Title: US-LHC Activities in AD
1US-LHC Activities in AD
2 Overview
- The LHC
- US-LHC Construction Project
- US-LARP Goals and Activities
- Accelerator Physics
- Instrumentation
- Beam Commissioning
The wise speak only of what they know
Gandalf, Lord of the Rings
Control Room
4Key Parameters
Tevatron LHC
Injection Energy Top Energy Particles/bunch of bunches Trans. Emitt(95) Beam current (p) Stored energy/beam Peak Luminosity 150 GeV 980 GeV 2.7 x 1011 36 20 mm-mrad 0.074 A 1.5 MJ 1.7 x 1032 450 GeV 7000 GeV 1.15 x 1011 2808 22.5 mm-mrad 0.584 A 362 MJ 1 x 1034
5US-LHC Construction Project
- Interaction Region Quads (FNAL)
- Interaction Region Dipoles (BNL)
- Interaction Region Cryogenic Feedboxes (LBL)
- Interaction Region Absorbers (LBL)
- Accelerator Physics (FNAL, BNL, LBL)
- - related to IR designs and magnets
- - ecloud, noise effects
Last magnets to be delivered in 2006
6LHC IR Quads at FNAL
FNAL quads
1st IR quad ready for shipment in May 2004
- FNAL is delivering 18
- IR quads to the LHC
- All IR quads
- (FNAL, KEK) are cryostatted at FNAL
- and shipped from here
- Last quad to be
- shipped in late 2006.
7FNAL quads installed in IR8
Mission Accomplished ?
Courtesy J. Kerby
- Goals stated by J. Strait (2002)
- Extend and improve the performance of the LHC so
as to maximize its scientific output in support
of US-CMS and US-ATLAS - Maintain and develop the US labs capabilities so
that the US can be the leader in the next
generation of hadron colliders. - Serve as a vehicle for US accelerator physicists
to pursue their research - Train future generations of accelerator
physicists. - It is the next step in international cooperation
on large accelerators. - Fermilab has been appointed the Host Laboratory
to lead this program.
9US LARP Institutions
- Two main areas
- High field magnets
- Accelerator systems
- Accelerator Physics, Instrumentation,
Collimation, Commissioning (beam hardware) - High field magnets BNL, FNAL, LBL
- Accelerator Physics BNL, FNAL, LBL
- Instrumentation BNL, FNAL, LBL, UT Austin
- Collimation SLAC
- Commissioning BNL, FNAL, LBL
10US-LARP Goals
- Accelerator Physics and Experiments
- - understand performance limitations of current
IRs and develop new designs - - Beam dynamics calculations and related
experiments - Develop high performance magnets for new higher
luminosity IRs - - large-aperture, high gradient quadrupoles
using Nb3Sn - - high field beam separation dipoles and strong
correctors - Develop advanced beam diagnostics and
instrumentation - - luminosity monitor, tune feedback, Schottky
monitor, rotatable collimators - - other systems as needed for improving LHC
performance - Commissioning
- - participate in the sector test and LHC beam
commissioning - - commission hardware delivered by the US
11 IR Upgrade
12 Luminosity and IR upgrade
J. Strait
- An IR upgrade is a straightforward way to
increase the luminosity by a factor of 2-3 - It must also deal with higher beam currents and
10 times larger debris power at L1035cm-2s-1 - Several optics design issues
- 50 of LARP effort is in IR magnet design
A luminosity upgrade will be required around
2015 to keep the LHC physics program
13Quadrupoles 1st option
- Advantages
- Allows smaller ß, minimizes aberrations.
- Lower accumulation of charged particle debris
from the IP. - Operational experience from the first years of
running. - Disadvantages
- More parasitic beam-beam interactions.
- Crossing angle has to increase as 1/vß
- IR correction systems act on both beams
Baseline Design
14 Dipoles 1st 2 options
- Advantages
- Fewer parasitic interactions.
- Correction systems act on single beams.
- No feed-down effects in the quads
- Disadvantages
- Large energy deposition in the
- dipoles.
- Beta functions are larger ?
- increases aberrations.
- Longer RD time for dipoles
- Longer commissioning time
- after the upgrade.
15 Optics Solutions
ßMax 9 km
Quads first
LARP magnet program aims to build 15T pole tip
ßMax 27 km
ßMax 25 km
Dipoles first triplets
Dipoles first doublets
J. Johnstone, TS
16IR Design Issues ? Luminosity Reach
- Requirements on magnet fields and apertures
- Optically matched designs at all stages
- Energy deposition
- Beam-beam interactions
- Chromaticity and non-linear correctors, field
quality - Dispersion correction
- Susceptibility to noise, misalignment, ground
motion emittance growth - Closest approach of magnets to the IP (L)
- Impact of Nb3Sn magnets, e.g flux jumps
- RD time required to develop the most critical
hardware and to integrate it in the LHC - .. All need to be considered in defining the
luminosity reach
17Towards a Reference Baseline Design
- Proposal by F. Ruggiero (CERN)
- Define a Baseline, i.e. a forward looking
configuration which we are reasonably confident
can achieve the required LHC luminosity
performance and can be used to give an accurate
cost estimate by mid-end 2006 in a Reference
Design Report - Identify Alternative Configurations
- Identify RD to
- - support the baseline
- - develop the alternatives
Separately, the LARP magnet program has been
tasked to deliver a working prototype of a
Nb3Sn quadrupole by 2009.
18 Wire Compensation of beam-beam interactions
19Long-range interactions
- Long-range beam-beam interactions are expected to
affect LHC performance based on Tevatron
observations and LHC simulations - Wire compensator is proposed to mitigate their
impact - RHIC has a 2 ring layout like the LHC can be
used to test the principle
Difference in kicks between a round beam and a
wire lt 1 beyond 3 sigma
20Wire compensation in RHIC and LHC
Reserved for wire compensators
Location of wire compensators Installation in
Summer 2006
To be installed if required to improve performance
. Feasibility would determine upgrade path
21RHIC beam-beam experiments
- Motivation for experiments Test of wire
compensation in 2007 - Determine if a single parasitic causes
beam losses that need to be compensated - Experiments in 2005 and 2006
- Remote participation at FNAL via logbook
- Motivation for simulations Tests and
improvements of codes, predictions of
observations in 2006 and of wire compensation - Several groups FNAL, SLAC, LBL,
University of Kansas - (coordinated at FNAL)
- Website http//www-ap.fnal.gov/tsen/RHIC
22Beam-beam Experiments and Simulations (2006)
FNAL Simulations
- Beam lifetime responds to vertical separation
but vertical separation ? 4s (1st study April
5th, 2006) - 4 studies in all (April-May) to explore larger
separations and tune space - Analysis to find dependence on beam separation
in progress
- Simulated lifetimes show a linear dependence
on the beam separation
V. Ranjbar, TS
23Wire Compensator in RHIC
- 1 unit in each ring
- 2.5m long
- Currents between 3.8 50 A
- Vertically movable over 65mm
- Install in Summer 2006
24 Pulsed Wires
- Required for bunch to bunch compensation PACMAN
bunches - Challenges are the high pulse rate and turn to
turn stability tolerances
LHC bunch pattern
Strength Pulse rate 120 A-m 439 kHz
Turn to turn amplitude stability Turn to turn timing stability 10-4 0.04 nsec
Pulse pattern
Open Design Challenge
25 Energy Deposition
26Energy deposition
- Primary source of radiation in the IR magnets pp
collisions, Luminosity - Tevatron debris power 2 W
- LHC at 1035cm-2s-1, debris power 9kW
- Energy deposition is viewed as the major
constraint on the IR upgrade - Could be key in deciding between quads
first or dipoles first. - Other sources include operational beam losses
(e.g. beam gas scattering) and accidental losses
(e.g. misfiring of abort kickers)
27Energy Deposition Issues Constraints
- Quench stability? Peak power density
- Require Epeak to be below the quench limit
by a factor of 3 - Magnet lifetime ? peak radiation dose and
lifetime limits for various materials - Baseline LHC expect lifetime 7 years
for IR magnets - Upgrade LHC requires new radiation hard
materials - Dynamic heat loads ? Power dissipation and
cryogenic implications - Require heat load lt 10 W/m
- Residual dose rates ? hands on maintenance
- Require residual dose rates lt 0.1 mSv/hr
- Dedicated system of charged particle and neutral
absorbers in the IRs
28 Energy Deposition Open Mid-plane Dipole
- ED issues constrain the dipole design to have no
coils in the mid-plane - ?peak in SC coils 0.4mW/g, below the quench
limit - Estimated lifetime based on displacements per
atom is 10 years - Dipole design will require significant RD,
further LARP design work postponed
R. Gupta (BNL)
N. Mokhov
29 Quadrupole first design
- Without mitigation, Epeak gt 4 mW/g. Target value
is 1.7mW/g - Mitigation by thick inner liner
- Stainless steel liners are not adequate
- Thick Tungsten-Rhenium liner reduces
- Epeak 1.2 mW/g
I. Rakhno
30Tertiary Collimators
- Designed to protect the detector and IR
components from operational and accidental beam
Similar collimator used at A48 in the Tevatron
to protect against abort kicker misfire For the
LHC propose 1m long Tungsten or Copper
collimator upstream of neutral absorber
N. Mokhov
31LHC Injector
32LHC Injector in the LHC tunnel
- Injector will accelerate beams from 0.45TeV to
1.5TeV - - Field quality of LHC better at 1.5GeV
- - Space charge effects lower, may allow
- higher intensity bunches
- - Could allow easier transition to LHC
doubler - The injector will be installed in the LHC tunnel
during scheduled LHC shutdowns - Return to the standard SPS injection into the LHC
will be possible - The main magnets will be the type of super-ferric
combined function magnets proposed for the VLHC I.
H. Piekarz (TD)
33LHC Injector (LER)
Vertical distance between LER and LHC beams is
- VLHC low-field magnet
- 0.6 T (injection) ? 1.6 T
34Beam Transfer
Sequence SPS-gt Injector -gt LHC
- Fast pulsing magnets (PM) have to be turned
off within 3 micro-secs after LHC is filled. - CERN Workshop October 2006
--- what is not surrounded by uncertainty cannot
be the truth R.P. Feynman
- Schottky Monitor
- Tune and Chromaticity Feedback
- New Initiatives
36Schottky Monitor at the Tevatron
- Allows measurements of
- Tunes from peak positions
- Momentum spread from average width
- Beam-beam tune spread of pbars
- Chromaticity from differential width
- Emittance from average band power
37Schottky Monitor Design
- Schottky Monitor will provide unique
capabilities - Only tune measurement during the store
- Bunch-by-bunch measurement of parameters such as
Tune, Chromaticity - Average measurements as well
- Momentum spread emittance
- Non invasive Technique
- Diagnosis of beam-beam effects and electron cloud
R. Pasquinelli, A. Jansson
4 Monitors to be installed in the LHC, Summer 2006
38Tune and Chromaticity feedback
- Goals
- Control the tune during the acceleration ramp to
avoid beam loss - Control the chromaticity during the snapback at
start of ramp - PLL method excite the beam close to the tune
and observe the resonant beam transfer function - Then used in a feedback system to regulate the
quadrupole current and tune
Measurement in RHIC with tune feedback tune
changes 0.001
39Tune chromaticity at the Tevatron
Phase Modulation Off
- The Direct Diode Detection method (3D BBQ) from
CERN implemented in the Tevatron complements
tune measurements from the Schottky monitors.
More sensitive than the Schottky. - This 3D BBQ has been used to measure the
chromaticity with a method due to D. McGinnis. - Interest in implementing this method at RHIC and
the SPS
Phase Modulation On
C.Y. Tan
40New FNAL Initiatives - proposed
- AC Dipole (A. Jansson)
- Electron lens compensation of head-on
interactions (V. Shiltsev) - Crystal collimation (N. Mokhov)
- Measure field fluctuations in magnets (V.
- LHC Plans
- LARP involvement
42LHC Commissioning Plan
Stage I
No beam
I. Pilot physics run First collisions 43
bunches, no crossing angle, no squeeze, moderate
intensities Push performance (156 bunches,
partial squeeze in 1 and 5, push
intensity) Performance limit 1032 cm-2 s-1 (event
pileup) II. 75ns operation Establish
multi-bunch operation, moderate
intensities Relaxed machine parameters (squeeze
and crossing angle) Push squeeze and crossing
angle Performance limit 1033 cm-2 s-1 (event
pileup) III. 25ns operation I Nominal crossing
angle Push squeeze Increase intensity to 50
nominal Performance limit 2 1033 cm-2 s-1 IV.
25ns operation II Push towards nominal performance
R. Bailey (CERN)
43Beam Instrumentation R.Garoby, R.Jones Beam Instrumentation R.Garoby, R.Jones Beam Instrumentation R.Garoby, R.Jones Beam Instrumentation R.Garoby, R.Jones
Activity Responsible Other CERN LARP
Screens E.Bravin A.Guerrero H.Burkhardt (AP) G.Arduini (AP)
BCT P.Odier D.Belohrad M.Ludwig H.Burkhardt (AP) J.Jowett (AP)
BPM and orbit R.Jones L.Jensen J.Wenninger (OP) W.Herr (AP) I.Papaphilippou (AP)
BLM B.Dehning E.Holzer S.Jackson R.Assmann (AP) H.Burkhardt (AP) B.Jeanneret (AP) S.Gilardoni (AP)
PLL for Q, Q, C R.Jones M.Gasior P.Karlsson S.Fartoukh (AP) O.Berrig (AP) J.Wenninger (OP) X
Profile monitors S.Hutchins J.Koopman A.Guerrero H.Burkhardt (AP) S.Gilardoni (AP) M.Giovannozzi (AP) X
Schottky monitors F.Caspers (RF) R.Jones S.Bart-Pedersen E.Metral (AP) C.Carli (AP) F.Zimmermann (AP) X
Luminosity monitors E.Bravin S.Bart-Pedersen R.Assmann (AP) F.Zimmermann (AP) X
44Expression of Interest Form
In anticipation of LHC-related studies using the
SPS in the coming months and commissioning next
year, LARP is soliciting interest for involvement
in same. http//larp.fnal.gov/commissioningForm.
html is the link for you to register your
interest in being part of this effort.
- Please respond to Elvin Harms by June 1st
45SPS studies test LHC issues
- LHC collimator tests
- LSS6 commissioning
- TI8 extraction test
- LSS4/LSS6 interleaved
- LHC beam lifetime
- LHC orbit feedback
- BBLR beam-beam compensation
- LHC BLM tests in the PSB
- --- sample of studies planned
- From G. Arduini (CERN)
46LARP plans for Beam Commissioning
- Refining areas of involvement, identifying CERN
counterparts - 15 people signed up (across all 4 labs)
- LARP presence during SPS run in Summer 06
- 3 FNAL people participating, room for a
few more - Sector test presence planned
- About 2 weeks, late 2006 early 2007
- Software effort
- In support of instruments and control
room here - Planning for long-term visits during LHC
E. Harms
47What is LHC_at_FNAL?
- A Place
- That provides access to information in a manner
that is similar to what is available in control
rooms at CERN - Where members of the LHC community can
participate remotely in CMS and LHC activities - A Communications Conduit
- Between CERN and members of the LHC community
located in North America - LARP use Training before visiting CERN,
Participating in Machine Studies, Analysis of
performance, Service after the Sale of US
deliverables - An Outreach tool
- Visitors will be able to see current LHC
activities - Visitors will be able to see how future
international projects in particle physics can
benefit from active participation in projects at
remote locations. - Planned Opening in September 2006
E. Gottschalk
48 LHC_at_FNAL
You can observe a lot just by watching
Yogi Berra
49Control Room at CERN
13 operators on shift experts
Started operation on Feb 1, 2006
50LHC Challenges
- Machine protection
- Quench protection e.g at 7 TeV, fast losses lt
0.0005 bunch intensity - Collimation (400 degrees of freedom!)
- Controlling 2808 bunches
- Snapback and ramp
- ?Q (snapback) 90,
- ?Q (ramp squeeze) 320
- -----
51Summary of LARP activities
- Optics design of IR upgrade
- Energy deposition calculations in IR magnets
- Design of tertiary collimators
- Beam-beam and wire compensation experiments
- Optics design of a proposed LHC injector
- Design of Schottky Monitor
- Tests of tune and chromaticity tracking
- Proposed new initiatives AC dipole, E-lens,
Crystal collimation, Field fluctuations - Participation in SPS and LHC sector tests
- LHC beam commissioning
52Web pages
- AD larp.fnal.gov
- US-LARP dms.uslarp.org
- LARP document database
- larpdocs.fnal.gov
- FNAL-TD, BNL, LBL, SLAC also have web pages
links from the uslarp page -
E. McCrory
53 Credits
- Accelerator Physics J. Johnstone, N. Mokhov, I.
Rakhno, V. Ranjbar - Instrumentation A. Jansson, R. Pasquinelli, V.
Shiltsev, C.Y. Tan - Commissioning E. Harms, E. McCrory, J.
Slaughter, M. Syphers
55US-LARP activities in 2006
- Accelerator Physics
- FNAL IR design, Beam-beam compensation,
Energy deposition, tertiary collimators - BNL Beam-beam compensation
- LBL Electron cloud
- Instrumentation
- FNAL Schottky monitor, tune feedback
- BNL Tune feedback
- LBL Luminosity monitor
- Rotating collimators SLAC
- Magnets
- High field quads FNAL, BNL, LBL
- Commissioning all labs
56(No Transcript)
57 Features of Doublet Optics
- Symmetric about IP from Q1 to Q3, anti-symmetric
from Q4 onwards - Q1, Q2 are identical quads, Q1T is a trim quad
(125 T/m). L(Q1) L(Q2) 6.6 m - Q3 to Q6 are at positions different from
baseline optics - All gradients under 205 T/m
- At collision, ßx 0.462m, ßy 0.135m, ßeff
0.25m - Same separation in units of beam size with a
smaller crossing angle FE v(ßR/ ßE) FR 0.74
FR - Luminosity gain compared to round beams
Including the hourglass factor,
58 LHC Commissioning Plan
From R. Bailey (CERN)
1 Injection and First turn
2 Circulating beam, RF capture
3 450 GeV initial commissioning
4 450 GeV detailed measurements
5 450 GeV 2 beams
6 Nominal cycle
7 Snapback single beam
8 Ramp single beam
9 Single beam at physics energy
10 Two beams to physics energy
11 Physics
12 Commission squeeze
13 Physics partially squeezed
Where are we ? Overall strategy OK Stage I
43 bunches Stage II 75ns Stage III 25ns
low I Stage IV 25ns high I Stage I looked
at Some details behind Need to make this into a
detailed commissioning plan Best developed by the
people who will implement it Machine
coordinators/Commissioners/EICs Accelerator
Systems Work through 2006 (suggest 20 activity)
59Machine protection
- Metal damage
- 450 GeV 50 nominal bunches
- 7 TeV 7 x 109, about 6 of 1 bunch
- Quench protection
- Fast losses 450 GeV 109, 7TeV 5x105
- During abort 450GeV 1.4x109 p/m in gap
- 7TeV 2x106 p/m in gap
- Collimator damage
- Fast losses 450 GeV 260 bunches
- 7 TeV 4 bunches
60LHC Sector test with beam
3.3 km of the LHC including one experiment
insertion and a full arc
61 LHC_at_FNAL