Chapter 4 Digital Electronics and Computers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 4 Digital Electronics and Computers


Chapter 4 Digital Electronics and Computers - Digital signal : binary digit or bits LSB. MSB - The made of operation of digit circuit is switching between Hi & Lo. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 4 Digital Electronics and Computers

Chapter 4 Digital Electronics and Computers -
Digital signal binary digit or bits LSB. MSB -
The made of operation of digit circuit is
switching between Hi Lo. - TTL transistor -
transistor logic - CMO Complementary metal
-Oxide semiconductor logic. - Counters
- Some Other Digital Electronic
Components. -Scalers, Clocks - Digital to Analog
converters (DAC) ? Weighted - resistor ladder
network. - Analog to Digital converters (ADS)
4C Basic digital circuit components 4C-1 Signal
shapers A voltage comparator converts the input
signal to the square waveform shown in
Figure4-3. i.g) LM311, etc. 4C-2 Binary
counters A series of binary circuits to count
electrical pulses. ? Signal shapers input - SW
output. ? Binary counter JK flip- flop ? Decimal
4C-3 Counting Measurements Figure 4-4 4C-4
Scalers Figure 4-5 The process of reducing a
count by a known fraction is called scaling and
the scaler is introduced between the signal
source and the counter. 4C-5 Clocks
(piezoelectric effect) It is required accurately
known frequency source be used in conjunction
with the measurement of time.  
4C-6 Digital-to-Analog Converters Signal
Sampling 1) amplification 2) Both line -
frequency and high -frequency noise should be
filtered out before sampling or spurious
frequencies will be digitized. Sample and Hold
system consist of 1) op - amp 1
2) a FET switch 3)
capacitor 4) op - amp 2 The
acquisition time of the sample and hold modules
defines the minimum sampling time that will
ensure an output of given accuracy.
4C-7 Analog - To Digital Converters (A/DCs) Type
? compare charges ? voltage - to - frequency
convertor ? compare voltage ?
flash converter. Voltage to frequency convert
(1) Fig. ?? converter of the frequency
type. 1)Output voltage of integrator. Vc will be
compared continuously with a ref. voltage Vref by
a comparator. 2)The pulse generator can produce
pulses containing a small, fixed amount of charge
repeated. Vc gt Vref? ? acting. (switched
capacitor converter)   (2) Dual slope integration
A/DC ? digital volt meter ? G D. chromate
a output ?? ?? See. Fig. SW2 ?
integrator ? SW 1)Reset signal ?? ? capacitor?
SW2 ? close ?? discharge. ? count ? O.
2) SW2 open ? imput Vx? ?? ??? counter ??. ?
integrator ? capacitor E ? charging ? output
voltage 3) Counter ? roll - over ? ???? t T.
(fixed time) SW1(Vx??)?? - Vref? ???? pulse ?
counter. 01 m Vref? ?? Vx? ?? ??? integrator?
capacitor ? discharge.  
(3) The voltage - comparison type Successive
approximation converter
 1) Most significant bit ? 1 ??? 0 ? O/AC ? ?? ?
compactor output read ? output ? t ?? Vin ? MSB
?? ?? MSB ? 1? ??. ? ?? ?? bit ? ??? comparative
?? SA A/DC ? contently time ? clock cycle ? bit
? ?? ?? ??. (1100ns ) (4) Flash convert (50ns)
A/DC 8 - bit A/DC?? 255?? comparator ? ??? 8 -
bit ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??.  
3.4 ?? ?? ??? ??   RTL (Resistor Transistor
Logic) DTL (Diode - Transistor Logic) TTL
(Transistor - Transistor Logic) ECL (Emitter
Coupled Logic) CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide
Semiconductor)   TTL? ?? BJT???? ???? ? ?, ??
?? ? MOSFET BJT? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????
????? ??. TTL gate 7400?? Texas
Instruments MOSFET gate 4000, 74C00 or 74HC00
RCA   Gate ?? ?? 1) ??? ??
2) ?? ??? 3) ??
4) ??? (fan out)
5) ??? (availability)  
1. ??? ?? NAND gate ?? convert? ?? ?? ??
(propagation delay)?? ??? ?? Input square
wave NAND gate or invert ? ?? input signal ? 0
?? 1? ??? 50? ?? ???? ????? 1? ???? 0? ???
50 ??? ???? ??? ns(10-9)? ??? ?   2. ?? ??? ?
??? gate ?? ? ?? 1?? ??? ?? 0? ?? ?? ????
mW? ??? ?. ?? ?? ? ? ? ???? ?? ?? ??   3. ??  
4. ??? (fan out) ?? gate? ?? ??? ? ?? ????? ??
????? Ex) 7400 NAND gate? output 16mA, input?
1.6mA?? 10?? ????? ??. ?? fan out10 CMOS? ?? ?
?? ?? ?   5. Availability TTL (7400), CMOS
3.5 ?? ??? ?? 1. ?? ??? ?? ?? ? ?? ??, AND gate
?? 2. ???? ?? ?? ?? ????? ?? ? ? ? ??? ????
??. 3. invent ?? NAND gate? ???? LED or ???? ??
?? ??? ???? ??? on/off ? ? ?? 4. Binary adder  
3.6 flip - flop Resister, memory, latch ?
counter? ?? ??SR (set-reset) FF D type FF JK
type FF ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ?? Q? PR ?? 1, CLR?? 0?
??? ??? ?, ??? ???? CK??? 0 ? 1 ? ? ?? D? ??? ??
??? ??. CK input ?? gt?? CK pulse? positive
edge ?, ? ?? ? ???. ? pulse? ?? court?? ??? ? ?
??. Positive edge triggered. ? ?? Q? ???? 1? ????
CK pulse? ? ??? ?? ? ? ??? ? ?? ?, 1? ??? ??? ?
(??? ??) ?, D input? low? ? CK pulse? ? ?? Q?
??? ?? ??? ??? 0?? ??  
7475 quad latch (D? FF) ? D? ??? date? ??? ?????
FF PR? CVR? 5V input, CK ??? ?? ??? ?? enable???
??.   JK FF ??? 2?? FF? ?? ?. ?? FF? ? ?? FF?
??? ???. JK?? FF (JK Master Slave FF) J, K FF?
J, K ??? ??? 1or 0? ?? ?? ??. ? down pulse ?
? sw? CK??? down ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?
toggle Negative edge triggered JK FF? CK???? ???
?? ??
3.7 flip flop ? ?? 3.7.1 register, memory,
latch ? ?? bit? ?? ??? ???? ?? General purpose
register ALU? ?? ?? D? FF? CK ??? enable line?
???? ?. latch MP? ??? ??? ??? ? 74LS273 octal
D type latch 1.3 Memory -static memory
integration density ?
-dynamic memory
3.7.2 Counter Up-counter JK FF? ???? ?? ?? 3.18
74107 JK FF, 3bit counter - J and K ??? ?? 1?
??? ?? CK??? ?? ? ??? ?? Q1? ??? ?? (toggle) -
?? ??? Q1 Q3? 0?? ? ??? ???? ??? count ?? ??
CLR ??? ???. Q2? Q1 ??? ??? 2?. Q3? Q2? 2?? 9??
pulse?? 000? ? ? rollover 2³-1 ?? count ?? FF 8?
?? count? 0-255?? count. 12 bit ? 4095?? ex)
A/DC ? ?? ??? 16.667ms ????? ?? ?? ? ? 12-bit
ADC?? count? 12-bit ? 16.667ms/4096 ?
4.069µs? ??? ?? CK pulse? Counter? CK ???
???? ??? 16.667ms? ?? rollover? ? lock ? down
counter? ??
3.8 ?? ?? ??? Multiplexer ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? ???
??? ? ?? Demultiplexer (decoder) ??? ?? ???
3???? 2nm? ??? ?? ? ??? ??? ??? ?? 3.20 74153 4
Channel multiplexer CS 2? ? 2² 4? ?? ? 4
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) - Performs the
arithmetic and logic operations on date.
Binary words? processing. Bit 0 or 1 All
operations are performed using the principles of
Boolean algebra. - Logic operations AND irg OR
irg and suiting all the bits of a word to the
left or right. - Control unit Coordinating the
operation of the entive computer system
Fetches, decodes, and exeartes successive  
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Memory cell 128 rows 16 column 8bit word?
read or write ?? 2K byte ?? Line 7 ? 27 ? 128?
total 11?? address live ? ??
Line 4 ? 24 ? 16? A0, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9
128?? rows ?? ? X decoder A1, A5, A8, A10 16??
columns ?? ? Y decoder ? CS Chip select line ?
0? ??? ???? ? ??? ??? ??? ? WE 0 ? ?? ? ???
???? ?. ????? ??? ? ? OE 0 ? ???? ???? 1/0
???? ???? ?? ? ??? ??? - DQ0 DQ7 date ? ? ??
???? ?? ?? - ???? 11? ???? (A0-A10) 01? ???? MP?
???? ?? SRAM ?? ? ? ?? 8K byte ??? ??? ?? ??
4.3 Dynamic Memory. DRAM SRAM 5V?? ????
date??? ?? DRAM 5V, 12V, -5V?? ?? 2-3ms?? ??
?? ? ??? ?? ??.   DRAM ?? capacitor ? MOSFET?
??, ??? date? ?? ??? ???. ?? ??? SRAM? ?? 4? ??
?? ????? input??. DRAM? MP? ???? ????? ??? date?
2ms?? ?? (refresh)??? ??? ??? -??? ???? ?? MP?
??? ? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?. 16M-bit DRAM
?? -Packing density? ??? ?? ??? ?? 256K bit
????? ?? 18?? address ?? ??? ?9?? pin? ???? ??
9? ????? ?? ??? ?? ??? latch? ?? ?? ??? ?? 9??
???? ??? ?? 256K bit 9?, 1M bit DMAM 10?? pin?
address ??? ??? ??.  
?? 4.3 (a), (b) DRAM 4116 RAS? 0? ? 7 bit
address ?? ? rows ?? buffer ? ???? decoder? ??
128 row? ?? row? ???? ? ??? 128?? sense refresh
amp.? ?? ?? CAS? 0? ? ?? ???? ?? column? ??
???? ?? buffer? ?? pin-Q? ? ???   3?? ??
Vcc(12V), Vcc(-15V), VBB(-5V)? ?? D? date? ?? ??
?, Q? ?? ? ?? R/W?? ??? 0? ?? data? write???
???? 1?? ?? ? ??? ??. RAS? CAS ??? 0?? ??
??pin(A0-A6)? row?? column, address signal? ???
?? ??? ?  
4.4 Read Only Memory. ROM ???? OS. ??? ?? ?? ???
data? table???? ??? ???? ?? Computerized
spectrometer? ??? ?? Mask programmed ROM ?? ?? ?
? ??? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? User programmed ROM ????
program? ?? ? ?? PROM program?? ( PROM
burner) PROM? ??? fuse? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? 1?
0? ?? EPROM ?? ???? ?? UV?? ??? 1? ??? ? ?
Erase. ?? ?? ?? ??? ??
EAPROM metal nitride- oxide ???? semiconductor?
?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ? ? 25-30V? ??? ?? ???
????? ??? ???? ????   RAM? ??? ???? WE ??
??. Single chip computer serial 1/0 line? SENSE
line ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ? ? (SENSE)   MP?? ??
?? -MP?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ???? ???? OS? ??
???? ??? ???
DIP dual in-line package (?? 5.7??) ??5.8. 8080,
8088, 68000 pin? ?? ? address line 16?, data 8?,
power 4?, clock 2?, control 10? ? ? 40? 8086
address line ? LSB 16?? data line? ???? ? PC? ??
16-bit ? 64K ?? ?? ???? 68000 address line 24??
PC ?? ?? ???? 16M??? ????? ?? ?
(1/0 mapped ?? ) ?? ? ?.??? ?? ?? ??.
(????? 1/0? ??) Intel ? evolutionary Motorola ?
revolutionary ?? 5.9 MP? ??
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Introduction to Microcomputers   - Keneth H.
Olson (1963) Digital Equipment Corporation
(DEC) ??
Boston ?? ???? Mini computer -
programmed data processor, Model 8 (PDP-8) ??
??? 12 - bit word ?? ? 5? - Data General
Corporation ?? (DEC ??), 1969? NOVA
Minicomputer(8?)   - Robert Noyce Gordon
Moore, et al. 1968? Intel ?? 1970? Fairchild
256-bit RAM ?? 70? ? Intel 1K (1024)-bit
RAM - ??? Bussicom Co. ? Intel? ???? ?? ? ?? ??
?? ? 1970? ? 2250?? Tr. ??? 4004 microprocessor
  • Data Point Corporation (Texas, San Antonio) ?
    Texas Instrument ?
  • Intel ? MP ?? ??
  • ? Intel?? 8008??, (1972.4?) Data point?? ?? (??
  • Intel?? ??
  • 8008 ???? - 8080 ?? ??? MP? ?? 64K byte ??? ??
  • ??
  • Intel CPU (MP) ? 4-5?? ?? ??
  • Motorola (1974) 6800?? ??
  • - Zilog Co. (8080 ?? ???? ??? ??) ? Z80
  • MOS Technology Motorola 6800 ??? ? ??? ?? ?
  • ??? MP.
  • - Jonathan A. Titus (Chemist)
  • ? 8008? ??? ??? ???(Mark 8)?? (Popular
    Electronics ?
  • ?? ??? Radio Electronics ? ?? ??? ??)
  • MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry
    Systems) New Mexico ?
  • Albuquerque ? Edward Roberts-8080? ??? Altair
    8800 ?? ???
  • ?? ??

- Harvard ??? Paul Allen ? Gates? BASIC ??? ?? -
Gates Allen ? Microsoft Corporation ?? ? MS
BASIC ?? - Homebrew computer Club Menlo Park
Woznick? MOS Tech. ? 6502? ??? ?? ??? ?? ? APPLE
? 1977 APPLE ? ?? Open architecture ex)
APPLE ? Closed architecture ex) Texas
Instruments 1981? 8088? ??? IBM PC ??
Micro Computer? ?? 3part ? ?? 1) ??, ?? (1/0)
2) ?? ?? (memory)
3) Central processing unit, CPU 1. I/O key
board, video monitor, printer A/DC, D/AC, joy
stick, mouse 2. Memory memory cell ? ?? ?
0255??? ?? ? ????? ?? address signal ? ???
???? ???? ?? MP? 580135??? ????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??
??? read?? ? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ??? ???
write ?? ? volatile ?? off ?? ????? ??? ?? ??
???? (RAM) nonvolatile ?? off ?? ????? ??? ??
???? ?? (ROM) Random Access Memory (RAM) Rom
Programmable ROM PROM ? read only
Erasable PROM EROM ? ??? ??? ??
Electrically Erasable PROM EEPROM ? ??? ???
  • 3, ?? ?? ?? (mass storage) ? floppy disk , hard
    disk, magnetic material ? ?? cope, CD ROM, CD
  • 4. Microprocess on/off switch? ??.
  • 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit ? word size
  • MP? ??????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???
  • ??.
  • ?? ? arithmetic logic unit (ALU) ?? ? ???? ????
  • ? register ALU? ???? ??? memory
  • ? ????? control ? communicate ? ? ?? ?? ??
  • - Intel 8080?? (2-80...80586...)
  • - Motorola 6800?? (6802...68000..)
  • - MOS T? ? 6500?? (6502,65816..)?

5. ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? Gate ? SSI (Small Scale
Integrated Circuit) ? Flip-flop ? MSI (Medium
Scale Integrated Circuit) ? ???? ? LSI ( Large
Scale Integrated Circuit) ? MP ? VLSI (Very
Large Scale Integrated Circuit)  
???? ??? ??   Binary numbers 10?? 7832.52
7X103 8X102 3X101 2X100 5X10-1 2X10-2
most significant digit MSD least significant
digit LSD 2?? ???? 2-1 1 0.1 2n?? ????
?? 110101.01 53.25  1X25 1X24 0X23 1X22
0X21 1X20 0X2-1 1X2-2
??????? ???? ?? ?? 2? ? ?? ????? ?? ? ?? ?? ??
? ???? ??? ??? (?) (???) 116 2
58 0 58 2 29 0 29 2 14
1 14 2 7 0 7 2 3 1
3 2 1 1 1 2 0 1
1110100 ? ? ??? ??? bit
digit, MSD, LSD 8?? switch ? ?? ???? 0000 00002
010, 1111 11112 25510 8bit? MP? ?? ??? ?? 0?
255 byte 8bit? ? ?? ??? ?? ? ? 4bit?
nibble. 16?? ?? ??? ?? ? (address line) ???? 0.1?
????? 216 65.536 ??? ?? ??? ?? kilo ? 1000, ???
210 1024 ?1K 65536 64K 2?? ?? programing ?
??? ?? ?? 8??? 16?? ?? 73653.158 7X84 3X83
6X82 5X81 3X80 1X10-1 5X8-2 ???
10?? ? 8?? 279 8 34 7
34 8 4 2 4 8 0 4
4278 16?? 0-9 ? ?? 1015
? A B C D E F ? ?? 1016 10??? 16 ? ???
16n 30916?3X162 D(13)X161 9X160 FFFF16?65.536
5049710?16???? 50497 16 3156 1
3156 16 197 4 197
16 12 5 12 16 0 12
?? ??? ? 8?? ???? ? 16?? bey 1010 10012 1100
01012 A9 C5 169 197 6502?
accumulator ? BC5? load ? ?? ?? LDA
C5 assembler ?? ????? ?? MP? ?? ?? 2???? ??. ALU
???? 2??? 16?? ???? ex) 9D5 )10F9
ex) 10112 110101 ) 11012
-)100111 11000 001110 476
1000 - 197 - 197 279
803 ? 197? 10? ?? 476 )803 1279 -
1000 279 476? 197? 10? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??
?? 9? ??? ?? ? 1 ? ALU? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???
?. 2???? 1? ??? ????? 9? ??? ??
11111111 -) 11011011 ? inverter? ???? on/off
??? ??? ?? ?. 00100100 ? ?? ???? ?? ??? LSB?
??? ?? ??? ?. 11010101 -) 01011011 ?
1? ?? 10100100   11010101 ) 10100100
101111001 ) 1 " end -
around carry " 101111010
MP?? - ? ?? ?? 8bit?? ??? ?? ??? ?? 0-255 MSB ?
sign bit?? ?? ??? ?? MSB? 0 ? 1 ? - ? ? 2?
??? ??. 0 111 1111 ? 127 1 000 0000 ? -128 ???
?? ??? ?? ??? 8-bit MP ??? -128 127 ?? ??.
256? 16-bit MP - 32768 32767 ?? 32-bit MP
-2.15X109 2.15X109?? ????? ? ?? ??? ?? ???? MP
??? ?? 
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16, 17 Demorgan ? ?? F? ???F ? ? ??? ??? ??
??? ?? ?????? ? ?? ?? ?? AND ? OR, OR ? AND ?
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