The chapter that defines all that follow after - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The chapter that defines all that follow after


Chapter 2 The chapter that defines all that follow after * 1 * 1 * 1 Section 1: The Nature of Matter Atoms: the smallest particle of an element that has the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The chapter that defines all that follow after

Chapter 2
  • The chapter that defines all that follow after

Section 1 The Nature of Matter
  • Atoms the smallest particle of an element that
    has the properties of that element
  • Parts of an atom
  • Protons positively charged, found in core
  • Neutrons no charge, found in core
  • Electrons negatively charged, found in a cloud
    around the core

Atoms bond together
  • Elements
  • consists of only one kind of atom,
  • cannot be broken down into a simpler type of
    matter by either physical or chemical means, and
  • can exist as either atoms (e.g. argon) or
    molecules (e.g., nitrogen).
  • NOTE A molecule consists of two or more atoms of
    the same element, or different elements, that are
    chemically bound together. Note that the two
    nitrogen atoms which comprise a nitrogen molecule
    move as a unit.
  • Compounds
  • consists of atoms of two or more different
    elements bound together,
  • can be broken down into a simpler type of matter
    (elements) by chemical means (but not by physical
  • has properties that are different from its
    component elements, and
  • always contains the same ratio of its component
  • Ions
  • Charged (positive/negative) atoms due to loss or
    gain of an electron
  • Cations - have more protons than electrons and
    are positively charged
  • Anions - have more electrons than protons and are
    negatively charged

Three Types of Bonds
  • Covalent Bonds (electron sharing) formed when
    electrons are shared between two elements
    strongest type of bond Ex. H Cl HCl
  • Ionic Bonds (electron donating) electrons
    from one atom are donated to another creating an
    ion (atoms that are positively charged due to the
    loss of electrons or negatively charged due to
    addition of electrons) - positive and negative
    atoms are attracted to each other creating the
    bond Ex. Na Cl NaCl-
  • Hydrogen Bonds (weak electrical attractions)
    larger Oxygen molecules pull smaller Hydrogen
    molecules closer almost share an electron
    Ex. 2H O H2O

Section 2 Water and Solutions
  • Properties of Water
  • Water is polar it has a positive and negative
  • Solutions substances dissolved in water (Ex.
    Salt water)
  • Polar molecules can dissolve in water creating a
  • Non-polar molecules (like oil) can not dissolve
    in water and do not create a solution
  • Water is cohesive water molecules stick
  • Water is adhesive Water molecules stick to
    other substances
  • Water stores heat efficiently (High Specific
    Heat, High Heat of Vaporization)
  • Water is less dense as a solid

Water is polar
Water is a good solvent. - Water dissolves
polar molecules and ions. -hydrophilic
Water is polar
  • Water organizes non-polar molecules.
  • hydrophobic water-fearing
  • - Water causes hydrophobic molecules to
    aggregate or assume specific shapes.

Cohesion Cohesion is the property of water that
causes it to be attracted to itself.
Surface Tension
  • Surface tension measures the strength of water
    molecules attracting to one another.
  • This property allows insects to walk on the
    surface of water and the creation of waves.

Adhesion Attraction between molecules of
different substances Ex glass and water Or a
visit to the doc
Capillarity Water molecules will tow each other
along when in a thin glass tube.
Did you ever wonder How does water move from
roots to leaves when a tree doesnt have a heart
to pump the water?
Cohesion-Adhesion Theory (aka Transpiration) -As
water evaporates from leaves, it tugs on the
water molecules below -Cohesion and adhesion pull
water up and replace missing water
molecules -Water enters the roots by osmosis
  • High Specific Heat
  • Water resists temperature change, both for
    heating and cooling.
  • Water can absorb or release large amounts of heat
    energy with little change in actual temperature.

  • High Heat of Vaporization
  • In order for water to evaporate, hydrogen bonds
    must be broken. As water evaporates, it removes
    a lot of heat with it.
  • Thus, the heat of vaporization refers to the
    amount of energy required to convert water from a
    liquid to a gas.

  • Water is Less Dense as a Solid
  • Which is ice and which is water?

  • Density of Ice
  • Most solids are more dense than their liquids
  • This makes solids sink
  • Ice is less dense than liquid water
  • Due to H-Bonds
  • Important to life because bodies of water freeze
    top down
  • Allows life to survive below

Acids Bases pH Scale Measurement of the
concentration of hydrogen ions Acid forms H
when dissolved in water High concentration of
H (or hydronium ion) low conc. of OH- Base
reduces H when dissolved in water High
OH- (a.k.a. hydroxide ion) low H
Section 3 Chemistry of CellsOrganic Compounds
  • Organic compounds are those that contain carbon.
    (with a few exceptions such as carbon dioxide and
  • There are four major types
  • Carbohydrates
  • Lipids
  • Proteins
  • Nucleic Acids

  • Carbohydrates Made of carbon, hydrogen, and
    oxygen in the proportion of 121
  • 1 carbon2 hydrogen1 oxygen
  • main source of energy
  • provide structure in plants

3 Types of Carbohydrates
  • Monosaccharide (simple sugars) the building
    blocks of carbohydrates Ex. Glucose and Fructose
    (fruit sugars)
  • Disaccharides (double sugars) 2 or more
    monosaccharides put together Ex. Sucrose (table
    sugar) and Lactose (milk sugar)
  • Polysaccharides (many sugars) 3 or more
    monosaccharides put together Ex. Rice, potatoes,
    beans, corn, pasta, bread

Monosaccarides (simple sugars) the building
blocks of carbohydrates
  • Glucose (product of photosynthesis, used in
    cellular respiration)
  • Fructose (fruit sugar)

Disaccharides (double sugars) 2 or more
monosaccharides put together
  • Sucrose (table sugar)
  • Lactose (milk sugar)

Polysaccharides (many sugars) 3 or more
monosaccharides put together
  • Examples of polysaccharide groups
  • Starches plants store energy (extra glucose)

    in this form (rice, potatoes, beans, corn)
  • Glycogen animals store energy (extra glucose) in
    this form in two areas, the muscles and liver,
    when these are full the remaining energy is
    stored in fats.
  • Cellulose used in the structure of the cell
    wall of plants. Cannot be digested by humans but
    is essential for digestive health.

  • insoluble organic compounds (do not dissolve in
  • made of fatty acids and glycerol in the
    proportion of 13
  • 1 glycerol 3 fatty acids
  • held together by hydrogen bonds
  • store a lot of energy
  • Contain almost 2x the energy found in
    carbohydrates (9 calories VS 4 calories)
  • 4 Types of Lipids
  • Fats/Oils
  • Waxes
  • Phospholipids
  • Steroids

Fats and oils provide long term energy storage
and act as insulation to keep animals warm
  • Fat is solid at room Temp, oils are liquid
  • Saturated fats stick butter, lard, that whitish
    waxy looking stuff that forms on a steak or
    hamburger in the refrigerator unhealthy fats,
    effect heart/liver functions, weight gain, and
    cholesterol levels
  • Unsaturated fats olive oil, fish oil, etc are
    much better for you and can even raise your level
    of good cholesterol.

Waxes Phospholipids
  • Waxes provide protection by repelling water
    (Ex. Cuticle of plants) naturally occur on
    fruits and vegetables to prevent dehydration
  • Phospholipids
    make up the cell

  • Serve structural and control functions in the
  • Examples
  • Hormones such as Estrogen and Testosterone
  • Cholesterol that is produced by the body

Proteins Large complex molecules made of amino
acids (20 amino acids are used to make a variety
of protein combinations) How the amino acids are
arranged is key to biodiversity.
  • 6 Major Protein Functions
  • Movement actin and myocin are proteins needed
    for contraction and relaxation of muscle fibers
    and therefore muscle movement
  • Structure collagen is the most abundant protein
    in the human body, it gives elasticity and
    firmness to skin forms bones, tendons,
    ligaments, and cartilage.
  • Defense antibodies are proteins that help
    animals fight off invasion by viruses and
  • Transport hemoglobin is the protein in red
    blood cells that carries oxygen through the
    bloodstream a lack of red blood cells is called
  • Nutrition casein is a protein in breast milk
    that stores amino acids for use by newborn
    mammals many proteins are used to build muscles
    and repair injuries
  • Regulation enzymes catalyze (speed up) chemical
    reactions in the cells we get them from eating
    raw vegetables (note the verb catalyze is from
    the non catalyst a chemical that speeds a
    chemical reaction without being altered itself)

Nucleic AcidsLarge complex molecules that
contain hereditary or genetic information
  • 2 Types of nucleic acids
  • DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) caries instructions
    that control the activities of the cell
  • RNA (ribonucleic acid) responsible for protein

One more important biological molecule ATP
  • adenosine triphosphate
  • energy currency of the cell contains 2 extra
    energy storing phosphate groups
  • cells need a steady supply of ATP to function

Section 4 Energy and Chemical Reactions
  • Energy the ability to move or change matter
    many types including chemical, light, heat,
    mechanical, and electrical
  • Energy can be stored or released in a chemical
  • Chemical reactions are processes in which
    chemical bonds between atoms are broken and new
    ones formed producing one or more new substances
  • summarized as reactants ? products
  • Metabolism all the chemical reactions that
    occur within an organism
  • Activation Energy energy needed to start a
    reaction (like the first push to get a large
    object rolling downhill)
  • Enzymes act as a catalyst to speed up reactions
    once started
  • Enzymes affect specific substances (ex. Amylase
    affects starch glucose) and are affected by
    factors like temperature and pH

Steps in the Enzyme Reaction
  • Coordinating enzyme and substrate are available
  • Substrate binds to enzymes active site
  • Chemical bonds in substrate break substrate is
    converted into its products
  • Products are released enzyme is unchanged
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