Title: Review of Port Angeles Graving Dock Project
1Review of Port Angeles Graving Dock Project
- Preliminary Report
- Valerie Whitener, JLARC Analyst
- Keenan Konopaski, JLARC Audit Coordinator
- Curtis Hudak, Foth and Van Dyke
- June 2, 2006
2TPAB Assigned Scope of Audit
- Analysis of decision-making and identification of
lessons-learned about the Port Angeles Graving
Dock Project - Site Selection
- Environmental Permitting and Streamlining
- Archaeological Assessment
- Interactions of Interested Parties
- Budget and Expenditures
- Recommendations- Identify lessons learned
- Audit covers Port Angeles activities through
December 2004 termination of PA construction.
3Constraint to Fulfilling One Study Objective
- Study Objective 3 Interactions of interested
parties. - Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe filed lawsuit against
the State shortly after audit initiated. - The Tribe withdrew from participation in the
audit interview process. - Audit team had one meeting with the Tribe and
access to previously existing project records. - TPAB decided to continue project, recognizing the
limitations on addressing one study objective.
4Background Hood Canal Bridge (SR 104) East Half
Replacement Project and a Graving Dock
- Hood Canal Bridge
- Draw span pontoon bridge
- Important transportation link between Kitsap and
Olympic Peninsulas. - 1997 WSDOT study indicated east half of bridge
did not meet current engineering standards. - WSDOT proposed to rebuild bridge by 2007.
- Project required a graving dock to build the
pontoons and anchors.
5Timeline of Key Events
1997 - 2001
- October 1997 Identified need to replace east
half floating portion of the HCB. - January 1998
- Project Team initiated.
- Planning assumed use of graving dock used in
previous projects (Concrete Technology
Corporation). - January 2001 - Project team focused on graving
dock. Considered issuing RFP for graving dock
sites. WSDOT had lease discussions with CTC,
alternative sites suggested. - December 2001 WDFW identified permitting issues
at CTC site.
6Timeline of Key Events
May WSDOT CEVP analysis identified feasibility
concerns of leased CTC site. July August -
WSDOT suggested Port Angeles site for a state
owned graving dock facility to IDT. IDT supports
Port Angeles site. October WSDOT requests scope
of work for archaeological survey, Sec. 106
tribal consultation form letter sent to Tribe the
same day. November Archaeological field survey
performed by Western Shore Heritage Services,
Inc. (WSHS) and no cultural resources were
identified. November WSDOT publicly announced
Port Angeles as the site for graving dock.
7Timeline of Key Events
January WSHS final report recommended
monitoring of graving dock site. Report sent to
Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT) and State
Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). SHPO
concurred with report findings. February LEKT
agreed in writing with the survey results and the
proposed monitoring, recommended proceeding with
caution. August 5 Groundbreaking at Port
Angeles site. August 16 Potential
archaeological site found by WSDOT. August 19
First human remains found. September Second
archaeological site assessment started. October
SHPO concurred with finding that Tse-whit-zen
village eligible for inclusion on the National
Register of Historic Places.
8Timeline of Key Events
March 16 WSDOT, SHPO, LEKT, Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) and United States Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) executed
archaeological Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
WSDOT and LEKT negotiated a 3.4 Million
settlement agreement and release of
liability. April November - Work at site
recommenced. Additional human remains found.
Conflict among parties about how to proceed as
additional discoveries are made. December 10
LEKT requested permanent work stoppage at
Tse-whit-zen village site. December 21 WSDOT
announced termination of the Port Angeles project.
9Objective 1 Site Selection Audit Criteria
- Best practice standards used in project
development - Schedules Comprehensive project development
schedules required for complex projects. - Project Leadership - Both project management and
leadership required.
10Objective 1 - Site Selection Findings
- Certain aspects of the project process were
lacking comprehensive plans and schedules. - Decision to use Port Angeles was made under the
assumption of an inflexible construction and
permitting schedule and the date drove subsequent
decisions. - Analysis of using alternative state- or
privately-owned graving dock sites was limited
and poorly documented.
11Objective 1 Site Selection Recommendations
- WSDOT should require the use of critical path
scheduling of the project development processes
used on complex projects. - All project managers should be required to have
project leadership, management and responsibility
12Objective 2 Environmental Permitting Audit
- Several environmental factors needed to be
addressed - National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Systematic, interdisciplinary approach insure
integrated use of natural and social sciences. - State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
- Environmental consequences must be considered, or
review of alternatives, public review and
comment. - Endangered Species Act (ESA)
- Federally listed endangered plants and animals.
13Objective 2 Environmental Permitting Findings
- Transportation Permit Efficiency and
Accountability Committees inter-disciplinary
team, and permit streamlining process both
entered the project late. - Resource agencies on team focused efforts on
Endangered Species Act concerns. - WSDOT did not use expertise to either confirm or
contradict the regulatory agencies positions,
and the teams mostly verbal approval or
disapproval of alternative sites. - Review of archaeology, socioeconomics, and
geology of site alternatives, and experts in
those disciplines not represented.
14Objective 2 Environmental Permitting
- WSDOT should
- Incorporate ESA and fisheries considerations at
the earliest possible opportunity for any
transportation project with the potential for
impact. - Promote stronger inter-agency permitting team
leadership by finding someone to provide focus
for the overall team and a balance between WSDOT
and regulating agencies.
15Objectives 3 and 4 Archaeological Assessment
and Consultation Audit Criteria Section 106,
National Historic Preservation Act
- Congress mandated in 1966 that
- the historical and cultural foundations of the
Nation be preserved. - Critical concepts
- All federal agencies have Section 106
responsibilities - Federal agencies must take into account the
effect of their undertakings on historic
properties listed in, or eligible for listing in
the National Register of Historic Places - Section 106 compliance must be completed before
funds are spent or the project is authorized,
consultation persists throughout the process. - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation must
have the opportunity to comment on the
16Objectives 3 and 4 Archaeological Assessment
and Consultation Audit Criteria Federal
Agencies and Section 106
- Federal agencies have legal responsibility to see
that Section 106 process is carried out and that
the consulting parties are properly involved. - Federal agencies may delegate the Section 106
work to other parties. - Federal Highway Administration delegated Section
106 authority to WSDOT.
17Objectives 3 and 4 Archaeological Assessment
and Consultation Audit Criteria What is the
Area of Potential Effect?
- the geographic area or areas within which an
undertaking may directly or indirectly cause
alterations in the character or use of historic
properties, if any such properties exist. 36
CFR 800.16 -
18Objectives 3 and 4 Archaeological Assessment
and Consultation Audit Criteria Geoarchaeology
- Best practices supported by multiple professional
authors and state guidelines recommend the
inclusion of the geoarchaeological discipline in
archaeological investigations.
19Objectives 3 and 4 Archaeological Assessment
and Consultation Audit Criteria Consulting
- Consulting parties include
- State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO)
- Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO)
- Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian Organizations
- Local governments
- Applicants for federal assistance (e.g., state
DOTs) - Others with demonstrated legal, economic interest
or concern with effects on historic properties
20Objectives 3 and 4 Archaeological Assessment
and Consultation Audit Criteria Definition of
- Consultation means the process of seeking,
discussing, and considering the views of other
participants, and, where feasible, seeking
agreement with them regarding matters arising in
the Section 106 process. 36 CFR 800.15
21Objectives 3 and 4 Archaeological Assessment
and Consultation Audit Criteria Consultation
- Consultation should begin early in the planning
process 36 CFR 800.2 - Government agency individuals should be of
comparable stature to tribal leaders during
consultation. (National Environmental Justice
Advisory Council, 1999.) - Agencies should not assume that a lack of tribal
response means that the tribe has no interest in
the undertaking. (NEJAC, 1999) - Consultation should be a 2-way dialogue that
provides meaningful involvement, all pertinent
project information shared with the tribes so
that the tribes may develop informed decisions.
(NEJAC, 1999)
22Objective 3 Archaeological Assessment Findings
- WSDOT did not follow a consistent documented
protocol for addressing Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act compliance
needs. - Area of Potential Effect (APE) was not adequately
defined by WSDOT prior to the initial site
assessment in 2002 - Indirect effects of dewatering, compaction, and
vibration on archaeological resources were not
defined. - Direct effects of the depth of sheet piling,
location of bioswales, staging areas, and the
depth of piping were not defined.
23Objective 3 Archaeological Assessment Findings
- WSDOTs Cultural Resources Specialist recognized
the need for deep site testing. - Consultant selected from on-call contract list
did not include a geoarchaeology or geomorphology
specialty. - Consultants scope of work was based on WSDOTS
insufficient description of the Area of Potential
24Objective 3 Archaeological Assessment Findings
- Why did WSDOTs consultant miss the site?
- Non-systematic sampling pattern
- Geoarchaeological expertise was not applied
- Rainy weather conditions
- Modified sampling plan due to equipment
malfunctions - Despite these difficulties, the contract and
approach in the field investigation were not
25Objective 3 Archaeological Assessment
- WSDOT should
- Develop deepsite testing protocols, in
consultation with SHPO, to minimize the chances
of missing a buried site in the future. - Provide a detailed written description of the
Area of Potential Effect (APE) to the consultant
and require that the consultant provide a
detailed scope of work back to WSDOT. - Add a geoarchaeology/geomorphology specialty,
including deep-site testing, to the list of
services in the Cultural Resource On-Call
26Objective 3 Archaeological Assessment
- WSDOT should
- Require their project managers to contact their
Cultural Resource Program for all of their
Section 106 compliance issues. - Implement methods to monitor a consultants
progress between major project milestones. - Divide management tasks between a project manager
and technical expert on large and complex
27Objective 4 Interactions with Interested Parties
- Findings
- WSDOT initiated formal consultation late in the
process through a letter to Lower Elwha Klallam
Tribe. - Letter sent to the LEKT the same day a request
for proposal was sent to the archaeological
consultant. - LEKT was provided with an inadequate description
of the project Area of Potential Effect (APE). - State Historic Preservation Officer not consulted
when Port Angeles locale under consideration. - SHPO learned about project upon review of initial
archaeological assessment.
28Objective 4 Interactions with Interested Parties
- Findings
- Site monitoring plan required WSDOT consulting
archaeologists to be on site if construction went
below four feet. - No archaeologist was on site on August 16, 2003
when archaeological material first discovered. - Face-to-face meetings with Tribe occurred after
initial discovery of human bone fragments. - Memorandum of Agreement entered into March 2004.
29Objective 4 Interactions with Interested Parties
- Findings
- Compressed bridge project schedule triggered
changes in archaeological methodologies. - All parties to the agreement should have been
consulted about major changes and the agreement
formally updated. - Good faith attempts at communicating were made,
but divergent opinions exist about the nature of
the communication.
30Objective 4 Interactions with Interested Parties
- Recommendations
- Consultation should be initiated early and a
dialogue maintained. - Continue to implement procedural Programmatic
Agreements with Tribes to assist in formalizing
the consultation process.
31Objective 5 Fiscal Review - WSDOT Budget for
Hood Canal Bridge East Half Replacement Project
470 M
195 M
275 M
June 2003
March 2006
32Objective 5 Fiscal Review Port Angeles Site
Expenditures as of July 2005
Delay Costs 15.2 M
Additional Mobilization 11.1
Direct Expenditures PA Site 60.5 M
Total Expenditures Attributable to PA Site
86.8 M
33Objective 5 Fiscal Review - Findings
- Adjustments within program budget made consistent
with internal project control policies and
procedures. - Difficulties in comparing project budget and
expenditure information due to differences in
public and internal reporting. - Continued investment at the site based on
professional judgment. - However, no benefit-cost analysis of alternatives
to support that professional judgment.
34Objective 5 Fiscal Review - Recommendations
- WSDOT should
- Continue efforts to improve financial reporting
structure for transportation projects so that in
the future, project budget and expenditure
information is presented in a format that is
consistent and meaningful to decision-makers and
the public. - Establish and implement policies and guidelines
for appropriate application of different levels
of economic analysis for proposed projects
including benefit-cost analysis.
35Summary of Conclusions and Lessons Learned
- Project and contract management, geological and
cultural resources assessments, and communication
and consultation practices inconsistent with best
practices. - Project budget and expenditure reporting complex
and economic analysis of alternatives not
thorough. - Excellent engineering design work and
communication concerning bridge closure
mitigation. - DAHP (SHPO)
- Performed consistent with law.
- Could take more active role working with
stakeholders to revise guidelines and standards,
deep site testing protocols, and mapping
potential buried sites. - WSDOT and DAHP improvements are in progress.
36For more information, contact JLARC Ruta
Fanning, Valerie Whitener, or Keenan
Konopaski (360) 786-5171