Year 6 SATs Parents - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Year 6 SATs Parents


Miss J Parker S Statutory A - Assessment T - Tests End of Key Stage measure of attainment and pupil progress. KS1 - Year 2, KS2 Year 6, English reading ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Year 6 SATs Parents

Year 6 SATs Parents MeetingWednesday 23rd
  • Miss J Parker

  • S Statutory
  • A - Assessment
  • T - Tests
  • End of Key Stage measure of attainment and
  • pupil progress.
  • KS1 - Year 2, KS2 Year 6,

What are children tested on?
  • English reading, writing, spelling and grammar
    and punctuation
  • Mathematics 2 x written papers and mental

What are levels?
  • The tests cover Levels 3-5. Pupils working
  • below the level of the tests are teacher
  • assessed.
  • Expected attainment for a pupil at the end of
    Year 6 is Level 4.
  • However, some children exceed this and
  • achieve Level 5 and other children achieve
  • Level 3.
  • A small minority of children will sit Level 6
    tests a single level test. School to advise of
  • Pupils are expected to make 2 whole levels
    progress from Year 2 to Year 6. E.g.1-3, 2-4,

Sample spellings from previous years
  • 1. sharp 11. ravenously
  • 2. whiskers 12. approached
  • 3. surveyed 13. cautiously
  • 4. lying 14. bristling
  • 5. rigid 15. sensible
  • 6. intruder 16. height
  • 7. scattered 17. corridor
  • 8. enough 18. proud
  • 9. females 19. straightened
  • 10. doubt 20. voice

HOW IT USED TO BE writing test
  • Dear Diary ...
  • A brother and sister went on a day out with their
  • Tom really enjoyed the outing, but Sara did not.
  • When they returned home, Tom and Sara wrote about
    the day
  • in their diaries.
  • Use your imagination to decide what Tom and Sara
  • write in their diaries.
  • Your task is to write Tom and Saras diary
  • entries.

  • SPAG test (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
  • Teacher Assessed Writing
  • Reading Test
  • Level 6 writing assessment
  • Level 6 Reading Test
  • To see examples at home google level 3-5 SPAG
    test or level 6 SPAG test or see Mrs Johnson or

Mental arithmetic test
  • 20 timed questions children get a mark out of
    20 for this which is added to their total score
    and contributes to a level being awarded.
    Good way to raise level.
  • 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds
  • Lots of experience, parents can support by
    calling these out to children at home in
  • Google St Josephs Pickering for past papers
    for all subjects including Maths

Maths Papers
  • Paper A 45 mins non calculator test
  • Paper B 45 mins calculator test
  • Level 6 Paper A and B 30 mins per paper (no MA)
  • Google Level 6 Maths KS2 choose emaths website

When will the tests take place?
Timetable accessible at http//
Arrangements for test day
  • The tests will take place in a number of rooms,
    according to the individual pupils needs.
  • Children are encouraged to visit the toilet and
    ensure they are well hydrated and comfortable
    before the test.
  • Tests will be invigilated by Miss Parker and Mrs
    Hollyoak who the children feel happy and secure
    with. (Mrs Johnson will be leading the Y5 test
  • Tests are kept securely in a locked cupboard
    until test day. Miss Parker opens the test
    seconds before the test is scheduled to begin.
  • Children are allowed to ask for questions to be
    read aloud to them (with the exception of the
    reading test).
  • Staff may only read the question children are
    not allowed any help with spelling or to ask for
  • Children have the start and end time for each
    test displayed and are given reminders at timed
    intervals which they are used to as part of our
    test preparation sessions.

After the tests
  • Once the test has finished, the test scripts are
    collected in silence and handed to Miss Parker
    who then packages them up and seals them
    immediately for collection by Parcel force.
    Tests are sent all over the country to be marked
    by trained SATs markers.
  • During test week, the afternoon sessions (apart
    from where children are completing Level 6
    papers) will be used for children to go over
    anything they may be anxious about for the
    following day. However, primarily children will
    have opportunity to take part in lessons where
    other skills are required such as PE, Art,
    History etc.

When will parents be informed of pupils results
and who else will use these results?
  • Tests come into school on various days throughout
    July. As they arrive in school the data is
    collated and analysed and entered onto the school
    assessment package.
  • Where a test has a borderline mark, Miss Parker
    will then go through the script to check
  • Parents will be informed of test results on
    receipt of their childs end of year school
  • Pupils test results are then transferred
    electronically to the appropriate Secondary
  • Children will be told their results at an
    appropriate time prior to the school report going
    home. All results are handled sensitively and
  • These results are then shared with the DCSF and
    the LEA.

Teacher Assessments
  • Throughout the year your child will have
    accumulated evidence to support a teacher
    assessment judgement of their ability in all
    subjects including Writing specifically.
  • This evidence is equally used by DCSF, LEA and
    Secondary schools to see how your child would
    perform over time as opposed to in a one off
  • Where a child significantly underperforms in a
    test we will speak to the Secondary School and
    advise them of the childs ability as evidenced
    over the term.

Should my child be revising at home?
  • Your child may wish to do some revision at home
    and this should be encouraged to enable your
    child to feel as confident as possible going into
    their tests.
  • However, the best idea is little and often.
    Where possible children should be able to use
    ICT, games etc to help them revise to make it a
    little bit more exciting.
  • This term Literacy is taught 5 mornings a week in
    a split Y6 group led by Mrs Hollyoak and Miss
  • Spring Term Booster in Maths after half term
    through until May.

Resources available to help your child
  • Books to be loaned out from school.
  • ICT resources (anyone without access speak to
    Mrs Johnson or Miss Parker to arrange access at
  • Google Woodlands Junior Y6 SATS revision
  • - KS2 BBC BiteSize
  • - literacy bootcamp
  • Many more, please advise school if you find a
    really good one.

How can i help my child on the lead up to and on
test day?
  • Attendance - ensure your child is in school as
    much as possible.
  • Regular and appropriate bedtimes.
  • Revision balanced with breaks and physical
  • Let school know as early as possible if your
    child is ill during test week and if any special
    arrangements need to be made.
  • Communicate if there has been any upheaval or
    upset at home that may affect the pupils
    access/performance in the test.
  • Promote the tests as positive a chance to show
    off the hard work they have done in KS2.
  • Ensure your child has breakfast and a bottle of
    water and a healthy snack in test week.

  • TIP 1 Remember your child's education is a
    partnership. Meet with teachers and see how they
    believe you can help.  
  • TIP 2 Approach a subject from lots of different
    angles. Software, games, activities, books, flash
    cards, practical applications all help.  
  • TIP 3 Look through a practice paper together and
    talk through the answers, try drawing or acting
    out answers of difficult concepts such as
  • TIP 4 Explain that the number of marks gives
    your child an idea of how much time to spend on
    each question.  
  • TIP 5 Make sure your child is aware that getting
    stuck is not a problem, move on and if they have
    time come back to the hard ones at the end.  
  • TIP 6 Encourage your child to believe in
    themselves, "you can do it!"  
  • TIP 7 Remind your child that the tests are
    important, but that the are not the only way they
    are to be measured.  
  • TIP 8 Do not put your child under too much
    pressure. Have fun, they will find things easier
    to remember if they remember the good times they
    had learning.

Finally health warning
  • Whilst we do encourage your children to take
  • these tests seriously and use them to show off
  • all that they are capable of, it is important to
  • remember that all the children in Year 6 are
  • special and unique irrespective of a test. The
  • value and worth of each child cannot be
  • quantified by a test level and nor should it.
  • Thank you for taking the time to find out more.
  • If there is something you feel we could support
  • your child with more, please do not hesitate to
  • contact me.
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