Vielitzer Stra - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vielitzer Stra


Vielitzer Stra e 43 95100 Selb GERMANY Tel.: 0049 9287 8800 Fax: 0049 9287 70488 Email: Linseis Inc. 20 Washington Road P.O.Box 666 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Vielitzer Stra

  • Vielitzer Straße 43
  • 95100 Selb
  • Tel. 0049 9287 8800
  • Fax 0049 9287 70488
  • Email

Linseis Inc. 20 Washington Road P.O.Box
666 Princeton-Jct. NJ 08550 Tel. (609)
799-6282 Fax (609) 799-7739 Email
The Company
  • Since 1957 Linseis Corporation delivers
    outstanding service, know how and leading
    innovative products in the field of thermal
    analysis and thermal physical properties. We are
    driven by innovation and customer satisfaction.
    Customer orientation, innovation, flexibility and
    last but not least highest quality are what
    Linseis stands for from the very beginning.
    Thanks to these fundamentals our company enjoys
    an exceptional reputation among the leading
    scientific and industrial companies.
  • Claus Linseis
  • Managing Director

ASTM E 1461 - 01
  • Standard Test Method for Thermal Diffusivity by
    the Flash Method
  • A small, thin disc specimen is subjected to a
    high intensity short duration radiant energy
    pulse. The energy of the pulse is absorbed on the
    front surface of the specimen and the resulting
    rear face temperature rise (thermogram) is
    recorded. The thermal diffusivity value is
    calculated from the specimen thickness and the
    time required for the rear face temperature
  • rise to reach certain percentages of its maximum
    value. When the thermal diffusivity of the sample
    is to be determined over a temperature range, the
    measurement must be repeated at each temperature
    of interest.

  • 1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard
  • 1.1 thermal conductivity, l, of a solid
    materialthe time
  • rate of steady heat flow through unit thickness
    of an infinite slab of a homogeneous material in
    a direction perpendicular to the surface, induced
    by unit temperature difference. The property must
    be identified with a specific mean temperature,
    since it varies with temperature.
  • 1.2 thermal diffusivity, a, of a solid
    materialthe property given by the thermal
    conductivity divided by the product of the
    density and heat capacity per unit mass.

Classification of some Thermophysical Properties
Thermophysical Properties
Thermodynamic Properties
Transport Properties
Thermal Diffusivity LFA
Specific Heat DSC
Thermal Expansion Dilatometer
Thermal Conductivity
Mass Diffusion Coefficient
Electric Resistivity
Kinematic Viscosity
Thermal Diffusivity Calculation
  • Calculation
  • First determine the baseline and maximum rise to
  • the temperature difference, ?Tmax Determine the
    time required from the initiation of the pulse
    for the rear face temperature to reach ?T½ . This
    is the half time, t½. Calculate the thermal
    diffusivity, a, from the specimen thickness, L
    squared and the half time t½, as follows
  • ? 0.13879 L2/t½

Determination of Thermal Diffusivity
The quantities measured are temperature (T),
time (t) and voltage change (?V). Note ?V
Experimental Data
Measurement Schematic
Real Measurement vs. Adiabatic
The two graphs show a true measurement vs. an
ideal case of no heat loss (i.e. adiabatic) The
difference between the two must be accounted for
using the correction models contained by the
Significance and Use
  • Significance and Use
  • Thermal diffusivity is an important property,
    required for such purposes as design applications
    under transient heat flow conditions,
    determination of safe operating temperature,
    process control, and quality assurance.
  • The flash method is used to measure values of
    thermal diffusivity, a, of a wide range of solid
    materials. It is particularly advantageous
    because of simple specimen geometry, small
    specimen size requirements, rapidity of
    measurement and ease of handling, with a single
    apparatus, of materials having a wide range of
    thermal diffusivity values over a large
    temperature range.

Thermal Diffusivity
  • It is a measure of how well a material can
    transmit heat under transient conditions. Since a
    material does not just transmit heat, but must be
    warmed by it as well, the thermal diffusivity
    involves thermal conductivity, specific heat and
  • Characteristics
  • Thermal diffusivity is always a function of
    temperature and is directional for anisotropic
  • Thermal diffusivity may increase or decrease as a
    function of temperature, e.g.
  • - graphite and many ceramics decrease with
  • - many metal alloys increase with temperature
  • 3. Thermal diffusivity maybe dominated by the
    electronic or lattice contributions depending
    upon the type of material

The System II
The Instrument
Detector Furnace Laser / Xenon pulse source
The Specifications
  • Modular Design
  • Different furnaces -125 up to 500C
  • RT up to 500X
  • RT up to 1250C
  • RT up to 1600C
  • Different pulse source Xenon or Laser pulse
    source (exchangeable)
  • Different Sensors MCT detector (cryogenic
  • InSb detector (standard)
  • Sample robot round samples
  • up to 6 samples 10 mm diameter
  • up to 6 samples 12,7 mm diameter
  • up to 3 samples 25,4 mm diameter
  • square samples
  • up to 6 samples 10x10 mm
  • liquid samples
  • Aluminum / Sapphire / Platinum

XFA 500 Xenon Flash
Sample Carrier
Xenon Flash
LFA 1000 Laser Flash
Sample Carrier
Technical Specifications
Sample Holders
Sample Holders II
Sample Holder For Liquids
Sample container Lid
Sample container Crucible
Sample Preparation
Graphite coating
  • Samples are normally coated with a graphite film
    before testing.  The graphite serves several
    purposes.  When testing samples that do not
    naturally have a high value of emissivity or
    absorptivity, the graphite increases the energy
    absorbed on the laser side (bottom) and increases
    the temperature signal on the detector side (top)
    of the sample.  Also, a uniform graphite coating
    applied to both sample and reference material
    helps maintain similar absorptive and emissive
    efficiencies among samples, which is needed for
    accurate specific heat measurements.

Application Areas
Application Areas II
Silver, Copper, Silicon Carbide
The Software
Software All thermo analytical devices of
LINSEIS are PC controlled, the individual
software modules exclusively run under Microsoft
Windows operating systems. The complete
software consists of 3 modules temperature
control, data acquisition and data evaluation.
The Linseis 32 bit software encounters all
essential features for measurement preparation,
execution and evaluation, just like with other
thermo analytical experiments. Due to our
specialists and application experts LINSEIS was
able to develop this easy understandable and
highly practical software.
TC vs. Sample Thickness
TC vs. Temperature
PTFE Applications
  • Chemical processing and petrochemical sectors
    used for vessel linings, seals, spacers, gaskets,
    well-drilling parts and washers, since PTFE is
    chemically inert and resistant to corrosion
  • Laboratory applications Tubing, piping,
    containers and vessels due to resistance to
    chemicals and the absence of contaminants
    attaching to the surface of PTFE products
  • Electrical industry used as an insulator in the
    form of spacers, tubing and the like
  • Virgin PTFE had been approved by the FDA for use
    in the pharmaceutical, beverage, food and
    cosmetics industries in the form of conveyor
    components, slides, guide rails, along with other
    parts used in ovens and other heated systems.
  • Semiconductor sector used as an insulator in the
    production of discrete components such as
    capacitors and in the chip manufacturing process.

Thermal Diffusivity
Combined Result
Thermal Diffusivity
Combined Results
Inconel 600
Thermal Diffusivity
Thermal Conductivity
Application Example Graphite (Polycrystalline)
  • Graphite is an excellent material for checking
    the performance of a Laser/Xenon Flash Thermal
    Analyzer. The analyzed material shows a maximum
    thermal diffusivity around room temperature. The
    specific heat of the material which can be
    analyzed by comparative method or by using a DSC
    / High Temperature DSC shows a significant
    increase at higher temperatures.

Application Graphite
Application Example Aluminum Copper
  • The pure metals Copper and Aluminum are used in
    this example to demonstrate the performance of
    the Linseis Laser Flash device. The measurement
    results of the two materials are compared with
    literature values. The measured results vary
    within 2 of the given literature values this
    demonstrates the excellent performance of the

Application Aluminum Copper
Application Example Isotropic Graphite (AIST)
  • This graph shows the Thermal Diffusivity values
    measured on a Linseis LFA 1000 compared to the
    values measured at AIST Japan. The literature
    values of the used Isotropic Graphite from AIST
    the measured results on the LFA 1000 vary by less
    than 2. (National Institute of Advanced
    Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)

Isotropic Graphite (AIST)
The Best Method
  • Best method for measuring Thermal Diffusivity
    ?Thermal Conductivity
  • The flash method is the most accurate and
    fastest way of measuring the thermal diffusivity.
    It has bee estimated that world-wide over 80 of
    the thermal diffusivity measurements are
    conducted using the laser flash system

Advantages of Flash Diffusivity Measurement
  • Easy sample preparation because of simple
  • Sample sizes are typically 12,7 or 25,4 mm Ø or
    10mm square and range from 0.1 to 6 mm thick.
  • 2. Less material is required because of small
    samples Some test methods used to measure
    thermal conductivity directly require very large
    samples i.e. 30cm x30cm x 5cm in some case
  • Fast measurement time due to small samples
  • With small samples steady state is reached
    quickly. Some thermal conductivity methods
    require days to complete a set of measurement.
  • High accuracy
  • Depending upon the material accuracies of /-
    3-4 or better can be usually achieved
  • Wide thermal diffusivity / thermal conductivity
  • Thermal diffusivity 0.001 to 10 cm2/s
  • Thermal conductivity 0.01 to 2000 W/m-K
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