Title: ATLAS and CMS activities
1ATLAS and CMS activities
ECFA/DESY meeting St Malo 12-15
April 2002
2LHC Prospects
- New date for first beams/collisions 1/4/2007
- Initial physics run starts in 2007 ?? 10 fb-1
(2.1033cm-2 s-1) - Depending on the evolution 200-300 fb-1 in 5-6
years - (3.4-10.1033cm-2 s-1 )
- Studies ongoing for 1.1035cm-2 s-1 (SLHC)
- Needs changes in machine and detectors
- ?? 3000 fb-1 in 3-4 years, i.e. by the end of
2010 or so - CMS ATLAS preparing for first beam in 2007
- Concentrate on hard software
- Main questions are on trigger/DAQ, using gold
plated physics channels - Exploring of new physics studies not main
activity now - Discovery potential has been demonstrated
for key processes - Planned/existing physics review studies
- ATLAS physics TDR exist since 2000, may be redone
in 2005 - CMS physics TDR planned for 2005, starting to
prepare during 2002
3ATLAS and CMS Plans
- Common LC/LHC studies
- There is interest but not yet much activity (5-10
people/exp for now) - We need to start with a fewspecific
questions/studies - (Agree on luminosities etc.)
- ATLAS Global fits using masses of measured
particles, to scan - and constrain the susy space ? Expect gain
due to sleptons on M0 - Add branching ratio cross section
measurements - Will be initially based on the old LHC
benchmark points - CMS interest to start such activity/using
new benchmark points - ATLAS CMS check on gain of precise
measurements of ?01 (and other gauginos) for
reconstructing squark masses (mass splitting) - CMS Combining heavy higgs (LHC) with light higgs
(LC) measurement
4ATLAS and CMS Plans
- Benchmark points
- ATLAS so far study of point E() (SPS 2()),
maybe B (SPS 1a) next - CMS point B, C (SPS 3) , E and G for trigger
studies and reconstruction points I,L (SPS 4) for
heavy Higgs to Tau - (? point I could be replaced by SPS1b )
- SLHC study points M, K, H used (no SPS
equivalent) - Non-mSUGRA models take SPS selected points
- CMS Combined studies of extra dimensions ?
- Plan for first results
end of June - In the following
- A reminder of LHC reach, relevant for this group
- New studies in CMS, e.g. on susy mass
() BDEGMOPW points () Snowmass points
5Example LSP from LC
Impact of the precise knowledge of the LSP from
the LC on the neutralino two and
slepton masses
LSP mass
LSP mass
Visiting IP5 CMS getting into shape
7Example The CMS experiment
- Tracking
- Silicon pixels
- Silicon strips
- Calorimeters
- PbW04 crystals
- for Electro-magn.
- Scintillator/copper
- for hadronic part
- 4T solenoid
- Instrumented iron
- for muon detection
- Jet Energy scale
- to 1.0
- EM energy scale
- to 0.1
- Luminosity
- to better than 5
8Expected Event rates
Huge event rates The LHC will be a W-factory,
a Z-factory, a top factory, a Higgs factory etc..
9SM Higgs search
Production and decay modes
10Expected Results for the Higgs
- Will discover the Higgs in the range 100 GeV ?
1 TeV (if exists) - Precision on the measurement
of the mass between 0.1-1
11H ? ZZ() ? 4 leptons
- clean signal, mass resolution 1
- precision on muon momentum comes from combining
muon chamber with tracker info
12Light Higgs search
If mh lt 140 GeV gg ? h ? ?? most promising
channel, although BR only 10-3
motivation for high resolution ECAL
(PbWO4 crystals 1 at 100 GeV)
13Light Higgs search
Recent h ? bb in tth production
Also results on H? ??
14Exclusive Higgs
A recent development search for exclusive Higgs
production pp? p H p
Needs roman pots Cross section 1 fb
Khoze et al.
roman pots
roman pots
15Invisible Higgs
16Heavy Higgs
- at large tan ?, bb A/H and tb H? production
strongly enhanced!! - assume Msusy 1 TeV
- important channels
- A/H ? ??
- A/H ? ??
- H? ? ??
- H? ? tb
Working hard to cover low tan? - high mA region
17Heavy MSSM Higgs search (3)
NEW at low tan ?, we may exploit the sparticle
decay modes
A, H ? ?20 ?20 ? 4l ETmiss
F. Moortgat
18Susy measurements
Atlas physics TDR
Mostly ? complicated decay chains
Decay chain example
21Susy discovery limits
S. Abdoulin
22Susy discovery Limits
S. Abdoulin
23Susy measurements
Atlas physics TDR LHC Point 5
m0100 GeV m1/2300 GeV tan?
2.1 sgn(?) A300 GeV
24Susy measurements
Atlas physics TDR
25Benchmark points
26Benchmark Points
27Study of point B (SPS1)
M. Chiorboli
28Decay chain
- Event final state
- ? 2 high pt isolated leptons OS
- ? 2 high pt b jets
- missing Et
29First step c20 ? ll- c10
10 fb-1
Fit result
Etmiss gt 50 GeV
30Sbottom reconstruction
Assuming M(c10) known!
31Sbottom mass
10 fb-1
Result of fit
Generated masses
32Gluino reconstruction
Etmiss gt 150 GeV
33Gluino mass
10 fb-1
34 with 60 fb-1
60 fb-1
Result of fit
35Point G
36Sbottom peak
Result of fit
Generated masses
37Guino peak
Result of fit
Generated mass
38 estimation
Generated values
This needs better understanding of the SM bkg
Point G, with 60 fb-1
- Sbottom and gluino seem to be visible
40Stop Searches
Missing ET and transverse l? mass
Stop mass and cross section
S/?B for SM and SMSUSY
41Rare Top Decays
S. Slabospitsky
42Graviton Searches
Traczyk, Wrochna
MG1000 GeV C0.01
KK excitations in the RS model
Search Reach
MG2000 GeV C0.01
43?? physics
- observation provided efficient measurement of
forward scattered protons, one can study
high-energy ?? collisions at the LHC
- Highlights
- gg CM energy W up to/beyond 1 TeV (and under
control) - Large photon flux F therefore significant gg
luminosity - Complementary (and clean) physics to pp
interactions, eg studies of exclusive production
of the Higgs boson, W pairs might be possible
opens new field of studying very high
energy gg physics
44Two-photon interactions at the LHC
total ?? cross section .
45?? physics
s 10 pb (at WMH200 GeV)
clean signatures both transversal and
longitudinal missing energy !
it cannot be missed!!
46And more
-Precision measurements MW to 15 MeV, Mtop to
1.5 GeV anomalous gauge couplings, sin2?W,
rare top decays, B-physics, CP violation
studies -MSSM Higgs bosons -Extra dimensions -New
heavy gauge bosons -Strong interactions in the W
sector -Technicolor -Compositeness up to scales
of 40 TeV
MSSM Higgs
New W boson
W mass
Top quark mass
LHC detectors must be prepared for the unknown