APE Final Review! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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APE Final Review!


APE Final Review! Get in your teams no notes! INSTRUCTIONS Pick up an answer sheet from the back table Put away all notes/resources There will be 20 rounds, with ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: APE Final Review!

APE Final Review!
  • Get in your teams no notes!

  • Pick up an answer sheet from the back table
  • Put away all notes/resources
  • There will be 20 rounds, with 5 questions per
  • Each round has its own slide.
  • Slides will change automatically after 4 minutes.

Round 1
  • By the year 1400, the Holy Roman Empire was
  • the most powerful political entity in Europe
  • split between the French and German nobility
  • under the influence of the Moors
  • located in eastern Europe
  • unified in name only
  • 2. Which of the following movements sought to
    emulate the Greco-Roman ancients after 1400?
  • Mystical religion
  • Humanism
  • Sufism
  • Medievalism
  • Nominalism
  • Until the reconquista (reconquering) of Spain,
    Iberia remained a
  • unified Christian kingdom under one family
  • loose confederation of Muslim domains
  • mix of Jewish and Christian states
  • dual monarchy
  • Which of the following characterizes the living
    spaces of European peasants and artisans over
    four hundred years ago?
  • Privacy was ensured by separate quarters for the
  • Large rooms were available for family members.
  • Humans and animals often shared the same spaces
    to keep warm.
  • Bathrooms were common in most homes.
  • Sanitary kitchen areas were the center of family
  • 5. Roman Catholic parish priests interfaced with
    the common people through the
  • appointments they received by the bishops
  • bans from Rome
  • baptism they received as infants
  • sacraments of the church
  • bidding of the congregation

Round 2
  • 1. He (the friar) knew the taverns well in every
    townThe barmaids and innkeepers pleased his
    mindBetter than beggars and lepers and their
  • Based on the quote above, what commentary is
    being made by Chaucer about the Christian clergy
    of his day?
  • The church was generous in giving friars a living
  • Beggars were well cared for by the clergy.
  • Innkeepers gave priests special rates at their
  • Taverns did not welcome clergymen.
  • Some priests were more concerned with living well
    than helping the needy
  • 2. Whoever wishes to be a member (of a baker's
    guild) must bring proof to the councilors and the
    guildsmen that he is born of legitimate, upright
    German folk.     - Brandenburg, 1432
  • Which of the following sums up the limitation
    expressed in the quotation above?
  • Only Teutonic Knights could be bakers.
  • Membership in professional associations was based
    on ethnicity.
  • Guildsmen were often illegitimate.
  • Craft organizations recruited many people in
  • The church was involved in enrolling guild
  • 3. In Kievan Russia, the noble class of
    landowners was known as the
  • intelligentsia
  • serfs
  • boyars
  • laity
  • clerics
  • 4. The title of the leader of the Ottoman Empire
  • prime minister
  • kaisar
  • sultan, or "holder of power"
  • caliph, or "follower of the Prophet"
  • Wazir
  • 5. The term pogrom means
  • a rebellion by peasants
  • a church meeting on doctrine
  • riots that target minorities
  • a list of cultural achievements

Round 3
  • 1. Which of the following are examples of
    Italian city-states in the early modern period?
  • Naples and Palermo
  • Venice and Genoa
  • Marseilles and Florence
  • Rome and Nice
  • Provence and Trieste
  • 2. Renaissance art departed from previous
    medieval styles by
  • dealing only with biblical subjects
  • devising unusual backdrops for paintings
  • portraying the individual as an important subject
  • presenting a two-dimensional view of the world
  • learning from Muslim techniques
  • 3. In fourteenth-century Europe, the term
    Hanseatic league meant a
  • treaty organization to prevent war in central
  • commercial association of northern cities to
    control trade and commerce
  • sports league to promote competition between
  • confederation of nations that promoted diplomacy
  • 4. Which of the following artists represented
    the peak of achievement during the Italian
  • Michelangelo and Rubens
  • Rembrandt and Holbein
  • Donatello and da Vinci
  • Holst and de Medici
  • Mantegna and Vasari
  • 5. The greatest musical innovation of the
    Renaissance was
  • the invention of the lute
  • the opera
  • polyphonic harmony
  • the adaptation of folk melodies to sacred works
  • the madrigal troupe, which traveled from town to

Round 4
  • 1. Which dynasty dominated the Holy Roman Empire
    in Europe by the mid-fifteenth century?
  • The Hohenstaufen
  • The Romanov
  • The Tudor
  • The Bourbon
  • The Hapsburg
  • 2. In the second half of the fifteenth century,
    the dynasty that emerged victorious after civil
    war in England was the
  • Lancaster dynasty
  • Wessex dynasty
  • Tudor dynasty
  • Stuart dynasty
  • Westminster dynasty
  • 3. By 1550, Portugal established colonies in
    which of the following distant places?
  • Mexico, South Africa, and Australia
  • Brazil, Arabia, and Ceylon
  • Burma, Malaya, and China
  • Brazil, Madagascar, and New Zealand
  • 4. A major impetus for the colonization of
    Brazil by Portugal was the European demand for
  • cinnamon
  • bananas
  • sugar
  • hemp
  • pepper
  • 5. First ignored by the Europeans, North America
    (except for Mexico) finally drew settlers because
    of the
  • gold found in Virginia
  • legends of the Fountain of Youth
  • friendly natives who helped the newcomers
  • abundant fish and fur
  • indigo that could be grown there

Round 5
  • 1. Which of the following pairs of European
    nations followed Portugal in establishing trading
    posts in Asia?
  • Austria and France
  • England and Holland
  • Spain and Germany
  • Holland and Denmark
  • Spain and Poland
  • 2. Mercantilism can best be described as
  • the ideas presented by Adam Smith in Wealth of
  • a theory of national wealth having to do with
    favorable trade balances
  • exemption of immigrants from the laws of the host
  • French and British imperial competition in the
    sixteenth century
  • the expansion of colonial bureaucracies overseas
  • 3. In the 1500s, the central focus of church
    reformers such as Martin Luther was
  • the precedence of scriptural authority over the
    traditions of the church
  • the threat of an Islamic invasion
  • the number of sacraments practiced by the
  • competition with Jesuit missionaries
  • 4. What was the Protestant alternative to papal
    authority as the Reformation unfolded?
  • Canonical records from the early church
  • The Bible as the revealed Word of God
  • Church councils in Germany after 1517
  • Newly discovered letters from Saint Paul to Greek
  • The Book of Mormon
  • 5. The motives of King Henry VIII of England in
    separating from the Roman Catholic Church in 1534
    were both
  • economic and personal
  • personal and political
  • carnal and traditional
  • commercial and theological
  • psychological and vengeful

Round 6
  • 1. Which of the following policies had to be
    adopted by kingdoms in modern Europe because of
    large-scale warfare?
  • Conscription was tried and abandoned as a
  • State-church authority diminished in northern
  • Governments greatly increased taxes.
  • Kings became more accessible to the people.
  • Trade was deemphasized as a national priority.
  • 2. What long-term impact did seventeenth-century
    absolutism in Prussia and Austria have on Europe?
  • German militarism created a powerful legacy of
  • The Hapsburg dynasty was short-lived.
  • England sought to emulate the German monarchy.
  • Catholicism was mandated throughout central
  • Bohemia revolted and wrote its own constitution
    in 1620
  • 3. After 1500, the term triangular trade
    referred to
  • Chinese goods flowing to Manila and then to the
  • spices from India being traded for slaves in
  • an economic network of goods and slaves between
    North America and Africa
  • Portuguese trade between Brazil and South Africa
  • 4. The Thirty Years' War was largely fought
    against which royal dynasty in Europe?
  • The House of Hapsburg in Austria
  • The Brandenburgers of Saxony
  • The House of Tudor in England
  • The Medicis of Florence
  • The Fuggers of Amsterdam
  • 5. Which of the following explains why Russia
    lagged behind western Europe in its development?
  • The eradication of Islam from Central Asia
  • The influence of the Ottomans in their affairs
  • Massive immigration after the Mongol invasion
  • Poor economic management
  • Authoritarian rulers and cultural isolation

Round 7
  • 1. The Peace of Westphalia was part of the
    settlement of the
  • Irish uprising after 1630
  • war between Prussia and Denmark
  • War of Spanish Succession
  • Thirty Years' War
  • Swiss invasion of Italy
  • 2. The term divine right can best be described
    as which of the following?
  • Governments derive their power from the people.
  • Nations have the right to expand beyond their
  • Separation of church and state is an accepted
    political fact.
  • Parliaments are established by church authority.
  • Monarchical power is ordained by God.
  • 3. The economic prosperity of the
    seventeenth-century Dutch republic was based on
  • peaceful relationship with France
  • political neutrality regarding the wars of the
  • loans from Spanish banks
  • successful maritime trade worldwide
  • 4. Which of the following events ended in
    regicide in the seventeenth century?
  • The trial of Galileo
  • The English civil war
  • The Lisbon earthquakes
  • The War of Spanish Succession
  • The Ottoman invasion of the Balkans
  • 5. The term Glorious Revolution refers to what
    dynamics in seventeenth-century England?
  • The bloody overthrow of King James II
  • A dynastic change that ensured Protestant rule
    and a strong parliament
  • The victory of the king over Parliament in 1688
  • Cromwell's rule as Lord Protector
  • Fears of replacing the king with a female monarch

Round 8
  • 1. Which of the following languages replaced
    Latin as the language of culture and scholarship
    by 1700?
  • English
  • German
  • Greek
  • French
  • Italian
  • 2. The population rise in Europe after 1750 was
    caused mostly by
  • the need for soldiers in frequent wars
  • polygamy, which became more common
  • increased immigration from North Africa
  • lower mortality rates in all age groups
  • great advances in medicine
  • 3. The trend toward wage work in
    eighteenth-century Europe was most often seen
    among the
  • urban middle classes
  • absentee landlords
  • urban and rural poor
  • unmarried women
  • 4. Which of the following maritime problems led
    to new scientific inquiry in the early modern
  • The need for a better way to predict the weather
  • The need for a way to measure the wind
  • The ineffectiveness of better bilge pumps
  • The need for ships to chart their positions on
    the high seas
  • Inadequate methods for assessing the relationship
    of sail size to cargo weights
  • 5. The Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth
    and eighteenth century was mainly an
  • economic interlude
  • educational movement
  • agricultural phenomenon
  • intellectual transition
  • interim development

Round 9
  • 1. Which of the following explains the partition
    of Poland in 1795?
  • Rival neighbors overwhelmed the state and divided
    it up.
  • Civil war led to its disintegration.
  • The Reformation helped create a disunited people.
  • The absolutist monarch went too far and the
    people rebelled.
  • Russia absorbed all Polish territory after
    winning a war.
  • 2. When d'Alembert made a distinction between
    the "truly enlightened public" and the "blind and
    noisy multitude," he revealed the
  • need for education for the middle classes
  • tensions between the nobility and the church
  • elitism of the eighteenth-century philosophes
  • new attitudes toward the merchant classes
  • open discourse among all classes during the
  • 3. All of the following were reforms enacted by
    European enlightened monarchs in the eighteenth
    century EXCEPT
  • abolishing torture as a method for gathering
  • decreeing freedom of speech
  • raising taxes on the peasantry
  • allowing freedom of religion
  • 4. In rural areas, the traditional solution to
    the problem of soil exhaustion was
  • heavy use of chemical fertilizers
  • letting a field lie fallow for a time
  • selling the land to someone else
  • surveying the land
  • religious rituals and blessings by a priest
  • 5. The term diaspora can best be described as
  • festivals that were observed in Spanish colonies
  • expansion of the sugar trade in Latin America
  • acquisition of new colonies or areas
  • scattering of a people to different parts of the
  • establishment of scientific principles

Round 10
  • 1. Great Britain joined Austria in the War of
    Austrian Succession of 1740 because
  • it was attacked by Prussia
  • France had become too powerful on the continent
  • of agreements between the two kingdoms before the
  • the Hapsburgs had borrowed a lot of money from
    London banks
  • of rival claims in the New World
  • 2. The Treaty of Paris in 1763 was part of the
    settlement of the
  • Seven Years' War
  • war between Prussia and Denmark
  • War of Spanish Succession
  • Thirty Years' War
  • Swiss invasion of Italy
  • 3. Which of the following eighteenth-century
    European empires were the most multiethnic in
  • Ottoman and Austrian
  • German and Austrian
  • Russian and Swiss
  • German and Ottoman
  • 4. Eighteenth-century agriculture saw increased
    production for all of the following reasons
  • increased yields per acre owing to better soil
  • more land being farmed due to enclosure
  • healthier livestock
  • smaller farm families
  • improved climate
  • 5. Rococo art and music departed from the
    earlier Baroque by producing a
  • heavy and dark impression
  • light and airy feeling
  • monochromatic style of expression
  • series of neoclassical themes
  • derivative genre that was briefly popular

Round 11
  • 1. All of the following can be catalysts that
    lead to political revolution EXCEPT
  • a large underclass of oppressed people
  • a corrupt and oblivious regime
  • an active land-reform movement
  • excessive taxation
  • a large gap between rich and poor
  • 2. The chief aim of the Napoleonic continental
    system was to
  • forge an alliance with Great Britain
  • bring most of the Mediterranean under French
  • intimidate the Irish into attacking Scotland
  • exclude British trade from the rest of Europe
  • partition Germany among the powers of Europe
  • 3. Which of the following features of the
    British nation encouraged industrialization after
  • A large population
  • Technological know-how
  • Available capital for investment
  • A government friendly to business interests
  • 4. Which of the following natural resources
    greatly aided the development of Britain's
  • Copper and tin
  • Lime and manganese
  • Coal and iron
  • Oil and lead
  • Iron and silver
  • 5. Traditional elites in nineteenth-century
    Europe consisted mostly of
  • Catholic priests and middle-class merchants
  • company officials and lower nobility
  • professionals and businesspeople
  • peasants and artisans
  • aristocrats and high-level bureaucrats

Round 12
  • 1. After 1815, the European congress system was
    used somewhat regularly to
  • create alliances against Russia
  • raise taxes from kingdoms
  • settle international disputes and maintain the
  • punish France for the Napoleonic wars
  • isolate Great Britain politically
  • 2. The revolutions of 1848 yielded which of the
    following results?
  • The deposing of the pope
  • The establishment of the Second Republic in
  • Marxist states being created in eastern Europe
  • New progress made by union workers
  • Suffrage rights being expanded in Russia
  • 3. By the mid-nineteenth century, which city had
    replaced Amsterdam as the financial capital of
  • Paris
  • Rome
  • Glasgow
  • London
  • 4. All the following are features of Marxist
    theory EXCEPT
  • class struggle
  • capitalistic benefits
  • proletarian overthrow of moneyed interests
  • bourgeois exploitation of the workers
  • international unity of all workers
  • 5. Which of the following was essential to the
    success of continental European industrialization
    in the nineteenth century?
  • Growing empires abroad
  • The development of joint-stock investment banks
  • New territory won in wars
  • Conservative monarchies that favored business
  • Rising labor costs

Round 13
  • 1. The right to vote in the early nineteenth
    century was largely defined by
  • familial ties to the monarchy
  • property ownership and business success
  • poll taxes, which some could not afford
  • literacy tests
  • professional qualifications
  • 2. Work days in the early Industrial Revolution
    ranged from
  • twelve to sixteen hours
  • eight to ten hours
  • fifteen to twenty hours
  • nine to eleven hours
  • six to ten hours
  • 3. British socialists in the nineteenth century
    tended to be
  • members of the aristocracy
  • intellectuals and reformers
  • middle-class managers
  • wealthy elites
  • 4. The goal of Marxist socialism was the
    creation of
  • a single-party dictatorship
  • a classless society
  • many worker councils in urban areas
  • a partnership between capitalists and the workers
  • agricultural collectives
  • 5. The great breakthrough in understanding
    disease transmission came with
  • successful inoculations against polio
  • Curie's experiments with radiation
  • private rooms in hospitals
  • confirmation of the miasmatic theory
  • Pasteur's germ theory in the 1850s

Round 14
  • 1. In the late nineteenth century, the upper
    middle class tended to consist of
  • small-scale industrialists and professionals
  • factory workers
  • successful businesspeople and artisans
  • skilled craftspeople and union leaders
  • small-scale merchants and clergy
  • 2. The Realism movement in the arts in the
    nineteenth century sought to
  • show the social and economic conditions that
    affected humans
  • portray the lives of the upper classes
  • romanticize the Industrial Revolution and its
  • advance social harmony among the classes
  • inspire nationalism among the masses
  • 3. The term Luddite refers to which of the
    following nineteenth-century groups?
  • Agents who infiltrated union movements
  • Loyalists who defended monarchy
  • People who opposed the mechanization of industry
  • Followers of Marx who believed in a workers'
  • 4. The most beneficial outcome of
    industrialization in Europe was
  • the creation of new economic ideologies
  • better methods of communication
  • a new era of peace
  • stable governments across Europe
  • increasing the material standard of living for
  • 5. Democratic liberalism in Europe was most
    evident in which of the following two nations
    prior to 1910?
  • Germany and Denmark
  • France and Britain
  • Italy and France
  • Britain and Austria
  • Russia and Germany

Round 15
  • 1. Which of the following European nations were
    defeated by Africans or Asians in battle prior to
  • Holland and Norway
  • Germany and Switzerland
  • Belgium and Portugal
  • Italy and Russia
  • Spain and Austria
  • 2. To mollify the workers of Germany, Bismarck
    initiated a policy known as
  • republican reform
  • middle-class relief
  • Marxist compromise
  • state socialism
  • conservative progress
  • 3. Which of the following social sciences were
    becoming more popular within academic study in
    the early twentieth century?
  • History and political science
  • Psychology and sociology
  • Economics and rhetoric
  • Polemics and forensics
  • 4. Which of the following revealed the political
    fragility of the Russian Empire by 1910?
  • The collapse of old alliances with France and
  • War victories in Asia
  • Popular revolts against the Russian police state
  • Mass immigration to the Americas
  • The success of Marxist revolutionaries
  • 5. Which of the following statements best
    expresses European motives for imperialism prior
    to 1914?
  • World peace would be enhanced by overseas
  • Imperialism would help spread democracy to the
    rest of the world.
  • Europeans were altruistic and wanted to help
    other people.
  • New living space was needed to relieve the
    growing home population.
  • Colonies were an economic benefit to the mother

Round 16
  • 1. Which of the following was NOT a long-term
    cause of the World War I?
  • Imperialistic competition for foreign territories
  • Defensive alliances between European powers
  • Military buildup of navies and armies
  • Socialistic influences on governments
  • Preplanned war movements
  • 2. What was the political impact of World War I
    on party politics in European nations in the
    beginning of the war?
  • Right-wing regimes often took over the
  • Coalition governments created instability.
  • Socialists often attacked the decision to go to
  • Parliaments were divided when it came to
    supporting the fighting.
  • War patriotism subverted political differences.
  • 3. Which of the following treaties formalized
    the Russian exit from the war in 1917?
  • Versailles
  • Coblenz
  • Paris
  • Brest-Litovsk
  • 4. The Allies intervened in the Russian civil
    war after 1917 because they
  • feared for the life of the tsar's family
  • were anxious that Russian ports might fall to the
  • did not think the Bolsheviks were democratic
  • wanted to protect foreign investments in Russia
  • suspected Lenin would join the Germans against
  • 5. What was the League of Nations supposed to
    achieve for Europe?
  • Enhanced economic relations
  • Continental control by France
  • Tax revenue for Switzerland
  • An economic boost for Germany and Russia
  • Collective security for peace-loving nations

Round 17
  • 1. The 1920s were seen as the "heroic age of
    physics" because of the discovery of
  • radium as a chemical element
  • subatomic particles, such as neutrons
  • Newtonian principles
  • the theory of relativity
  • existential science
  • 2. The post-World War I economic order in Europe
    was destabilized by
  • low tariffs that hindered trade
  • the pacifism of governments in France and Spain
  • American interference in international affairs
  • harsh reparations that crippled the German
  • threats from the Soviet Union
  • 3. All of the following are features of
    twentieth-century fascism EXCEPT
  • pro-Marxist policies
  • support of conservative business interests
  • single-party rule
  • ultranationalist themes used to inspire
  • 4. Five-Year Plans initiated by Hitler, Stalin,
    and Mussolini were evidence of which trend in
    governmental management?
  • Mass production in government-owned factories
  • Fascist control of manufacturing
  • Marxist oversight of industry
  • Liberal democratic approaches to ending the Great
  • Centrally planned economies under single-party
  • 5. All of the following destabilized
    international relations in the 1930s EXCEPT
  • the Munich Agreement of 1938
  • Japan's invasion of Manchuria
  • Hitler's annexation of Austria
  • Italy's invasion of Ethiopia
  • Lenin's death in Russia

Round 18
  • 1. The spirit of Locarno in the mid-1920s
    referred to
  • improving labor relations in Germany
  • the decreasing inflation in central Europe
  • new agreements between Italy and Russia
  • border disputes between Austria and Yugoslavia
  • an easing of international tensions and increased
    cooperation among nations
  • 2. In both fascist Italy and Germany, women were
    encouraged to
  • enter the political arena with men
  • consider military roles
  • work in industry
  • contribute to the state by working in the
  • manage the home and raise large families
  • 3. The nation that experienced the most
    casualties (dead and wounded) during World War II
  • the Soviet Union
  • Germany
  • the United States
  • Japan
  • 4. After the defeat of the Axis powers in World
    War II, which two Allied nations emerged with
    unprecedented military power?
  • Great Britain and Canada
  • The United States of America and the Soviet Union
  • China and Japan
  • France and Holland
  • Great Britain and the United States of America
  • 5. The postwar success of decolonization in
    Africa and Asia has often depended on
  • the amount of aid given to help newly forming
  • the preparation of native elites for leadership
    by their colonial masters
  • the influence of the Cold War on new states
  • the sympathy of the West with regard to
    underdeveloped nations
  • regional peace being possible

Round 19
  • 1. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
    was formed in 1949 to
  • stop fascist militarism
  • defend Europe against communist aggression
  • create a free-trade zone in western Europe
  • formalize the postwar treaties with Germany
  • ensure socialist security in northern Europe
  • 2. Which of the following best describes the
    role of socialism in postwar Europe?
  • Conservative governments banned socialist
    political parties.
  • Capitalists marginalized socialist political
  • Socialists and labor unions paralyzed many
  • Socialists were unable to appeal to populations.
  • Socialist policies created welfare states
    throughout Europe.
  • 3. France experienced humiliating military
    defeat in which of its colonies in 1954?
  • Mozambique
  • Morocco
  • Indochina
  • East Timor
  • 4. Which of the following European nations
    possessed nuclear weapons capability by 1970?
  • France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union
  • Holland and Norway
  • Poland and Great Britain
  • Russia and Poland
  • Spain and France
  • 5. Postwar French philosophers developed
    existentialism as a
  • means to inspire nationalism among the people
  • response to Algerian terrorism
  • way to encourage world peace
  • a new political direction
  • cynical and pessimistic reaction to the
    destruction of the 1940s

Round 20
  • 1. Which of the following transportation
    technology breakthroughs made Europeans more
    mobile than ever before?
  • Hydro-ferries between the continent and
  • Maglev tracking for trains
  • Autobahns without speed limits
  • Jumbo jets and trés grande vitesse (TGV) trains
  • Turbo cars
  • 2. Wide-ranging international agreements were
    concluded in the 1970s in
  • Bruges, Belgium
  • Bonn, West Germany
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Kent, England
  • Helsinki, Finland
  • 3. A new emphasis on environmental issues in
    Europe after 1970 led to
  • the fall of governments that had polluted their
  • the first interior ministries in some countries
  • new political alliances between liberals and
  • breakthroughs in nuclear technology
  • 4. Northern Europe solved its shortage of
    workers in the 1960s and afterward by
  • giving mothers tax incentives to have more babies
  • offering jobs to immigrants from southern Europe
    and Turkey
  • exporting jobs to South Asia
  • manufacturing goods in Latin America
  • hiring teenagers to work in factories
  • 5. Which of the following had the most political
    impact following the collapse of European
    communism after 1991?
  • The emergence of new nation-states in eastern
  • New trade agreements between Poland and Germany
  • Consolidation of southern Slav states
  • Revitalization of the Warsaw Pact
  • The decline of NATO


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