Title: Chapter 10 Fact-Finding Techniques
1Chapter 10 Fact-Finding Techniques
2Special Topic A Comparison of Development Model
3Special Topics Types of Development Models
- The Waterfall Development Model
- The Spiral Model
- The Iterative Development Model
4The Waterfall Development Model
- Characteristics
- Encouraging to gather and define system
requirements. - Breaking the complex mission of development into
several logical steps (analysis, design, code,
test, and so forth) Divide and conquer
approach. - Ensuring each step is executed properly with good
quality deliverable, validation, entry, and exit
criteria for each step.
5The Waterfall Development Model
- Advantages
- Enabling tracking of project progress more
accurately and uncovering possible slippages
early. - Focusing the organization that develops the
software system to be more structured and
manageable. - Disadvantages
- The process could become too rigid to be
efficient and effective.
6The Spiral Model
- Developed by Boehm in 1988
- Characteristics
- Relying heavily on prototyping and risk
management vs. the document-driven approach of
the waterfall approach. - Foe each portion of the project and for each of
its levels of elaboration, the same sequence of
steps (cycle) is involved. For instance, the
concept of software requirements, to design, and
implementation, each involves a spiral cycle.
7The Spiral Model
- Approach
- The first step of each cycle is to identify the
objective of the portion of the product being
elaborated, the alternative means of
implementation of the portion of the product, and
the constraints imposed on the application of the
alternatives. - The next step is to evaluate the alternatives
relative to the objectives and constraints and to
identify the associated risks and resolve them. - In addition to prototyping for risk analysis, the
spiral model also simulations, models, and
benchmarks in order to reach the best
8Development Team
Project Lead
9The Iterative Development Model
- Characteristics
- Begin with a subset of the requirements and
develop a subset of the product that satisfies
the essential needs of the users. - Based on the analysis of each immediate product,
the requirements and design are modified over a
series of iterations to provide a system to the
user that meets evolving customer needs with
improved design based on feedback and testing. - Combine with prototyping with the strength of the
classical waterfall model.
10The Iterative Development Model
- Supporting the iterative development was the
small team approach in which each team assumed
the full responsibility of the system.
11Sampling and Investigating Hard Data
- The Needs for Sampling
- Sampling Design
- Kinds of Information Sought in Investigation
13The Needs for Sampling
- Containing costs
- Speeding up the data gathering
- Improving effectiveness
- Reducing bias
14Sampling Design
- Four steps
- Determine the data to be collected or described
- Determine the population to be sampled
- Choose the type of sample
- Decide on the sample size
15Kinds of Information Sought in Investigation
- Types of hard Data (other than interviewing and
- Observation)
- Â Analyzing Quantitative Documents
- Reports used for decision making
- Performance reports
- Records
- Data capture forms
16Kinds of Information Sought in Investigation
- 2. Â Analyzing Qualitative Documents
- Memos
- Signs on bulletins boards or in work areas
- Corporate Web sites
- Manuals
- Policy handbooks
17 Interviewing
- Five Steps in Interview Preparation
- Two Types of Questions Open-End vs. Closed
Questions - Three Basic ways of Structuring Interviews
- JAD (Joint Application Design (Development))
19Five Steps in Interview Preparation
- Reading background material
- Establishing interview objectives
- Deciding when to interview
- Preparing the interviewee
- Deciding on question type and structure
20Two Types of Questions Open-End Questions vs.
Closed Questions
- Open-ended interview questions
- Open describes the interviewees options for
responding. - They are open.
- Advantages
- Putting the interviewee at ease
- Allowing more spontaneity
- Disadvantages
- Possibly losing control of the interview
- May not get the types of answers you want
21Two Types of Questions Open-End Questions vs.
Closed Questions
- Closed interview questions
- Such as How many subordinates do you have?
- Benefits
- Getting to relevant data
- Keeping control over the interview
- Drawbacks
- Failing to obtain rich detail
- Intimidating the interviewee
22Three Basic ways of Structuring interviews
- Pyramid Structure Starting from closed
questions, then gradually expand into open
territory. - Funnel Structure The reverse of pyramid
structure approach. - Diamond-Shaped A combination of the two above
23JAD (Joint Application Development)
24JAD (Joint Application Development) vs.
Traditional Way of Gathering Requirements
- JAD sessions (also called facilitated session)
are used to gather information and feedback and
confirm the results of requirements gathering. - JAD sessions replace the traditional way of
conducting a series of interviews on a one-to-one
basis with the users. - Advantages Achieving consensus during the
session when - multiple sources of information exist, raising
and - addressing issues or assigning them for
resolution, and - immediately confirming information.
25JAD Session
- JAD sessions are used to scope the project. Each
session should last two to three day. They are
very focused and fast-paced. - JAD sessions can be very formal and follow strict
guidelines or be informal group sessions.
26JAD - Roles
- Whether they are formal or informal, there are
four - necessary roles to be filled
- Facilitator
- The Facilitator is the session leader. It is the
facilitators - responsibility to ensure that the objectives of
the sessions - are met.
- Scribes(s)
- Scribes are responsible for recording the minutes
of the - session and optionally constructing deliverables
using an - automated tool as the session progresses.
27JAD- Roles
- User
- The users provide knowledge specific to the scope
of the - project.
- Developers
- Developers are the team members who will be
building - the system.
28JAD Session
- The session is divided into three segments
- Introduction Welcoming remarks description of
the facilities such as rest room locations,
messages, reviewing the agenda and setting
expectations. - Conducting the session To confirm deliverables
set out in the session objectives. - Wrapping up the session By summarizing progress
towards the objectives reviewing the agenda for
the next one and obtaining feedback from the
29JAD Session
- Potential drawbacks
- The commitment of a large block of time for all
participants - Requirements collected could be less than
satisfactory due to unpredictability of the JAD
session or organizational culture not
sufficiently developed to enable the concerted
efforts required to be productive in a JAD
30Using Questionnaires
31Observing Decision-Maker Behavior and Office
Environment (Observing the Enterprise in