Title: Chapter 3 Introduction to ADO.NET
1Chapter 3 Introduction to ADO.NET
- In this chapter, you will
- Learn the basic classes in ADO.NET and its
- architecture
- Learn the different ADO.NET Data Providers
- Learn about the Connection and Command
components - Later
- Learn about the Parameters collection component
- Learn about the DataReader components.
23.2 Overview of the ADO.NET
- ADO.NET is a set of classes provides a rich set
of components for creating distributed,
data-sharing applications. - ADO.NET is an integral part of the Microsoft .NET
Framework. - All ADO.NET classes are located at the
System.Data namespace . - When compiling code that uses the System.Data
namespace, reference both System.Data.dll and
System.Xml.dll. - Basically speaking, ADO.NET provides a set of
classes to support you to develop database
applications and enable you to connect to a data
source to retrieve, manipulate and update data
with your database.
3Chapter 3 Introduction to ADO.NET
- The classes provided by ADO.NET are core to
develop a professional data-driven application
and they can be divided into the following three
major components - Data Provider
- DataSet
- DataTable
- These three components are located at the
different namespaces. The DataSet and the
DataTable classes are located at the System.Data
namespace. The classes of the Data Provider are
located at the different namespaces based on the
types of the Data Providers.
4Chapter 3 Introduction to ADO.NET
- Data Provider contains four classes Connection,
Command, DataAdapter and DataReader. These four
classes can be used to perform the different
functionalities to help you to - Set a connection between your project and the
data source using the Connection object - Execute data queries to retrieve, manipulate and
update data using the Command object - Move the data between your DataSet and your
database using the DataAdapter object - Perform data queries from the database
(read-only) using the DataReader object
5Chapter 3 Introduction to ADO.NET
- The DataSet class can be considered as a table
container and it can contain multiple data
tables. These data tables are only a mapping to
those real data tables in your database. But
these data tables can also be used separately
without connecting to the DataSet. In this case,
each data table can be considered as a DataTable
object. - The DataSet and DataTable classes have no direct
relationship with the Data Provider class
therefore they are often called Data
Provider-independent components. - Four classes such as Connection, Command,
DataAdapter and DataReader that belong to Data
Provider is often called Data Provider-dependent
63.3 The Architecture of ADO.NET
- The ADO.NET architecture can be divided into two
logical pieces - command execution and caching.
- Command execution requires features like
connectivity, execution, and reading of results.
These features are enabled with ADO.NET Data
Providers. - Caching of results is handled by the DataSet.
7 The Architecture of the ADO.NET
8 The Architecture of the ADO.NET - 2
93.4 The Components of ADO.NET
- 3.4.1 The Data Provider
- The Data Provider can also be called a data
driver and it can be used as a major component
for your data-driven applications. The
functionalities of the Data Provider, as its name
means, are to - Connect your data source with your applications
- Execute different methods to perform the
associated data query and data accessing
operations between your data source and your
applications - Disconnect the data source when the data
operations are done
103.4.1 The Data Provider
- The Data Provider is physically composed of a
binary library file and this library is in the
DLL file format. Sometimes this DLL file depends
on other DLL files, so in fact a Data Provider
can be made up of several DLL files. Based on the
different kinds of databases, Data Provider can
have several versions and each version is matched
to each kind of database. The popular versions of
the Data Provider are - Open DataBase Connectivity (Odbc) Data Provider
(ODBC.NET) - Object Linking and Embeding DataBase (OleDb) Data
Provider (OLEDB.NET) - SQL Server (Sql) Data Provider (SQL Server.NET)
- Oracle (Oracle) Data Provider (Oracle.NET)
113.4.1 The Data Provider
- The different data providers are located at the
different namespaces, and these namespaces hold
the various data classes that you must import
into your code in order to use those classes in
your project. - Table 3-1 lists the most popular namespaces used
by the different data providers and used by the
DataSet and the DataTable.
12 The ODBC Data Provider
- The ODBC.NET supports the following Data
Providers - SQL Server
- Microsoft ODBC for Oracle
- Microsoft Access Driver (.mdb)
13 The OLEDB Data Provider
- The OLE DB.NET data access technique supports the
following Data Providers - Microsoft Access
- SQL Server (7.0 or later)
- Oracle (9i or later)
14 The SQL Server Data Provider
- This Data Provider provides access to a SQL
Server version 7.0 or later database using its
own internal protocol. The functionality of the
data provider is designed to be similar to that
of the .NET Framework data providers for OLE DB,
ODBC, and Oracle. All classes related to this
Data Provider are defined in a DLL file and is
located at the System.Data.SqlClient namespace.
Although Microsoft provides different Data
Providers to access the data in SQL Server
database, such as the ODBC and OLE DB, for the
sake of optimal data operations, it is highly
recommended to use this Data Provider to access
the data in an SQL Server data source. The Oracle Data Provider
- This Data Provider is an add-on component to the
.NET Framework that provides access to the Oracle
database. All classes related to this Data
Provider are located in the System.Data.OracleClie
nt namespace. This provider relies upon Oracle
Client Interfaces provided by the Oracle Client
Software. You need to install the Oracle Client
software on your computer to use this Data
Provider. -
- Microsoft provides multiple ways to access the
data stored in an Oracle database, such as
Microsoft ODBC for Oracle and OLE DB, you should
use this Data Provider to access the data in an
Oracle data source since this one provides the
most efficient way to access the Oracle database.
163.4.2 The Connection Class
- Data Provider contains four sub-classes and the
Connection component is one of them. This class
provides a connection between your applications
and the database you selected to connect to your
project. To use this class to setup a connection
between your application and the desired
database, you need first to create an instance or
an object based on this class. -
- The Connection object you want to use depends on
the type of the data source you selected. Data
Provider provides four different Connection
classes and each one is matched to one different
173.4.2 The Connection Class
- Table 3-3 lists these popular Connection classes
used for the different data sources
18 3.4.2 The Connection Class
- The connection string is a property of the
Connection class and it provides all necessary
information to connect to your data source.
Regularly this connection string contains a quite
few parameters to define a connection, but only
five of them are popularly utilized for most
data-driven applications - Provider
- Data Source
- Database
- User ID
- Password
19The Provider parameter
- Specifies the driver that the connection class
uses to communicate with the database. - The most common drivers are
- Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 for Access
- SQLOLEDB for SQL Server
- MSDAORA for Oracle
20The Data Source parameter
- is used to specify the server name of the
computer on which the database is running. - When connecting to an Access database, this
specifies the path and database name.
21The Database parameter
- Is self-explanatory and specifies the database
name where your data resides
22User ID and Password parameters
- They are used to specify your database login
credentials - The User ID and Password defined in the database,
not your Windows login credentials.
233.4.2 The Connection Class
- A typical data connection instance with a
general connection string can be expressed by the
following codes -
- Connection New xxxConnection(Provider
MyProvider _ - Data Source MyServer _
- Database MyDatabase _
- User ID MyUserID _
- Password MyPassWord)
- where xxx should be replaced by the selected
Data Provider in your real application, such as
OleDb, Sql or Oracle. You need to use the real
parameter values implemented in your applications
to replace those nominal values such as MyServer,
MyDatabase, MyUserID and MyPassWord in your
243.4.2 The Connection Class
- The Provider parameter indicates the database
driver you selected. If you installed a local SQL
server and client such as the SQL Server 2005
Express on your computer, the Provider should be
localhost. If you are using a remote SQL Server
instance, you need to use that remote servers
network name. If you are using the default named
instance of SQLX on your computer, you need to
use .\SQLEXPRESS as the value for your Provider
parameter. For the Oracle server database, you do
not need to use this parameter. -
- The Data Source parameter indicates the name of
the network computer on which your SQL server or
Oracle server is installed and running. - The Database parameter indicates your database
name. - The User ID and Password parameters are used for
the security issue for your database. In most
cases, the default Windows NT Security
Authentication is utilized.
253.4.2 The Connection Class
- Some typical Connection instances are listed
below -
- OLE DB Data Provider for Microsoft Access
Database 2003 -
- Connection New OleDbConnection("ProviderMicroso
ft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" _ - "Data SourceC\database\CSE_DEPT.mdb" _
- "User IDMyUserID" _
- "PasswordMyPassWord")
- OLE DB Data Provider for SQL SERVER
- Connection New OleDbConnection("ProviderSQLOLED
B.1" _ - "Data SourceMyComputerName\SQLEXPRESS" _
- "Database MyDatabseName" _
- "User IDMyUserID" _
- "PasswordMyPassWord")
263.4.2 The Connection Class
- Some typical Connection instances are listed
below -
- SQL Server Data Provider for SQL Server Database
- Connection New SqlConnection("Serverlocalhost"
_ - "Data SourceSusan\SQLEXPRESS" _
- "DatabaseCSE_DEPT" _
- "Integrated SecuritySSPI")
- Oracle Data Provider for Oracle Database
- Connection New OracleConnection("Data
SourceXE" _ - "User
IDsystem" _ -
"Passwordreback") The Open() Method of the Connection
- To create a real connection between your
database and your applications, the Open() method
of the Connection class is called and it is used
to open a connection to a data source with the
property settings specified by the connection
string. - An example of opening an OLEDB connection The Close() Method of the Connection
- The Close() method is a partner of the Open()
method and it is used to close a connection
between your database and your applications when
you finished your data operations to the data
source. You should close any connection object
you connected to your data source after you
finished the data access to that data source,
otherwise a possible error may be encountered
when you try re-open that connection in the next
time as you run your project. - Unlike the Open() method, which is a key to your
data access and operation to your data source,
the Close() method does not throw any exceptions
when you try to close a connection that has
already been closed. So you do not need to use a
Try.Catch block to catch any error for this
method. The Dispose() Method of the Connection
- The Dispose() method of the Connection class is
an overloaded method and it is used to releases
the resources used by the Connection object. You
need to call this method after the Close() method
is executed to perform a cleanup job to release
all resources used by the Connection object
during your data access and operations to your
data source. - After the Close() and Dispose() methods
executed, you can release your reference to the
Connection instance by setting it to Nothing. A
piece of example code is shown in Figure 3-4.
303.4.3 The Command and the Parameter Classes
- Command objects are used to execute commands
against your database such as a data query, an
action query, and even a stored procedure. In
fact, all data accesses and data operations
between your data source and your applications
are achieved by executing the Command object with
a set of parameters. - Command class can be divided into the different
categories and these categories are based on the
different Data Providers. For the popular Data
Providers, such as OLE DB, ODBC, SQL Server and
Oracle, each one has its own Command class. Each
Command class is identified by the different
prefix such as OleDbCommand, OdbcCommand,
SqlCommand and OracleCommand. Although these
different Command objects belong to the different
Data Providers, they have the similar properties
and methods, and they are equivalent in
31 The Properties of the Command Class
- The Command class contains more than 10
properties, but only four of them are used
popularly in most applications - Connection property
- CommandType property
- CommandText property
- Parameters property
32 The Properties of the Command Class
- Connection property holds a valid Connection
object, and the Command object can be executed to
access the connected database based on this
Connection object. - CommandType property indicates what kind of
command that is stored in the CommandText
property should be executed. - CommandText property contains a complete SQL
statement if the value of the CommandType
property is Text. - Parameters property holds a collection of the
Parameter objects. You must first create and
initialize a Parameter object before you can add
that object to the Parameters collection for a
Command object.
33 The Constructor of the Command Class
- The constructor of the Command class is an
overloaded method and it has multiple protocols.
Four popular protocols are listed in Figure 3-8
(an SQL Server Data Provider is used as an
34 The Methods of the Command Class
- The actual execution of a Command object is to
run one of methods of the Command class to
perform the associated data queries or data
actions. Four popular methods are widely utilized
for most data-driven applications and Table 3-6
lists these methods.
35 The Constructors and Properties of
the Parameter Class
- The Parameter class has four popular
constructors, which are shown in Figure 3-5 (an
SQL Server Data Provider is used as an example).
36 Parameter Mapping
- When you add a Parameter object to the
Parameters collection of a Command object, the
Command object needs to know the relationship
between that added parameter and the parameters
you used in your SQL query string. Different
parameter mappings are used for different Data
Providers. Table 3-5 lists these mappings.
37 Parameter Mapping
- Both OLE DB and ODBC Data Providers used a
so-called Positional Parameter Mapping, which
means that the relationship between the
parameters defined in an SQL statement and the
added parameters into a Parameters collection is
one-to-one in the order. In other words, the
order in which the parameters appear in an SQL
statement and the order in which the parameters
are added into the Parameters collection should
be exactly identical. The Positional Parameter
Mapping is indicated with a question mark ?. - Both SQL Server and Oracle Data Provider
used the Named Parameter Mapping, which means
that each parameter, either defined in an SQL
statement or added into a Parameters collection,
is identified by the name. In other words, the
name of the parameter appeared in an SQL
statement or a stored procedure must be identical
with the name of the parameter you added into a
Parameters collection.
38 The Methods of the
ParameterCollection Class
- To add Parameter objects to an Parameters
collection of a Command object, two popular ways
are generally adopted, Add() method and
AddWithValue() method. - The Add() method is an overloaded method and it
has five different protocols, but only two of
them are widely used. The protocols of these two
methods are shown below. -
- ParameterCollection.Add( value As SqlParameter )
As SqlParameter - ParameterCollection.Add( paramName As String,
Value As Object ) - The AddWithValue() method is similar to the
second Add() method with the following protocol -
- ParameterCollection.AddWithValue( paramName As
String, Value As Object )
39 Questions and Answers
40- for creating distributed ????? ??????
- Integral ?? ?????
- are core to develop a professional data-driven
application ?? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????
?????? ????? - Data Provider-dependent components. ???? ??????
????? - ??? ????????
- Functionalities ?????
- a table container ????? ??????
- sake of optimal ???? ??? ????? ??????
- highly recommended ????
- Quite ?????
- self-explanatory ?????
- Credentials ????? ??????
41(No Transcript)