Genre/ Barthes codes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Genre/ Barthes codes


Genre/ Barthes codes – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Slides: 6
Provided by: JaydenMalabre123


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Genre/ Barthes codes

Generic Conventions of Your Film
  • We have placed the genre of our short film
    Destiny into the psychological thriller
  • We followed the generic conventions of a
    psychological thriller by incorporating the
    typical plot twist of the main character actually
    turning out to be the cause of events that have
    occurred, this is usually done by revealing the
    main character has some sort of psychological
    problem themselves throughout the whole story, by
    setting the main character as a false protagonist
    it sets a recognisable link to other
    psychological thrillers such as the secret
  • Generic conventions that we didnt use would be
    the establishment of a main hero/heroine of the
    story, there are no specific good characters
    the film focuses more on the negativity of the
    situations that have happened.

Compare and Contrast Your Film
  • Our short film were influenced by the following 3
  • Shutter island
  • The secret window
  • The butterfly effect
  • Narrative structure
  • Our short film follows a similar narrative
    structure to shutter island and the secret
    window, but it leans more towards the secret
    window as we didnt fully resolve the story and
    left it open to interpretation on what happened
    to one of the main characters, we established
    jacks mental state but still left enough lose
    ends for the audience to try and figure out the
    whereabouts of Myra and her condition leaving
    them to interpret the ending in their own way,
    just like the ending of the secret window where
    its left on a cliff hanger making the audience
    question if the main character got away with the
    crimes and murders he had committed.
  • Plot
  • The plot of Destiny is similar to the secret
    window, our short film was highly influenced by
    this film,
  • Themes
  • The themes of our short film are based around the
    mentality of a young boy who was neglected as a
    child, causing a negative effect to his mental
    state, this links closely to the butterfly effect
    as they both portray the psychological abuse that
    the characters have been introduced to at a young
  • Characters
  • Shutter island and the secret window both include
    false protagonists, meaning they are both the
    person trying to solve the problem but also the
    ones who are creating the them, we have included
    the same to our main character Jack, he is made
    out to be the victim of a very hard upbringing so
    it leaves the audience sympathising him, but at
    the same time he is destructive and causes
    trouble, we then start too see that he is only
    the victim of his own mind.
  • Setting/mise-en-scene
  • The majority of the short film was filmed in a
    white room, this was to represent sterile
    surroundings, the visual appearance of this gave
    the scenes a hospital kind of vibe, which is
    similar to where shutter island is set, However
    we havent used the same lighting, we have used
    mostly natural lighting and high key lighting
    which contrasts with other typical psychological
    thrillers as they usually use low key lighting.
  • Cinematography/Editing (for example, types of
    shot, pace, transitions, music)
  • Our short film uses flashbacks quite frequently
    to establish whats happened previously that has
    helped the plot move along, this is exactly what
    is included in the secret window, they use
    flashbacks to previous events to help the
    storyline flow and make sense, the butterfly
    effect also used flashbacks as a way for the main
    character to reinvent his own story.
  • The transitions we have used in our short film
    are mostly fades so the scenes move fluently into
    one another, this contrasts to how films such as
    the secret window and the butterfly effect would
    do it as their transitions into flashbacks are
    quite abrupt and sharp as if it were an actual

Barthes Codes
  • The Hermeneutic Code has been applied to my short
    film to create enigma for the audience, by having
    elements of the story unexplained/unanswered,
    such as the whereabouts of Myra Summers our the
    outcome of jacks actions, the Proairetic Code
    works alongside the Hermeneutic code to create
    tension within the film, it leaves the audience
    engaged with anticipation as to what happens to
    Jack next.

Genre as a Concept
  • Do you think genre is a useful concept to apply
    to your short film?
  • Genre is an extremely useful concept to apply to
    a short film, it sets out guidelines of specific
    film categories, meaning you can apply any of the
    generic conventions of that specific genre.
    Without applying genre to this project we
    couldnt we establish what's suitable for out
    audience? Or what conventions to use.
  • During the production of our short film we relied
    on the psychological thriller genre so that we
    could apply a certain narrative structure, plot,
    and camera techniques that work well together and
    would be effective in the overall outcome.
  • Commercial (audiences depend on recognition but
    is this as important for a short film?)
  • Its important to know which audience your film
    is targeted towards, we made a psychological
    thriller therefore the recognition of that is
    important to apply to the short film.
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