FOA PROJECT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Training Centre Programme on ILS and HR
Freedom of Association
(C.87 and C.98)
  • FOA is a human right universally recognized and
  • FOA recognition and respect expressly requested
    by ILO Constitutional documents
  • FOA is of particular importance for the ILO in
    reason of its tripartite structure

  • A system of democracy and the respect of
    fundamental human rights are essential to full
    and genuine FOA
  • Absence of civil liberties removes all meaning
    from the concept of FOA. Genuine, free and
    independent workers and employers organizations
    cannot develop in a climate of violence and
  • The interdependence of FOA and civil liberties
    was reiterated in the ILO 1970 Resolution
    Concerning Trade Union Rights and Their Relation
    to Civil Liberties

  • Civil liberties essential to the normal exercise
    of FOA rights
  • The right to life and personal safety
  • The right to freedom and security of person from
    arbitrary arrest and detention
  • Freedom of opinion and expression
  • Freedom of assembly
  • The right to a fair trial by an independent and
    impartial tribunal
  • The right to protection of the property of
    workers and employers organizations

  • The detention, arrest, physical threats, assaults
    or disappearances of leaders of workers and
    employers organizations for activities in
    connection with the exercise of their right to
    organize are blatant violations of FOA
  • All appropriate measures should be taken to
    guarantee that FOA can be exercised in normal
    conditions. Violation of this right can be
    denounced before the ILO
  • No impunity should prevail. The absence of
    judgement (or excessive delay in its
    pronouncement) reinforces the climate of violence
    and insecurity, extremely damaging to the
    exercise of FOA

Right of Association (Agriculture), 1921 (No. 11)
Freedom of Association and Protection of the
Right to Organize Convention, 1948 (No. 87)
Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining
Convention, 1949 (No. 98)
Workers Representatives Convention (No. 135) and
Recommendation (No. 143), 1971
Rural Workers Organizations (No. 141) and
Recommendation (No. 149), 1975
Labour Relations (Public Service) (No. 151) and
Recommendation (No. 159), 1978
Collective Bargaining Convention (No. 154)
Collective Agreements Recommendation (No. 91),
Freedom of association and protection of the
right to organize convention, 1948 (no. 87)
  • Aims at protecting the free exercise of the right
    to organize of workers and employers
    organizations vis-à-vis public authorities
  • Protects in law and in practice the freedom to
    establish organizations, which could be
    considered a prerequisite without which the other
    guarantees enunciated in ILO instruments would
    remain a dead letter

Freedom of association and protection of the
right to organize convention, 1948 (no. 87)
This right to organize depends on three
1. That no distinction are made among those
entitled to the right of association
2. That there is no need for previous
authorization to establish organizations
3. That there is freedom of choice with regard to
membership of such organizations
1. Right to establish and join organizations
without distinction whatsoever (art. 2)
  • All workers and employers are covered
  • No distinction based on grounds of, inter alia,
    occupation, sex, colour, race, religion, age,
    residence, marital status, nationality, political
  • Only exception armed forces and the police
    interpreted narrowly

2. Right to establish organizations without
previous authorization
  • Statutory and by-law formalities are acceptable
    as long as they ensure the normal functioning and
    publicity of organizations
  • Would be incompatible
  • Long and complicated registration procedures
  • Discretionary power granted to public authority
  • Excessive minimum membership required for
    establishment or registration
  • Recognition of legal personality without delay if
    formal requirements complied with
  • Right to appeal to independent courts against
    refusal of authorization

3. Right of workers and employers to establish
and join organizations of their own choosing
  • Subject only to the rules of organizations
  • No interference by public authorities when
    drawing up their structure and composition
  • Rules and practices may not unduly affect
    organizational structure and composition.
    However, are acceptable limitations as regards
  • required minimum number of members
  • certain categories of workers to whom membership
    is limited at the first level as long as they can

3. Right of workers and employers to establish
and join organizations of their own choosing
  • Legislation and practices must not unduly affect
    organizational plurality and diversity. Monopoly
    must not be imposed by law or practice
  • Systems prohibiting union security practices as
    well as systems which permit such practices, are
    compatible with FOA principles. Should take
    effect trough collective agreements

Recognition of the most representative
  • A way of striking a balance between trade union
    unity and fragmentation of trade union movement
  • Determination of most representative trade union
    must be based on objective, pre-established and
    precise criteria
  • Certain preferential rights granted to most
    representative organizations. Other organizations
    should be able to continue representing their
    members interests

Right of workers and employers organizations to
draw up their constitutions and rules (art. 3)
  • The law should only law down formal requirements
    as regards the organizations constitution
  • Would be incompatible
  • Approval of by-laws by public authorities or
    already existing trade union
  • Imposed model constitution
  • Where public authorities have the right to
  • amendments (beyond formal changes)
  • Procedure for appeal to an independent and
    impartial body in case of refusal

Right of workers and employers organizations to
elect their representatives in full freedom (art.
  • No control shall be exercised by public
    authorities over the election process
  • No arbitrary interference by public authorities
    in the election process
  • Results should not be subject of approval by
    public authorities. If contested recourse to
    independent and impartial judicial body
  • Conditions of eligibility avoid situations where
    qualified persons would be disqualified

Right of workers and employers organizations to
elect their representatives in full freedom (art.
  • Possible violations of FOA if a law
  • Requires that all candidates belong to an
    occupation or an enterprise
  • Requires that all candidates be national of the
    country. Possible requirement of a reasonable
    period of residence
  • Prohibits re-election
  • Excludes candidates because of their political
    beliefs or criminal records

Right of workers and employers organizations to
organize their administration and activities
(art. 3)
  • Be able to hold congresses of members without
  • Covers necessary financial autonomy and
  • No prior authorization to receive funds
  • Protection of workers and employers
    organizations assets shall be guaranteed.
    Inviolability of union premises, correspondence
    and communications

Right of workers and employers organizations to
formulate their programmes (art. 3)
  • Right of organizations to formulate their
    programmes include
  • Right to hold meetings
  • Right to have access to the working place by
    trade union leaders with due respect for the
    rights of property and management
  • Right to communicate with management
  • Right to obtain information
  • Right to present a list of dispute grievances
  • Political vs trade union activities

The right to strike
  • Most visible form of collective action in the
    context of a labour dispute
  • Even if not expressly mentioned in ILO
    Conventions on FOA, the right to strike is fully
    recognized and protected
  • Right to strike recognized by other international
  • Legitimate weapon of workers organizations in
    furtherance of their members interests

Workers covered
  • Certain categories of workers can see their right
    to strike limited, even prohibited
  • armed forces and the police
  • civil servants exercising authority in the name
    of the state
  • workers in essential services  services the
    interruption of which would endanger the life,
    the personal safety or health of the whole or
    part of the population
  • Compensatory guarantees should be provided for
    workers deprived of their right to strike
  • In cases of not essential services but of public
    utility, possible to establish a system of
    negotiated minimum service

  • The law may subordinate the exercise of the right
    to strike to certain prerequisites (reasonable
  • Prerequisites found to be acceptable
  • Take strike decisions by secret ballot
  • Give short notice of a strike in certain services
  • Mediation, conciliation and voluntary arbitration
  • Prerequisites not acceptable
  • Decision by over half of all the workers involved
  • A quorum requirement of two-thirds
  • Compulsory arbitration before calling strike

Forms of strike
  • Any work stoppage, however brief and limited, may
    generally be considered as a strike
  • Political strikes do not fall within the scope of
    FOA. However possible recourse to protest strikes
  • Sympathy strikes are lawful when the initial
    strike is lawful
  • Restrictions on strike pickets and workplace
    occupations should be limited to cases where the
    action ceases to be peaceful

Acute national crisis and ban on strike
  • Acute national crisis can justify a ban on
    strike. The limitation needs to be for a limited
    period of time, to the extent necessary to meet
    the requirements of the situation

Abuse of the right to strike
  • FOA principles do not protect against abuse
  • Sanctions provided in national legislation in
    case of abuse are acceptable
  • May take various forms
  • All penalties should be proportionate to the
    offence or fault committed. No imprisonment for
    organizing or participating in a peaceful strike

Intervention of the police in strike actions
  • Workers and their organization have an obligation
    to respect the law of the land
  • Intervention of security forces in strike
    situation should be limited strictly to the
    maintenance of public order and only if there is
    a serious threat to law and order
  • Necessary instruction should be given to
    competent authorities so as to avoid the danger
    of excessive violence in trying to control
    demonstrations that might undermine public order

Protection against dissolution or suspension of
organizations by administrative authority (art. 4)
  • Most extreme form of interference by public
  • Same applies to decisions taken by public
    authorities that lead to de facto dissolution
    (cancellation of registration or of legal
    personality, depriving workers and employers
    organizations of their financial assets)
  • If administrative dissolution exists, right of
    appeal to independent courts with suspensive

Right to establish federations and
confederations and to affiliate with
international organizations (art. 5)
  • Right to organize at higher level
  • Should enjoy the various rights accorded to
    first-level organizations
  • At the national level, would be incompatible
  • Requirement of an excessively large number of
    member organizations
  • Prohibition imposed on setting up more than one
    confederation per occupation, branch of activity
    or region
  • Imposed monopoly at the federal or confederal

Right to establish federations and confederations
and to affiliate with international organizations
(art. 5)
  • At the international level would be incompatible
  • Only a single, named national organization
    permitted to affiliate internationally
  • Prohibition placed on international affiliation
  • Prior authorization required for international
  • Restrictions or conditions placed on assistance
    (including financial), communications or contacts
    resulting from international affiliations

Right to organize and collective bargaining
convention, 1949 (no. 98)
  • Protection of workers against acts of anti-union
    discrimination from employers
  • Protection of workers and employers
    organizations against acts of interference by
    each other
  • Promotion of collective bargaining

Right to organize and collective bargaining
convention, 1949 (no. 98)
  • All workers are covered
  • Only exceptions
  • Armed forces and the police
  • Civil servants engaged in the administration of
    the state
  • No distinction based on grounds of occupation,
    sex, colour, race, religion, age, residence,
    marital status, nationality, political opinion

Protection against acts of anti-union
discrimination (art. 1)
  • No person shall be prejudiced in his employment
    by reason of his/her trade union membership or
    legitimate trade union activities
  • This protection is particularly necessary for
    trade union officials
  • Protection against acts of anti-union
    discrimination requires to be effective
  • Existence of broad enough protective provisions
    in legislation
  • Existence of procedures able to ensure that
    complaints are examined promptly, impartially,
    inexpensively and effectively

Protection against acts of anti-union
discrimination (art. 1)
  • Period covered
  • In taken up the employment
  • In the course of employment
  • At the time of termination
  • The law should provide for effective and
    dissuasive sanctions
  • Not enough protection in cases where employers
    can, in practice, on condition they pay the
    compensation prescribed by law for cases of
    unjustified dismissal dismiss any worker if true
    reason is the workers trade union membership or

Protection against acts of interference (art. 2)
  • Total independence of workers organizations from
    employers and their organizations in exercising
    their activities and vice versa
  • Necessary to have express legislative provisions
    against acts of interference
  • Rapid appeal procedure
  • Effective and dissuasive sanctions

Promotion of Collective Bargaining (art. 4)
  • Process to create standards to govern labour
  • Instrument of democratization
  • Fundamental right endorsed by Member States by
    the very fact of their membership to the ILO
  • Within multinational enterprises. Special
    incentives to attract foreign investments should
    not, inter alia, include any limitation of the
    workers right to bargain collectively

  • Conditions favouring collective bargaining
  • Respect of FOA and civil liberties
  • Parties should be organized, independent and free
    from any public interference
  • Parties should be of equal strength
  • Appropriate rules governing the procedure
  • Workers organizations need to be representative
    of those for whom they collectively bargain
  • Criteria
  • Parties should recognize each other
  • Recognition procedure based on objective,
    pre-established and precise criteria.
    Possible exclusive bargaining agent

  • Restrictions on the principle of free and
    voluntary negotiations
  • Compulsory arbitration
  • Intervention of public authorities
  • In the drafting of collective bargaining
  • In the form of administrative approval of freely
    concluded collective agreements
  • In cancellation of agreements because they are
    contrary to national economic policy
  • In compulsory extension of the period for which
    collective agreements are in force

  • Obligation to negotiate in good faith
  • Implies genuine and consistent efforts by both
    parties to reach an agreement
  • Does not mean that there is an obligation to
    conclude an agreement
  • Any unjustified delay in the holding of
    negotiations should be avoided
  • Support measures aiming at promoting collective
    bargaining (information, statistics, voluntary
    procedures designed to facilitate bargaining)
  • Negotiation process
  • Informal and within pre-established institutions
    or bodies
  • Certain behaviour should be prohibited (unfair
    labour practices)

  • Topics to be covered
  • Terms and conditions of work and employment
  • Regulation of the relations between employers and
    workers and between organizations of workers and
  • Strict limitations possible in case of
    stabilization policies
  • Levels of negotiation
  • Should be possible at any level (in law and in
  • Should be left to the choice of the parties
  • Agreements reached
  • Collective agreements
  • Other forms of agreements
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