Title: Diapositive 1
1XI-MER 2013 XIOS-ISIB Measurements of
Environmental Radioactivity
XIOS Diepenbeek Wouter Schroeyers, Luc Lievens,
Steven Lelie ISIB Brussels Caroline Licour,
Jonathan Baré, Isabelle Gerardy
Ten-day course, 4 ECTS credits
2- Goal
- To confront the students with possible problems
regarding radioactivity in our environment - ? Radioactivity measurements of artificial and
natural contamination - Better knowledge of the measurement techniques
- Better understanding of our radioactive
environment - Better evaluation of what is harmful and what has
to be accepted. - Participants
- Third year bachelorstudents of XIOS
- First year masterstudents of ISIB
- Individual students from Cherne partners
- Organisation
3- Program
- Lectures
- Radioactivity in Environment, Sampling and
Measurement - Radon
- Practical sessions
- Training with various types of detectors and
tracking radiological sources ( in XIOS) - Field trips
- Field trips in Demerbroeken, Mol (SCK-CEN),
Villers-la-Ville - On the field spectrometry
- Soil sampling
- Laboratory work
4Field trip in Demerbroeken
Historical contamination from phosphate industry
at Demerbroeken
Large 2.0 x 2.0 NaI crystal, 6.3 in3 (103 cm3 )
6Soil sampling (depth 0 to 4 cm)
7Field trip in Mol
Location Banks of the Molse Nete Discharge point
of a sewer coming from the nuclear complex
Mol-Dessel. On May the 22th of 2007,
Greenpeace published a report of one of their
8Soil sampling (depth 0 to 4 cm)
9Field trip in Villers la Ville Weather cold and
10Spectrometry on the field
214Bi, 609keV
137Cs, 662keV
40K, 1461keV
11Measurement of the permeability of the soil
Not possible due to the frozen soil. Permeability
very low and then, sampling of the soil air
not significant (radon in the soil air not
12Funding Prince Philippe Funds Canberra IRE GDF
Suez To be continued in 2014