Title: PowerPoint-pr
1The intelligent farrowing pen
Lene Juul Pedersen Erik Jørgensen Jens
Malmkvist Danish Institute of Agricultural
Science Danmarks JordbrugsForskning
2The intelligent farrowing pen
3The intelligent farrowing pen
Why 10-30 of piglets die within three days
after farrowing
4The intelligent farrowing pen
Why 10-30 of piglets die within three days
after farrowing
Mission Reduce the early mortality at least 1
piglet per litter Typical Danish herd
500.000 kr. per year
5The intelligent farrowing pen
What Develop a commercial farrowing pen with
Birth detection, alarm in case of problem
Dynamic control in critical periods, based
on animal need Integrated pen design with
feed-back Automated system optimized
management with less manpower
6The intelligent farrowing pen
Who Researchers and business partners with
essential biological and technical
7The intelligent farrowing pen
Who Researchers and business partners with
essential biological and technical
expertise Process 2006- Phase 1 Network
with partners Phase 2 Applications for
developmental ressources Phase 3
Development Phase 4 Commercialization
8The intelligent farrowing pen
Before farrowing Low activity
9The intelligent farrowing pen
Pre farrowing -10h Nest building
10The intelligent farrowing pen
Farrowing Delivery
11The intelligent farrowing pen
Farrowing start
Birth of individual piglets
counting piglets birth problems piglets in wrong
nest building behavioural shifts activity
Pen floor heating on
Piglets close to sow Piglets use creep
12The intelligent farrowing pen
Vision based surveillance and detection
Farrowing start
Birth of individual piglets
counting piglets birth problems piglets in wrong
nest building behaviuoral shifts activity
Pen floor heating on
Piglets close to sow Piglets use
13The intelligent farrowing pen Fremtidens
Intelligente Faresti
14(No Transcript)
15Overvågning, alarm og varmestyring i fremtidens
Visions baseret overvågning og detektion
Alarm ved problem
Farings start
Fødsel af enkelte grise
tælle grise fødselsproblemer gris i problemer pga
afkøling, forkert placering so med feber,
skuldersår, behov for fødselshjælp
redebygning adfærdsskift aktivitet
Varme tændt i stiens gulv
Grise tæt på so Grise bruger hule
Kritisk periode for pattegrises overlevelse
- Periode med forhøjet sygdoms- og døds-risiko for