Title: Securing the District in a Connected Environment
1Securing the District in a Connected Environment
Thursday, 5/17/12 1015-1115 A.M. in Ballroom
- Who's holding the keys to your network? Learn
from a panel discussion of best practices in
monitoring, securing and safeguarding your
2Securing the District in a Connected Environment
- Host an interactive discussion
- Review risks and challenges brought on by the
rapid changes in technology - Discuss how districts are addressing, managing,
and recognizing issues and engage in some
3Securing the District in a Connected Environment
- Presenters
- Robert J. Ciserella, Asst. Supt./Finance,
Facilities Operations, Glen Ellyn SD 41 Glen
Ellyn, IL - Thomas J. Zelek, Sr., Business Manager, Elmwood
Park CUSD 401 Elmwood Park, IL - Francis E. Zelek, Dir./Technology, Oregon CUSD
220 Oregon, IL - Mike Cloud, Public Sector Practice Manager,
Peters Associates Oakbrook Terrace, IL - Dr. James D. McEnroe - Moderator
4Securing the District in a Connected Environment
- Its a scary place out there!
- Why would anyone want to be connected?
- Some of the top reasons
- Web (obvious)
- Mobile connectivity
- Keeping in touch with smartphones, iPads, Nooks,
tablets - Wireless Access Everywhere including guest
access - INPUT from Our Roundtable the Audience?
5Securing the District in a Connected Environment
- Cloud Computing with Google, Microsoft, Hosted
Student Management Systems - Explosion of devices with 2-3 per user
- Social Networking (especially Teachers with
Students terrifying(?)) - Teamwork, Collaboration, Networking
- Remote Access from home or anywhere
- IASBO Peer-to-Peer
6Securing the District in a Connected Environment
- We need to keep ourselves and our districts
connected. - However, we also need to balance security with
connectivity. - Now that we have discussed some of the reasons
(the WHY), HOW do we secure the district in a
connected environment?
7Securing the District in a Connected Environment
- Who is hosting your data and what are they doing
with it? - How sensitive is it? Student records? Health
information, etc? - Teachers hosting independent websites? Risk of
compliance issues? - What happens if you lose connectivity?
- Who has access to what at your district?
- Control methods include(Mike can you expand on
this?) - Input from our Roundtable Audience?
8Securing the District in a Connected Environment
- Is there a formal Security Policy including
District Policies, Password changes, Usage
agreements, Scheduled Security audits, etc.? - Are we using tools to pro-actively manage and
detect security risks and inappropriate access to
your network, servers, data, etc.?
9Securing the District in a Connected Environment
Sharing New Information
- Cloud Computing?
- Shared Information services to save money?
- Understand what all of that Big Data really
means - What is big data?
- According to Wikipedia In information
technology, big data consists of data sets that
grow so large that they become awkward to work
with using on-hand database management tools. - Do we have big data?
- ISAT, Prairie State, SAT, Grade Reporting,
Assessments. - What does the data tell us, what does it really
10Securing the District in a Connected Environment
Sharing New Information
- How can we process so much data?
- Data intensive research should become a treasure
map to more efficient and effective EDUCATION
expenditures - Pattern recognition
- (Even) Granger Causality analysis (not just
related but inferred causality) - Hadoop Analysis anyone? (See attachment)
11Thank you for your input!
Questions and additional input discussion