Classical Control in Quantum Programs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Classical Control in Quantum Programs


Classical Control in Quantum Programs Dominique Unruh IAKS, Universit t Karlsruhe Founded by the European Project ProSecCo IST-2001-39227 Design Goals Quantum ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Classical Control in Quantum Programs

Classical Control inQuantum Programs
  • Dominique Unruh
  • IAKS, Universität Karlsruhe

Founded by the European Project ProSecCo
Design Goals
  • Quantum programming language
  • We present a method of modelling a quantum
    programming language in a way that should allow
    to write quantum programs in a formal way,
    without loosing the similarity to pseudo-code
    which is essential for an intuitive approach to
  • Terminating and non-terminating
  • Our modelling shall support the design of
    terminating as well of non-terminating programs
    within the same mathematical framework.
  • Mixed classical and quantum operations
  • We want to be able to represent both pure quantum
    (unitary) as well as classical operations
    (measurements, erasure) using the same framework.
    That is, we do not impose a strict separation
    between a classical controlling computer and the
    controlled quantum registers.
  • Output during the programs run
  • We show how to model programs which give
    classical (i.e. measured) output during the
    programs run. This is especially useful, if the
    programs in consideration do not terminate but
    give a continuous stream of results, since the
    usual run-and-then-measure-after-termination
    approach is not sensible in that case.
  • Physical interpretation
  • A programs behaviour can be modelled as a
    measurement process (with defined resulting state
    in case of termination). In order to avoid
    artificial constructions we adhere to these
    operational semantics and show how to transform
    any program into the mathematical description of
    a measurement process.

Operational Semantics
  • A program is a physical experiment
  • The process of running a program is very much
    comparable to performing a physical experiment
    At the beginning, the machine is in a given
    initial state. Then this state is modified by
    performing various operations. These may include
    measurements during the experiment (outputs of
    the program). The experiment possibly terminates
    (real life experiments always do, due to limited
    resources, programs not necessarily). If the
    program terminates, the machine afterwards is in
    a well-defined post-measurement state.
  • A physical experiment is a measurement
  • Any physical experiment can be seen as a
    measurement operation. We distinguish two kinds
    a measurement operation defining the
    post-measurement state (called general
    measurement or PMVM), and a measurement not
    defining the post-measurement state (a POVM). To
    describe measurements which may or may not have a
    post-measurement state, we need to use the convex
    combination of a general measurement and a PMVM.
    This combination we will call a mixed
  • A program is a measurement
  • Since we can consider a program as an experiment,
    and an experiment as a mixed measurement, it is
    natural to model a program as a mixed
    measurement. The outputs of the program are
    measurement results and are finite or infinite
    sequences over an alphabet S. This gives rise to
    operational semantics of programs, which are
    simply mathematical descriptions of measurements.
  • Classical, measurement, unitary operations
  • The mixed measurement formalism is strong enough
    to have as special cases classical
    (probabilistic) programs, orthogonal
    measurements, and unitary operations, thus
    capturing all kinds of operations in a single
    mathematical framework.

Composing programs
  • Sequentially execute several programs
  • If two programs P and Q are defined, the composed
    program PQ can be interpreted as first
    executing P (yielding some output), and thenif P
    terminatedexecuting Q on the post-execution
    state of P. The output of the composed program
    is then given by the concatenation of the
    respective inputs.

Examples Examples
PQ Run P then run Q
PQR Composition is associative, so these three are equal
PQR Composition is associative, so these three are equal
PQR Composition is associative, so these three are equal
print x print y Outputs xy
  • Any outputs can be build up from constant outputs
  • By defining an elementary program print x, one
    can build up any output by using switch (see
    below). E.g. switch (M as m) print m outputs the
    result of measurement M.
  • Constant outputs are constant measurements
  • The program print x outputting x is simply a
    measurement with constant outcome x and which
    does not modify the programs state.

Examples Examples
print a print b Equivalent programs outputting ab
print ab Equivalent programs outputting ab
switch (M as m) print m Outputs result of measuring M.
print M (shorthand) Outputs result of measuring M.
while (true) print x Outputs infinite sequence x8
Branching (if/switch)
  • Branching as classical control
  • In our modelling we consider branching which is
    conditional upon the outcomes of measurements.
    This is opposed to controlled unitary
    transformation (e.g. CNOT), where the controlling
    qubit is not measured. More complex quantum
    algorithms usually have such classical control,
    be it an overall loop repeating the experiment
    until a useful result is obtained (e.g. a
    non-trivial factor in Shors factoring
  • Branching programs are composed measurements
  • A program if (M) P can be interpreted as the
    experiment measuring M and then executing the
    program P if M yielded the outcome true. This
    experiment can be expressed as a measurement in a
    straightforward manner if Mi denotes the
    superoperator describing the post-measurement
    state on outcome i, then if (M) P is simply
    defined as PMtrueMfalse. Analogously we define
    if (M) P else Q.
  • More powerful the switch-statement
  • An if-statement can only distinguish between two
    cases true and false. In many cases a more
    powerful statement, the switch statement. switch
    (M as m) P(m) measures M and then executes the
    program P(m) where m is the outcome of the

Examples Examples
if (M) P else Q Measure M, if true, run P otherwise Q
switch (M as m) print m2 Outputs the square of the result of measuring M.
print M2 (shorthand) Outputs the square of the result of measuring M.
switch (M as m) case m1 print one case mgt1 print many Measure M, output one or many, depending of the outcome
  • Informal description simple
  • The program while (M) P denotes the experiment
    of repeatedly measuring M and if the outcome is
    true then executing P. If the outcome is false,
  • Mathematical description turns out to be
  • Two approaches immediately come to mind for
    defining while. The first would be to define
    while as a least fixed point. However due to the
    possibility of outputs there is no natural
    lattice structure. The second would be to define
    while as the limit of if(M)Pif(M)P....
    However, there is no natural topology giving the
    desired results.
  • Axiomatic approach
  • Since a direct limit/fixed point approach fails,
    we define while (M) P by stating some properties
    the experiment above should fulfill. These axioms
    can informally be stated as follows
  • The loop runs n times and terminates, iff M
    yields n times true and then false, and if P
    terminates n times.
  • The loop runs n times and does not terminate, iff
    M yields n times true, and if P terminates n1
    times and does not terminate the n-th time.
  • The loop runs an infinite number of times, iff
    always M yields true, and if P always terminates.
  • The probability that one of these events occurs
    is 1.
  • It can be shown that there is exactly one program
    (i.e. mixed measurement) exists fulfilling these

Examples Examples
while (M) P Run program P while measurement M yields true.
while (M) print N Measure M. If nonzero, measure N, output the outcome, and redo from start
Reasoning about programs
  • Conditions are sets of states
  • Modelling a pre-/postcondition as a set of states
    (density operators) gives as the ability to
    express even complex conditions like variable x
    contains an uniform random value or variables x
    and y are unentangled or variable x is in the
    computational basis.
  • Pre-/postconditions
  • If for any state ? in M, the program P takes ? to
    a state in N, we write M P N
  • Conditional equivalence of programs
  • If two programs P, Q behave identically upon a
    given set M of initial states, we say they are
    equivalent on M, written M P Q.
  • Programs can be conditioned on outputs
  • If P is a program possibly having output a, we
    can define Pa as the program P restricted to
    having output a. Note that Pa is not probability

Examples Examples
1 P 1 If the initial state is a random state, so is the post-execution state (e.g. P is a permutation of basis states)
x in computational basis Pnoop If variable x is in the computational basis, program P has no effect (e.g. P might be a dephasing of x)
tr ? 1 Pa tr ?½ Program P has probability ½ of outputting a
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