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Title: DZIA ANIA STRA Y GRANICZNEJ NA POLSKO BIA ORUSKIM ODCINKU GRANICY PA STWOWEJ Last modified by: 005697 Document presentation format: Pokaz na ekranie (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Polish Border Guard National Headquarters Al.
Niepodleglosci 100 02-514 Warsaw
EURO 2012 Safe and friendly border, cooperation
with Ukraine
BG col. Zbigniew PLATER-ZYBERK
Main tasks of the Border Guard
  • protection of the state border,
  • organization and performance of border traffic
  • fighting border crimes and pursuing perpetrators,
  • ensuring security in international transport and
    in border crossing points as well as public order
    in the border zone,
  • maintaining security on board of passenger
  • securing main international transport roads
    against crimes which are in the scope of BG
  • performing activities, including intelligence, to
    recognize and prevent terrorist threats,
  • counteracting and pursuing perpetrators of crimes
    against public security, against security in
    aviation, security at border crossing points and
    international transport,
  • preventing transportation of harmful chemical
    substances, nuclear and radioactive materials,
    weapons, ammunition and explosives across the
    borders without a proper permit.

Ministry of Interior
The role of the state institutions during EURO
  • The Final European Football Championships UEFA
    EURO 2012, organized in Poland and in Ukraine,
    was for both countries, the sport event of the
    unprecedented range.
  • According to the Tournaments motto Have fun
    feel safe, all Polish and Ukrainian law
    enforcement institutions, responsible for safety
    and security of football fans coming to our
    countries, has performed their duties at theirs
    best, making this event secure and really fun for
    the visitors.
  • During EURO 2012 Polish Border Guards main duty
    was ensuring the fluent border traffic and
    safeguarding the external EU border security. The
    other important task was to protect the Polish
    (that means EU) territory against individuals
    or groups generating potential threat to the
    security of the country and its guest.
  • These aims were reached in the close co-operation
    with Polish and international law enforcement
    organizations, including the FRONTEX Agency.

The major tasks of the Border Guard during EURO
  1. Adjusting the organization of the border control
    system in the Border Crossing Points to the
    increased traffic on the Polish-Ukrainian Border
    with the close cooperation with Polish Customs
    Office and Ukrainian partners (special EURO 2012
    Lines for football fans and tourist with nothing
    to declare for the customs control
    one-stop-border-control of Polish and Ukrainian
    border and customs services on polish part of
    the BCPs).
  2. Temporal re-introducing of the border control on
    the internal borders of the Schengen area.
  3. Organizing, together with the FRONTEX Agency,
    Joint Operation EUROCUP 2012.
  4. To set up the Commanding Centre of Operation
    BORDER 2012 in the BG Headquarters (on the
    basis of the BG HQ Duty Service). The similar
    centers were established in the BG Regional
    Units HQ.
  5. Establishing the BG Point of Contact in the
    Police Commanding Centre (PCC) in the Police
    Academy in Legionowo (near Warsaw) and in the
    Ministry of Interior/ Ministry of Administration
    Operational Commanding Centre.
  6. Intensification of cooperation with the Border
    Guards liaison officers (in Kiev, Moscow and
    Berlin) and liaison officers of the foreign law
    enforcement agencies, accredited in Poland.
  7. Conducting the current close cooperation with the
    proper Polish law enforcement organizations, both
    during the preparatory stage, and during the

Border Guard in the state security SYSTEM during
EURO 2012
Border Guards role in the international
cooperation during EURO 2012
The Polish-Ukrainian working group on security of
EURO 2012
  • Important role in coordination of the
    preparations to the Tournament played, among
    others, The Polish-Ukrainian working group on
    security of EURO 2012. This bodys activities was
    aimed at infrastructural and organizational
    adjustment to the expected increase of the border
    traffic and other challenges for all law
    enforcement and security services and

The Common Analytical Report
  • In 2011 the Polish and Ukrainian Border Guard
    have elaborated The Common Analytical Report on
    threats and risks before and during the
    Championships EURO 2012. Report presented the
    most important threats and risks which could
    affect the border traffic and raise the
    trans-border crimes on the Polish-Ukrainian
  • This unprecedented enterprise was aimed at the
    proper preparations for ensuring the fluent
    border traffic and the security during EURO.

Ensuring the fluent border trafic for the
football fans during EURO 2012
  • In close cooperation with Polish Customs Office
    and Ukrainian partners of the border and customs
    services there were implemented the special means
    of adjusting the organization of the traffic in
    the Border Crossing Points to the increased
    traffic on the Polish-Ukrainian Border, among
  • The special Green Lines (similar to the
    airports), established in the land BCPs for the
    passengers who have nothing to declare for the
    customs control, have been changed during
    Tournament into EURO 2012 Lines for the
    football fans. The time of crossing the border
    along these lines has shortened about 4-5 times
    than on the ordinary lines.
  • Rapid reaction of the border services to the
    currant situation in the BCP (re-organization of
    the passengers traffic and of the
    border/customs-control staff).

Ensuring the fluent border trafic for the
football fans during EURO 2012
  • Organizing the one-stop-border-control, on the
    Polish part of the biggest BCPs on
    Polish-Ukrainian border.
  • The idea of this solution was to perform the
    passport and customs control on polish side of
    border crossing by Polish and Ukrainian border
    and customs officers at one stop of the car or
    bus. It was performed permanently in both
    directions of the border traffic on each line of
    passengers control.

Ensuring the fluent border trafic for the
football fans during EURO 2012
  • Another solution agreed between Polish and
    Ukrainian border authorities (Commander-In-Chiefs)
    was temporary opening for passengers traffic
    only cars and busses the new BCP
    Dolhobyczów-Uhrynow which is still during
    construction. Border control was performed by
    border services of both countries (with the use
    of mobile control-terminals) on polish side of
    the border.
  • This BCP was operating between June 5th and July
    4th 2012 . It was dedicated mostly for Small
    Border Traffic (people living in both countries
    within the area of 30 km from the border line).

Improving the Polish-Ukrainian border security
  • The Agreement on the common patrols of Polish and
    Ukrainian border guards (signed in Lvov on
    December 8th 2010) started the new era of their
    cooperation. From the beginning of 2011 the mixed
    patrols of the both services improved the
    security of the Polish-Ukrainian Border. During
    EURO 2012 those patrols have performed their
    duties not only on the green border, but also,
    among others
  • they helped to properly manage the cars/buses
    traffic approaching the border control,
  • they informed about the rules of border crossing
    (esp. for the football fans).
  • they ensured the security in the border crossing
    points area.
  • During EURO 2012 there were 75 common patrols (on
    Polish and Ukrainian territory) mostly on the
    roads guiding to the BCPs.

The border traffic during EURO 2012
  • In April 2012 the Border Guard HQ has elaborated
    The prognosis of the border traffic during first
    stage of the Championships EURO 2012. According
    to our assessment the expected border movement
    will be approx. 530 thousands of people
    (including transit movement 7.200 persons).
  • On the external borders there was following
    movement 2,74 mln persons (1.360.000 into
    Poland, 1.380.000 out of Poland). Foreigners
    composed about 66,7 of the total movement.
  • The border with Ukraine was crossed by 1,05 mln
    persons (into PL 528.000, from PL 521.000).
    The biggest traffic increase was in the days of
    the matches in Ukraine (esp. Lvov) from PL ca
    5-6 hours before the match, return to PL ca 2-3
    hours after the match.
  • The air border (in the host-cities) has crossed
    580.000 passengers (into PL 285.000, out of PL
    295.000). The biggest traffic was in
    Warszawa-Okecie BCP (277.000 passengers).

Frontex Joint Operation EUROCUP 2012
  • PL Border Guard has organized, together with the
    FRONTEX Agency, the Joint Operation EUROCUP
    2012 (similarly as in 2008 in Austria/Switzerland
  • In the JO EUROCUP 2012 took part 139 officers
    of the border services 97 from 24 EU states 10
    from the 3rd countries (Ukraine, Russia, Croatia)
    as observers 1 Polish BG was deployed in Kiyv
    3 Polish BG in Frontex Situation Centre 20 EU
    officers were deployed in the 11 main airports in
    the countries, which were taking part in the
  • Most of this officers were deployed on the
    external land broder (green border and BCPs) and
    in the biggest Polish airport in Warsaw.

Frontex Joint Operation EUROCUP 2012 - effects
  • Strengthening of BG resources (human end
    technical equipment)
  • linguistic support in contacts with foreigners
  • preventive role of the presence of foreigners
    officers against aggressive behavior in BCPs of
    football fans
  • cooperation of European border guards in border
    control (esp. of their countryman) make the
    Tournaments guests feeling like at home.
  • With the support of guest-officers there was
    apprehended 18 persons (for different reasons)
    and refused entry into Polish territory 150

Temporal re-introduction of the border control on
the internal borders
  • The temporal re-introduction of the border
    control was established from 4th June till 1st
    July 2012 r. The legal basis for this was The
    Ministry of Interior Decree from May 17th 2012 on
    temporal re-introduction of the border control of
    persons crossing the state border, which is the
    internal border. The decree established 254
    places for crossing the border on each part of
    internal border.
  • The Border Guards officers has performed their
    duties with mobile systems of control, in close
    cooperation with other Polish services (Police,
    Road Transportation Inspection, Fire Brigades,
    Military Police and others). Selection of cars to
    be controlled was built on the profiling
    performed by common patrols of the Polish and
    neighboring border officers mostly on the other
    side of the border. Such performance of border
    control didn't affected the fluent traffic across
    the border.

Temporal re-introduction of the border control on
the internal borders effects
  • The first and most important effect is prevention
    and monitoring of foreigners entering our country
    with the aims to take part in EURO 2012.
  • During the whole period of re-introduction of the
    border control , BG has controlled 28.890
    individuals, travelling by 7.954 cars/busses, 221
    airplanes, 19 trains and 5 ferries. 98,67 of
    persons submitted to the control, were
    foreigners. On each part of the state border, the
    control was performed in the temporal border
    crossings (BCPs)
  • Czech Republic 8 BCPs 15.655 persons, 3.289
  • Germany 4 BCPs 8.625 persons, 3.105 cars,
  • Lithuania 2 BCPs 1.806 persons, 693 cars,
  • air 6 BCPs 1.759 persons,
  • Slovakia 2 BCPs 1.061 persons, 130 cars,
  • sea 2 BCPs 74 persons.
  • During this duties there have been apprehended
    (stopped) 14 foreigners (including 8 - for
    attempts of illegal crossing the border and 2 -
    for the drugs possession).
  • The 22 foreigners were granted the refusal of
    entry the Polish territory.

Other duties of the Border Guard
  • Bearing in mind fact that Border Guard is
    experienced in preventing transportation (through
    the border) of nuclear and radioactive materials,
    its officers were taking part in prevention the
    CBRN threats in close cooperation with the
    municipal authorities.
  • Border Guards were responsible for radiometric
    security on stadiums in Warsaw and Wroclaw, and
    in the official fan-zones in Warsaw, Gdansk and

The role of Border Guards in this area on the
stadiums was to perform the second line of
radiological control in case of alerts of
personal detectors (PRDs) of persons controlling
fans entering the stadium through the gates
(verification of this alerts). In the case of
fan-zones, the Border Guard officers kept the
duty services during the matches, ready to
perform the radiometric recognition in case of
any incidents of this kind of alerts (there was
not necessary to do some intervention).
Other duties of the Border Guard
  • The Border Guard also cooperated with the
    Government Protection Bureau (BOR) in the field
    of pirometric recognition of the VIP-zones on
    stadiums in Poznan and Wroclaw, and of the hotels
    in which lived the persons protected by BOR.
  • The other field of cooperation was participation
    of the Border Guards Aviation in the aerial
    protection of the flight-restricted area in
  • Our planes performed 2 flights in the match-days
    and kept the duty services (24/7) during EURO of
    its crew in 10-minutes readiness to start.

Thank you for your attention
BG col. Zbigniew PLATER-ZYBERK Border Guard
Command Centre t
el. (48 22) 500 41 22
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