Title: More Complex Invertebrate Animals
1More Complex Invertebrate Animals
- Mollusks
- Annelids
- Arthropods
- Echinoderms
2I. Mollusks
- Snails, slugs, conch,
- Mussels, clams, scallops
- Squid, octopus, chambered nautilus, cuttlefish
3- I. Characteristics of Mollusks
- 2nd largest animal phylum
- Arthropoda largest
- from Latin molluscus, which means soft.
- Many have soft bodies
- some have a hard shell.
4Wide variety of organisms in this phylum
- Feeding- Some are sedentary filter feeders while
others are fast-moving predators. - Nervous system Some are simple some are
intelligent - Circulatory system Gastropoda Bivalves have
open while Cephalopoda has a closed system.
5Body Cavity
- Mollusks are true coelmates.
- Have a body cavity completely lined by mesoderm
tissue layer.
6Mollusk Classes
- Gastropoda
- (snails, slugs, albalone, conch)
- Bivalvia
- (clams, oysters, scallops)
- 3. Cephalopoda
- (octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, chambered
71. Class Gastropoda
- The largest most diverse class of mollusks
- Most have a single shell.
- including snails, abalones, limpets and conchs.
- Slugs have no shell.
- Open circulatory system in which a heart pumps
hemolymph from gills or lungs into the hemocoel
(body cavity)
8Mollusk Gastropod Body Plan
- Divided into 2 main parts
- Visceral mass
- which contains the heart and the organs of
digestion, excretion, and reproduction - Head-foot, which consists of
- the head, contains the mouth with Radula-
- a tongue like feeding adaptation with tiny teeth
that point backwards) and sensory structures - the foot, a large, muscular organ for locomotion
- Other parts
- Coelom -limited to space around heart.
- Mantle -a layer of epidermis that covers the
visceral mass. (secretes the shell)
9Gastropod body
10Mollusk class Gastropoda, snails
11Phylum MolluskClass GastropodaAnimal Common
garden slug
12Conch shell
132. Class Bivalvia
- Aquatic mollusks (clams, oysters, scallops)
- Shell is divided into two valves connected by a
hinge. - Most are sessile filter feeders.
- Bivalves lack a distinct head
14- Clams
- The mantle cavity of a clam is sealed except for
a pair of hollow, fleshy tubes called siphons. - Water enters through the incurrent siphon.
- Water leaves through the excurrent siphon.
- Other Bivalves
- Oysters attach to a hard surface
- Scallops can move through the water by repeatedly
opening their valves and snapping them shut.
153. Class Cephalopoda
- Means head-foot.
- Free-swimming predators
- Have tentacles beaklike jaws on the head.
- Also- Have a closed circulatory system.
16- Squids
- 10 tentacles.
- Propels by pumping jets of water with the mantle
through an excurrent siphon. - Octopuses
- 8 tentacles
- They often crawl along the ocean bottom or lie in
wait for prey. - Chambered Nautiluses
- The only existing cephalopod with external shell.
- Shell is coiled divided into chambers.
- The body is confined to the outermost chamber.
17Caribbean reef squid (Venezuela)
Displays an aggressive zebra pattern to ward off
other males competing for nearby females. This
vivid species can display about three dozen
different color patterns. (National Geographic)
18In a cloud of greenish ink, a jumbo squid flees!
National geographic
If all their dazzling color changes fail to deter
a predator, squid use ink as a backup defense
that helps them fade from view. Mexican
fishermen catch some 100,000 tons (90,000 metric
tons) of jumbos a year
19Huge eye of the world's largest squid
- About 11 inches
- across, researchers
- believe the colossal
- squid's eye is the
- biggest animal eye
- ever found.
- The 10m-long (34ft)
- specimen has also
- turned out to be female.
- Very little is known about colossal squid only
about 10 have ever been caught and brought to
20The giant squid
- remains largely a mystery to scientists despite
being the biggest invertebrate on Earth. - largest of these elusive giants ever found
measured 59 feet (18 meters) in length and
weighed nearly a ton (900 kg).
21Small Squid (Calamari)Kalamarakia (discovergreek
22Caribbean reef octopus hunting, making a balloon
and scaring little fish out from under rocks to
become dinner. Octopus briareus
23An octopus swimming an octopus moving between
tide pools
24- But Octopus are tasty too!!!
25Charred Octopus With Garlic, Chilli, Lemon And
Olive Oil
ORANGESA recipe by Chef Doug DAvico
27A chambered Nautilus
28The Chambered Nautilus In which
nature flawlessly executes constant mathematical
form (Its a physics thing) http//en.wikipedia.or
(Photo by John Lienhard)
29Very Intelligent invertebrates
- Nervous system is very advanced.
- Dexterity, tool use and manipulation. Suction
cups arms are as efficient as humans hand. - Can learn through observation (choose colored
balls) - Can Hide act like sea weed,
- Assess their prey.
- Complete remember mazes patterns
ce , http//www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86
30Many Cephalopods use pigments to hide disguise
Blue-ringed octopus (size of a plum) this beak
packs a deadly poison that'll kill a human in
about 15 minutes.
31Octopuses have blue blood
- Octopuses have three hearts.
- Its blood has copper-rich protein (blue)
hemocyanin for transporting oxygen. - Although less efficient under normal conditions
than the iron-rich hemoglobin of vertebrates, in
cold conditions with low oxygen pressure,
hemocyanin oxygen transportation is more
efficient than hemoglobin oxygen transportation. - The hemocyanin is dissolved in the plasma instead
of being bound in red blood cells and gives the
blood a blue color.
32Octopuses short life expectancy
- some live for as little as six months. Larger
species, such as the North Pacific Giant Octopus,
may live for up to five years - However, reproduction is a cause of death
- males can only live for a few months after mating
- females die shortly after their eggs hatch.
- They neglect to eat during the (roughly) one
month period spent taking care of their unhatched
eggs, but they don't die of starvation. - Endocrine secretions from the two optic glands
are the cause of genetically-programmed death
- http//video.nationalgeographic.com/video/player/a
nimals/invertebrates-animals/octopus-and-squid/ - http//ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0408/feature
34Phylum Annelida Segmented worms
- Earthworm
- Bristle worms
- Leeches
35Segmented worms Annelids
- Annelids means little rings (many body segments).
- True coelom animals have a body cavity that is
divided into separate compartments by partitions. - Other terms
- Most have external bristles called setae
- Some have fleshy protrusions called parapodia
36Class Oligochaeta
- Live in the soil or in fresh water
- Most familiar is the earthworm.
- Structure and Movement
- An earthworms body has over 100 nearly-identical
segments. - Circular and longitudinal muscles line the
interior body wall. - Locomotion is made possible by segmentation.
38Earthworms Feeding /Digestion
- Ingest soil as they burrow through it.
- Soil is moved through these structures
- mouth
- pharynx
- esophagus
- crop
- gizzard
- intestine
- anus
- Earthworms play an important role in the
condition of soil.
39- Closed circulatory system.
- Contractions of the aortic arches and the dorsal
blood vessel force blood through the vessels of
the body - Respiration and Excretion
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse through moist
skin, - Cellular wastes and excess water are excreted
through nephridia. - Neural Control
- Consists of a chain of ganglia connected by a
ventral nerve cord. - Sensory structures are found in all segments but
are concentrated at the anterior end.
40- Reproduction
- Earthworms are hermaphrodites, but an individual
worm cannot fertilize its own eggs. - During mating, earthworms press their ventral
surfaces together. - Held together by their setae and by a film of
mucus secreted by each worms clitellum. -
- Fertilization occurs inside the tube, which forms
a protective case for the young worms.
41Earthworms reproducing
b/9/97/Earthworm _klitellum_copulation_beentree.jp
42(No Transcript)
43Earthworm diagrams
44Earthworm links
- http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/worms/facts/index.htm
l - http//animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/inve
45Class Polychaeta
- many bristles feather duster worms
- Polychaetes differ from other annelids in that
they have antennae specialized mouthparts. - Class Hirudinea
- Hirudinea is the smallest class, consisting of
about 500 species of leeches. - Leeches -have no setae or parapodia.
- Many leeches are carnivores but some are
parasites that suck blood from other animals.
46Haemophagic Leeches
- Attach to their hosts remain until they become
full they fall off to digest. - Bodies are 34 segments.
- Have an anterior (oral) sucker formed from the
first six segments of their body, used to connect
to a host for feeding and releases an
anaesthetic to remain unnoticed by the host. - Use a combination of mucus and suction to stay
attached and secrete an anti-clotting enzyme into
the host's blood stream. - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leech
48Famous Film Moment for leeches Humphrey Bogart
in The African Queen
49How to Remove and Treat Leech Bites
Find the skinny end the head end and use your
finger or fingernail to push it sideways off the
bite point." - Authority Mark Siddall in the
NOVA Science Internet site. You should avoid
"remedies" such as simply pulling the leech from
its moorings plying it with salt, insect
repellent, shampoo or vinegar or heating it with
a smoldering match, grass stem or cigarette.
These techniques might cause the leech to
discharge the contents of its gut, including
bacteria, into the bite. Â This might cause
complications such as localized infection or even
blood poisoning.
50Leeches and a History of Medicinewww.leeches.biz/
- For over 4000 years, the leech has been a
familiar remedy, with Greek and Roman physicians
praising the application of this clever
51In the 19th century leeches
- were enjoying a golden age.
- Millions were raised for medical use as their
fame as a cure-all ensued. - The mid 1800s saw their constant use for local
bloodletting. Druggists administered thousands of
leeches to patients with anything from gumboils
to facial discoloration. - They were also put inside the mouth.
52Leeches Today
- are bred in captivity in many institutions.
- Leeches have found new fame in microsurgery,
where doctors require the precision of the leech
to drain congested blood from wounded sites. - Plastic surgeons are particularly grateful for
the contribution made by the leech, due to their
use in the treatment of difficult grafts and
reconstructive surgery.
53III. Arthropods Insects
- The real rulers of the Earth
Sources used include textbook, (Holt Modern
Biology) http//www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda
54More than 83 of all animal species are
- That's about 160 million insects for each person
on Earth. - Have evolved to fill a variety of ecological
niches from tiny internal parasite to giant
bird-eating predator.
55- Arthropods are a lot more than just delicious
feasts and disgusting pests
565 Characteristics of all Arthropods
57Segmented Body
- Each segment repeats the same set of structures
(ie, a pair of legs, a set of breathing organs,
a set of nerves), - sets of segments are grouped into a larger unit,
such as the abdomen cephalothorax.
58Hard Exoskeleton
- Made of protein Chitin (a polysaccharide)
- Must molt many times as grows
- Enzymes digest the layer of exoskeleton inside
soften then shed. It takes a few days for the
newly excreted exoskeleton to harden.
59Jointed Legs
- All arthropods (arthro joint, pod foot) have
jointed limbs. - How can an animal with a rigid body covering move
its legs? - The exoskeleton is hard, but at the joints it is
softer bendable, (allowing movement in same way
a suit of armor does).
60Many pairs of limbs
- Tagma- are specialized segments
61The five major subphyla of the phylum Arthropoda.
62- Arthropods usually divided into 5 subphyla based
on - differences in development
- in the structure of appendages, such as
631. Trilobites
- Extinct
- Many body appendages with one pair of appendages
per segment - Trilobites, living in shallow seas, flourished as
swimmers, crawlers and burrowers for some 350
million years. - Fossils found on all continents, entrapped in the
hardened sediments of Ancient Seas.
642. Subphylum Myriapoda
- Meansmany feet
- One pair of branched antennae
- Many body segments
- Includes classes
- Diplopoda (millipedes)
- Up to 100 body segments
- 2 pairs of legs on each segment
- Chilopoda (centipedes)
- In tropical regions can reach 12 inches long
- From 15 to 175 pairs of legs
653. Subphylum Crustacea
- about 38,000 known species.
- Terrestrial Marine
- so diverse their single defining characteristic
is having two pairs of antennae. - Most also have
- a pair of mandibles
- a pair of appendages on
- each body segment
- some branched appendages
- 16 to 20 segments
- several tagmata
66a. Terrestrial Crustaceans
- Sow bugs and pill bugs are terrestrial isopods.
- They lack adaptations for conserving water and
live only in moist environments. - They generally feed on decaying vegetation.
- Pill bugs roll into a ball when disturbed or
67b. Aquatic Crustaceans (many species)
- Copepods -important part of the oceans plankton.
- In freshwater, much of the plankton are water
fleas such as Daphnia species. - Barnacles are sessile as adults.
- Free-swimming barnacle larvae attach to surfaces
and develop a shell that encloses the body. - Barnacles use their cirri (singular, cirrus) to
sweep food.
68Types of barnacleshttp//www.marinebio.net/marine
Balanus Barnacle with legs out, filter feeding
on plankton
Gooseneck Barnacles
69More aquatic crustaceans
- Order Decapoda -means10 feet
- Decapods have five pairs of legs
- Crayfish, lobsters, crabs, and shrimp are
decapods - Respiration through gills
- (see more about crayfish in handout know parts
for dissection lab)
704. Subphylum Chelicerata
- Defined by presence of chelicerae
- The first pair of appendages
- Modified into pincer or fangs
- Class Arachnid- spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks
- Some important Parts
- Chelicerae ( in spiders fangs to inject poison)
- Pedipalps (hold food)
- 8 simple eyes at anterior of cephalothorax (NOT
compound eyes!) - Spinnerets- 3 pairs on tip of abdomen, for making
silk - Book lungs- like folds in a book lots of surface
area for gas exchange (some spiders use Tracheae
for respiration instead) - Malpighian Tubes- excretory tubes collect wastes,
liquids. The liquid is reabsorbed (to conserve
water) waste is nearly solid.
71Spiders-A full facial view of any spider shows
its killing ability.
- Two powerful chelicerae, protrude down
- Each chelicera bears a hinged fang.
- Both fangs have ducts that lead up to the venom
glands within the head. - Spiders fall into two groups, each being
classified upon how they strike their prey. - The fangs of Tarantulas are so hinged that they
articulate in a front-to-back motion allowing
them to strike their prey from above. - Most other spiders have fangs that are hinged
laterally, providing a left-to-right strike.
72Spider Chelicerae
Fangs and Chelicerae of Tarantula
SpiderlingBrachypelma smithi(Mexican Red-Knee
Fangs, Chelicerae of Zebra Jumping
SpiderSalticus scenicus
73Anatomy of a spider
- Mites and ticks differ from spiders because
they - have a fused cephalothorax and abdomen.
74Life of a Spider
- Spiders feed on insects and other small animals.
Many species are adapted to capture certain prey. - Spiders rarely harm humans, but two species in
the United States are dangerous - the black widow
- the brown recluse
- A male spider is usually smaller than the female.
- Females lay eggs in a silken case.
75Brown recluse
76Black widow spider
77Daddy long legs
- Pholcus phalangioides a real spider
Harvestmen (Phalangium opili) - Harvestmen are different from spiders
- - in harvestmen the two main body sections (the
abdomen with ten segments and cephalothorax) are
nearly joined, so that they appear to be one oval
structure - they also have no venom or silk glands.
- Mouth is different so that ingestion is not
restricted to liquid, but chunks of food can be
taken in. - They have a single pair of eyes in the middle of
their heads
78Daddy long legs urban legend
- Claims are that the harvestman is the most
venomous animal in the world, but its fangs are
too small to bite a human and therefore is not
dangerous. - This is untrue on several counts.
- None of the known species have venom glands or
fangs - The size of its mouth varies by species, but
even those with relatively large jaws hardly ever
bite humans or other large creatures, even in
self-defense. - The few known cases of actual bites did not
involve envenomation, and had no lasting effect
79Giant sea spider- new finds in Antarctica
- Video link http//news.nationalgeographic.com/new
80Camel spider Urban legend
- Comments NOT TRUE!!
- This scary-looking creature (actually, it's a
pair of scary-looking creatures dangling
end-to-end) is indeed commonly called a camel
spider, but in fact it is neither a spider,
strictly speaking (entomologists call it a
solifugid), nor is it found only in the Middle
East. Camel spiders reside in arid locales all
over the world, including the southwestern United
States. - A typical specimen can grow to about the size of
a child's hand, but, though they are known for
being vicious predators, camel spiders are
neither venomous nor a threat to human beings. - For the record, they don't eat camels, either.
81Common house spiders
Excellent site to look up spiders!!
- http//www.spiderzrule.com/wind.htm
- http//www.spiderzrule.com/commonspidersusa.htm
825. Subphylum Hexapoda
- Class Insecta
- By many standards- the most successful group of
animals on earth. - Entomology- the study of insects terrestrial
arthropods. - Body of an insect is divided into 3
tagmata - Head
- Thorax
- Abdomen
- Because they dominate all terrestrial
environments that support human life, insects are
usually our most important competitors for food,
fiber, and other natural resources.
- Example organism
- Please note parts for dissection lab,.
85The crayfish- next 4 pages are notes for
dissection lab
- an abundant freshwater crustacean that is
structurally similar to lobsters, which are
marine crustaceans. - Crayfish, lobsters, crabs, and shrimp are
decapods, or members of the order Decapoda.
Decapoda means 10 feet. - Decapods have five pairs of legs that are used
for locomotion.
86External Structure
- The crayfishs body is divided into
- the cephalothorax, which is covered by the
carapace and is divided into - the head, which has five segments
- the thorax, which has eight segments
- the abdomen, which is is divided into six
segments - A pair of appendages is attached to each segment
of the crayfish. Several pairs have specialized
functions. - These appendages include
- Antennae
- Antennules
- Mandibles
- Maxillae
- Maxillipeds
- Chelipeds
- Walking legs
- Swimmerets
87Crayfish -Parts for lab
88- Excretion
- Green glands assist in excretion of excess water
that enters the body by osmosis. - Digestion
- Digestive gland near the stomach secretes enzymes
for digestion. - Respiration
- gills.
- Circulation
- open.
- Nervous Sensory Organs
- Many small sensory hairs. (sense water vibrations
chemicals) Compound eyes are set on two stalks.
- Entomologists classify insects into more than 25
orders based on characteristics such as - structure of mouthparts
- number of wings
- type of development
- Factors responsible for their success include
- ability to fly -exoskeleton
- jointed appendages -small size
- large numbers offspring -short life span
90(No Transcript)
91Just how dominant are insects?
92Comparison of 2 of the 5 groups of Arthropods
93Insects as Food
- Insects are an important source of nutrition in
many parts of the world - In Mexico, dried grasshoppers are sold in village
markets. High in protein and low in fat, they
may be fried or ground into meal and mixed with
flour to make tortillas. - Sago grubs, the larvae of a wood-boring beetle,
are considered a delicacy in Papua New Guinea.Â
The islanders boil the larvae or roast them over
an open fire. - Ants, bees, termites, caterpillars, water bugs,
beetle larvae, flies, crickets, katydids,
cicadas, and dragonfly nymphs are among a long
list of edible insects that provide nutrition for
the people of Australia, Africa, South America,
the Middle East, and China. - Americans and western Europeans
- appear to be unique in having a strong
- cultural taboo against insects as food.
- Silkworm pupae forhuman food inThailand
- http//www.cals.ncsu.edu/course/ent425/text01/inde
94A Recipe for Maggot Crispies
- 1/4 cup margarine4 cups small marshmallows3
cups crispy cereal3 cups dry roasted maggots or
mealwormsIn a saucepan, melt margarine and
marshmallows. Remove from heat and stir in cereal
and maggots. Spread mixture in a 9x13 greased pan
and allow to cool.
95Insect body is divided into three tagmata
- Head -has mandibles and one pair of unbranched
antennae. - Thorax -has three pairs of jointed legs and, in
many species, one or two pairs of wings. - Abdomen -has 9 to 11 segments but neither wings
nor legs in adults.
96Humans insects
- Used for consumer products too
- Example cochineal
- Today, the textile industry has largely replaced
cochineal with less expensive aniline dyes, but
it is still used as a coloring agent in foods,
beverages, cosmetics (especially lipsticks), and
art products.
97Got Bugs? http//www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,4792
98Insects and People
- Insects negatively affect humans by
- competing for food
- transmitting diseases
- destroying buildings other manufactured
products - Insects benefit humans by
- serving as food for other animals
- pollinating flowers
- making valuable products such as honey
- recycling nutrients in ecosystems
99External Anatomy Grasshopper
100Internal Anatomy Grasshopper
101Grasshopper body- three tagmata
- The head
- mouthparts -labrum labium are mouthparts that
function like upper and lower lips, respectively. - a pair of unbranched antennae
- pairs of simple and compound eyes.
- The thorax is composed of
- Prothorax
- Mesothorax
- Metathorax
- The abdomen has upper and lower plates
102Insect mouthparts
103Circulation, Respiration, Excretion
- Insects have an open circulatory system that
transports nutrients through the body. - Gas exchange occurs by means of air-filled
tracheae that reach deep into the body. - Malpighian tubules remove cellular wastes from
the hemolymph while conserving water.
104Nervous system
- The grasshoppers central nervous system consists
of a brain and a ventral nerve cord with ganglia
located in each body segment. - Nerves extend from the brain to sensory
structures. - Insect sensory structures include
- simple and compound eyes
- sensory hairs on antennae and other body parts
- in some species, a sound-sensing tympanum
- Grasshoppers have separate sexes,
- as do all insects.
- During mating, the male deposits sperm into the
females seminal receptacle, where the eggs are
fertilized internally. - The last segment of the females abdomen forms
the ovipositor, which she uses to lay fertilized
106Most insects go through metamorphosis.
- In incomplete metamorphosis, a nymph hatches from
an egg and resembles the adult but has
undeveloped reproductive organs and no wings. The
nymph molts several times to become an adult. - In complete metamorphosis, a wormlike larva
called a caterpillar hatches from an egg and
molts several times before becoming a pupa. The
pupa molts to produce the adult, which resembles
neither the larva nor the pupa.
107Incomplete vs. Complete metamorphosis
Complete metamorphosis -allows larvae and
adults of the same species to avoid competing
for space and food. -allows survival in
periods of harsh weather or scant resources.
108IV. Echinoderms
- (Last phyla of invertebrates)
- Starfish
- Sand Dollars
- sea urchins
- sea stars
- Brittle stars
- Sea cucumbers
- are all benthic (bottom-dwellers)
- endoskeleton of interlocking calcium carbonate
plates and spines - All true coelomates
- Nervous systems are poorly developed
- lack respiratory systems circulatory systems
(the water-vascular system takes over some of the
functions of these systems)
- water-vascular system of special structures that
protrude help the echinoderm breath, move, and
defend itself. - tube feet
- pedicellaria
- gills
- All echinoderms have a, a set of water-filled
canals branching from a ring canal that encircles
the gut. The canals lead to podia, or tube feet,
which are sucker-like appendages that the
echinoderm can use to move, grip the substrate,
or manipulate objects. These tube feet are
extended and retracted by hydraulic pressure in
the water-vascular system.
- Some, like many starfish, are predators
- sand dollars often feed on detritus
- crinoids are filter-feeders
- sea urchins scrape algae from rocks
- External fertilization eggs and sperm are freely
discharged into the water. - A few sea urchins brood their eggs in special
pouches, but most provide no parental care. - Most echinoderms go through several planktonic
larval stages before settling down
113(No Transcript)
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