scientifiquede la Doua),
Grenoble (Pont-de Claix, Jarrie,Université de
Grenoble), Saint Etienne and Chambéry.
Rhône-Alpes a region rich in expertise and
research undertakings.
Some figures...
Rhône-Alpes region One of France s key economic
players - 2nd most important region in France,
7th in Europe from an economic point of view, -
1st chemical production centre in France, - 2nd
region in France in eco-industries sector, - A
turnover of 12,3 billions , - 48 000 direct
Exceptional potential in research and
education - 3 000 researchers, - Approximately
470 patents registered per year, - Approximately
1 300 publications per year, - 1 300 chemicals
engineers graduate each year, - 1 350 PhDs in
chemistry obtained.
Founders and financial partners
Axelera was created in 2005 by 3 industrial
groups Arkema, Rhodia, GDF SUEZ, a world-class
public sector research and training center IFP
and a government funded research organization
CNRS. The cluster is supported by
institutional organization such as the state and
local collectivities.
Axeleras members
161 members just 3 years after its creation
Around 2/3 of Axeleras members come from
industry, half of which are SMEs
One ambition To facilitate the
construction of a global industrial and
scientific network that combines chemistry and
One objective To become the leading
European industrial and scientific cluster by
2012 and provide a showcase for innovation in
chemistry and environment.
Axelera Governance
Altogether, 250 persons involved in the cluster
Axelera,a constant evolution Assessment and
Axelera, a constant evolution Assessment and
Axelera enabled nearly 384,1 M to be invested in
Rhône Alpes
11 RD programmes coordinated by the cluster
66,54 M 230 RD programmes approved 57 of
which got financed
208 M
RD Programmes since 2005 274,5 M
8 equipment and establishment projects
109,60 M
First step of successful development (2005-2008)
250 persons involved in the cluster
161 members 60 of industrials (2/3 de PME) And
35 of research units and training centres.
370 generated RD jobs and 4000 news employment
4th european cluster and 6th international cluster
Special attention to SMES
90 of companies in the chemistry and environment
industry are SMEs
Axelera has made itself attractive to the SMEs
that represent 40 of its memberships
Eco-Solution An excellent tool to raise your
profile with an industrial companies. RSA LE
RUBIS Through speed-dating, we have built up 3
firm contact one commercial and two others in
RD. We are about to start a European project
with a partner we met through this programme.
The services provided by the cluster enable SMEs
work closely with major technological
programmes, benefit from a dynamic network and
customised assistance, promote their
A strong and durable spirit of innovation
Emblematic programmes
PCB-Axelera, dedicated to treating PCBs in
waterways and conserving endangered.
TRIPLE dedicated to sorting fire-retardant
plastics collected from WEEE.
VALEEE dedicated to re-using fire-retardant
Firm industrial programmes
The Re-source project dedicated to recycling and
re-using WEEE and ELV (End of Life Vehicles)
Implementation of a vehicle dismantling site to
test technologies developed by the cluster
Other projects are under way Lyon city of
Environment and Analysis (CLEA), The Joint
Rhodia-CNRS Research Unit (LPMA), The Feyssine
Station, etc.
Fully developed research programmes
They have provided initial results, proof of
Axeleras desire to extend its activities beyond
the chemistry and environment industry and make
its services available to other sectors.
Focus on Processes intensification Rhodanos
Processes Intensification (15 M) Theme The
factory of the future
The first programme introduced by Axelera in 2005
is now in the economic development phase. It is
mobilizing partners companies to assist in the
implementation of its work through conferences,
pilot projects and meetings with equipment
makers. Technical Forum on processes
intensification - The factory of the future an
opportunity for SMEs December 5th 2008 during
Rhodanos (9,3 M) Theme Conservation of natural
A programme developped by Axelera in 2006,
Rhodanos produces leading-edge technologies for
management of industrial and urban wastes,
treatment of water pollutants, surveillance of
water quality.
International development
International development
In 2007, Axelera announced its international
strategy at POLLUTEC 2007.
Since then, this objective has focused on 3 areas
Partnerships with European clusters and
identification of clusters in China, Japan and
north America.
Intense international prospecting in
partnerships with local business development
agencies (Aderly and AEPI).
Capacity of the cluster to attract investors in
the Rhône-Alpes region or to assist its members
in developing their international business..
The inter-clusters network
4 partnerships to stimulate technological
projects, develop markets and improve
Great Britain the cluster NEPIC (500 members)
specialised in bioproducts, biotechnologies,
intensification processes
Norway the cluster GBN (55 members) specialised
in clean technologies (environment, energy, waste
recycling, services to businesses) Tel-TeK
Research institute capture and storage of CO2
Italy Environment Park (70 companies) gt
Research topics of laboratories of the park
renewable energies, green building, plasma based
technologies, eco- efficency
Germany the cluster CHEMIE BAYERN (120 active
members) with the following main areas of
activity polymer and biochemistry, building
chemicals, innovative, intelligent/ functional
The inter-clusters network
Content of the partnerships agreements
Exchange of good practices support and tools
for members, good practices in technological
areas (exchange of information about projects)
Mutual promotion websites, newsletters,
exchange of list of members, visits, exchange of
information about the cluster events and main
international events linked to chemistry
environment (exhibitions, symposiums,
conferences, conventions)
Business and RD collaborations organisation
of B2B meetings, exchange on projects calls and
funds opportunities for collaborative project.
Exchange of students
The inter-clusters network
2 main international events in France to meet
AXELERA and our members
POLLUTEC In 2008, Axelera and 8 SMEs members
of the cluster occupied 72 sq. m of stands at the
Pollutec 2008 show, held from 2-5 December. It
was the chance to position Axelera as a leading
cluster in eco-technologies and sustainable
AXELERA THURSDAY dedicated to international
collaborations plenary sessions, B2B meeting
(next on october 1st)
Participation of AXELERA To main international
The new strategy of Axelera (2009 2015)
After 3 years of existence, Axelera has redefined
its strategy around
1 ambition To facilitate the
construction of a global industrial and
scientific network that combines chemistry and
2 main issues 1. Become an international
reference for innovation in the field of
chemistry environment 2. Become a major
sustainable development player with excellence on
the main environmental themes.
New strategic roadmap 2009 - 2015
A strategy based on 5 key themes
Chemistry for societal issues
Protection of natural areas
Materials recyclability
Green chemistry
The factory of the future
Main objectives of the cluster
Drive the development of an attractive business
and scientific sector combining chemistry and the
Develop and promote technological breakthroughs
in line with market needs
Become an international showcase for innovation
in the chemistry/environment fields
Build and connect a network of French
eco-technology clusters
Identification of 8 target markets for Axelera
Definition of 8 Target markets
Last filter attributes of the cluster and region
Filter to identify sectors environmental issues
for which chemistry environment pairing provides
added value
Evaluation of attractiveness of each sector using
a range of economic and regulatory criteria
Quantification and qualification of environmental
Identification of main industrial and services
Study of the global market
The 8 target markets direct the strategic themes
of the cluster
Chemistry for societal issues Durable
building Renewable energies Vehicles
Protection of natural areas Water, Air, Soil,
Agri - Agro
Material recyclability Materials, wastes,
Green Chemistry Bioresources
The factory of the future Clean processes
Creation of 8 ecosystems linked to the target
Each ecosystem brings together
industrials (SMEs, large companies),
academic players,
representative of downstream sectors
local authorities acting as experimenters
Finally, 8 ecosystems have been defined
Each ecosystem is in line with one of Axeleras 5
strategic themes and is the subject of a possible
collaboration with another French competitive
Chemistry for Societal issues
Chemistry for Societal issues
Chemistry for Societal issues
Axelera sets up a dynamic and shared process to
generate new projects
The ecosystem is the driver of a shared process
aimed at fostering and accelerating the emergence
of ideas and innovative projects. This is a
progressive process opened to partnerships with
other French competitive
Implementation of a process for each ecosystems
A roadmap with main work topics has been defined
for each sector/ecosystem Besides those 8
identified ecosystem, Axelera is working on 2
transversal subjects
Life Cycle Analysis Eco-conception
Operational actions plans Of Axelera for 2009-2015
Implement the ecosystems
Develop the service offer dedicated to members
and deploy the strategic and prospecting
Conduct promotion and communication actions
Implement a shared resources policy
Axelera, Here, we are building up a network that
combines chemistry and environment
Operational actions plan
Set up of the ecosystems
2009 Water, soil, air, agri-agrochemistry in
partnerships with Advancity. Clean processes,
bioresources in partnership with IAR. Durable
Buildings in partnerships with Tenerrdis.
2010 Vehicle in partnerships with Lyon Urban
Truck Bus and Techterra Renewable Energies in
partnerships with Tenerrdis Electronic in
partnerships with Minalogic Wastes, recycling,
materials in partnerships with Plastipolis
Operational actions plan
Develop the service offer dedicated to members
and deploy "strategic et prospecting objectives
Secure the loyalty of actual members and get new
ones By highlighting the service offer
Animation, network, financial engineering,
sponsorship, international, Awareness
campaign, innovation training.
Target SMEs and services companies,
structure the chain value SME / large companies.
250 members in 2015 (40 of which should be
SMEs and 20 foreign companies)
Develop the partnership strategy with
international clusters
Main Targets Europe, Asia, North America.
Stimulate technological projects, develop
markets and improve competitiveness of our
Deploy strategic and prospecting objectives
Themes Image, dialogue and societal
commitment Training and prospecting skills
business intelligence Expansion and
establish the chemistry-environment network to
a large public.
Example of actions launch in 2010 of a touring
exposition In schools, set up of new training
anticipating short and long term sector needs.
Implement a shared resources policy
Promote collaborative innovation.
  • The platform project Axel One
  • Objectives Mutualise resources and facilities to
    stimulate technological projects between
    researchers, industrials and other partners in
    the field of innovative materials and clean
  • Two sites
  • - Claude Bernard University of Lyon upstream
    research site (academic studies)
  • Vallée de la Chimie downstream research site
    (experimentation, modelling, pilots)
  • 2010 production of the plan
  • 2012 Launch of the plateform

Implement promotion and communication actions
Strengthen Rhône-Alpes chemistry-environment
network at an international level
Axelera stand on each Pollutec exhibition
edition (Lyon et Paris),

Participation of Axelera to main international
events linked to La chemistry environment
(exhibitions, symposiums, conferences,
The preparation in 2010 and the organization in
2011 of an international Axelera event.
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