Title: 19th century art Impressionism
119th century artImpressionism
2Reading pg. 980-991
- Name the artist who painted the first modern
work of art? - What was the title of this piece?
- Why was is this artists work considered
modern? - What was the name of the show where it was 1st
displayed in 1863? - How does this piece differ from Realistic art?
- Why is this artist associated with the
Impressionist artists? Did he consider himself an
impressionist? - Discuss the most interesting painting/artist that
you read about. Tell me what stood out to you
and why.
3Charles BaudelairesOn the Heroism of Modern
- Baudelaire (1821-1867) poet art critic
- Heroism of Modern Life essay review of the
Salon of 1846 - Embraces modernity beauty is relative, not
eternal - Each century has its own form of beauty
- Artist of the mid-19th century should reject
shop-worn historical subjects - The beauty of their time is fashionable urban
subjects the heroism of modern life - His writings influence Manet, Degas, Renoir
- How do the Impressionist painters embrace
Baudelaire's charge to artists?
4Edouard Manet
Henri Fantin-Latour. Portrait of Edouard Manet.
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6Manet, Olympia,1863. Oil on canvas, 43x62 ¼
7Manet, Gare St. Lazare, 1873
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9Manet Execution of Maximilian
10Berthe Morisot
11Corot vs. Morisot
The Harbor of La Rochelle, 1851
The Harbor at Lorient, 1869
12Berthe Morisot, Villa at the Seaside, 1874
13Berthe Morisot
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15Gustave Caillebotte, Self-portrait c. 1892, 16 x
13 in.
16Caillebotte, The Floor Scrapers, 1875, 40x57
17Gustave Caillebotte, Paris A Rainy Day, 1877
18Edgar Degas
19Degas, Absinthe Drinker, oil on canvas, 36 x 27
20Degas, Opera Singer
21Degas, Rehearsal on the Stage, 1874
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23- Edgar Degas, Foyer de la Danse, 1875
24Degas, Ballet Rehearsal (Adagio), 1876, 23x33
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28Degas, Interieur (Le Viol), 1868, oil on canvas,
32x 45
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31Degas, The Bath
32Edgar Degas, Portrait of Mary Cassatt (1884)
33Mary Cassatt, The Bath, 1891
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35- Mary Cassatt, Mother and Child, 1890
36Cassatt, The Boating Party, 1893
37- Who is the artist?
- Describe the attributes that determine your
38Claude Monet
39Monet, ImpressionismSunrise, 1872, 19 x 25 ½
40Monet, Terrace at Saint-Adresse, 1867 38x 51
41Kasumigaseki, 1857
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43Boulevard des Capucines, Paris, 1873
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47 Rouen Cathedral
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49 Poplars
- Artist Claude Monet
- Size variety
- Media oil on paint
50 511893
53 54Frédéric Bazille (French, 1841-1870), Portrait of
Pierre-Auguste Renoirr, 1867, oil on canvas, 37 x
32 1/3 inches (122 x 107 cm), Musée d'Orsay
55Le Moulin de la Galette
- Artist Renoir
- Size 51.5 x 69
- Medium oil on canvas
56Renoir, Le Moulin de la Galette, 1876
57Renoir, Marie Durand-Ruel
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59Renoir, The Luncheon of the Boating Party,
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62Renoir, Monet in his Garden in Argenteuil
63Arrangement of Gray Black no. 1
- Artist Whistler
- Size 56.5 x 64
- Medium oil on canvas
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65Whistler, Nocturne in Blue and Gold
66Nocturne in Black and Gold, 1875
67Symphony in White No. 1 the White Girl, 1861