1.10 | Barthes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1.10 | Barthes


1.10 | Barthes Barthes Impressions Death? Author? Turning the screws What s out What s left HW Read Scarlet Letter. We will talk Custom House Monday – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1.10 | Barthes

1.10 Barthes
  • Barthes
  • Impressions
  • Death? Author?
  • Turning the screws
  • Whats out
  • Whats left
  • HW
  • Read Scarlet Letter. We will talk Custom House
  • If you are responsible for Hawthorne, your claim
    paragraph is due before class Monday.
  • Both practice responses to the practice Sontag
    posts should be up by 5pm Friday.

  • If you have been absent this week and intend to
    remain in this course, please see me after class
    or email me. You are in danger of being dropped.
  • N.B. Tomorrow is the last day to add a class
    without being charged 20. So, if you intend to
    add or drop courses from your schedule and you
    like money, be sure to make your changes tonight.
  • I need to see Meet Shah and Jiamin Tan after

  • The flight from interpretation seems particularly
    a feature of modern painting.

  • Abstract painting is the attempt to have, in the
    ordinary sense, no content since there is no
    content, there can be no interpretation.

  • Pop Art works by the opposite means to the same
    result using a content so blatant, so what it
    is, it, too, ends by being uninterpretable.

  • Impressions?
  • Questions?
  • Comments?

Who is speaking thus?
  • We shall never know, for the good reason that
    writing is the destruction of every voice, every
    point of origin 24
  • As soon as a fact is narrated no longer with a
    view to acting directly on reality but
    intransitively, that is to say, finally outside
    of any function other than that of the very
    practice of the symbol itself, this disconnection
    occurs, the voices loses its origin, the author
    enters into his own death, writing begins. 24
  • Note here some interesting topics
  • Author seems to be opposed to writing
  • Writing on the side of the symbol as such
  • As soon as the author touches symbol as such,
    loses his voice.
  • Gives us what we need to look for
  • What is an author?
  • Why does the symbol as such cause death?
  • What is writing?

This is basically Barthes structure
  • Introduction
  • Author
  • When does he die
  • Criticism has focused on him
  • Modern french writers have tried to do away with
  • Author v. Scriptor / Origin of text v. Born w/
  • Language
  • Only ever mixed and borrowed.
  • Infinitely deferred
  • Big super-dictionary
  • Writing
  • Death of the critic
  • Characteristics of writing
  • The Reader

The Author
  • Author is the center of the way most think about
  • The image of literature to be found in ordinary
    culture is tyrannically centered on the author,
    his person, his life, his tastes, his passions
    The explanation of a work is always sought in the
    man or woman who produced it, as if it were
    always in the end, through the more ore less
    transparent allegory of the fiction, the voice of
    a single person, the author confiding in us.
  • Linguistics shows...
  • that author is an empty signifier and that the
    use of the word works perfectly without there
    being any need for it to be filled with the
    person of the interlocutors 25.
  • Language knows a subject, not a person
  • Author conceived of as predating the text
  • The author is thought to nourish the book, which
    is to say that eh exists before it, thinks,
    suffers, lives for it, is the same relation of
    antecedence to his work as a father to his child
  • Author substitutes for the final, true meaning
  • To give a text an author is to impose a limit on
    that text, to furnish it with a final signified,
    to close the writing when the author has been
    found, the text is explained victory to the
    critic 26.

How does language kill the author?
  • Writing has no other origin than language
    itself, language which ceaselessly calls into
    question all origins 26. Thus, the author
    cant be the origin.
  • Why not?
  • Remember your Saussure
  • Language is never owned, only borrowed.
  • We do not invent language, we live in it.
  • Anything you write is, thus, a mash up of
    definitions, a sampling from the Dictionary of
    All Words.
  • Even that fictional Dictionary is in endless
    deferral, offers only more words with more
    definitions, ad infinitum.
  • His only power is to mix writigns, to counter
    the ones with the others, in such a way as never
    to rest on any one of them. Did he wish to
    express himself, he ought to know that the inner
    thing he thinks to translate is itself only a
    redy-formed dictionary, its words only
    explainable through other words, and so on
    indefinitely 26.

So then what is writing and what is to be done
with it?
  • In the multiplicity of writing, everything is to
    be disentangled, nothing deciphered the
    structure can be followed, run (like the thread
    of a stocking) at every point and at every level,
    but there is nothing beneath the space of
    writing is to be ranged over, not pierced
    writing ceaselessly posits meaning ceaselessly to
    evaporate it, carrying out a systematic exemption
    of meaning. In precisely this way literature (it
    would be better from now on to say writing), by
    refusing to assign a secret, an ultimate
    meaning, to the text (and to the world as text),
    liberates what may be called an anti-theological
    activity, an activity that is truly revolutionary
    since to refuse to fix meaning is, in the end, to
    refuse god and his hypostasesreason, science,
    law 26.
  • writing a text is made up of muliple writings,
    drawn from many cultures and entering into mutual
    relations of dialogue, parody, contestation, but
    there is one place where this multiplicity is
    focused andd that place is the reader, not, as
    was hitherto said, the author 27

Who makes sense of the text?Not the Author, but
the Reader
  • a texts unity lies not in its origin but in its
    destination 27
  • The reader is not a person, a reading is not
  • the reader is without history, biography,
    psychology he is simply that someone who holds
    together in a single field all the traces by
    which the written text is constituted 27
  • The birth of the reader must be at the cost of
    the death of the author 27.

Theory Week Summary
  • The goal of theory week was to head off some
    in-grained assumptions about reading before we
    get to the literature, or writing, as Barthes
    would demand. Hopefully some of this made sense
    and you will keep it in mind this weekend as you
    start Hawthorne.
  • So, Whats out and whats in?

Whats out?
Whats in?
To be Continued
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