Antarctica Animals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Antarctica Animals


Title: Antarctica Animals Author: tony toy Last modified by: Juanita Constible Created Date: 2/12/2005 6:40:11 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Antarctica Animals

Antarctica Animals
  • By Trenton

  • http//
  • Many hoped krill would provide a cheap,
    protein-rich food for the world's famine-plagued
  • However, despite being relatively easy to
    catch, krill have proved costly to process and
    difficult to market.
  • Krill must be processed very rapidly or their
    tissues begin to break down, turning black and
  • Japan and Russia, which now do most of the
    krill fishing, have perfected equipment for
    peeling and processing krill rapidly.

  • http//
  • The penguins are the best known and most
    numerous of all Antarctic birds.
  • They are stocky, flightless birds with wings
    reduced to flippers with which they propel
    themselves through the water.
  • The common Adelies stand 60 to 70 centimeters
    high, while the emperor, largest of the penguins,
    stands up to 1.2 meters high and weighs up to 41
    kilograms (95 pounds).
  • Penguins nest in large, dense colonies, some
    with 180,000 or more birds the sight, smell, and
    noise of any colony are unforgettable.
  • Most build nests of stone and there they
    incubate one or two eggs.
  • Only the emperors breed in winter on the ice
    along the coast, and they remain in Antarctica
  • Like most Antarctic sea birds, they have
    evolved to gain features that help conserve body
    heat--waterproof plumage, a layer of subcutaneous
    fat, large and compact bodies.

  • http//
  • Antarctica, the frozen continent surrounding the
    Earth's South Pole, and the frigid seas
    surrounding it, are home to many animals. In
    particular, the Antarctic seas are teeming with
    life, ranging from microscopic plankton to the
    biggest animal that ever lived on Earth, the Blue
  • The South Pole is the coldest, windiest, and
    driest place on Earth. The coldest temperature
    ever recorded on Earth was at the South Pole it
    went down to -128.6F (-88.0C)! The Antarctic
    land does not support many life forms. Most of
    the land of Antarctica is a frozen desert, with
    less precipitation than the Sahara Desert (under
    2 inches 5 cm a year). Oddly enough, 70 of the
    world's fresh water is frozen in the region of
    the South Pole.
  • All of the Antarctic animals have adapted to life
    in extremely cold conditions. Some, like the
    whales, seals, and birds, have an insulating
    layer of fat to protect them from the cold.
    Others, like many fish and insects, have special
    chemicals in their blood (natural antifreeze
    proteins) that keep them from freezing. Many
    animals (like penguins and seals) have a compact
    body form and thick skin to help retain body
    heat. Birds also have waterproof plumage
    (feathers) and downy insulating feathers.
  • Some animals leave Antarctica during its
    horrendous coldest months, from June until
    August. Animals like the Humpback whale migrate
    to warmer waters to reproduce after eating huge
    amounts of krill in Antarctic waters. Many other
    animals (like the Emperor penguin) remain at the
    South Pole year-round.

Seals and Whales
  • http//
  • Whales and seals are the two groups of marine
    mammals to be found in the Southern Ocean where
    they are an important part of the marine
  • There are two natural groups of whales, toothed
    and baleen. The toothed whales include the large
    sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus ) together
    with various smaller dolphins and porpoises,
    which prey on fish and squid, and killer whales
    (Orcinus orca ) which prey on fish, penguins,
    seals and whales. The baleen whales, such as the
    blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus ) and humpback
    ( Megaptera novaeangliae ), have fibrous plates
    of baleen instead of teeth, which they use to
    strain plankton from seawater.
  • There are also two natural groups of seals, true
    seals and fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella )
    which are related to sea-lions. Depending on
    species, seals feed on fish and squid and/or
    krill. The leopard seal ( Hydrurga leptonyx ) is
    also a predator of penguins and other seals.
    Thick layers of blubber beneath the skin of both
    whales and seals, act as a food reserve and
    insulation. Most seals also have a layer of fur,
    giving additional insulation on land.
  • Seals can leave the water and move on terrain to
    breed, rest and molt. Of the six Antarctic
    species, four are ice habitat specialists,
    breeding on the sea ice in spring. Leopard (
    Hydrurga leptonyx ) and Ross seals ( Ommatophoca
    rossii ) tend to be solitary, whereas Weddell (
    Leptonychotes weddellii ) and Crabeater seals (
    Lobodon carcinophagus ) form loose breeding
  • Antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ) and
    elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina ) are both
    found north of the pack-ice zone and breed in
    dense colonies on beaches. Here, dominant males
    (bulls) maintain harems of females (cows) in set
    territories. In constantly defending these, bulls
    will not forage at sea, relying instead on
    blubber reserves laid down in the previous
    winter. All seals breed annually and the timing
    of pup production and associated behavior is
    linked to habitat and ecology. Mating occurs
    after the pup rearing period, though a fertilized
    egg will not implant in the uterus until later in
    the year.

Antarctica an Whales
  • http//
  • The Southern Ocean and the seas around it does
    have a variety of marine life, both small and
    large. It includes the phytoplankton and krill
    which are so tiny and also includes the whales
    which is the largest animal on earth.
  • Antarctica is the coldest continent on planet
    Earth, covered with snow and ice all year round.
    Yet, various plants and animals are hardy enough
    to survive on this hostile terrain.
  • Whales are the largest animals in world,
    specially blue whale with his length up to 30m
    and a weight up to 180 tons. But there are many
    species of baleen whales found in Antarctic
    waters like the fin, humpback, sea, mince, and
    the right whale. There are also six species of
    toothed whales Sperm, Killer, bottlenose, four
    tooth whale and Dolphins

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