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SP4 Quantum Simulation and Control


... gate in the presence of dissipation (quant-ph/0609037) ... CNOT with dissipation. optimal control: trace fidelity 95% traditional methods, Trotter: 15 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: SP4 Quantum Simulation and Control

SP4 Quantum Simulation and Control
  • Quantum Simulation
  • Quantum phase transitions (NMR, NV-Centres, Ion
  • Entanglement ? Phase transitions
  • General Hamiltonian simulation (NMR 5 ... gt10
  • Control of quantum evolution
  • Use Optimal Control Theory to
  • optimise quantum gates.
  • explore decoherence free subspaces.
  • Apply to various experimental systems
    Experimental demonstration of speed-up and
  • Global control versus local control Investigate
    efficiency, speed, quality, cost for entanglement
    generation and transfer of QI.
  • Experimental probes for multi-particle
  • Develop new techniques to probe for systematic
    decoherence effects and their remedy.
  • Effcient numerical simulation of spin networks.

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.1 Rare Earth
Ion-Doped Crystals, S. Kröll, Lund
Pr doped yttrium silicate crystal
  • Hyperfine qubits
  • Dipole interaction for cond. dynamics

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.1, Rare Earth
Ion-Doped Crystals, S. Kröll, Lund
  • Objectives within QAP (1st year)
  • Develop laser light source for coherent qubit
  • Test single ion readout.

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.1, Rare Earth
Ion-Doped Crystals, S. Kröll, Lund
  • Achievements
  • Laser source coherence time of 100 ?s (initially
    projected 10 ?s).

Free induction decay Beat signal between laser
and Pr ions (PrYSO)
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.1, Rare Earth
Ion-Doped Crystals, S. Kröll, Lund
  • Achievements
  • Laser source coherence time of 100 ?s (initially
    projected 10 ?s).

Free induction decay Beat signal between laser
and Pr ions
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.1, Rare Earth
Ion-Doped Crystals, S. Kröll, Lund
  • Achievements
  • Laser source coherence time of 100 ?s (initially
    projected 10 ?s).

Laser phase drift lt5? over 10 ms Coherence time
gt 100 ms
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.1, Rare Earth
Ion-Doped Crystals, S. Kröll, Lund
  • Achievements
  • Laser source coherence time of 100 ?s (initially
    projected 10 ?s).

Laser frequency drift ? 0.3 kHz/sec
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.1, Rare Earth
Ion-Doped Crystals, S. Kröll, Lund
  • Milestones
  • 4.1.1 Agreement with TU Munich on what pulses to
    test for qubit operations
  • Delayed due to laser development
  • 4.1.2 Fluorescence detection of qubits
  • Coherent readout technique preferredexcellent
    signal-to-noise, detection limit needs to be
  • Deliverables
  • 4.1.1 Two-qubit operations tested with pulses
    derived using optimal control theory
  • Delayed due to laser development
  • Status and Outlook Delays, however no show
    stoppers in sight.
  • All exp. parts developed and tested perform as
    anticipated or better.Single ion readout
    Scalable QC scheme (quant-ph/0601141).
  • Single ion readout ion is under test.

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.2, NV Defects
in Diamond, J. Wrachtrup, Stuttgart
Use single electron spin as read-out for
nuclear/electron spin cluster Use nuclear spins
for simulations
T. Gaebel et al., Nature Physics 2, 408 (2006)
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.2, NV Defects
in Diamond, J. Wrachtrup, Stuttgart
Initialization and readout (optical)
echo (t1t2)
Manipulation (microwaves)
T. Gaebel et al., Nature Physics 2, 408 (2006)
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.2, NV Defects
in Diamond, J. Wrachtrup, Stuttgart
  • Coherent coupling to 4 different nuclei is
  • To come coherent control in 3 spin system

Hyperfine coupling to 13C and 15N
L. Childress et al., Sciencexpress, Sept. 2006
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.2, NV Defects
in Diamond, J. Wrachtrup, Stuttgart
  • Milestones
  • 4.2.1 Generation of defect centre pairs with
    magnetic dipole interaction of 10 MHz and
    dephasing times larger than 0.1 ms.
  • Strong magnetic coupling gt 10 MHz of NV-N . Phase
    memory 0.35 ms (Nature Physics 2, 408, 2006).
  • 4.2.2 Observation of ground state spin coherence
  • Achieved.
  • Deliverables
  • 4.2.1 Creation of defect centre pairs with
    distances less than 10 nm.
  • Pairs with ? 3 nm have been implanted
  • 4.2.2 Observation of ground state spin
  • Entanglement between two electron and a single
    nuclear spin.
  • Status and Outlook Coherent coupling to 4
    different nuclei demonstrated.Two and three-spin
    systems will be investigated Determine phase
    memory. Entangle single electron spin with single
    nuclear spin.

Quantum Simulation and ControlQuantum
Compilation a Control Problem
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.3, Optimal
Control of Qu. Systems in Finite Dim.
  • Milestones
  • 4.3.1 Numerical simulation and optimal control of
    superconducting devices.
  • Capacitively coupled superconducting Josephson
    charge qubits Q. optimal control provides
    shaped pulses that reduce the error rate of CNOT
    and TOFFOLI by two orders of magnitude with
    5-fold speed-up (quant-ph/0504202).
  • 4.3.2 Numerical simulation and optimal control of
    quantum gates in ion traps.
  • Single qubit gates implemented with trapped ions
    (see WP 4.6)
  • Deliverables
  • 4.3.1 Computer programmes tailored to
    experimental techniques other than NMR
  • MATLAB interface to optimal-control based GRAPE
    algorithm can be adapted to experimental settings
    of QAP partners.
  • Outlook Adapt optimisation tools to other
    experimental techniques
  • Extend optimal control to cond. dynamics, e.g.,
    with ion traps.

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.4, Modelling
QC with 5 and more than 10 Qubits
  • Milestones
  • 4.4.1 Numerical simulations on spin systems with
    5 qubits.
  • 4.4.2 Test on spin systems with 5 qubits and
    numerical simulations for 10 qubits.
  • Experimental tests up to 5 NMR spin qubits are
  • Parallelised optimal-control-based GRAPE
    algorithm with speed-up gt500 fold for 10 qubits
    on cluster of 128 CPUs compared to 1 CPU on same
    cluster (Proceedings EUROPAR 2006, LNCS 4128,
    751, 2006).
  • Deliverables
  • 4.4.1 Restricted test bed for quantum
    computational control on few-qubit systems.
    Extension of hardware beyond 10 qubits.
  • The synthetic work for NMR spin-system hardware
    beyond 10 qubits has faced unexpected chemical
  • Status and Outlook Future improvements beyond
    the goals of QAP will depend on progress in
    computer science.

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.5,
Hamiltonian Simulation and DFS
  • Treated logical qubits embedded in a larger
    Liouville space of physical qubits by optimal
    control theory tailored to open dissipative
  • Extended gradient-flow algorithm (GRAPE) to
    superoperators such as to find best
    approximations to a unitary target gate in the
    presence of dissipation (quant-ph/0609037).
  • Milestones
  • 4.5.1 Establish limits on controllability in 2
    and 3 qubits for ZZ, XY and XYZ coupling.
  • Controllability investigated up to systems of 4
    physical qubits, e.g. in the KANE setting of
  • 4.5.2 Establish limits on controllability in 3
    qubits under Redfield-type relaxation.
  • Optimal control algorithms developed to give best
    approximations to unitary target modules in open

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.5,
Hamiltonian Simulation and DFS
  • CNOT with dissipation
  • optimal control trace fidelity gt 95
    traditional methods, Trotter lt 15
  • Complete classification of locally reversible
    interaction Hamiltonians

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.6 Trapped Ion
Spin Molecule, Chr. Wunderlich, Siegen
  • Qubits Hyperfine states
  • Conditional quantum dynamics
  • Combine advantageous features of two
    experimental wolrds NMR and Trapped Ions.

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.6 Trapped Ion
Spin Molecule, Chr. Wunderlich, Siegen
  • Milestones
  • 4.6.1 Ion Trap designed and built
  • Partially
  • 4.6.2 Magnetic field generating elements designed
    and built.
  • Partially.
  • Deliverables
  • 4.6.1 A new ion trap with magnetic field elements
  • Likely at the end of true month 12.
  • Status and Outlook Progress roughly according
    to schedule
  • Progress far ahead of schedule.

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.6 Trapped Ion
Spin Molecule, Chr. Wunderlich, Siegen
  • Isotope selective, nearly deterministic loading
    of ion trap.

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.7
Entanglement Generation/Propagation, Phase
Transitions V. Buzek, J. Eisert, S. Huelga, J.I.
Latorre, M. Plenio
  • Understand the static and dynamic entanglement
    properties of quantum many body systems.
  • Transfer of QI Long distance photons.
    Short distance e.g., condensed matter systems.
  • transfer speed, quality ? spectral gap between
    ground and excited states
  • ? use as q. channel or as probe for spectral
  • M. Hartmann, M. Reuter and M.B. Plenio, New J.
    Phys. 8, 94 (2006)

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.7
Entanglement Generation/Propagation, Phase
Transitions V. Buzek, J. Eisert, S. Huelga, J.I.
Latorre, M. Plenio
  • Understand the static and dynamic entanglement
    properties of quantum many body systems.
  • Using only global control on a Ising-coupled
    spin chain
  • Protocol for perfect transport of an unknown
    quantum state
  • Protocol for perfect quantum mirroring of the
    state of the chain about its middle.
  • Add local control to ends of chain execute
    universal quantum computing on spins encoded onto
    the chain.J. Fitzsimons J. Twamley, PRL 97,
    090502 (2006)

1 qubit mirror
Demonstrated in NMR J. Fitzsimons et al
2 qubit gate
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.7
Entanglement Generation/Propagation, Phase
Transitions V. Buzek, J. Eisert, S. Huelga, J.I.
Latorre, M. Plenio
  • Understand the static and dynamic entanglement
    properties of quantum many body systems.
  • Scaling laws for entanglement in general
    harmonic lattice system, andclassical
    correlations in a classical harmonic system.
  • M. Cramer, J. Eisert, M.B. Plenio and J. Dreißig,
    Phys. Rev. A 73, 012309 (2006)

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.7
Entanglement Generation/Propagation, Phase
Transitions V. Buzek, J. Eisert, S. Huelga, J.I.
Latorre, M. Plenio
  • Understand the static and dynamic entanglement
    properties of quantum many body systems.
  • Energy gap between ground and first excited
    state ? decay of correlation functions in
    harmonic lattice systems on general graphs. ?
    exponential decay of correlations for ground
    state and thermal states. M. Cramer and J.
    Eisert, New J. Phys. 8, 71 (2006)

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.7
Entanglement Generation/Propagation, Phase
Transitions V. Buzek, J. Eisert, S. Huelga, J.I.
Latorre, M. Plenio
  • Understand the static and dynamic entanglement
    properties of quantum many body systems.
  • Investigate dynamics of weakly driven chains of
    spin systems ? quantum correlations in steady
    state when the noise strength exceeds threshold.
    Stochastic resonance. S. Huelga, M.

Quantum Simulation and Control WP 4.7
Entanglement Generation/Propagation, Phase
Transitions V. Buzek, J. Eisert, S. Huelga, J.I.
Latorre, M. Plenio
  • Understand the static and dynamic entanglement
    properties of quantum many body systems.
  • Entanglement transfer from two modes onto two
    atoms via local Jaynes-Cummings model
  • Consider relation between entanglement,
    mixedness and energyMcHugh, Ziman, Buzek, PRA
    74, 042303 (2006)
  • Dependence on initial value of entanglement and
    initial energy of the photon field

entanglement between atoms
initial energy
initial entanglement
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.7
Entanglement Generation/Propagation, Phase
Transitions V. Buzek, J. Eisert, S. Huelga, J.I.
Latorre, M. Plenio
  • Understand the static and dynamic entanglement
    properties of quantum many body systems.

Deliverable 4.7.1. Simulation of a quantum
algorithm on large quantum many body systems
with up to 100 qubits. J.I Latorre
Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.8 Protecting
Quantum Memories
  • Laser cooling scheme for trapped ions based on
    the dynamical Stark shift gate.
  • ? Fast cooling to low final temperatures.A.
    Retzker and M.B. Plenio, quant-ph/0607199

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.9 Simulating
q.phase transitions in ion traps, circuit QED,
and optical lattices, V. Buzek, G. Milburn
  • Milestones
  • 4.9.1 Specification of ion-trap models that can
    simulate quantum phase transitions.
  • Jahn-Teller like quantum phase transition with a
    single trapped ion, subject to a periodic
    impulsive force (Milburn et al., submitted).
  • Polaritons in array of cavities (photonic crystal
    or coupled micro-cavities) strongly interacting
    many body system, has potential as a quantum
    simulator (Imperial).
  • 4.9.2 Specify experimental scheme for
    demonstrating a Jahn-Teller quantum phase
    transition in a circuit QED and ion trap.
  • Capacitive coupling of mechanical oscillator to a
    superconducting circuit (Milburn et al.,
  • Deliverables
  • 4.4.1 Develop ion trap schemes as analogue
    devices for obtaining information on the
    multipartite entanglement in the ground state of
    systems that undergo quantum phase transitions.

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.10 Q.State
and Process Estimation, V. Buzek, S. Glaser,
J.Twamley, J. Wrachtrup,
  • Problem programmability of quantum devices in
    performance of quantum operations (CP maps), or
    quantum measurements (POVM).
  • Programs encoded in states of quantum system
    (program register)
  • Questions universality, optimality, efficiency
    of deterministic, probabilistic and approximative
  • Existence of universal programmable unambigous
    quantum state discriminator Bergou, Bužek,
    Feldman, Herzog, Hillery, Phys.Rev.A 73, 062334
  • Buzek, Hillery, Ziman, and Rosko, Quantum
    Information Processing 5, 313-420 (2006)

Quantum Simulation and ControlWP 4.10 Q.State
and Process Estimation, V. Buzek, S. Glaser,
J.Twamley, J. Wrachtrup,
Work shop on Q. Process EstimationBudemerice,
Slovakia, 28 Sept 1. Oct. 2006
Quantum Simulation and Control
Ion Trap
Ion doped Crystal
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