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How do we know that human influence is changing (regional) climate? Hans von Storch Institute for Coastal Research, GKSS Research Center, Geesthachtand – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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How do we know that human influence is changing
(regional) climate?
Hans von Storch Institute for Coastal Research,
GKSS Research Center, Geesthachtand Meteorological
Institute, Hamburg University
Questions about ongoing non-natural change
  • Global anthropogenic change - An argument
    for efforts to mitigate climate change by
    diminishing drivers (political asset)
  • Regional anthropogenic change need to
    discriminate between global and regional
    drivers. An argument for efforts to mitigate
    regional change by diminishing regional drivers
    (political asset), or an argument to
    implement adaptive measures to deal with
    changing risks and opportunities (information
    for stakeholders)

Detection and attribution of ongoing change
Omstedt, 2005
Detection and attribution of non-natural ongoing
  • Detection of the presence of non-natural
    signals rejection of null hypothesis that recent
    trends are drawn from the distribution of trends
    given by the historical record. Statistical
  • Different definition Detection is the process
    of demonstrating than an observed change is
    significantly different (in a statistical sense)
    than can be explained by natural internal
    variability (IPCC, TAR, 2001 see also IDAG,
  • Attribution of cause(s) Non-rejection of the
    null hypothesis that the observed change is made
    up of a sum of given signals. Plausibility
  • History
  • Hasselmann, K., 1979 On the signal-to-noise
    problem in atmospheric response studies.
    Meteorology over the tropical oceans (B.D.Shaw
    ed.), pp 251-259, Royal Met. Soc., Bracknell,
    Berkshire, England. Hasselmann, K., 1993
    Optimal fingerprints for the detection of time
    dependent climate change. J. Climate 6, 1957 -
    1971 Hasselmann, K., 1998 Conventional and
    Bayesian approach to climate change detection and
    attribution. Quart. J. R. Meteor. Soc. 124
    2541-2565IDAG, 2005 Detecting and attributing
    external influences on the climate system. A
    review of recent advances. J. Climate 18,

Cases of Global Climate Change Detection Studies
of strong, well documented signals Examples
1) Rybski et al. (2006) 2)
Counting recent extremes of weak, not well
documented signals. Example Near-globally
distributed air temperature IDAG (2005), Hegerl
et al. (1996), Zwiers (1999) Rybski, D., A.
Bunde, S. Havlin,and H. von Storch, 2006
Long-term persistence in climate and the
detection problem. Geophys. Res. Lett. 33,
L06718, doi10.1029/2005GL025591IDAG, 2005
Detecting and attributing external influences on
the climate system. A review of recent advances.
J. Climate 18, 1291-1314 Hegerl, G.C., H. von
Storch, K. Hasselmann, B.D. Santer, U. Cubasch,
P.D. Jones, 1996 Detecting anthropogenic climate
change with an optimal fingerprint method. J.
Climate 9, 2281-2306 Zwiers, F.W., 1999 The
detection of climate change. In H. von Storch
and G. Flöser (Eds.) Anthropogenic Climate
Change. Springer Verlag, 163-209, ISBN
The Rybski-et al. study
Rybski, D., A. Bunde, S. Havlin,and H. von
Storch, 2006 Long-term persistence in climate
and the detection problem. Geophys. Res. Lett.
33, L06718, doi10.1029/2005GL025591
Rybski, D., A. Bunde, S. Havlin,and H. von
Storch, 2006 Long-term persistence in climate
and the detection problem. Geophys. Res. Lett.
33, L06718, doi10.1029/2005GL025591
- Statistics of ?T(m,L) which is the difference
of two m-year NH temperature means, separated by
L years. - Temperature variations are modeled as
Gaussian long-memory process, fitted to the
various reconstructions.
Counting extremely warm years
  • Among the last 16 years, 1991-2006, there were
    the 12 warmest years since 1881 (i.e., in 126
    samples) how probable is such an event if the
    time series were stationary?
  • Monte-Carlo simulations taking into account
    serial correlation, either AR(1) (with lag-1
    correlation ?) or long-term memory process (with
    Hurst parameter H0.5d).
  • Best guesses
  • ? 0.8
  • H 0.5 d ? 0.50.3 (??)

Joint unpublished work by Zorita, Stocker and von
Storch, 2007
How do we determine the control climate?
In general, the data base for the
control/undisturbed climate is not good
  • With the help of the limited empirical evidence
    from instrumental observations, possibly after
    suitable extraction of the suspected
    non-natural signal.
  • By projection of the signal on a proxy data
    space, and by determining the stats of the latter
    from geoscience indirect evidence (e.g., tree
  • By accessing long control runs done with
    quasi-realistic climate models

Signal or noise?
Trend in air temperature 1965-1994 1916-1945
Hegerl, G.C., H. von Storch, K. Hasselmann, B.D.
Santer, U. Cubasch, P.D. Jones, 1996 Detecting
anthropogenic climate change with an optimal
fingerprint method. J. Climate 9, 2281-2306
Reducing the degrees of freededom
Specific problem in climate applications usually
very many (gt103) degrees of freedom, but the
signal of change resides in a few of these
degrees of freedom. Example Signal (2, 0, 0,
...0) with all components independent. Power of
detecting the signal, depends on degrees of
Thus, the dimension of the problem must be
reduced before doing anything further. Usually,
only very few components are selected, such as 1
or 2.
Guess patterns
The reduction of degrees of freedom is done by
projecting the full signal S one or a few several
guess patterns Gk, which are assumed to
describe the effect of a driver. S ?k ?k Gk
n with n undescribed part. When Gk orthonormal
then ?k ST?Gk.
Example guess pattern supposedly representative
of increased CO2 levels
Hegerl, G.C., H. von Storch, K. Hasselmann, B.D.
Santer, U. Cubasch, P.D. Jones, 1996 Detecting
anthropogenic climate change with an optimal
fingerprint method. J. Climate 9, 2281-2306
Optimizing s/n ratio
Optimization of the expected signal to noise
ratio with the inverse covariance matrix of
the internal climate variability.
Hegerl, G.C., H. von Storch, K. Hasselmann, B.D.
Santer, U. Cubasch, P.D. Jones, 1996 Detecting
anthropogenic climate change with an optimal
fingerprint method. J. Climate 9, 2281-2306
The attribution problem
  • Attribution is considered to be obtained, when
  • the suspected link between forcing and response
    is theoretically established, and
  • the data do not contradict that ?k1 in the
    assumed representation S ?k ?k Gk n.
  • A contradiction prevails if the null hypothesis
    ?k1 is rejected.
  • Thus, a non-contradiction is a plausibility-argume
    nt. It may be due to a too small data base.

  • 2-patterns problem (Hegerl et al. 1997)
  • guess patterns for climate change mechanisms
    taken as first EOFs of a climate change
    simulation on that mechanism.
  • only CO2 increase
  • increase of CO2 and industrial aerosols as well.
  • orthogonalisation of the two patterns
  • estimation of natural variability through GCM
    control simulations done at MPI in Hamburg, GFDL
    in Princeton and HC in Bracknell.

Example Attribution
Attribution diagram for observed 50-year trends
in JJA mean temperature.
Zwiers, F.W., 1999 The detection of climate
change. In H. von Storch and G. Flöser (Eds.)
Anthropogenic Climate Change. Springer Verlag,
163-209, ISBN 3-540-65033-4
The ellipsoids enclose non-rejection regions for
testing the null hypothesis that the
2-dimensional vector of signal amplitudes
estimated from observations has the same
distribution as the corresponding signal
amplitudes estimated from the simulated 1946-95
trends in the greenhouse gas, greenhouse gas plus
aerosol and solar forcing experiments.
Attribution - plausibility
From Hadley Center, IPCC TAR, 2001
Regional the Baltic Sea catchment
The Baltic Sea Catchment Assessment BACC
An effort to establish which knowledge about
anthropogenic climate change is available for the
Baltic Sea catchment. Working group BACC of GEWEX
program BALTEX. Approximately 80 scientist from
10 countries have documented and assessed the
published knowledge. Assessment has been accepted
by intergovernmental HELCOM commission as a basis
for its future deliberations.
The Baltic Sea Catchment Assessment BACC
  • Summary of BACC ResultsBaltic Area Climate
    Change Assessment
  • Presently a warming is going on in the Baltic
    Sea region.
  • No formal detection and attribution studies
  • BACC considers it plausible that this warming is
    at least partly related to anthropogenic factors.
  • So far, and in the next few decades, the signal
    is limited to temperature and directly related
    variables, such as ice conditions.
  • Later, changes in the water cycle are expected
    to become obvious.
  • This regional warming will have a variety of
    effects on terrestrial and marine ecosystems
    some predictable such as the changes in the
    phenology others so far hardly predictable.

BACC Group Assessment of climate change for the
Baltic Sea basin, Springer-Verlag, in press
Significant trends
  • Often,an anthropogenic influence is assumed to be
    found when trends are found to be significant.
  • In many cases, the tests for assessing the
    significance of a trend are false as they fail to
    take into account serial correlation.
  • If the null-hypothesis is correctly rejected,
    then the conclusion to be drawn is if the data
    collection exercise would be repeated, then we
    may expect to see again a similar trend.
  • Example N European warming trend April July
    as part of the seasonal cycle.
  • It does not imply that the trend will continue
    into the future (beyond the time scale of serial
  • Example. Usually September is cooler than July.

Significant trends
Establishing the statistical significance of a
trend is a necessary condition for claiming that
the trend would represent evidence of
anthropogenic influence. Claims of a continuing
trend require that the dynamical cause for the
present trend is identified, and that the driver
causing the trend itself is continuing to
change. Thus, claims for extension of present
trends into the future require- empirical
evidence for ongoing trend, and- theoretical
reasoning for driver-response dynamics, and-
forecasts of future driver behavior.
Consistency analysisattribution without detection
The check of consistency of recent and ongoing
trends with predictions from dynamical (or other)
models represents a kind of attribution without
detection. This is in particular useful, when
time series of insufficient length are available
or the signal-to-noise level is too low. The idea
is to estimate the driver-related change E from a
(series of) model scenarios (or predictions), and
to compare this expected change E with the
recent trend R. If R ? E, then we may conclude
that the recent change is not due to the changing
driver, at least not completely.
Measures of similarity
Consistency analysis Seasonal precip in the
Baltic Sea catchment
Example Changing DJF-mean precipitation in the
Baltic Sea catchment Trend of precip according
to different data sources.
Consistency analysis
  • Expected signals E
  • six simulations with regional coupled
    atmosphere-Baltic Sea model RCAO (Rossby-Center,
  • three simulations run with HadCM3 global
    scenarios, three with ECHAM4 global scenarios
  • two simulation exposed to A2 emission scenario,
    two simulations exposed to B2 scenario 2071-2100
  • two simulations with present day GHG-levels
  • Climate change in the four scenarios relatively

Consistency analysis
Consistency analysis
Patterns correlations between observed (CRU)
trends in DJF seasonal precipitation in the
Baltic Sea catchment and expected signals
derived from scaled RCM changes.
Global model scenario Pattern correlations Pattern correlations without NAO
HadAM A2 0.83 0.75
HadAM B2 0.75 0.64
ECHAM A2 0.85 0.75
ECHAM B2 0.84 0.74
The pattern correlations are all significantly
larger than pattern correlations between random
combinations of trends.
Consistency analysis
Ratio of intensities between observed (CRU)
trends in DJF seasonal precipitation in the
Baltic Sea catchment and expected signals
derived from scaled RCM changes. All model
predictionsresult in too largetrends for the
past years.When taking out theNAO the
situationslightly improves.
Global model scenario Intensity-ratio ??R??/??E?? Intensity-ratio without NAO
HadAM A2 2.96 2.53
HadAM B2 4.50 3.98
ECHAM A2 1.94 1.57
ECHAM B2 2.50 2.07
Consistency analysis Baltic Sea catchment
  1. In DJF patterns of trends in observed CRU data
    consistent with patterns of trends predicted by
  2. Intensity of trends in 1976-2005 considerably
    larger than predicted by RCAO scenarios.
  3. When talking out the NAO, the dominant pattern of
    natural variability, the over-prediction of the
    intensities is somewhat smaller.
  4. Possible causes- scenarios inappropriate
    (false)- drivers other than CO2 at work
    (industrial aerosols?)- natural variability much
    larger than signal (signal-to-noise ratio ?
  5. Similar situation in spring.
  6. No consistency in summer and fall.

Overall summary
  • How do we know that human influence is changing
    (regional) climate?
  • Statistical analysis of ongoing change with
    distribution of naturally occurring changes
    detection, statistical proof.- ok für global and
    continental scale temp.
  • Consistency of continental temp change with
    change in regions such as Baltic Sea catchment
    (temp and related variables see Jonas

Overall summary
  • How do we know that human influence is changing
    (regional) climate?
  • Attribution (of causal drivers) is a
    plausibility argument determine consistency of
    ongoing change with expected changes.
  • Done for global and continental scale temp (and
    related) variables (see IDAG).
  • First efforts on regional scales (see JonasÄ

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