Title: Energy Challenges in Kenya
1Energy Challenges in KenyaElectrifying Kenya
- Annabel Yadoo MPhil MA
- Centre for Sustainable Development, Cambridge
Cambridge Energy Forum 21st October 2010
2- How many people in the world lack access to
electricity in their homes? - How many people in the world rely on traditional
biomass for cooking?
3So What?.....
- Poorer quality and more expensive fuels
- Detrimental effect on...
- Health (1.45 million deaths/yr from smoke inside
the home) - Education
- Income generation (agricultural
non-agricultural productivity) - Communications
- Entertainment, Security, Comfort and Wellbeing
- Environmental degradation deforestation leading
to landslides, flooding, desertification, etc.
Modern energy services need to be sufficient in
quantity, reliable and affordable so that the
MDGs and other human and economic development
goals can be achieved.
4Key Challenges for the Electricity Sector in Kenya
Insufficient generation capacity, weak
transmission and distribution network
unreliable service
Non-diversified fuel mix leaves the electricity
network vulnerable to droughts and rising oil
Poor grid penetration approx 40 of population,
16 million people, without access to electricity
and only 10 of rural Kenyans with access to
electricity social and ethnic injustice
Low numbers of connections even in electrified
areas high cost of connection for users
Expensive electricity tariffs for users due to
rising fuel costs
5Innovations for Electricity Sector
- Innovation and alternative solutions are VERY
important but they are even more vital on the
soft side than on the hard - For example
- Stima loan (80 of cost of connection at 15
interest, payments spread out over 1 year) to
increase household grid connections - Favourable feed-in-tariffs for renewable energy
(seek stakeholder consultation) - Training centres to build the capacity of rural
project developers - Genuine commitment for increased renewable energy
and electrification from politicians and civil
servants alike
Watch out for perverse incentives! Tax revenue
from oil (6 of total government revenue) KPLCs
consumers pay for fuel costs powerful incumbents
including the parastatal National Oil Corporation
6Into the Future
- New constitution passed 27th August 2010
increasing decentralization, more loopholes? - Ambitious targets set out in Vision 2030 22
rural electrification by 2012, 65 by 2022 and
100 by 2030 - Focus on wind energy and geothermal power, but
additional thermal plants are being commissioned - Solar lanterns
- Decentralised mini-grids
- Biogas for electrification and cooking
- Solar thermal to produce electricity?
- Assistance could take the form of
- Investment in local entrepreneurs and energy
businesses (there are plenty) - Research and Development to reduce the cost of PV
and wind technologies - Provision of innovative financing mechanisms to
aid project development in rural areas
7- aly21_at_cam.ac.uk
- http//www-g.eng.cam.ac.uk/sustdev/