Garden in European paintings (Olga E.) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Garden in European paintings (Olga E.)


Zahrada v evropském malířství — Garden in European paintings — Le jardin dans la peinture européenne (Olga E.) Zahrada je lidmi upravený pozemek, na němž se trvale a převážně pěstuje zelenina, květiny a jiné zahradní plodiny, může jít i o pozemek souvisle osázený ovocnými stromy nebo ovocnými keři. Může sloužit k odpočinku, volnočasovým aktivitám a reprezentaci nebo i k jinému účelu. Evropští malíři nás provedou zahradami krásnými, romantickými, místy, kam se můžeme skrýt před světem. "Barthélémy d’Eyck or Barthélemy van Eyck: Emilia in the rose garden, Arcita and Palemone Admire Emilia in Her Garden (Boccaccio La Théséide); Master of the Prayer Book: Garden of Pleasure, with the Lover and Dame Oiseuse outside, The Lover and Dame Oyseuse outside a walled garden (Roman de la Rose); Cristoforo de Predis: Influence of Venus: the garden of love and the fountain of Youth ... The Piano Guys — Story of My Life (One Direction - Piano/Cello Cover) ..." – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Garden in European paintings (Olga E.)

from the European Middle Ages to the second half
of the 19th and early 20th centuries in
Europe from the enclosed garden of an
illuminated manuscript to the intimate and
flowery garden of an impressionist
painting from the garden full of symbols in the
Renaissance to the garden as theme and object of
contemplation in Impressionism and
Garden in European paintings
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lovely gardens, sublime gardens, romantic
gardens, elegant gardens, gardens of religious
or secular inspiration ... a great walk
through gardens in the European pictorial
tradition ...
The garden medieval European is generally a
cloistered, enclosed garden, a place to withdraw
from the world it is a metaphor for the Garden
of Eden, the terrestrial paradise. The medieval
garden gives rise to the theme of the ideal
garden of courtly love, inspired by courtly
romances and medieval chivalry novels. The
hortus conclusus is an iconographic theme of
European religious art that plays a prominent
role in the artistic representation of the Virgin
a walled garden ... From a manuscript of
Boccaccio's Teseida (1339-1340). Emilia sitting
and weaving a wreath of flowers and Arcita and
Palemone admire her from their prison window.
This image, though secular in subject matter,
recalls images of the Virgin within a walled
garden--the hortus conclusus that symbolized her
perpetual virginity. Barthélémy
dEyck or Barthélemy van Eyck Emilia in the rose
garden, Arcita and Palemone Admire Emilia in Her
Garden (Boccaccio La Théséide) Émilie dans son
jardin (Boccaccio La Théséide) Emilia en su
jardín, Arcitas y Palemon observan a su
enamorada, Emilia (Boccaccio La Théséide)
1460 Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
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a courtly garden, a garden of love ... the
illumination for the Romance of the Rose, a
medieval French poem by Guillaume de Lorris and
Jean de Meun, an allegorical love poem a
closed garden, symbol of courtly love or fin'amor
as it is known in Occitan. Lutenist and singers
in a walled garden. The Lover and Dame Oyseuse
(Idleness) outside the garden walls. M
aster of the Prayer Book Garden of Pleasure, with
the Lover and Dame Oiseuse outside, The Lover and
Dame Oyseuse outside a walled garden (Roman de la
Rose) Jardin des plaisirs, avec l'amant et Dame
Oiseuse à l'extérieur L'Amant et Dame Oiseuse
devant un jardin clos (Roman de la Rose) Jardín
del Placer, con el Amante y la Dama Oyseuse en el
exterior 1490-1500 British Library, London
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a garden of delights medieval ... a fountain,
probably the Fountain of Youth decorated with
cupids, naked men and women bathing, a table
set with food, bread, and wine high walls
signals that it may be a private affair for the
chosen few ... It is now the time of Venus,
which means the time to enjoy the pleasures of
love, music, food and wine. Cristoforo
de Predis La fontaine de Jouvence des enfants de
Vénus Influence of Venus the garden of love and
the fountain of Youth Influencia de Venus el
jardín del amor y la fuente de la Juventud
1450-1465 Biblioteca Estense Universitaria,
Palazzo dei Musei, Modena
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between an enclosed garden hortus conclusus and a
garden of Eden ... a garden surrounded by a
wall with the Virgin, the Child Jesus, three
holy women and three holy men which may refer to
the enclosed garden hortus conclusus and also
a garden that reminds us of the Garden of
Eden, the scene of the ancient, original harmony
of the universe, of divine, human, animal and
vegetable worlds, where sin and evil were present
only in a latent, harmless form.
Upper Rhenish Master Maître du Haut
Rhin The Garden of Eden Jardin de Paradis Jardín
del Paraíso 1410 Städelsches Kunstinstitut,
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The garden from the 16th century to the second
half of the 19th century in Europe from the
Renaissance to Impressionism Religious
references disappeared and the garden became the
subject of the painting. Royal gardens built for
the magnificence of sovereigns, public spaces
with their parks and gardens for walking are a
new subject for painters.
an almost surrealist garden by Hieronymus Bosch
Paradise of the Garden of Eden ... Adam and
Eve reunited by the Creator, Fountain of
Life, Tree of Life, Tree of knowledge of good and
evil Paradise that deceives the senses, a
false Paradise given over to the sin of lust
... Fountain of Youth, innumerable figures engage
in all manner of lust-driven activities, animals,
plants, fruits Hieronymus Bosch Jérôme
Bosch El jardín de las delicias Le Jardin des
délices The Garden of Earthly Delights 1500-1505 M
useo del Prado, Madrid
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a garden like a magnificent animal park where
neighborly the fox, ibex, deer, deer, lion,
bull, horses, sheep, a unicorn, the Creator,
Adam and Eve Lucas Cranach the
Elder Cranach l'Ancien Paradise Le paradis
terrestre El paraíso terrestre 1530 Kunsthistorisc
hes Museum, Vienna
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a garden with a fountain crowned by a statue of
Venus ... the human yearning for immortality
and eternal youth ... evidence that is actually
a fountain of love rather than youth, and that
the power of love is the true source of
immortality Lucas Cranach the
Elder Lucas Cranach l'Ancien The Fountain of
Youth Fontaine de Jouvence La fuente de eterna
juventud 1546 Staatliche Museen, Berlin
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an ideal garden ... surrounded by a multitude
of animals in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve
beneath the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, since Adam has yet to commit the original
sin, these creatures all live in harmony
Peter Paul Rubens, Jan Brueghel
the Elder The Garden of Eden with the Fall of
Man Le Jardin dÉden El Jardín del Edén con la
caída del hombre 1615 Mauritshuis, The Hague
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an idyllic garden dedicated to the pleasures of
love an ideal vision of an Italian
Renaissance garden ... lovers dining alfresco,
a statue of Ceres, goddess of fertility, a
lewd statue of Bacchus and of Venus
Sébastien Vrancx Fête dans le jardin des ducs de
Mantoue Party in the garden of the Duke of
Mantua Fiesta en el jardín de los Duques de
Mantua 1595 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, Rouen
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the triumph of the "jardin à la française
Commissioned by Louis XIV for the gallery of
the Grand Trianon, an insight into the
horticultural tastes of the Sun King and the
Grand Trianon gardeners Jean
Cotelle Vue de l'Orangerie de Versailles, de la
Pièce dEau des Suisses avec Vertumne et
Pomone View of the Orangerie at Versailles, from
the Piece d'Eau des Suisses and with Vertumnus
and Pomona Vista de la Orangerie de Versalles,
de la Piece dEau des Suisses con Vertumnus y
Pomona 1693 Château de Versailles, Versailles
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a charming garden a romantic and pleasant
atmosphere immense trees, a fountain, balustrades,
antique statues, lions, group of figures in a
luxuriant and shady setting a wonderful
meeting place Jean-Honoré
Fragonard Le petit parc The small park El pequeño
parque 1760-1765 The Wallace Collection, London
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The garden of the second half of the 19th and
early 20th century in Europe impressionism,
post-impressionism, naïve art, art nouveau,
symbolism Édouard Manet's Music at the
Tuileries is the first model for all
Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings
depicting contemporary life in the open air. He
inspired in the following decades Claude Monet,
Auguste Renoir, Gustave Caillebotte ...
a garden of the intellectual and social Paris of
the Second Empire a garden of an elegant
contemporary cosmopolitan society a modern
painting in both subject matter and
technique Men in dark jackets and light pants
with top hats, women in fancy dresses ... we
can almost hear the music and the
conversation Édouard Manet Concert
au jardin des Tuileries Music in the Tuileries
Garden La música en las Tullerías 1862 National
Gallery, London
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a summer garden with white dresses ... The
three female figures in the painting are modelled
on Camille Doncieux, who would later become
Monet's wife. We probably admire their dresses
more than the flowers. Claude
Monet Femmes au jardin Women in the
Garden Mujeres en el jardín 1867 Musée d'Orsay,
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a garden of a impressionist painter ... the
table has not been cleared at the end of a
meal, the little Jean Monet quietly plays with a
few pieces of wood the hat, hanging on the
branch of a tree, the bag and the parasol left
on the bench seem to have been forgotten
there Through the trees, the light falls in
stains on the dresses of the two ladies who walk.
Claude Monet Le Déjeuner The
Luncheon El desayuno 1873 Musée d'Orsay, Paris
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an garden wholly impressionistic ... flowers
and shrubs and two small figures a woman
shading herself with a parasol and a man leans
down, to pick a flower for her Pierr
e-Auguste Renoir Woman with a Parasol in a
Garden Femme avec ombrelle dans un jardin Mujer
con sombrilla en un jardín 1873 Museo
Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
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a garden with large sunflowers an
inspiration for Van Gogh ... Two years later,
Van Gogh painted many versions of his famous
Sunflowers. Gustave
Caillebotte Les Soleils, jardin du Petit
Gennevilliers Sunflowers, Garden at Petit
Gennevilliers Los girasoles, jardín de Petit
Gennevilliers 1885 Musée d'Orsay, Paris
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the Garden of Olives ... dark blue sky, green
and brown tones of the trees and
vegetation, Christ, his head facing the ground
and face full of sorrow and despair Gauguin
placing himself in the position of Christ,
attempts to liken his suffering to that of the
savior and portrays himself as a messenger for
his contemporaries, despite being rejected by
them. Paul Gauguin Le Christ au
Jardin des Oliviers Christ on the Mount of
Olives Cristo en el Monte de los
olivos 1889 Norton Museum of Art, Palm Beach,
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a garden of the Asylum at Saint-Rémy, a great
source of inspiration ... the wall of the
hospital, the diagonal path, the stone bench and
the exuberantly flowering bushes and trees
On 8 May 1889, Van Gogh reports for treatment
at the asylum Saint-Paul-de-Mausole. For the
first month he is not allowed to leave the
grounds, but within the walls is an garden.
Vincent van Gogh The garden of the
asylum at Saint-Rémy Le Jardin de l'Asile à
Saint-Remy El jardín del asilo de Saint-Remy May
1889 Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo
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a garden filled with tall, leafy trees
... the contrasting red earth and green
leaves an impressive work Vi
ncent van Gogh Hospital at Saint
Remy Saint-Rémy El hospital de Saint-Rémy October
1889, Saint-Rémy Armand Hammer Collection, Los
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a garden beyond space and time, where flowers
never wilt ... Against a backdrop of verdant
green,a vibrant sea of flowers, sunflowers and
dahlias, marigolds, asters, and flame flowers.
Klimt artist of eternal flowering.
Gustav Klimt Farm Garden with
Sunflowers Jardin aux tournesols Jardín con
girasoles 1906 Österreichische Galerie Belvedere,
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But the painter's garden is not always a
realistic place, it can very well be imaginary,
dreamed ...
a imaginary, dreamed garden ... an exoticism
of the Jardin des Plantes, an inspiration found
in a great garden in Paris, a dream populated
by the characters, animals and plants of a
painter a naked young woman on a red sofa,
listening to the flute of a charmer, giant
lotus flowers, lions, birds, a monkey, a
pink-bellied snake and even an elephant wrapped
in tall grass Le Douanier who had never left
Paris, drew his inspiration from the Jardin des
Plantes. Henri Rousseau Le Rêve The
Dream El sueño 1910 Museum of Modern Art, New York
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Garden in European paintings Le jardin dans la
peinture européenne El jardín en la pintura
europea images and text credit   www.
The Piano Guys Story of My Life (One
Direction Piano Cello Cover) created
olga_oesthanks for watching
... and other avant-gardes will follow ... and
other gardens ... cubism, surrealism,
expressionism, pop art ...
music The Piano Guys Story of My Life (One
Direction - Piano/Cello Cover)
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