ELEC7250-001 VLSI Testing Spring 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ELEC7250-001 VLSI Testing Spring 2006


ELEC7250-001 VLSI Testing Spring 2006 Class Project Class Presentation Term Paper Class Project (25%) Objective: To program a test algorithm and study its applications. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ELEC7250-001 VLSI Testing Spring 2006

ELEC7250-001 VLSI TestingSpring 2006
  • Class Project
  • Class Presentation
  • Term Paper

Class Project (25)
  • Objective To program a test algorithm and study
    its applications.
  • Plan
  • The project will consist of a series of
  • Initial assignments will be about analyzing the
    circuit description. These will be common to all
  • In later assignments, each student will work on a
    separate algorithm and its applications.

Project Report
  • Assignment reports For each assignment, the work
    (objective, analysis, algorithms, programs and
    results) will be recorded in an electronic file
    and a one-page progress report will be submitted
    on completion.
  • Final report This will contain a complete
    documentation of the project and will be
    submitted on completion of the last assignment.
  • Project evaluation (25) will be based upon the
    final report and the timely submission of
    progress reports.

Class Presentation (10)and Term Paper (10)
  • Each student will make a 15-20 minute
    presentation (April 20, 25 and 27, 2006) to the
    class describing the project work.
  • A term paper (about six pages) will contain an
    in-depth study with references, focused on a
    specific test algorithm. It should be
    self-contained. The paper will be due in
    electronic form (pdf or word) on or before April
    13, 2006.

Circuit Description
  • Develop a hierarchical bench format for circuit
  • Bench is a circuit description language used to
    describe the ISCAS85 and other benchmark
  • See http//www.fm.vslib.cz/kes/asic/iscas/

Example C17 Circuit
c17 5 inputs 2 outputs 0 inverter 6
gates ( 6 NANDs ) INPUT(1) INPUT(2) INPUT(3) INPU
T(6) INPUT(7) OUTPUT(22) OUTPUT(23) 10
NAND(1, 3) 11 NAND(3, 6) 16 NAND(2, 11) 19
NAND(11, 7) 22 NAND(10, 16) 23 NAND(16, 19)
Project Assignment 1
  • Assigned 1/26/06. To be completed 2/2/06.
  • Develop a hierarchical bench format.
  • Describe a four-bit ripple-carry adder using the
    hierarchical bench format.

Project Assignment 2
  • Assigned 2/2/06. To be completed 2/23/06.
  • Write a compiler for the hierarchical format
  • Compiler is a program with input as the circuit
    description as hierarchical bench format
  • Default option
  • Generate a flat netlist
  • Generate simulation table
  • Hierarchical option
  • Generate simulation tables for all subnetworks in
    the hierarchical netlist

Simulation Table
  • Contains a gate record for each gate
  • Gate name
  • Gate type
  • Fanin list
  • Fanout list
  • Other attributes
  • Delays
  • faults

Project Assignment 3 (Final)
  • Assigned 3/9/06. To be completed 4/27/06
  • Write a logic simulator for
  • Combinational circuits consisting of zero-delay
    Boolean gates.
  • Hierarchical bench format netlist input.
  • Fully specified input vectors and expected
  • Obtain the following results
  • Simulate 4-bit ripple-carry adder with exhaustive
    set of input vectors and expected outputs, and
    have your simulator verify the circuit.
  • Introduce a design error in the netlist and have
    the simulator list the failing vectors and POs
    where errors are observed.
  • Attempt to diagnose the design error.

Project Assignment 3 (cont.)
  • Examine the performance
  • Plot CPU time vs. number of vectors for 4-bit
    adder circuit.
  • Plot CPU time vs. number of gates for ISCAS85
    circuits each simulated for 1,000 random vectors.
  • Project report, due 4/27/06
  • Describe algorithm implemented.
  • Provide user information.
  • Describe the 4-bit adder verification and
  • Discuss any diagnosis method you have found.
  • Describe performance.
  • Class Presentation, schedule on next slide
  • Prepare a 20-minute talk on your project
    including a live demonstration.
  • Submit powerpoint slides prior to your talk.

Class Presentation Schedule
Student Name Day of Presentation
Alexander 4/20/06
Anbumony 4/20/06
Grimes 4/20/06
Hill 4/25/06
Milton 4/25/06
Qin 4/25/06
Sheth 4/27/06
Wang 4/27/06
White 4/27/06
Term Paper Topic Assignment
Student Name Topic
Alexander Statistical fault simulation
Anbumony Test compaction
Grimes Concurrent test generation
Hill Transition delay faults
Milton Memory test
Qin Application-specific FPGA testing
Sheth Fault diagnosis
Wang Random-access scan
White Boundary-scan standard
Schedule for Term Paper
  • Assigned 3/14/06
  • Summary due 3/23/06
  • Abstract (200-300 words)
  • Section titles
  • List of references
  • 1-2 pages (hard copy)
  • Full paper due 4/13/06
  • 6 pages (word or pdf)

Project Grades
Student name Logic simulation Logic simulation Diagnosis Alg.Res. Report Total
Student name Alg.Impl. Results Diagnosis Alg.Res. Report Total
Alexander A A C B 70
Anbomony A A B A 90
Grimes A A A A 100
Hill B B A B 70
Milton A A A A 100
Qin A A B A 90
Sheth A A B B 80
Wang A A A B 90
White A A C B 70
A 25, B 15, C 5
ELEC7250 Spring 2006Final Grade Statistics
ELEC7250 Spring 2006Final Grades
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