Bienvenue - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bienvenue la 11/12e ann e! Academic Core French FSF3U1/4U1 Mme D Angelo Qu est-ce qu on fera 11e? This course draws on a variety of themes to promote ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bienvenue

Bienvenue à la 11/12e année!
  • Academic Core French
  • FSF3U1/4U1
  • Mme DAngelo

Quest-ce quon fera 11e?
  • This course draws on a variety of themes to
    promote extensive development of reading and
  • writing skills and to reinforce oral
    communication skills. Students will gain a
    greater understanding of French-speaking cultures
    in Canada and around the world through their
    reading of
  • a variety of materials, including a short novel
    or a play. Students will produce various written
  • assignments, including a formal essay. The use of
    correct grammar and appropriate language
  • conventions in both spoken and written French
    will be emphasized throughout the course.
  • Course Materials /Texts
  • 1) Fantome de lopéra
  • 2) Anthologie 11e
  • 3) Various board approved readings and listening
  • 4) You will need access to some sort of a
    translating tool Bescherelle
  • i.e. French-English Dictionary, online sites
  • 5) Cahier

A la fin du cours- tu seras très intelligent ?
  • This course draws on a variety of themes to
    promote extensive development of French language
  • skills. Students will consolidate their oral
    skills as they discuss literature, culture, and
  • current issues. They will read a variety of texts
    and will write a formal essay. The use of correct
  • grammar and appropriate language conventions in
    both spoken and written French will
  • be emphasized throughout the course.
  • Course Materials /Texts
  • 1) La Leçon / la Cantatrice Chauve
  • 2) La Route de Chlifa
  • 3) Anthologie 12e
  • 5) Various board approved readings and listening
  • 6) You will need access to some sort of a
    translating tool Bescherelle
  • i.e. French-English Dictionary, online sites
  • 7) Cahier

  • Réfère-toi aux buts pour chaque unité (sur le
    tableau noir)- 11e
  • Unité 1 le monde fictif et réel
  • Réviser les structures grammaticales de la 9e et
    10e années (PC, IMP, PRES) 
  • Écrire un dialogue ou drame qui montre les rôles
    et les réactions des personnages de nos lectures
    et dramatiser ceci pour la classe 
  • Lire, comprendre et exprimer mes opinions au
    sujet des nouvelles, des reportages, des poèmes,
    et des chansons
  • Analyser les éléments narratifs des nouvelles et
    en faisant des résumés pour montrer ma
  • Écouter et comprendre lactualité pour continuer
    à découvrir la culture francophone
  • Créer un sondage et présenter les résultats dans
    un reportage
  • Participer aux débats et discussions
  • Utiliser le plus-que-parfait correctement en
  • Utiliser le conditionnel passé correctement en
  • Utiliser la structure SiPQP CP et les autres
    structures avec si

  • Réfère-toi aux buts pour chaque unité (sur le
    tableau noir)- 12e
  • Unité 1 A la recherche du temps perdu
  • Je lis des textes variés
  • Jexprime mes idées avec des preuves concrètes à
    lécrit, et à lorale
  • Je comprends le film Je vais bien, ne ten fais
    pas et janalyse lintrigue et le vocabulaire
  • Je parle et jécris en français en utilisant
  • La concordance des temps du passé (PC, PQP, IMP)
  • Les expressions temporelles (dans, pour, pendant,
    depuis temps approprié)
  • Linfinitif passé

Assessment and Evaluation
  • A variety of assessment tools will be used
  • All assigned work is essential.
    Consequently, all assigned work must be submitted
    in order for a student to satisfy the
    requirements of the course
  • Classwork throughout the course 70
  • Final Evaluation at the end of the course 30
  • Listening exam (DELF B1-11s B1/B2-12s) 5
  • Written exam 20
  • Oral exam (speech 11s/ convo 12s) 5
  • The evaluation of Learning Skills (Independent
    Work, Teamwork, Organization, Work Habits and
    Initiative) will be reported by levels.

Assessment and Evaluation
  • Students must be present for all presentations,
    and other major in-class evaluations, unless they
    have made alternative arrangements with the
    teacher well in advance of the evaluation.
  • the teacher will request a doctors note in order
    for a make-up test to be given or a presentation
    to be rescheduled.
  • Students should be prepared to write any missed
    tests or quizzes upon their return to school at a
    time designated by the teacher.
  • All assignments are to be submitted at the
    beginning of the class on or before the due date.
    10 will be deducted for late assignments. It
    is the responsibility of the student to submit
    any outstanding assignment no later than 5 school
    days after the due date or when the teacher is
    ready to return the corrected work (whichever
    comes first) at which point a mark of zero will
    be assigned.
  • A late assignment cannot be considered eligible
    for inclusion in the determination of a student's
    mark if it is submitted after the teacher has
    marked other students' assignments and returned
    them, although completion of the assignment is
    still required in order to meet course

  • Student responsibilities
  • In order to really learn, more than just a period
    a day is necessary. Time should be allotted each
    night for homework in order to practice concepts,
    retain information, and succeed.
  • If you are absent, you should contact a classmate
    (or me if needed- email/twitter) in order to get
    any missed work so that you returns to class with
    all homework completed and not behind

-come to class prepared and on time
Student Responsibilities
  • Show initiative to want to learn and to do your
    best each and every day. Take responsibility for
    your own learning. Get a good nights sleep so
    you are alert, participating and focused each day
  • recording due dates for tests, presentations,
  • projects in your agenda
  • carry a bilingual dictionary/tool to class
  • Cell phones
  • Show me respect and youll always have mine

We are a team
  • Do not hesitate if you have concerns, questions
    or need extra help.
  • Students Contact me to make an appointment- Im
    here to help you succeed!
  • Contact
  • Classroom after- will be 257
  • Office Room 229 for now moving into addition
  • E-mail
  • Telephone (905) 887-2216 ext. 525
  • Fax (905) 887-7783
  • Course website

Lisez à haute voix- partenaires
  • Les procédures dans la classe de Mme DAngelo

Enfant unique je suis un enfant unique pcq___
non! Je suis ton frère/ ta soeur!
Cercle I/E -Changements -un entretien -sérieux! -
comptez! -racontez une histoire -poignée de main
Cure-pipe jai créé parce que Ca represente
Les changements
  • -tu as changé..
  • -tu as enlevé..
  • -tu as bougé
  • -tu nas plus.
  • -tu as racourci
  • -tu as ajouté/mis
  • -avant tu avais
  • sur ton/ta.

Parlez-moi de toi! ?
  • Remplir un formulaire.. en français!

  • Partagez avec ton partenaire
  • Pourquoi vous êtes ici (le cours de français)
  • 2 choses intéressantes qui sont vraies à propos
    de vous et un mensonge (lie)

  • 1. As-tu compris? les procedures dans la classe
    de Mme
  • utilise vos notes des années précédentes/google
    pour vous aider
  • 2. Visitez le site web de notre cours
  • (11e année/ 12e
  • 11eLes vedettes qui parlent français (3 vidéos)
  • Quest-ce quils ont dit?
  • How do you think they got to that level of oral
  • 12eTete à claques (3 vidéos)
  • Notez deux choses droles de chaque vidéo
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