Symposium: Accessing the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Symposium: Accessing the


Symposium: Accessing the political in socio-historical context Convenor: Peter Weinreich Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of Ulster – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Symposium: Accessing the

Symposium Accessing the political in
socio-historical context
  • Convenor
  • Peter Weinreich
  • Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of
  • Director, Identity Exploration Ltd,
  • Conference
  • Tearing Down the Walls Rethinking the Political
    in Political Psychology
  • Centre for Research in Political Psychology,
    Queen's University Belfast
  • Thursday 15 April 2010

Symposium Accessing the political in
socio-historical context
  • Outline
  • Socio-historical contexts vary hugely from
    country to country and from era to era, such that
    what constitutes the political is a matter of
    time and place.
  • Political processes differ in myriad ways
    across nations and in time.
  • In contexts of major migrations, cultural
    heritages constitute one of the dominant
    political themes that exercise both the migrant
    and the receiving communities.

Symposium Accessing the political in
socio-historical context
  • Outline
  • Other major themes are the forms of the political
    infrastructure (western democratic, Chinese
    communist, military dictatorship, etc.) and the
    civic organisation of the mainstream community
    (nature of local services, judiciary, etc).
  • Further, political and military engagements
    locally and worldwide activate citizens
    political sensibilities.
  • In all of these aspects of the political in
    socio-historical contexts, the individuals sense
    of identity predominates as being the locus for
    peoples appraisal of the political arena.

Symposium Accessing the political in
socio-historical context
  • Outline
  • Ultimately, political processes cannot be
    divorced from the identity processes of
    individuals, whether they be members of the
    (amorphous) mainstream, or various alternative
    cultural and subcultural groups.
  • The challenge to conceptual and methodological
    issues is to take into account the immense
    variety of individual identity processes in
    socio-historical context, while anchoring the
    individual within the nexus of other people and
    institutions in the community.

Symposium Accessing the political in
socio-historical context
  • Outline
  • The symposium introduces Identity Structure
    Analysis (ISA) as an interdisciplinary conceptual
    framework to investigate such complex processes
    of identity, using ethnographic work in order to
    generate customised identity instruments.
  • The papers in the symposium illustrate the use of
    ISA and the computer software Ipseus in a variety
    of socio-historical contexts.

Symposium Accessing the political in
socio-historical context
  • Peter Weinreich, University of Ulster, UK
  • Introducing the use of ISA/ipseus to Political
  • Fiona Bloomer, Trademark, UK
  • Illustrating the use of ISA for exploring the
    impact of anti-racist and anti-sectarian work in
    Northern Ireland
  • Stephen Ewart, Identity Exploration Ltd, UK
  • Primordialist and situationalist perspectives on
    nationality in Beijing students
  • Sunyoung Lee, Queens University Belfast, UK
  • ISA within a multi-method approach Chinese
    childrens identities in Northern Ireland

Symposium Accessing the political in
socio-historical context
  • Presentation 1
  • Introducing the use of ISA/ipseus to Political
  • Peter Weinreich, University of Ulster, UK

What is Identity Structure Analysis (ISA)?
  • ISAs substantive arena of discourse Self and
  • It is an open-ended conceptual framework of
  • (a) psychological concepts and
  • (b) process postulates
  • that represents an integration of key theoretical
    formulations from the academic disciplines of
    Psychology, Sociology and Social Anthropology.

Key theoretical formulations
  • Psychodynamic approach identity over the
    lifespan through identifications (Erikson,
    Marcia, Laing, Berne)
  • Symbolic interactionism identity through
    communication (Mead, Cooley, Sullivan, Stryker,
    Weigert, Goffman, Shotter Gergen)
  • Self-concept, social identity and self-esteem
    identity through society (Rosenberg,
    Coopersmith, Harter, Tajfel, Turner, Hogg
  • Construal and appraisal identity by way of
    idiosyncratic personal constructions (G.A.Kelly,
    Arnold, Lazarus, Schweder)
  • Cognitive-affective consistency theory identity
    subject to emotional and cognitive pressures
    (Heider, Osgood Tannenbaum, Rosenberg
    Abelson, Festinger, Wickland Brehm, Aronson)
  • Social anthropology and indigenous psychologies
    identity located in cultural context (Schweder,
    Pasternack, Ember Ember, Valsiner)
  • The fundamental issue of agency Rom Harré
    the agentic self

Key theoretical formulations
  • References
  • The theoretical perspectives that underpin ISA,
    together with the definitions of psychological
    concepts and statements of process postulates are
    to be found in
  • Weinreich, P. (2003) Identity structure
    Analysis. In
  • Weinreich, P., Saunderson, W. (Eds.) Analysing
    Identity Cross Cultural, Societal and Clinical
    Contexts. London Routledge Psychology Press.
    Chapter 1.
  • The operationalisation of ISA for empirical
    projects is by way of
  • Weinreich, P., Ewart, S. (2008) Ipseus computer
    software. Belfast Identity Exploration Ltd.

The processes of identification
  • People identify with elements of significant
    others who have influence over their personal
    well-being, either for good or ill.
  • They form aspirational identifications with
    others when they wish to
  • emulate their prized features
  • or
  • dissociate from their unpalatable aspects.

Aspirational identification in two aspects
  • They form idealistic-identifications with others
    when they wish to emulate their prized features.
  • They form contra-identifications with others when
    they wish to dissociate from their unpalatable

The processes of identification
  • a different mode in the here and now
  • People empathetically identify with others when
    they recognise in the others features of
    themselves, whether good or bad.
  • a persons empathetic identification with
    another modulates according to situations,
    contexts and mood states

Conflicted identifications
  • When self empathetically identifies with another
    person while simultaneously contra-identifying
    with that person, selfs identification with the
    other is conflicted.
  • I.e., Self is as the other in several respects,
    while wishing to dissociate from some of the
    characteristics of the other - to be as the
    other, while not wishing to be
  • Since peoples empathetic identification with
    others modulate according to situations, contexts
    and mood states, so will their conflicted
    identifications alter accordingly

Identity diffusion
  • Peoples conflicted identifications with others
    may be dispersed across several persons.
  • A state of high identity diffusion is manifest
    when selfs conflicted identifications with
    others are both substantial and dispersed across
    many others.
  • extent of identity diffusion may also modulate
    according to situations, contexts and mood

How is the ISA conceptual framework
  • Psychological definitions
  • Algorithms
  • Computer software (Ipseus)
  • Identity instrument editor
  • Instrument display and data
  • Data analysis and output

Identity Structure Analysis is operationalised
  • the ipseus computer software
  • in these modes
  • Idiographic for individual analyses
  • Phase for longitudinal analyses
  • Nomothetic for group analyses
  • Nomothetic-phase for group longitudinal analyses

Customised identity instrument themes and
  • Preliminary investigative and ethnographic work
    establishes salient themes to be represented in
    the identity instrument as
  • Bipolar constructs, consisting of contrasting
    discourses about, or representations of,
    experiences and expectations, beliefs and values,
    attributes, etc.
  • Their role as core or conflicted dimensions of
    identity for each person is ascertained using the
    ipseus software

Customised identity instrument domains and
  • Continuing investigative and ethnographic work
    establishes the domains of most relevance to the
    delineated themes to be the represented in the
    identity instrument as
  • Entities self in various contexts other
    agents, such as people, groups, institutions,
    emblems, icons, images, events, abstractions,
    material objects, etc
  • Their significance in terms of themes and
    appraisal in terms of the bipolar constructs is
    assessed for each person using the ipseus

The operationalisation of Identity Structure
  • References
  • The isomorphic translations of ISA psychological
    concepts into algorithms and their practical
  • Weinreich, P. (2003) Identity exploration Theory
    into practice. In
  • Weinreich, P., Saunderson, W. (Eds.)
    Analysing Identity Clinical, Societal and
    Cross-Cultural Contexts London Routledge
    Psychology Press. Chapter 2.
  • Dedicated computer software for facilitating ISA
  • Weinreich, P., Ewart, S. (2008) Ipseus.

Study of Islamist propensities in disaffected
young Muslims in Manchester
  • Referral of disaffected young Muslims in
    Manchester to a dedicated Muslim charitable
    agency specialising in
  • Mentoring
  • Concentration on a segment of the population is a
    controversial activity
  • Comparative study is essential
  • Appraisals of self, other people and agents in
    the community should be from the participants
    perspectives, not ones imposed by the

Four themes to be investigated
  • Theme 1 Civics
  • Subthemes
  • 1.1 Sharia law Radical tendency favour Sharia
    over British law
  • 1.2 Human rights Radical tendency favour
    Islamic code over universal (western) Human
  • 1.3 Free-speech Radical tendency less than
    wholesale endorsement
  • 1.4 Fighting and dying for a cause Radical
    tendency preference for this rather than
    national army

Four themes to be investigated
  • Theme 2 British Muslims in the context of
    British society
  • Subthemes
  • 2.1 Racism Radical tendency habitual
    experience of racism
  • 2.2 Societal consequence of identity in Britain
    Radical tendency victimisation because of ones
  • 2.3 Morality of the British Radical tendency
    British immoral
  • 2.4 Impact of British foreign policy on Muslims
    in Britain Radical tendency British foreign
    policy desecrates Muslims
  • 2.5 Trustworthiness Radical tendency distrust
    of Government, police and media

Four themes to be investigated
  • Theme 3 Sensibility of Islamic culture
  • Subthemes
  • 3.1 Muslim belongingness as local or global
    Radical tendency global
  • 3.2 Continuity of Islamic culture Radical
    tendency - contradicts key aspects of Islam
  • 3.3 Respect for Islam Radical tendency makes
    Islam respected
  • 3.4 Respect of others by Muslims Radical
    tendency disrespect of British ethnicities and
  • 3.5 Alternative expressions of Islamic faith
    Radical tendency adoption of alternative
    militant expressions

Four themes to be investigated
  • Theme 4 The individual living in the social
    world civil society (4 bipolar constructs)
  • Subthemes
  • 4.1 Meaningfulness of existence Potential for
    radicalisation self having no centre
  • 4.2 Being noticed or not Potential for
    radicalisation self not being noticed
  • 4.3 Ability to influence others Potential for
    radicalisation self not having any influence
  • 4.4 Susceptibility to radical influence radical
    tendency susceptible

Anti-infidel radical-Islamist activist
Criteria in terms of
  • A) Identification
  • Strong identification (idealistic empathetic)
    with Islamic agents both al Qaeda and martyr
  • together with
  • Strong contra-identification with infidel agents
    Government and British Christians and Jews
  • B) dimensions of identity
  • At least 9 of 10 Islamist values and beliefs
    endorsed, of which at least 8 are core dimensions
    of identity

Myopic radical-Islamist activist criteria in
terms of
  • A) identification
  • Strong identification (idealistic empathetic)
    with Islamic agents both al Qaeda and martyr
  • together with
  • Strong contra-identification with only Government
    ignoring the wider community of British
    Christians and Jews
  • B) dimensions of identity
  • At least 9 of 10 Islamist values and beliefs
    endorsed, of which at least 8 are core dimensions
    of identity

Anti-infidel strong, moderate, or weak
radical-Islamist sympathiser Criteria in terms
  • A) Identification
  • Strong identification (idealistic empathetic)
    with one or other Islamic agent either al Qaeda
    or martyr
  • together with
  • Strong contra-identification with infidel agents
    Government and British Christians and Jews
  • B) dimensions of identity
  • Strong sympathiser - at least 9 of 10 Islamist
    values and beliefs endorsed, of which at least 8
    are core dimensions of identity
  • Moderate sympathiser at least 8 Islamist
    values and beliefs endorsed, of which at least 2
    are core dimensions of identity
  • Weak sympathiser - at least 7 Islamist values
    and beliefs endorsed, of which at least 1 is a
    core dimension of identity

Myopic strong, moderate, or weak
radical-Islamist sympathiser Criteria in terms
  • A) Identification
  • Strong identification (idealistic empathetic)
    with Islamic agents both al Qaeda and martyr
  • together with
  • Strong contra-identification with only Government
    ignoring the wider community of British
    Christians and Jews
  • B) dimensions of identity
  • Strong sympathiser - at least 9 of 10 Islamist
    values and beliefs endorsed, of which at least 8
    are core dimensions of identity
  • Moderate sympathiser at least 8 Islamist
    values and beliefs endorsed, of which at least 2
    are core dimensions of identity
  • Weak sympathiser - at least 7 Islamist values
    and beliefs endorsed, of which at least 1 is a
    core dimension of identity

Symbolic adherent Islamist sympathiser
Criteria in terms of
  • A) Identification
  • Strong identification (idealistic empathetic)
    with one or other Islamic agent either al Qaeda
    or martyr
  • but
  • No strong contra-identification with Government
    and the wider community of British Christians and
  • B) dimensions of identity
  • General absence of endorsement of Islamist
    values and beliefs

Civil anti-infidel Muslim Criteria in terms of
  • A) Identification
  • No strong identification (idealistic
    empathetic) with Islamic agents either al Qaeda
    or martyr
  • but
  • Strong contra-identification with infidel agents
    Government and British Christians and Jews
  • B) dimensions of identity
  • At least 6 of the 10 Islamist construct texts
    to be endorsed but none as core dimensions
  • At least 3 of the 4 civil construct texts to be
    endorsed as core dimensions

Strongly anti radical-Islamist Criteria in
terms of
  • A) Identification
  • Strong contra-identification with both Islamic
    agents al Qaeda and martyr
  • and
  • Weak empathetic identification with both Islamic
    agents al Qaeda and martyr
  • B) Dimensions of identity
  • At least 3 of the 4 British construct texts to
    be endorsed, at least 2 of which to be core

Moderately and partially anti radical-Islamist
Criteria in terms of
  • A) Identification
  • Strong contra-identification with one or other
    Islamic agent either al Qaeda or martyr
  • and
  • Weak empathetic identification with one or other
    Islamic agent either al Qaeda or martyr
  • B) Dimensions of identity
  • Moderately anti - At least 2 of the 4 British
    construct texts to be endorsed, at least 1 of
    which to be a core dimension
  • Partially anti - At least 2 of the 4 British
    construct texts to be endorsed, but none as core

Within-community encapsulation Criteria in
terms of
  • Ego-involvement
  • Within own community High with oneself when
    being with ones own community and high with
    members of ones own community, such as parents,
    closest friend and influential community leader
  • Beyond own community Low with oneself when with
    the broader society and low with the broader
    society of Government, local decision makers,
    British Christians and British Jews

Pilot findings to date
  • Anti-infidel radical-Islamist activist
  • Myopic radical-Islamist activist 0
  • Strong anti-infidel radical-Islamist
    sympathiser 0
  • Moderate anti-infidel radical-Islamist
    sympathiser 0
  • Weak anti-infidel radical-Islamist
    sympathiser 1

Pilot findings to date
  • Strong myopic radical-Islamist sympathiser 1
  • Moderate myopic radical-Islamist sympathiser 1
  • Weak myopic radical-Islamist sympathiser 0
  • Symbolic adherent Islamist sympathiser 2

Pilot findings to date
  • Civil anti-infidel Muslim 1
  • Strongly anti radical-Islamist 3
  • Moderately anti radical-Islamist 1
  • Partially anti radical-Islamist 2
  • Within-community encapsulation 1

  • See
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